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A Doppler cloud radar measures vertical fall velocities of hydrometeors. Due to the up and down movement of the RV-Meteor (the so called heave), those fall velocities have a systematic error corresponding to the heave rate.
The heave rate or heave velocity is heave per second and thus has an unit of m/s. Another component is the roll and pitch induced heave. Since the radar was placed off center of the ship, the roll and pitch movements of the ship also induce a heave motion onto the radar.
Note: LIMRAD94 convention: MDV < 0
Correct the mean Doppler velocity of each chirp by the heave rate, calculated from measurements of the motion angles by the RV-Meteor.
In the following the development of the whole correction is described.
Calculate heave rate
The first step is to calculate the heave rate at the radar position. For this, an approach from Hannes Griesche was applied (see Sec. 2.3). Claudia Acquistapage from the Uni Cologne, who was also working on motion correction for the same radar, developed a different approach (see Sec. 2.4). The difference between the two can be seen in Sec. 2.5. It is probably related to the fact that Claudia also shifts the ship's time stamps by half the sample frequency, so that they correspond with the center of the measurement.
Time shift correction
Another problem that had to be considered was a possible time shift between the radar and the ship time. Although both times were retrieved by a GPS sensor, there was a possibility that the signal processing of the radar would take some time before the time stamp was written to the measurement. To detect a possible time shift between the two signals, a cross correlation was performed between the mean Doppler velocity averaged over height and the heave rate interpolated to the same time resolution. For P07 a shift of 1.9 seconds and for P09 a shift of 1.6 seconds was detected and needed to be corrected for. Radar time lacks behind the ship time, therefore the ship time was shifted back in time.
Claudia uses a more precise approach by calculating the time shift for every hour and every chirp, when possible. Thus, this approach was adapted and is now the one which is used.
Correcting for heave rate
At first the whole correction was only applied to the mean Doppler velocity as reported by the radar. To do this a python function called heave_correction
was written. By using the chirp duration times for each chirp, exact time stamps for each chirp could be calculated, allowing for the possibility to correct the heave rate in each chirp. This is possible because the Measurement Reference Unit (MRU) of the RV-Meteor measured with a higher sampling frequency compared to the radar.
It was quickly discovered, that it makes more sense to directly correct the Doppler spectra, which are shifted by a number of bins, corresponding to the heave rate. The corresponding function is: heave_correction_spectra
Claudias's approach again differs from Johannes' approach in that she interpolated the heave rate onto the exact time shifted chirp time stamps. Johannes uses the time step closest to the exact chirp time stamps and then averages the heave rate over the chirp integration time, which is only possible due to the higher sampling frequency of the MRU on the RV Meteor compared to the RV M.S. Merian.
After the Correction
After the heave correction the Doppler spectra are also dealiased and speckle filtered by Willi Schimmel's routines. As a final step a 3 time step rolling mean is applied over every height bin of the calculated mean Doppler velocity.
Comparing both approaches
After comparing both approaches some differences can be seen (compare power point). However, sometimes it looks like Claudia's approach works better, and sometimes Johannes' approach delivers visually more appealing results. The differences are rather small though and thus it is decided to use Claudia's approach, since then the two radar data sets are processed more similarly. It can also be seen, that the rolling mean has the biggest influence on the mean Doppler velocity and leads to nice homogeneous results. This also shows in the FFT analysis of the mean Doppler velocity, which has been conducted.
Known Issues
- Claudia's approach seems to deliver wrong results for the second half of the 14.2.2020
Further resources
The power point can be found here: /projekt1/remsens/work/jroettenbacher/heave_correction/RV_Meteor_heave_correction_progress.pptx
Hourly quicklooks for comparing the two approaches and the influence of the rolling average can be found here: /projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/LIMRAD94/cloudnet_input_heave_cor_jr/hourly_quicklooks
The FFT plots can be found here: /projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/LIMRAD94/cloudnet_input_heave_cor_jr/fft_check
Replace jr
with ca
to get quicklooks from Claudia's approach. You can copy the hourly quicklooks in the same folder to jump between them. This helps to see the differences better.
Real MDV [m/s] measured in Radar CS |
Heave Rate [m/s] measured in Ship CS |
Measured MDV [m/s] | Corrected MDV [m/s] |
+3, particle moving up | +1, ship moving down | +3 + (+)1 = +4 | +4 - (+)1 = 3 |
+3 | -1, ship moving up | +3 + (-)1 = +2 | +2 - (-)1 = 3 |
-3, particle moving down | +1, ship moving down | -3 + (+1) = -2 | -2 - (+)1 = -3 |
-3 | -1, ship moving up | -3 + (-)1 = -4 | -4 - (-)1 = -3 |
CS: Coordinate System
Problem: The results look better if the heave rate is subtracted (spectra moved to the left)! Probable Solution: The ship and earth coordinate system are defined with the z-axis downward, meaning positive is down. Whereas the radar coordinate system in which the MDV is measured is defined with the z-axis upward, meaning positive is up. Thus, to correct the measured Doppler velocity the sign has to be switched.
In this section the theoretical background needed to calculate the heave rate at a certain location on a ship is explained. Three different approaches are shown.
