First off, thank you for using ACLTools and considering contributing to ACLTools.
This module is far from perfect, and of course needs assistance in being a great tool for any user. It started out as an internal tool used for quickly removing specific access from a file share that constantly got ransomware. It also served as a journey to understand how ACLs work in PowerShell. It has attemted to bridge a gap between Get-Acl and Set-Acl by providing parameter validation for all of the rights that can be given to a file or folder.
Really any assistance.
- Improving documentation
- bug triaging
- writing tutorials
- writing tests
- making it work with PScore (linux and mac)
- new features
Just to make sure we are all on the same page here are some guidelines for Pull Requests (PR) in this project.
- All PRs to Development must have an issue
- PRs must pass PSscriptAnalyzer and Pester tests before being merged
- New functions must have accompanied tests
- Keep PRs limited to as few files as possible (if major change 1-to-1 PR)
If this is your first time contributing to an opensource project, welcome! Here are some helpful tips for your first PR.
- Look for items marked as "good first issue" (these usually only require a few easy changes)
- Comment on this issue to let us know you want to work on it.
- Fork ACLTools into your on repo
- Create a feature branch off of the development branch
Call it something like
- If you get stuck reach out for help
- Once you have it the way you like it. Submit a PR against development.
If you are still a little lost check out: Your First Pull Request from Dbatools.
When filing an issue, make sure to answer these five questions:
- What version of ACLtools are you using?
- What operating system and processor architecture are you using?
- What did you do?
- What did you expect to see?
- What did you see instead?
I got a lot of great ideas for this guide from here