Yaml file and Dockerfile giving ideas in how to integrate ASoC and Gitlab
Security Gate response failing or succeeding build
Based in 3 components:
1 - a Dockerfile to generate a image container where download ASOC command line client and some tools to be used by Gitlab image Pipeline
2 - YAML project file with a scan job to be used in a YAML project file
3 - some variable that could be on YAML project file or be add directly on Gitlab Project (Settings > CI/CD and expand the Variables)
Dockerfile to generate a docker image with SAClient:
docker build -t saclient .
FROM ubuntu:latest
ENV HOME="/root/"
ENV PATH="$HOME/SAClientUtil/bin:${PATH}"
RUN apt update
RUN apt install -y curl unzip maven openjdk-11-jre gradle && apt clean
RUN curl https://cloud.appscan.com/api/v4/Tools/SAClientUtil?os=linux > $HOME/SAClientUtil.zip
RUN unzip $HOME/SAClientUtil.zip -d $HOME
RUN rm -f $HOME/SAClientUtil.zip
RUN mv $HOME/SAClientUtil.* $HOME/SAClientUtil
Gitlab YAML file to run SAST analyzes:
image: saclient
# The options to sevSecGw are highIssues, mediumIssues, lowIssues and totalIssues
# maxIssuesAllowed is the amount of issues in selected sevSecGw
# appId is application id located in ASoC
asocApiKeyId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
asocApiKeySecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
serviceUrl: 'cloud.appscan.com'
assetGroupId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
scanLatestCommitFiles: 'no' # yes or no. Scan only the latest committed files. Partial scan.
sevSecGw: 'criticalIssues'
maxIssuesAllowed: 100
- remote: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrocia/Integration-ASoC-and-Gitlab/main/yaml/appscanasoc_scan_sast.yaml'
- scan-sast
stage: scan-sast
Based in 2 components:
1 - YAML project file with a scan job to be used in a YAML project file.
2 - some variable that could be on YAML project file or be add directly on Gitlab Project (Settings > CI/CD and expand the Variables)
Gitlab YAML file to run DAST analyzes:
# The options to sevSecGw are highIssues, mediumIssues, lowIssues and totalIssues.
# maxIssuesAllowed is the amount of issues in selected sevSecGw.
# appId is application id located in ASoC.
# appscanPresenceId is AppScan Presence ID that will be used to reach out URL.
# If there is login.dast.config and manualexplorer.dast.config in repository it will be uploaded and used in Scan otherwise will be ignored.
asocApiKeyId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
asocApiKeySecret: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
serviceUrl: 'cloud.appscan.com'
assetGroupId: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
urlTarget: 'https://demo.testfire.net?mode=demo'
loginDastConfig: 'login.dast.config'
manualExplorerDastConfig: 'manualexplorer.dast.config'
appscanPresenceId: ''
sevSecGw: 'criticalIssues'
maxIssuesAllowed: 100
- remote: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jrocia/Integration-ASoC-and-Gitlab/main/yaml/appscanasoc_scan_dast.yaml'
- scan-dast
stage: scan-dast