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Toolbar shortcut for Windows 10

jtroo edited this page Apr 24, 2022 · 4 revisions

How to create a shortcut for your toolbar in Windows 10

Note that these instructions may not work without modifying some script execution permissions in Windows. I don't have instructions for that for the time being though.

  1. Make a new text document.

To follow this guide precisely, this new document, the kanata.exe executable, and the configuration file should all be in the same folder.


  1. Rename it to start-kanata.bat. Click yes if you see the warning.


  1. Edit your document.



Type kanata.exe --cfg <config_file>. Replace <config_file> with your file, in the example it's jtroo.kbd. When done, save and close.

  1. Make a shortcut. Rename it to anything you want.


In the example the shortcut is renamed to kanata

  1. Edit the properties of the shortcut


  1. Prepend cmd.exe /c to the current contents of the Target: field.


  1. The kanata shortcut can now be dragged onto your toolbar.


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