- Merge pull request #128 from knorth55/fix-typo fix typo in node_base.py
- fix typo in node_base.py
- Merge pull request #126 from knorth55/human-pose-estimator-nms
- Merge branch 'master' into human-pose-estimator-nms
- Merge pull request #127 from knorth55/test-data
- update test_data
- add nms in panorama_human_pose_estimator
- update test_data
- fix typo
- Merge pull request #125 from knorth55/fix-typo-nms
- Merge pull request #124 from knorth55/initialize-order
- fix typo in detector_base
- initialize first
- Merge pull request #123 from knorth55/fix-typo
- fix typo in compressed image publish
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa
- Merge pull request #112 from knorth55/update-readme
- Merge pull request #113 from knorth55/last-node-name
- update last_node_name
- add last_node_name in start/stop srv
- update readme
- update readme for EdgeTPU node manager
- Merge pull request #111 from knorth55/running-node-name
- fix typo in edgetpu_node_manager.launch
- add running_node_name fielad in ListNodes.srv
- Merge pull request #109 from knorth55/vis-semantic-segmenter
- stop using matplotlib for semantic_segmenter visualizations
- Merge pull request #108 from knorth55/use-sample-image use knorth55 instead of lenna for test image
- use knorth55 instead of lenna
- Merge pull request #106 from knorth55/add-test
- checkout with submodules
- add semantic segmenter test
- add DummyEdgeTPUSemanticSegmenter
- add human pose estimator test
- add DummyEdgeTPUHumanPoseEstimator
- use int for generate_random_bbox
- disable kinetic test
- install dependencies for melodic and kinetic
- fix ici test to install dependencies
- fix typo in tests
- add face detectors test
- add EdgeTPUFaceDetector
- add object detectors test
- fix panorama and tile detector inheritance
- add DummyEdgeTPUNodeBase
- add generate_random_bbox
- refactor node_base
- enable test in noetic
- install edgetpu and tflite runtime for test
- add default model and label file
- add EdgeTPUNodeBase for common node base
- Merge pull request #107 from knorth55/fix-docker fix docker build
- install dlib, chainer and protobuf correct version
- Merge pull request #105 from knorth55/format Set the format of compressed image following image_transport.
- use encoding for compressed image format
- add missing header init
- Set the format of compressed image following image_transport.
- Merge pull request #102 from knorth55/add-list-service
- Merge pull request #101 from knorth55/add-input-topic-rosparam
- add listnodes service in edgetpu_node_manager
- add input_topic rosparam
- Contributors: JSK fetch user, Shingo Kitagawa, iory
- Merge pull request #97 from fanshi14/tiled_object_detection
- change file mode of EdgeTPUTileObjectDetector.cfg
- fix base class name for EdgeTPUTileDetectorBase
- improve slice usage.
- fix slice typo.
- rename as slices to follow the code style in coral_usb_ros.
- improve code quality to follow the coral_usb_ros fashion.
- change tile_overlap calculation based on rate and minimal tile size
- fix typo in TileObjectDetection.
- add tiled object detection script.
