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  • The DOM (Document Object Model) is a way of representing a HTML document (or XML) like a tree of nodes.
    By using DOM methods and properties we can access the page elements, modify them, remove them or adding new ones
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
        <title>Página sencilla</title>
        <p>Esta página es <strong>muy sencilla</strong></p>


  • In the DOM Level 1 there's a difference between:
    • The Core DOM is the common especification that is applied in all the documents (XML, HTML,…)
    • The Core HTML is the especification that is applied only in the HTML documents
    <p class="opener">first paragraph</p>
    <p><em>second</em> paragraph</p>
    <p id="closer">final</p>
    <!-- and that's about it -->
  • The document node gives us access to the document (the starting point)

  • All nodes have the following properties:

    • nodeType: There are 12 types of nodes represented by numbers(1=element, 2=attribute, 3=text, ...)
    • nodeName: For HTML tags is the name of the tag and for text nodes is #text
    • nodeValue: For text nodes will be the text
  • The node documentElement is the root node. For HTML documents is the <html> tag

>>> document.documentElement
>>> document.documentElement.nodeType
>>> document.documentElement.nodeName
>>> document.documentElement.tagName
  • Every node can have children-nodes:
    • hasChildNodes() : This methos will return true if the node has children-nodes
    • childNodes: Return an array of all the children-nodes of an element.
      Because of being an array we can figure out the number of children-nodes with childNodes.length
    • parentNode: Return us the father-node of a children-node
>>> document.documentElement.hasChildNodes()
>>> document.documentElement.childNodes.length
>>> document.documentElement.childNodes[0]
>>> document.documentElement.childNodes[1]
>>> document.documentElement.childNodes[1].parentNode
>>> var bd = document.documentElement.childNodes[1];
>>> bd.childNodes.length
>>> bd.childNodes[1]
<p class="opener">
>>> bd.childNodes[1].hasAttributes()
>>> bd.childNodes[1].attributes.length
>>> bd.childNodes[1].attributes[0].nodeName
>>> bd.childNodes[1].attributes[0].nodeValue
>>> bd.childNodes[1].attributes['class'].nodeValue
>>> bd.childNodes[1].getAttribute('class')
  • We can access the content of a tag:
    • textContent: This property give us the plain text inside of a tag In IE this property doesn't exists (we have to use innerText)
    • innerHTML: This property gives us the content (in HTML) inside of a tag
>>> bd.childNodes[1].nodeName
>>> bg.childNodes[1].textContent
"first paragraph"
>>> bd.childNodes[1].innerHTML
"first paragraph"
>>> bd.childNodes[3].innerHTML
"<em>second</em> paragraph"
>>> bd.childNodes[3].textContent
"second paragraph"
>>> bd.childNodes[1].childNodes.length
>>> bd.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeName
>>> bd.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeValue
"first paragraph"
>>> document.getElementsByTagName('p').length
>>> document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0]
<p class="opener">
>>> document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].innerHTML
"first paragraph"
>>> document.getElementsByTagName('p')[2]
<p id="closer">
>>> document.getElementsByTagName('p')[2].id
>>> document.getElementsByTagName('p')[0].className
>>> document.getElementById('closer')
<p id="closer">

Parent & Childs

  • From a node we can access its brothers and the first and last of its children
>>> var para = document.getElementById('closer')
>>> para.nextSibling
"\n "
>>> para.previousSibling
"\n "
>>> para.previousSibling.previousSibling
>>> para.previousSibling.previousSibling.previousSibling
"\n "
<p id="closer">
>>> document.body.previousSibling
>>> document.body.firstChild
"\n "
>>> document.body.lastChild
"\n "
>>> document.body.lastChild.previousSibling
Comment length=21 nodeName=#comment
>>> document.body.lastChild.previousSibling.nodeValue
" and that's about it "
  • To change the content of a tag we can change the content of innerHTML
>>> var my = document.getElementById('closer');
>>> my.innerHTML = '<em>my</em> final';
>>> my.firstChild
>>> my.firstChild.firstChild
>>> my.firstChild.firstChild.nodeValue = 'your';
  • The elements has the property style that we can use to modify its styles