(sketch by Heike Kalesse)
Idea: Sum up all three heave components for each time step, which are heave from the ship, heave induced by the roll and heave induced by the pitch of the ship. Divide the change in heave by the time difference between two measurements.
Pitch induced heave (Heike Kalesse)
Roll induced heave (Heike Kalesse)
What you need:
- Displacement of radar in reference to Inertial Navigation System
- Roll, Pitch and Heave from INS
see PowerPoint
Idea: Determine the heave rate
This determines the cross product in the ships coordinate system. The cross product needs to be transformed into the earths coordinate system.
What you need:
- Displacement of radar in reference to Inertial Navigation System
- Roll rate, pitch rate and heave rate from INS
- Roll, pitch and yaw from INS
-Cross Product-
(Griesche et al. 2020)
-Transformation to earth coordinate system-
(Hill 2005)
see PowerPoint
Idea: Transform the position vector of the radar
What you need:
- Displacement of radar in reference to Inertial Navigation System
- Roll, pitch and yaw from INS
The main program, which can be run via the command line, is called
. It reads in the Doppler spectra from the LV0 hourly nc files via pyLARDA. For this it uses the function load_spectra_rpgfmcw94()
. In this script all other following functions can also be found, with detailed explanations regarding their arguments. The following gives an overview, which steps are covered by which functions. They are all called within the function described in Sec. 3.5.
def calc_heave_rate(seapath, only_heave=False, use_cross_product=True, transform_to_earth=True)
Three components:
- heave
- pitch induced heave
- roll induced heave
- only_heave (bool): use only the heave and neglect pitch and roll induced heave
- use_cross_product (bool): use the cross product approach as mentioned above
- transform_to_earth (bool): transform cross product into earth coordinates
def calc_heave_rate_claudia(data, x_radar=-11, y_radar=4.07, z_radar=-15.8)
def calc_heave_corr(container, date, seapath, mean_hr=True)
Note: the radar timestamp corresponds to the end of the chirp sequence with 0.1s accuracy
Duration of each chirp in seconds by chirp table:
Chirp Table | 1. Chirp duration [s] | 2. Chirp duration [s] | 3. Chirp duration [s] |
tradewindCU (P09) | 1.022 | 0.947 | 0.966 |
Doppler1s (P02) | 0.239 | 0.342 | 0.480 |
Cu_small_Tint (P06) | 0.225 | 0.135 | 0.181 |
Cu_small_Tint2 (P07) | 0.563 | 0.573 | 0.453 |
- calculate timestamp for each chirp
$\rightarrow$ done by larda- subtract chirp duration(s) from timestamp to get start time of each chirp
- calculate range bins which define the chirp borders
- find the closest seapath time step to each chirp time step
- take the mean of the heave rate over the integration time of each chirp (SeqIntTime in radar nc file)
- filter heave rates greater 5 standard deviations away from the daily mean and replace by average of the mean heave rate before and after
- create an array with the same dimension as the mean Doppler velocity
- mean_hr (bool): use the mean heave rate over the integration time of each chirp
def calc_corr_matrix_claudia(radar_ts, radar_rg, rg_borders_id, chirp_ts_shifted, Cs_w_radar)
interpolates the heave rate to the shifted chirp time stamp
def calc_time_shift_limrad_seapath(seapath, version=1, **kwargs):
- find a day with continuous measurements of Doppler velocity
- average Doppler velocity over height to retrieve time series of mean Doppler velocity
- interpolate heave rate onto radar time
- interpolate NaN values in both time series
- cross correlate the time series and check for time shift with either version 1 or 2 (see function for details)
def calc_shifted_chirp_timestamps(radar_ts, radar_mdv, chirp_ts, rg_borders_id, n_ts_run, Cs_w_radar, **kwargs)
Calculate the exact radar time stamp for each hour and each chirp including the calculated time shift. Calls the following functions:
def calc_time_shift(w_radar_meanCol, delta_t_min, delta_t_max, resolution, w_ship_chirp, timeSerieRadar, pathFig, chirp, hour, date)
- continuous time series of mean Doppler velocity averaged over one chirp (from:
) - heave rate corresponding to that chirp
- time stamps of MDV time series
- interpolate heave rate onto time stamps of mean Doppler velocity series
- shift heave rate time series by a small delta T
- compute covariance between both time series
- find time shift at which covariance is maximal
def find_mdv_time_series(mdv_values, radar_time, n_ts_run)
Given a 2D array of MDV, finds a time series with the minimum amount of nan values and returns an average over height of that series.
def heave_correction(moments, date, path_to_seapath="/projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/RV-METEOR_DSHIP", mean_hr=True, only_heave=False, use_cross_product=True, transform_to_earth=True, add=False)
- decide whether to add or subtract heave rate
- return new array with corrected mean Doppler velocity
def heave_correction_spectra(data, date, path_to_seapath="/projekt2/remsens/data_new/site-campaign/rv_meteor-eurec4a/instruments/RV-METEOR_DSHIP", mean_hr=True, only_heave=False, use_cross_product=True, transform_to_earth=True, add=False, **kwargs)
- calls all of the above functions
- shift heave rate by given time steps (eg. 19 or 16) (deprecated)
- calculates time shift for each chirp and hour
- calculate Doppler resolution
- translate heave rate into Doppler bins
- shift spectra to left (or right)
Part of pyLARDA.