- Merge pull request #96 from sktometometo/PR/fix-panorama-human-pose-estimator
- Fix offsets for panorama_human_pose_estimator
- Merge pull request #94 from knorth55/docker-testing
- use ros-testing for docker build
- Merge pull request #92 from knorth55/cv-bridge-python3-package
- use cv-bridge-python3 in docker
- comment out rosinstall
- fix skip keys
- fix README linter
- install cv_bridge_python3 for melodic
- update gtihub actions for cv-bridge-python3
- disable docker github action
- update to use jskrobotics dockerhub
- change uri to jsk-ros-pkg
- update README
- use cv_bridge_python3 in package.xml
- Merge pull request #91 from jsk-ros-pkg/cv-bridge-python3 support cv_bridge_python3 with python2 workspace
- use /opt/ros/distro/lib/python3 path when no ws found
- append sys.path when python3 is not sourced
- support for cv_bridge_python3 in workspace build not checked for deb install
- Contributors: Fan Shi, Koki Shinjo, Shingo Kitagawa
- Merge pull request #89 from knorth55/knorth55-patch-2
- Merge pull request #88 from knorth55/knorth55-patch-1
- Merge pull request #87 from Kanazawanaoaki/fix-package-name-of-labelimg-docs
- fix epic kitchens 55 readme
- fix labelme_voc readme
- fix package name
- Merge pull request #80 from fanshi14/add_xml_label
- Merge branch 'master' into add_xml_label
- Merge branch 'knorth55-add_xml_label' into add_xml_label
- Merge pull request #85 from knorth55/common-scripts
- fix typo
- retactor run.sh
- change to labelimg
- update training/readme
- rename direcotry to labelimg_voc
- support xml format
- remove duplicated scripts
- use common scripts
- rename to tensorflow_xml
- add common scripts
- Merge branch 'master' into add_xml_label
- add common scripts
- Merge branch 'master' into add_xml_label
- remove unused file
- update readme for xml label
- fix typo
- fix typo.
- format adjust for annotation.
- Merge pull request #1 from iory/add_xml_label Add format
- Format
- Add setup.cfg for flake8 and isort
- downgrade edgetpu-compiler in xml_objects example.
- improve readme.
- Add print library for python 2.7.
- Move tfrecord generator files into scripts folder.
- Fix integer division to be float in tfrecord generator.
- add generate tfrecord file for xml labels.
- add examples of dataset with xml labels.
- Contributors: Fan Shi, Kanazawanaoaki, Shingo Kitagawa, iory
- refactor testing ci
- update docker/README
- add makefile
- Merge pull request #84 from knorth55/noetic-test
- add noetic test
- Merge pull request #83 from knorth55/docker-ga
- update docker README
- add docker ci
- not use ros-testing in docker
- fix dependencies
- fix linter dependencies
- fix linter
- update docker
- Merge pull request #79 from fanshi14/downgrade_tpu_compiler_14-1
- update download link for libedgetpu1-std deb.
- Merge pull request #78 from fanshi14/downgrade_tpu_compiler_14-1
- downgrade edgetpu-compiler to be 14.1
- use VERSION_LESS for lower cmake version
- check catkin_virtualenv_VERSION in CMakeLists
- Contributors: Fan Shi, Shingo Kitagawa
- Merge pull request #76 from knorth55/fix-ci
- add python-numpy
- Merge pull request #75 from knorth55/add-device-error
- show device error for invalid device id or no device
- Merge pull request #74 from knorth55/knorth55-patch-1
- disable textlint
- Update linter.yaml
- Merge pull request #73 from knorth55/use-package
- use package:// instead of find
- update readme
- Contributors: Shingo Kitagawa
- Merge pull request #69 from k-okada/noetic Information for Noetic user
- flake8
- warn if user does not belong to plugdev
- 99-coral-usb-ros.rules is not requried
libedgetpu1-legacy-max installs rules under /lib/udev/rules.d
` $ dpkg -L libedgetpu1-legacy-max /. /lib /lib/udev /lib/udev/rules.d /lib/udev/rules.d/60-libedgetpu1-legacy-max.rules `
- on noetic, we do not need to remove /opt/ros/{}/lib/python2.7/dist-packages path because 1) it is not exists, 2) we can use default opencv module
- update README to add noetic information
- md045
- Update README.md
