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GraphQL Backend

Sahil Bhatia edited this page Apr 20, 2020 · 9 revisions

GraphQL endpoint: "/v1/graphql"

Each each entity, GraphQL backend is expected to expose all attributes and relationships.

For each foreign key, expose a method with same name (without "_id"), which exposes the associated object.

For each "1-M" relationship, expose a pluralized method named after the related entity. It should return an array of objects.

Fot enums stored as "int", expose a method that return enum mapping.

In case for any entity, a custom method is required, it shall be explicity mentioned in corresponding github issue.

**NOTE: ** Each attribute in GraphQL needs to have:

  • data type defined
  • marked as required or optional

GraphQL Backend implementation requires 2 essential things:

  1. Schema Definition Language (or SDL)
  2. Resolvers 2.1. Query (Read only queries) 2.2. Mutation (handles create, update, delete)

Example: For "users"

Step 1) Schema would be:

type User { org_id: ID, org: Organization, name: String, email: String, display_name: String, profile_image_url: String, status: UserStatus role_id: ID role: Role timezone: String hi_5_quota_balance: Int created_on: String updated_on: String updated_by: User }

enum UserStatus { Activated Deactivated }

type Organization { id: ID, name: String, contact_email: String, domain_name: String, subscription_status: SubscriptionStatus, subscription_valid_upto: String, hi_5_limit: Int, hi_5_quota_renewal_frequency: QuotaRenewalFrequency }

enum QuotaRenewalFrequency { ... }

enum SubscriptionStatus { ... }

type Query { users: [User], organizations: [Organization] }

type Mutation { insert_user(org_id: ID!, name: String!, email: String!, ...): User }

Step 2) Define resolver

const resolvers = { Query: { users(parent, args, context, info) { return users; } } }

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