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Local Setup

This file walks you through setting up the project locally. I just converted this project to a monorepo, and did my best to update these instructions. If anything doesn't work, please contact remnant2toolkit on Discord and I will help get these updated.

Understanding the guide

This guide assumes you are using a terminal to run commands.

  • If you are using VSCode, you can use the built-in terminal. Press Ctrl + Backtick to open the terminal.
  • If you are using Windows, you can use the built-in Command Prompt or PowerShell.
  • If you are using macOS or Linux, you can use the built-in Terminal app.

When you see a command like this, this is instructing you to run the command in your terminal:

pnpm run dev


Installing Software

  • Git - Allows you to run git commands in your terminal.
  • NVM for Windows - Allows you to install and swap between different versions of Node.js.
  • VSCode is what I use, but you can use whatever code editor you want.
  • Docker Desktop to run a local MySQL database.

NVM for Windows

Once you have installed NVM for Windows, activate NodeJS v18.17.0 by running the following command in your terminal:

nvm install 18.17.0
nvm use 18.17.0

Install PNPM

This project uses PNPM as the package manager. You can install it by running the following command in your terminal:

npm install -g pnpm

First-time Setup

Clone the repository

In your terminal, run the following commands to clone the repository and navigate to the project directory.

git clone
cd remnant2-toolkit

Install the dependencies

Run the following command to install the dependencies for the project:

pnpm install

Initialize the packages/database/.env file

cp ./packages/database/.env.example ./packages/database/.env

Open the /packages/database/.env file and set the following environment variables per the below instructions.

MYSQL_ Environment Variables

You will need to assign a password to MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD and MYSQL_PASSWORD. Choose any values you want. These will be the root and user passwords for the database Docker creates. You can use a tool like to generate a random string of characters.

If you change these values after the first-time setup, you will need to delete the db-1 volume in Docker Desktop and rebuild the dev environment.

Sample .env file

DATABASE_URL="mysql://forlinauser:{{ PASSWORD HERE }}@localhost:3306/forlinadb"

DATABASE_URL Environment Variable

The DATABASE_URL environment variable is used by Prisma to connect to the database. There is a sample value in the .env.example file. You will need to replace {{ PASSWORD HERE }} with the value you set for MYSQL_PASSWORD in the previous step.


Use this same database URL in every other .env file where the DATABASE_URL field exists.

Initialize the apps/remnant2toolkit/.env file

cp ./apps/remnant2toolkit/.env.example ./apps/remnant2toolkit/.env

DATABASE_URL environment variable

Copy the DATABASE_URL value from the packages/database/.env file and paste it into the apps/remnant2toolkit/.env file.

Allowing sign-in with Discord/Reddit

You will need to create a Reddit app and a Discord app to allow users to sign in with those services.


  1. Go to
  2. Click "New Application" in the top right.
  3. Fill out the form. The redirect URI should be http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/discord.
  4. Click "Save Changes".
  5. Click "OAuth2" in the left sidebar.
  6. Under "Redirects", click "Add Redirect".
  7. Enter http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/discord and click "Save Changes".
  8. Copy the client_id and client_secret values into the .env file, in the DISCORD_CLIENT_ID and DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET fields, respectively.


  1. Go to
  2. Click "Create App" at the bottom of the page.
  3. Fill out the form. The redirect URI should be http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/reddit.
  4. Click "Create App".
  5. Copy the client_id and client_secret values into the .env file, in the REDDIT_CLIENT_ID and REDDIT_CLIENT_SECRET fields, respectively.

NEXTAUTH_SECRET Environment Variable

This is a secret key used by NextAuth. You can generate a random string of characters using a tool like, then paste that value into the .env file for NEXTAUTH_SECRET.

WEBHOOK_ Environment Variables

These are optional. If you don't want to set up webhooks, you can leave these values as they blank.

If you would like to setup the webhooks like the Toolkit uses, you can do so via Discord. You will need to have a Discord server and channel you want the messages to go to. For testing, you could use a single webhook for all of the environment variables.

  1. Go to the Discord server and channel you want to use.
  2. Right-click the channel and click "Edit Channel".
  3. Click "Integrations" in the left sidebar.
  4. Click "Create Webhook".
  5. Fill out the form. The "Webhook Name" can be anything you want. The "Channel" should be the channel you want the messages to go to.
  6. Click "Copy Webhook URL" and paste it into the appropriate WEBHOOK_ field in the .env file.

IMAGEKIT_ Environment Variables

ImageKit is the service used to store images generated by the Builder's export to image feature. You can skip this if you do not need that functionality.

If you would like to use it, ImageKit has a generous free account that should be sufficient for your local development needs.

  1. Go to and sign up for an account.
  2. Once you're logged in, click "API Key" in the left sidebar.
  3. Copy the Public Key and Private Key values into the .env file, in the IMAGEKIT_CLIENT_ID and IMAGEKIT_CLIENT_SECRET fields, respectively.

CRON_SECRET Environment Variable

This is unnecessary in local development. This is a secret key used by the Toolkit's hosting provider (Vercel) to allow automated scheduled reports to be be invoked.

PATREON_ Environment Variables

These are unnecessary in local development. This is only used for automated scheduled scripts to import paid Patreon members to the Toolkit so that perks can be enabled.

NEXT_PUBLIC_IMAGE_URL Environment Variable

This is used to reference the Toolkit's Cloudfront distribution for images. You can leave this as the default value for local development to use the Toolkit's cache. However, you can update it to any URL you want to use for local development if you want to use a different source for images.

Run the database container

docker compose -f --env-file=./packages/database/.env up

Wait about 2 minutes at this step to allow the database to spin up. In the console, you should see something like this in the logs:

Creating database forlinadb
Creating user forlinauser
Giving user forlinauser access to schema forlinadb

Once you see that in the logs, leave the process running and open a new terminal.

Initialize the database

Run the following command from the root (top-most) folder to generate the initial (empty) database schema:

npx turbo db:push

This will also need to be done any time you modify any files in packages/database/prisma/schema to apply the changes..

Running the Dev Environment

To run all of the web applications (found in the apps folder), you can run the following command from the root (top-most) folder:

npx turbo dev

NOTE If you get a white screen or any errors, try hitting F5 to reload the page, or Ctrl+C in terminal to stop the server, then start the dev server again.

The site should now be available at http://localhost:3000.

Ensuring your changes will build in production

Before you push your changes, you should ensure that the production build will work. To do this, you can:

  1. Open Docker Desktop.
  2. Click on Containers on the left.
  3. Expand the remnant2-toolkit container.
  4. Click on the remnant2-toolkit service.
  5. Click the Exec tab.
  6. Run the following command to build the production version of the site:
npx turbo build

If the build is successful, you can push your changes. Otherwise, you will see errors to give an idea of what needs to be fixed.

Running tests

There are not many tests in this project yet, which is a source of great shame. However, you can run the tests we do have by running:

npx turbo test


Connecting to the database

If you want to connect to the database and view records:

  1. Open a terminal and run the following command to connect to MySQL:
mysql -u root -p
  1. Enter the password you set for MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD in the .env file.
  2. Run the following command to connect to the forlinadb database:
use forlinadb;

You are now able to run SQL queries against the database. For example, view all tables:

show tables;

Updating .env vars

If you make updates to the .env file, you will need to restart the dev environment (if it's running) for the changes to take effect.

npx turbo dev