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CS Games 2023 - Web Competition


With the rich fleeing the planet in haste and our rush to move to underwater cities, we want to collect and save all the code that we can. We cannot afford to lose all that knowledge and progress. We want you to create a website on which anyone can anonymously share code since some of it might be stolen from those who ruined our planet for their own gain.

State of the project

Work behind this website has already begun by a team in Mexico, but with severe weather in their area they don't have the time to complete it.

They had started a micro-service architecture, with a JSON Web Token to transit user identity between services in the ecosystem. This token must be added in each request to the back-end, the Authorization http header. The value of the header is Bearer $JSONWebToken.

The previous team has developed the identity service and the repository service. You need to develop the snippet service and the front-end for all the services.

JSON Web Token

A JWT has 3 parts separated by a '.', and each part is Base64-encoded. The first part is the header, containing the algorithm used for the signature and the identifier of the issuer's public key. The second part is the user's data. The third part is the digital signature.

When we use subject, we refer to the claim sub in the JSON Web Token. This represents the unique user identifier in the identity server.

Services provided

Two parts of the back-end were implemented. They are the Identity Server and the Repository service. The services have an OpenAPI 3.0 specifications to document service consumption. A Swagger UI is also provided to try the services from the browser.

To ensure the services aren't public, authentication is required to talk with the Repository service.

Identity Server

This service handles the user identity and authentication. This service makes its key public so you can validate the digital signature of the JWT. This way, you can know that the JWT was generated by this service.

To generate a service token, you can use the tenant1 client. client_id: tenant1 client_secret: dev

After, mention the client_credentials grant_type, with this token you will be able to add new user. You can authenticate yourself with those new users using the password grant_type and by adding username and password to the request, you still need to pass the client_id and client_secret mentioned below.


  • Important endpoints :
    • GET /.well-known/openid-configuration
      • OpenId Connect configuration of the server
    • GET /.well-known/openid-configuration/jwks
      • Public keys of the server
    • POST /connect/token
      • By using grant_type=client_credentials, we obtain a service account JWT.
      • With grant_type=password and by adding username and password, we obtain a user JWT.
    • POST /user/create
      • Create a new user

See Swagger UI

Repository Service

This service lets you browse and query the code repositories. This service requires a JWT issued by the Id Server to consume data.


  • Important endpoints :
    • GET /repositories
      • List of repositories
    • GET /repositories/{id}
      • Information of a repository
    • GET /repositories/{id}/commits
      • History of a repository
    • GET /repositories/{id}/blob/commits
      • History of a file in the repository
    • GET /repositories/{id}/tree
      • Tree of the repository
    • GET /repositories/{id}/blob
      • Get a file from the repository

See Swagger UI

Service to implement

Snippet Service

The specification for this service follows the swagger OpenAPI 3.0 spec. Refer to that document to implement the service.



You may use any language. Your only constraint is that your application must be cross-platform.


You must implement the front-end, as well as the back-end service. You may combine the two if you want.



  • Authentication [Identity Server]

    • Implement a form to authenticate the user. After, fetch a JWT with POST /connect/token. This JWT can be used to consume the other services [20 pts]
    • Handle authentication errors (Bad Request from the request) [10 pt]
    • Implement a form to create a new user, by using POST /user/create. [20 pts]
    • Handle user creation errors (Bad Request from the request) [10 pt]
    • Log out from the session [20 pt]
    • Don't worry about JWT expiration, they have a lifetime of 3 hours
  • Repositories list [Repository Service]

    • Show the repositories listing. Show the name of the project, licence and description (GET /repositories) [20 pts]
    • Implement the paging to browse through repositories. (skip and limit parameters of GET /repositories and totalMatches field from the response) [20 pts]
    • Implement the filtering by repository name (filter parameter from GET /repositories) [20 pts]
  • Project page [Repository Service]

    • By clicking on a repository from the list, navigate to the page of this project. (GET /repositories/<repository_id>) [20 pts]
    • Show topics, languages, description and licence of the project. [20 pts]
    • Show the last commit on master, including the author and message of the commit. (GET /repositories/<repository_id>/commits?limit=1) [20 pts]
    • Show the git tree of the project. (GET /repositories/<repository_id>/tree) [30 pts]
    • Show a drop-down with the list of tags and branches of the repository. [20 pts]
    • Apply the selection of the branch or tag on the git project tree (branch parameter of GET /repositories/<repository_id>/tree) [20 pts]
    • Apply the selection of the branch or tag on the last commit information. (GET /repositories/<repository_id>/commits) [20 pts]
    • By clicking on a file in the tree, show a section with the information of this file.
      • Show the last 25 commits on that file (filepath parameter of GET /repositories/<repository_id>/blob/commits). [20 pts]
      • Allow the user to download the file (filepath parameter of GET /repositories/<repository_id>/blob). [20 pts]
      • Support branch or tag selection (branch parameter on two previous end points) [20 pts]
  • Commits history of a project [Repository Service]

