- With Google Analytics 4 in use now, added chnages and confirmed and then updated the markdown for the blog post on the same.
- Google Analytics code in to pelicanconf.py
- Modifed the About page to be much the same as the GitHub profile
- Changed the logo image to the seal/crest
- pygment.css file to get code fromatting correctly created
- Taken from https://github.com/richleland/pygments-css/tree/master monokai.css
- Added table of contents option after reviewing site https://cloudbytes.dev/snippets/add-a-table-of-contents-using-markdown-in-pelican
Sitemap create plugin with pelican-sitemap
Added RSS feed beginings with adding FEED variable in pelicanconf.py
- Need to confirm creation to match previsou site
Share Post Pelican plugin to allow social media share links/icons at the bottom of an article share-post plugin
Modified aritcle.html to use icons for the sharing links
Pelican Redirect plugin to rediect old URLs from previous blog to ordered by year paths in use. pelican-redirect
- Setup to add canonical tag for articles
- CANONICALURL variable in pelicanconf.py duplicating SITEURL. This was added to ensure full URL used in ref in case of RELATIVE_URL being true.
- base.html change to include the rel="canonical" if this its an article using the CANONICALURL variable
- scriv added to maintain the changelog. See nedbat/scriv
- Begining of CHANGELOG.md