description |
This starter provides a quick start for running Pinot on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) |
This document provides the basic instruction to set up a Kubernetes Cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine(GKE)
Please follow this link ( to install kubectl.
For Mac User
brew install kubernetes-cli
Please check kubectl version after installation.
kubectl version
{% hint style="info" %} QuickStart scripts are tested under kubectl client version v1.16.3 and server version v1.13.12 {% endhint %}
Please follow this link ( to install helm.
For Mac User
brew install kubernetes-helm
Please check helm version after installation.
helm version
{% hint style="info" %} This QuickStart provides helm supports for helm v3.0.0 and v2.12.1. Please pick the script based on your helm version. {% endhint %}
Please follow this link ( to install Google Cloud SDK.
- Install Google Cloud SDK
curl | bash
- Restart your shell
exec -l $SHELL
gcloud init
Below script will create a 3 nodes cluster named pinot-quickstart in us-west1-b with n1-standard-2 machines for demo purposes.
Please modify the parameters in the example command below:
GCLOUD_PROJECT=[your gcloud project name]
gcloud container clusters create ${GCLOUD_CLUSTER} \
--num-nodes=${GCLOUD_NUM_NODES} \
--machine-type=${GCLOUD_MACHINE_TYPE} \
--zone=${GCLOUD_ZONE} \
You can monitor cluster status by command:
gcloud compute instances list
Once the cluster is in RUNNING status, it's ready to be used.
Simply run below command to get the credential for the cluster pinot-quickstart that you just created or your existing cluster.
GCLOUD_PROJECT=[your gcloud project name]
gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${GCLOUD_CLUSTER} --zone ${GCLOUD_ZONE} --project ${GCLOUD_PROJECT}
To verify the connection, you can run:
kubectl get nodes
Please follow this Kubernetes QuickStart to deploy your Pinot Demo.
gcloud container clusters delete pinot-quickstart --zone=${GCLOUD_ZONE}