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Ether Deck Mk2


The following is a specification for the Ether Deck Mk2 (deck). The deck is a smart contract account that can run external calls and extend its functionality with a mutable dispatcher.


Smart contract accounts for individuals are currently limited in selection and bloated in implementation due to excessive modularity. The minimal functionality of a smart contract account's core is the ability to make external calls and to extend its functionality with delegate calls. A reasonable extension to this is to batch both; allowing an externally owned account (EOA) to make multiple calls in a single transaction.


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 and RFC 8174.

ABI Specification

The application binary interface used for the deck is Solidity's ABI Specification.



The mod address of a selector to dispatch if the selector does not match one of the selectors on the core deck.

- name: dispatch
  type: function
  stateMutability: view

    - name: selector
      type: bytes4

    - name: mod
      type: uint256


The runner address that is authorized to take action on the deck.

The runner MAY delegate actions through mod addresses.

- name: runner
  type: function
  stateMutability: view

  inputs: []

    - name: runner
      type: address


Runs a call to a target with a payload and a callvalue.

MAY forward entire callvalue.

MAY return returndata from target.

MUST revert if caller is not runner.

- name: run
  type: function
  stateMutability: payable

    - name: target
      type: address
    - name: payload
      type: bytes


Runs an array of calls to targets with payloads and values.

MAY return returndata from each target.

MUST revert if caller is not runner.

- name: runBatch
  type: function
  stateMutability: payable

    - name: targets
      type: address[]
    - name: values
      type: uint256[]
    - name: payloads
      type: bytes[]

  outputs: []


Writes a mod to a given selector in dispatch to be dispatched if an external call to the deck does not contain a matching selector on the core deck.

- name: setDispatch
  type: function
  stateMutability: nonpayable

    - name: selector
      type: bytes4
    - name: target
      type: address

  outputs: []


Writes a selectors array a targets array.

- name: setDispatchBatch
  type: function
  stateMutability: nonpayable

    - name: selectors
      type: bytes4[]
    - name: targets
      type: address[]

  outputs: []


The fallback loads the mod from the dispatch for the given selector and delegatecalls to it.

MUST forward all calldata to the mod.

SHOULD return the returndata from the delegatecall.

MUST revert if the dispatch address for the selector is zero.

- type: fallback
  stateMutability: payable

  inputs: []

  outputs: []



Logged when setDispatch sets a new address for the dispatch.

- name: DispatchSet
  type: event

    - name: selector
      indexed: true
      type: bytes4
    - name: target
      indexed: true
      type: address


Mods MUST use a custom, namespaced storage layout to avoid collisions with other mods and the core deck. The following slot_preimage is the string to be hashed then the hash digest is subtracted by one to make the slot value's preimage unknown.

<slot_preimage> = "EtherDeckMk2", ".", <mod_name>, <variable_name>;

<mod_name> = <solc_ident>;
<variable_name> = <solc_ident>;
<solc_ident> = (* solidity identifier *);


uint256 slot = uint256(keccak256("EtherDeckMk2.MyMod.myVariable")) - 1;


The rationale was to begin with minimal enshrined features and allow mods to be the extend the functionality of the deck.

Minimal restrictions were placed on the run and runBatch functions, as these could contain additional logic including payload decoding.

ERC-4337 is bad.

Backwards Compatibility

No backward compatibility issues found.

Reference Implementation

// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity 0.8.24;

contract EtherDeckMk2 {
    event DispatchSet(bytes4 indexed selector, address indexed target);

    mapping(bytes4 => address) public dispatch;
    address public runner;

    constructor(address firstRunner) payable {
        runner = firstRunner;

    function run(address target, bytes calldata payload) external payable {
        require(runner == msg.sender);
        (bool success,) ={ value: msg.value }(payload);

    function runBatch(
        address[] calldata targets,
        uint256[] calldata values,
        bytes[] calldata payloads
    ) external payable {
        require(runner == msg.sender);
        require(targets.length == values.length && targets.length == payloads.length);
        for (uint256 i; i < targets.length; i++) {
            (bool success,) = targets[i].call{ value: values[i] }(payloads[i]);

    function setDispatch(bytes4 selector, address target) external payable {
        require(runner == msg.sender);
        dispatch[selector] = target;
        emit DispatchSet(selector, target);

    function setDispatchBatch(bytes4[] calldata selectors, address[] calldata targets) external payable {
        require(runner == msg.sender);
        require(selectors.length == targets.length);
        for (uint256 i; i < selectors.length; i++) {
            dispatch[selectors[i]] = targets[i];
            emit DispatchSet(selectors[i], targets[i]);

    fallback(bytes calldata) external payable returns (bytes memory) {
        address mod = dispatch[msg.sig];
        require(mod != address(0));
        (bool success, bytes memory returndata) = mod.delegatecall(;
        return returndata;

    receive() external payable { }

Security Considerations

Mods have complete write access to the deck, be aware of all storage interactions.

Mods that selfdestruct may selfdestruct the deck if set to the dispatcher.