- Merge pull request #67 from sktometometo/PR/update-rosinstall Update fc.rosinstall to delete jsk_common and catkin_virtualenv entry
- update fc.rosinstall to delete jsk_common and catkin_virtualenv entry
- Update README.md
- update readme
- update readme
- update readme
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Shingo Kitagawa
- markdownlint
- update readme
- update readme
- add EdgeTPUPanoramaSemanticSegmenter.cfg
- Merge pull request #65 from knorth55/panorama-nms add nms for panorama detection
- add start_dynamic_reconfigure
- add panorama human pose estimator in readme
- add EdgeTPUHumanPoseEstimatorConfig
- do not append when no bbox detected
- add edgetpu_panorama_face_detector in readme
- support panorama nodes in node_manager
- update readme to add panorama object detector
- add nms option dynamic reconfigure
- fix nms in detector_base
- use non_maximum_suppression for panorama detection
- use panorama config
- add non_maximum_suppression
- add EdgeTPUPanoramaFace/ObjectDetector.cfg
- Merge pull request #64 from knorth55/panorama-overlap
- update visualization functions for overlap
- add get_panorama_sliced_image
- Merge pull request #62 from sktometometo/feature/overlap-panorama-gap
- Merge pull request #1 from knorth55/feature/overlap-panorama-gap flake8
- flake8
- fix slice split and image concat process
- add overlap slice
- Contributors: Koki Shinjo, Shingo Kitagawa
- set linetype
- Merge pull request #60 from 708yamaguchi/namespace-arg
- Merge branch 'master' into namespace-arg
- update linter workflows
- Change arg name
- Add arg to change namespace of edgetpu node
- use cv2 visualization for detector_base
- refactor human_pose_estimator
- Merge pull request #59 from k-okada/use_cv_draw_point use cv2.circle instead of vis_point/matplot.lot for effective cpu power
- use cv2.circle instead of vis_point/matplot.lot for effective cpu resources
- Merge pull request #58 from shmpwk/fix-model-label Change the way model file (and label file) are loaded for object detector and face detector
- use resource_retriever
- refactor detector_base
- refactor model path
- update README.md
- fix dynamic parameters
- update cfg
- Merge branch 'master' into fix-model-label
- edit readme for EdgeTPUFaceDetector param
- change the representation of model_file to adapt dynamic reconfigure for EdgeTPUFaceDetector
- change for EdgeTPUPanoramaObjectDetector
- change dynamic parameters
- ignore to commit __pycache__
- change the representation of model_file and label_file to adapt to dynamic recongirure of EdgeTPUObjectDetector
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Naoya Yamaguchi, Shingo Kitagawa, Shumpei Wakabayashi, shmpwk
- use lower version of pillow
- update pillows
- fix typo
- Merge pull request #56 from ishiguroJSK/patch-1
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- add overlap arguments
- fix panorama semantic_segmenter
- update default n_split arg
- pdate default n_split parameter
- add get_panorama_slices
- fix typo
- add edgetpu_panorama_semantic_segmenter
- refactor human_pose_estimator and detector_base
- return empty when no result is detected
- reshape points
- fix typo in human_pose_estimator
- add edgetpu_panorama_face_detector
- use n_split
- hacking
- remove panorama_detector_base.py
- add edgetpu_panorama_human_pose_estimator
- refactor panorama_detector_base
- add _process_result
- refactor detector_base
- add _estimate_pose
- add panorama_detector_base and panorama_object_detector
- add _detect_objects
- fix typo
- fix typo
- fix readme
- update reademe
- do not run jscpd linter
- fix dynamic_reconfigure namespace #53 related to ros-visualization/rqt_reconfigure#92
- Merge pull request #50 from knorth55/device-path
- add device_id
- ad knorth55/project-posenet
- remove posenet
- move all param in yaml and add yaml arg
- add resource_retriever in run_depend
- update readme version badge
- Merge pull request #47 from knorth55/add-switcher
- add default
- add prefix
- add node manager launch
- add node_manager.py
- add start and stop methods
- add services
