This Policy Template will get the total used/available seats for a Organization and create an incident if the number of available seats fall outside the policy's min and max parameters.
- Organizations to check - Example: flexera
- Allowed Minimum Available Seats - Example: 10
- Allowed Maximum Available Seats - Example: 50
- Email addresses of the recipients you wish to notify - Example: [email protected]
The following policy actions are taken on any resources found to be out of compliance.
- Send an email report
This policy uses credentials for connecting to the cloud -- in order to apply this policy you must have a credential registered in the system that is compatible with this policy. If there are no credentials listed when you apply the policy, please contact your cloud admin and ask them to register a credential that is compatible with this policy. The information below should be consulted when creating the credential.
For administrators creating and managing credentials to use with this policy, the following information is needed:
Provider tag value to match this policy: github
Required permissions in the provider:
This policy requires permissions to access API as the Owner of the Organization(s).
This Policy Template does not launch any instances, and so does not incur any cloud costs.