Kratos Multiphysics uses several components of the Trilinos project for its MPI capabilities. The most relevant of these are the distributed-memory matrix and vector classes from the Epetra module and the linear solvers provided by the AztecOO, Amesos and ML packages. In addition, it also contains the MPI version of the AMGCL solver.
- TrilinosLinearSolver
- AztecSolver
- AmesosSolver
- MultiLevelSolver
- AMGCL Mpi-based Solver
The Trilinos application also provides MPI versions of most of the core classes of Kratos, adapted to work with Epetra distributed matrices where necessary. Hence it provide its own version of the following Kratos (and application) interface elements:
- TrilinosResidualBasedBuilderAndSolver
- TrilinosEliminationBuilderAndSolver
- TrilinosBlockBuilderAndSolver
- TrilinosBlockBuilderAndSolverPeriodic
- TrilinosConvectionDiffusionStrategy
- TrilinosDisplacementCriteria
- TrilinosUPCriteria
- TrilinosResidualCriteria
- TrilinosAndCriteria
- TrilinosOrCriteria
- TrilinosSolvingStrategy
- TrilinosFSStrategy
- TrilinosLinearStrategy
- TrilinosNewtonRaphsonStrategy
- TrilinosLaplacianMeshMovingStrategy
- TrilinosStructuralMeshMovingStrategy
For more information about these please refer to their serial version (without trilinos prefix) in the main Kratos documentation.