- use get_filename
- add namespace args
- fix EdgeTPUDetectorBase
- move semantic_segmenter to python/
- move human_pose_estimator to python/
- move codes to python
- refactor nodes
- Merge pull request #45 from knorth55/use-legacy
- update key server
- use legacy version
- Merge pull request #42 from knorth55/add-human-rects
- update readme
- publish ClassificationResult in edgetpu_human_pose_estimator
- publish human rects in edgetpu_human_pose_estimator
- fix bgr -> rgb
- Merge pull request #40 from k-okada/add_compress
- Merge pull request #41 from knorth55/add-hacking
- add hacking in linter
- fix h103
- add documentation for compressed transport
- support compressed images, support IMAGE_TRANSPORT ros-args to launch files, publish compressed topic
- fix Dockerfile for build
- clean up apt cache in layers
- fix readme linter
- enable markdown
- Merge pull request #39 from knorth55/add-superlinter
- flake8
- update linter
- add superlinter
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa, Yasuhiro Ishiguro
- Update README.md
- Merge pull request #37 from knorth55/use-github-actions
- update README.md
- add github actions
- remove jsk_common
- remove .travis
- Merge pull request #36 from knorth55/fix-run-sh
- fix run.sh and train.sh in epic_kitchens_55
- fix run.sh to properly pass arguments
- Merge pull request #35 from Kanazawanaoaki/arg-run-gpu add --gpu args in train.sh
- add --gpu args
- Update README.md
- Merge pull request #34 from knorth55/add-vis-duration
- fix typo in README
- add enable_visualization doc
- add enable_visualization param
- update readme
- update edgetpu_semantic_segmenter gif
- add visualize_duration in edgetpu_semantic_segmenter
- add visualize_duration in edgetpu_face_detector
- add visualize_duration in edgetpu_object_detector
- add visualize_duration in edgetpu_human_pose_estimator
- Merge pull request #33 from k-okada/patch-2
- add more python3 modules to compile
- Merge pull request #32 from knorth55/training-data-augmentation
- add augmentation options for other models
- update training steps
- add more data_augmentation_options
- update CHANGELOG.rst
- fix urllib for python3
- fix .travis.roinstall
- add catkin_virtualenv 0.6.1 in rosinstall
- fix typo
- update Dockerfile
- update readme
- set git protocol
- use bionic for travis
- add more tests
- update rosinstalls
- update .travis
- Merge pull request #27 from knorth55/fix-build
- disable venv check
- use catkin_virtualenv 0.6.1
- remove catkin_virtualenv in kinetic
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Naoaki Kanazawa, Shingo Kitagawa
- remove unnecesarry space
- update package.xml
- update .travis
- add opencv-python in kinetic
- update gpu for epic_kitchens_55
- Merge pull request #23 from knorth55/train-epic-kitchen
- update readme
- move epic_kitchens -> epic_kitchens_55
- update training parameters
- update train.sh parameters
- use smaller test dataset
- remove --num_eval_steps from labelme_voc
- add sample_1_of_n_eval_examples flag
- use NUM_EXAMPLES in labelme_voc
- refactor create_tf_record.py
- update train parameters
- add epic_kitchens training
- Merge pull request #25 from knorth55/update-posenet
- update modelfilepath
- update posenet to master
- remove trailing space
- fix BGR -> RGB
- fix create_tf_record.py
- update run.sh
- kitchen -> labelme_voc
- Merge pull request #21 from knorth55/add-semantic-segmentor
- update README.md
- flake8
- add EdgeTPUSemanticSegmenter
- download segmentation models
- Merge pull request #20 from knorth55/fix-dynamic-reconfigure
- update Dockerfile
- update Dockerfile
- add dynamic_reconfigure
- split fc.rosinstall to fc.rosinstall.kinetic
- fix typo in README.md
- Update README.md
- add training/labelbe_voc/README.md
- Merge pull request #19 from knorth55/add-docker
- add docker
- update readme
- Merge pull request #18 from knorth55/add-train-docker
- update run.sh
- udpate training/README.md
- Merge branch 'master' into add-train-docker
- add training/README.md
- update README
- move docker -> training/labelme_voc
