A Doppler cloud radar measures vertical fall velocities of hydrometeors. Due to the up and down movement of the
RV-Meteor (the so called heave), those fall velocities have a systematic error corresponding to the heave rate.
The heave rate or heave velocity is heave per second and thus has a unit of m/s. Another component is the roll and
pitch induced heave. Since the radar was placed off center of the ship, the roll and pitch movements of the ship also
induce a heave motion on the radar.
Correct the mean Doppler velocity of each chirp by the heave rate, calculated from measurements of the heave by the
RV-Meteor. To do this a python function called heave_correction
is written. Because the correction is applied to each
chirp, the function is called in which calculates the radar moments from the measured Doppler
Three components:
- heave rate
- pitch induced heave
- roll induced heave
TODO: Adjust calculation based on date -> higher resolution of Seapath measurements after 27.01.20