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Input data set properties file format

Juan Lao Tebar edited this page Jan 12, 2017 · 4 revisions

This document specifies the format used for defining combinations of input data set properties.


This format uses the JSON notation, with extra support for comments notated with // ... and /* ... */.

An example of file that follows this format is available in config/input/final.json.


The root element of the file must be an array ([...]) that contains one object ({...}) for each input data set properties combination that is desired to test.

The file has an structure like this:


A pattern data set has the following properties:

  • seed (integer) defines a seed for the random generator, to reproduce experiments.
  • dataSetSize (integer > 0) indicates the size the data set must have.
  • minDistance (object) optionally defines a constraint applied to the input data set. It contains the following keys:
    • mean (float >= 0) indicates the mean minimum distance between an input of the input data set and all the patterns in the given pattern data set.
    • stdev (float >= 0) indicates the standard deviation of the minimum distance between an input of the input data set and all the patterns in the given pattern data set.