- need to source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash, before source ~/coral_ws/deve/setup.bash
otherwise we got
` $ roslaunch Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/melodic/bin/roslaunch", line 34, in <module> import roslaunch ImportError: No module named roslaunch `
- update travis
- melodic requires python3-opencv ? (#16)
- Merge pull request #1 from knorth55/add_docker add --gpu flag, --user flag, --userns flag and fix typo
- Merge branch 'add_docker' into add_docker
- fix typo in prepare_checkpoint_and_dataset.sh there is nothing in ckpt/
- add --userns=host for avoid root mount
- add --user to avoid mkdir in root
- enable --gpu
- set username to docker container name
- fix bugs prepare_checkpoint_and_dataset.sh; +chmod a+r /*
- fix typo
- add --gpu flag
- need to chmod ckpt
- support tensorbard
- check TTY and set -ti or not when running docker
- need to source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash, before source ~/cor… (#17)
- add edgetpu compile
- add docker file to train dataset
- need to source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash, before source ~/coral_ws/deve/setup.bash
otherwise we got
` $ roslaunch Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/ros/melodic/bin/roslaunch", line 34, in <module> import roslaunch ImportError: No module named roslaunch `
- update travis
- melodic requires python3-opencv ? (#16)
- Contributors: Kei Okada, Shingo Kitagawa
- Merge pull request #13 from knorth55/update-travis update jsk_travis
- update jsk_travis
- add badges in readme
- Merge pull request #11 from knorth55/add-travis add travis
- use http
- update travis script
- remove opencv-python
- add -y in .travis_before_script.sh
- update travis
- add travis
- update visualization image
- update readme
- update readme
- Merge pull request #10 from kochigami/modify-readme modify README: /kinetic/ros => /ros/kinetic
- modify README: /kinetic/ros => /ros/kinetic
- Merge pull request #9 from YoshiaAbe/patch-1 add -p to mkdir
- add -p to mkdir
- update gif
- add gif
- update readme
- update readme
- add node information in readme
- update README.md
- fix scaling in human pose estimator
- add model_file arg in edgetpu_face_detector.launch and edgetpu_human_pose_estimator.launch
- refactor edgetpu_object_detector.launch
- add +x in download_models.py
- Merge pull request #7 from makit0sh/object_detection_retrain added launch arg to change model for object detection
- added launch arg to change model for object detection
- update fc.rosinstall
- Update README.md
- add fc.rosintall.melodic
- Update README.md
- Merge pull request #6 from k-okada/master udpate for melodic users
- add more comments on edgetpu
- catkin_generate_virtualenv set to PYTHON_VERSION 3
- add instruction for melodic
- packge.xml add more python3 depends
- Update README.md
- set matplotlib version
- Update README.md
- fix launch name
- update LICENSE
- update README
- add EdgeTPUHumanPoseEstimator
- Merge pull request #5 from knorth55/add-face-detector Add face detector
- add edgetpu_face_detector.launch
- add edgetpu_face_detector.py
- Update README.md
- update fc.rosinstall
- add hot bugfix
- Merge pull request #4 from sktometometo/feature/fix_dependencies_20190915 add python3 debian package dependencies
- update to use fixed jsk_topic_tools jsk-ros-pkg/jsk_common#1636
- Merge pull request #3 from sktometometo/feature/fix_typo_20190915_2 fix typo in REAMD.md
- add python3 debian package dependencies
- fix typo in REAMD.md
- Merge pull request #2 from sktometometo/remotes/sktometometo/feature/fix_typo fix typo and add rosdep install in README.md
- fix typo and add rosdep install in README.md
- fix edgetpu_object_detector
- fix typo
- add download_models script
- update readme
- add fc.rosinstall
- add respawn
- install launch directory
- add edgetpu_object_detector.py
- add coral_usb ros package
- Initial commit
- Contributors: Kanae Kochigami, Kei Okada, Koki Shinjo, Shingo Kitagawa, YoshiaAbe, jsk-fetchuser, makit0sh