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49 lines (38 loc) · 3.39 KB

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Complement Configuration

Complement is configured exclusively through the use of environment variables. These variables are described below.


If 1, always prints the Homeserver container logs even on success.

  • Type: bool
  • Default: 0


Required. The name of the Docker image to use as a base homeserver when generating blueprints. This image must conform to Complement's rules on containers, such as listening on the correct ports.

  • Type: string


This allows you to override the base image used for a particular named homeserver. For example, COMPLEMENT_BASE_IMAGE_HS1=complement-dendrite:latest would use complement-dendrite:latest for the hs1 homeserver in blueprints, but not any other homeserver (e.g hs2). This matching is case-insensitive. This allows Complement to test how different homeserver implementations work with each other.

  • Type: map[string]string


If 1, prints out more verbose logging such as HTTP request/response bodies.

  • Type: bool
  • Default: 0


The hostname of Complement from the perspective of a Homeserver running inside a container. This can be useful for container runtimes using another hostname to access the host from a container, like Podman that uses host.containers.internal instead.

  • Type: string
  • Default: host.docker.internal


A list of semicolon separated host mounts to mount on every container. The structure of the mount is host-path:container-path:[ro] for example /path/on/host:/path/on/container - you can optionally specify :ro to mount the path as readonly. A complete example with multiple mounts would look like /host/a:/container/a:ro;/host/b:/container/b;/host/c:/container/c

  • Type: []HostMount


A list of space separated blueprint names to not clean up after running. For example, one_to_one_room alice would not delete the homeserver images for the blueprints alice and one_to_one_room. This can speed up homeserver runs if you frequently run the same base image over and over again. If the base image changes, this should not be set as it means an older version of the base image will be used for the named blueprints.

  • Type: []string


An arbitrary script to execute after a test was executed and before the container is removed. This can be used to extract, for example, server logs or database files. The script is passed the parameters: ContainerID, TestName, TestFailed (true/false)

  • Type: string
  • Default: ""


If set, all environment variables on the host with this prefix will be shared with every homeserver, with the prefix removed. For example, if the prefix was FOO_ then setting FOO_BAR=baz on the host would translate to BAR=baz on the container. Useful for passing through extra Homeserver configuration options without sharing all host environment variables.

  • Type: string


The number of seconds to wait for a Homeserver container to be responsive after starting the container. Responsiveness is detected by HEALTHCHECK being healthy and the /versions endpoint returning 200 OK.

  • Type: Duration
  • Default: 30