- Total points calculation:
- support points (sp): void 4, singleton 3, doubleton 1. Calculable only when fit is established.
- length points (lp) : 1 point for each extra card from the 5th card.
- tpts is max(has_fit?(hcp + sp, hcp), hcp + lp).
- Points range(total points):
- opening:
- 13-15 (including good 10,11,12 if the rule of 22 applies)
- 16-18
- 19-21
- responding:
- 0-5
- 6-7
- 8-10
- 11-12
- 13+
- Points for games and slams
- 3NT 25
- 4H/S 26
- 5C/D 29
- small slam 33
- big slam 37
- We use rule of 22 to open at 1st and 2nd seats
- We use rule of 15 to open at 3rd and 4th seats
- We use total points for Bergen and Splinter.
- 1D-2C is not game forcing, promising 5 clubs and 10+ points.
- Level 1 overcall promises (8 pts and honor(s)) or (13+ pts and 5 cards)
- Level 2 overcall: Opponent open 1S, direct 2H = 10-16 pts, if >=17 pts double Opponent opens 1c, Pass, 1S, 2H = 13-16 pts
- 1NT balancing promises 12-15 tpts.
- After take out double at level 1, if opponent passes, raise = 0-8 pts; jump = 9+ pts. This is total points, counting the shortage of opponent's suit. if opponent talks, pass = 0-4 pts; raise = 5-8 pts; jump = 9+ pts
- Never lead under A against trump contract. Lead under A against no trump contract is allowed.
- NEVER overcall with 4 cards
- The person who starts Gerber or 1430 is the captain. You must have a very good reason to overcall the captain's decision.
- Reverse is on when opponent interferes