    • Create page or a section to show the 25 latest commits of the project, on master (GET /repositories/<repository_id>/commits) [10 pts]
    • Support paging to go beyond 25 latest commits [20 pts]
    • Allow the user to browse the latest commits on other branch or tag [20 pts]
  • Authors list [Repository Service]

    • Show authors list (GET /authors) [10 pts]
    • Support paging [20 pts]
    • When we click on an author, show a list of all his repositories (GET /authors/<author_id>/repositories) [20 pts]
    • When we click on a repository, go to the repository page [10 pt]
  • Post a snippet [Snippets Service]

    • Show a form to the user to post a snippet (POST /snippets) [20 pts]
    • Show a error message if it didn't work [10 pt]
  • Browse through snippets [Snippets Service]

    • Show latest snippets. (GET /snippets) [20 pts]
    • Show the content of the snippet when we click on it [20 pts]
      • Apply syntax coloring on the snippet [70 pts]
    • Support paging through (GET /snippets?limit=x&skip=y) [20 pts]
    • Filter by keywords (GET /snippets?keywords=x;y;..n) [20 pts]
      • Suggest keywords when typing [50 pts]
    • Show only my snippets (GET /snippets?mine=true) [20 pts]
    • Allow the user to delete one of his snippet (DELETE /snippets/<snippet_id>) [20 pts]
  • Styling

    • Apply styling on the website, is it pretty ?! [70 pts]


Snippets Service
  • Json Web Token authorization

    • All endpoints must require a JWT.
    • Response HTTP Status Code must be 401 if the JWT is not present.
  • Post a new snippet, POST /snippets/create

    • Return 401 if no JWT is provided in the Request. [10 pt]
    • A user JWT must be used (role=User), else return a 403 error. [10 pt]
    • Return a 201 (Created) with the identifier of the newly created snippet. [20 pts]
    • Return a 400 if the title and/or the content is missing. [20 pts]
    • Support the persistence of the keywords provided during the creation. [20 pts]
  • Browse through snippets, GET /snippets

    • Return 401 if no JWT is provided in the Request. [10 pt]
    • Respect the expected return model. [20 pts]
    • Handle the title parameter to filter the snippet if the title matches the provided title parameter. [20 pts]
    • Handle keywords parameter, to filter out by associated keywords. [20 pts]
      • Handle more than one keyword separated by ';'. [30 pts]
    • Implement skip and limit parameter to support paging. [20 pts]
    • Implement the mine parameter, when this parameter is true, only returns the snippets from the current user, by using the subject of the JWT. [20 pts]
    • Order snippets by descending order on created field. [20 pt]
  • Get a snippet by identifier, GET /snippets/<snippet_id>

    • Returns a 401 error if no JWT is provided. [10 pt]
    • Respect the expected response model. [20 pts]
    • Returns a 404 error if the snippet doesn't exists. [20 pts]
  • Delete a snippet, DELETE /snippets/<snippet_id>

    • Returns a 401 error if no JWT is provided. [10 pt]
    • Returns a 204 status code if the request was successful. [10 pt]
    • Snippet than can be deleted must have been posted by the same user. By using the subject field in the JWT. [20 pts]
    • If the request doesn't work, returns a 400 error. [10 pt]
  • Available keywords, GET /keywords

    • Returns a 401 error if no JWT is provided. [10 pt]
    • Returns a list of keywords available. [10 pts]


  • Provide a or a Dockerfile [20 pts]
  • Provide a readme with the required information and dependencies to run the solution. [20 pts]

Useful links

Additional Information

All users in the database have the same password, which is dev. You can use them as you want. This is a list of 20 usernames:

  • 523bc3c983a1
  • bd945d6e6172
  • a8889b6ce991
  • 09478444cbb7
  • 9bbb1e6fc968
  • 99e1f1df4ef1
  • 77c0f314bab2
  • d0fbfabb6efc
  • 8ea7da4d5da2
  • d20751bd8342
  • c0ca6e304130
  • 8e7ac2770913
  • fe282db321a3
  • 44d4c43b7217
  • 4a5a00583c60
  • e5fa73925d7e
  • 6c7d6c6e6e4e
  • 01dd833e8215
  • 40931fd9aa3b
  • 058e643cf2f7