A script written in PHP to add lilypond music snipples into OpenSong chord sheets.
- Add lilypond code into your OpenSong files ;<< ... ;>>
- Export OpenSong sheet to HTML
- run the following command: php osly.php song.html
Requirements: php, lilypond, opensong
Lilypond compiles the embedded lilypond code snippets into PNG files.
Example snippet:
. F C7 A7 Dm Gm C7 F
La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la.
; \chords { \set noChordSymbol = ##f r4 d2:m g4:m c:7 f1 }
; \relative c'' {
; \key f \major
; \partial 4 a8^"rit."( g)
; f4. d8 d4( c)
; f1 \bar "|."
; }
The result will look like this: