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This folder lets you run the sandbox for the competition.

1. Getting Started

  • Before getting started, check that:

    • You have followed the steps under 'Dependencies' and 'Preliminaries' on root readme.
    • You are connected to the internet (to pull the latest docker images).
    • Your terminal is in the folder (cd sandbox).
  • Then, ensure that the sandbox has been built:

docker-compose build
  • In case you experience an error run:
docker-compose build --no-cache

2. Configuration

To configure the execution of TAC, you can tune the following parameters:

  • NB_AGENTS is the minimum number of agents required for the competition to start.
  • NB_GOODS is the number of types of goods available for trade in the competition.
  • NB_BASELINE_AGENTS is the number of baseline agents spawned in the TAC instance.
  • OEF_ADDR and OEF_PORT allow you to specify a different OEF Node to use for the sandbox.
  • DATA_OUTPUT_DIR is the output directory to use for storing simulation data in ${DATA_OUTPUT_DIR}/${EXPERIMENT_ID}.
  • EXPERIMENT_ID is the name to give to the simulation.
  • LOWER_BOUND_FACTOR is the lower bound factor of a uniform distribution used for generating good instances.
  • UPPER_BOUND_FACTOR is the upper bound factor of a uniform distribution used for generating good instances.
  • TX_FEE is the transaction fee.
  • REGISTRATION_TIMEOUT is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for agents to register before attempting to start the competition.
  • INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait during inactivity until the termination of the competition.
  • COMPETITION_TIMEOUT is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait from the start of the competition until the termination of the competition.
  • SEED is the seed for the random module.
  • WHITELIST is the public keys permitted by the controller for the competition.
  • REGISTER_AS indicates whether the baseline agent registers supply, demand or both services on the oef.
  • SEARCH_FOR indicates whether the baseline agent searches supply, demand or both services on the oef.
  • PENDING_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT is the amount of time an in-flight transaction is kept in the transaction manager.

Specify the values in the .env file.

To double-check whether the variable has been set successfully, use:

docker-compose config

3. Run the sandbox:

There are three ways to run the sandbox:

  • with baseline agents only
  • with baseline agents and your own agents
  • multiple times

Run TAC with baseline agents only

To run a TAC instance with only baseline agents, set NB_AGENTS equal to NB_BASELINE_AGENTS. REGISTRATION_TIME should be high enough (e.g. 5-10 seconds) to allow all the baseline agents to register to TAC.

Notice: if NB_AGENTS > NB_BASELINE_AGENTS, there are not enough agents to start the TAC.

  • Start the sandbox (this starts an OEF-Node, a controller agent and a list of NB_BASELINE_AGENTS baseline agents):

    docker-compose up

Run TAC with baseline agents and your own agent implementation(s)

If you want to include your own agents, set NB_AGENTS to a number equal to NB_BASELINE_AGENTS plus the number of own agents you want to connect.

  • Start the sandbox (this starts an OEF-Node, a controller agent and a list of NB_BASELINE_AGENTS baseline agents):

    docker-compose up
  • Connect your agents to localhost:10000, e.g.:

python ../templates/v1/*.py

Be careful with the values of NB_AGENTS and NB_BASELINE_AGENTS:

  • if NB_AGENTS <= NB_BASELINE_AGENTS, the competition might start even though you didn't register your agent;
  • if NB_AGENTS > NB_BASELINE_AGENTS, the competition start until NB_AGENTS = NB_BASELINE_AGENTS agents to start. If you're planning to run only one of your own agents, the difference should be just 1, e.g. NB_AGENTS=10 and NB_BASELINE_AGENTS=9.

Run sandbox multiple times

To run the sandbox multiple times, use the script

python --config config.json


usage: run_iterated_games [-h] [--nb_games NB_GAMES] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
                          [--seeds SEEDS [SEEDS ...]] [--skip]
                          [--interval INTERVAL] [--config CONFIG]

Run the sandbox multiple times and collect scores for every run.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --nb_games NB_GAMES   How many times the competition must be run.
  --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
                        The directory that will contain all the data for every
  --seeds SEEDS [SEEDS ...]
                        The list of seeds to use for different games.
  --skip                Don't ask to user for continuation.
  --interval INTERVAL   The minimum number of minutes to wait for the next
                        TAC.E.g. if 5, and the time is 09:00, then the next
                        competition will start at 09:05:00.
  --config CONFIG       The path for a config file (in JSON format). If None,
                        use only command line arguments. The config file
                        overrides the command line options.

The script will run the sandbox nb_games times with the configuration variables set in .env.

The only ignored variables are DATA_OUTPUT_DIR, EXPERIMENT_ID and SEEDS. The first is set with --output_dir, the second will be game_01 for the first game, game_02 for the second and so on, the third is set via --seeds for every game.

4. Visualization:

To see realtime data visualization, connect to the Visdom server at http://localhost:8097.