>>> = "1px solid red";
"1px solid red"
  • We can also modify attributes wether they exist or not Example:
>>> my.align = "right";
>>> = 'myname';
>>> = 'further'

Creating and modifying nodes

>>> var myp = document.createElement('p');
>>> myp.innerHTML = 'yet another';
"yet another"
CSSStyleDeclaration length=0
>>> = '2px dotted blue'
"2px dotted blue"
>>> document.body.appendChild(myp)
<p style="border: 2px dotted blue;">
  • We can also copy existent elements with cloneNode() cloneNode accept a boolean parameter (true copy the node with all its children and false only copy the node)
>>> var el = document.getElementsByTagName('p')[1];
<p><em>second</em> paragraph</p>
>>> document.body.appendChild(el.cloneNode(false))
>>> document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('p'));
>>> document.body.appendChild(el.cloneNode(true))
  • With insertBefore() we can especify the element after which we want to instert ours
  • To remove DOM nodes we can use removeChild() o replaceChild()
    removeChild() removes the elements and replaceChild() replace it by another one passed as parameter replaceChild() and removeChild() return the removed node
>>> var myp = document.getElementsByTagName('p')[1];
>>> var removed = document.body.removeChild(myp);
>>> removed
>>> removed.firstChild
>>> var p = document.getElementsByTagName('p')[1];
>>> p
<p id="closer">
>>> var replaced = document.body.replaceChild(removed, p);
>>> replaced
<p id="closer">

DOM objects only for HTML

  • In the DOM we have available a set of direct selectors and colections only for (not XML):
    • document.body: document.getElementsByTagName(‘body’)[0]
    • document.images: document.getElementsByTagName(‘img’)
    • document.applets: document.getElementsByTagName(‘applet’)
    • document.links: Return an array of all the links with aatribute href
    • document.anchors: Return an array with all the links with attribute name
    • document.forms: document.getElementsByTagName(‘form’)
      We can access the elements in the form (inputs, buttons) with elements
>>> document.forms[0]
>>> document.getElementsByTagName('forms')[0]
>>> document.forms[0].elements[0]
>>> document.forms[0].elements[0].value = '[email protected]'
"[email protected]"
>>> document.forms[0].elements[0].disabled = true;
>>> document.forms[0].elements['search']; // array notation
>>> document.forms[0]; // object property
  • We also have available the method document.write()
    Its use is not recommended ;-)

  • Some properties of the document object are:

    • document.cookies: Contain a text string with the cookies associated to the document
    • document.title: Allow us to change the title of the page that appears on the browser
      This doesn't change the content of the title tag
    • document.referrer: Contain the URL from where we came to the page
    • document.domain: Contain the domain of the page

Advanced selection of elements

  • document.images : document.getElementsByTagName(‘img’)

  • rows y cells : Once we have a tableelement we can access its rows, and from the rows we can access their cells with this selectors

 >>> oTable = document.getElementsByTagName(‘table’)[0];
 >>> aRows = oTable.rows;
 >>> oFirstRow = aRows[0];
 >>> oLastRow = aRows[oRows.length-1];
 >>> aCells = oFirstRow.cells;
 >>> oFirstCell = aCells[0];
 >>> oLastCell = aCells[aCells.length-1];
 >>> document.getElementsByTagName('select')[0].options;
 [, option.movil, option.aplicaciones-web, option.mac,
 option.linux, option.palm, option.pocketpc,]
 >>> oMyElem = document.querySelector("#myid");
 >>> aMyHiddenElems = document.body.querySelectorAll(".hidden");
>>> $('#container');
>>> $('#container')[0]

<div id="container">
>>> $('#footer_contents')
>>> $('#footer_contents')[0]

<div id="footer_contents" class="clearfix">
>>> $('#footer_contents').attr("class");
>>> $('#footer_contents').className
>>> $('#footer_contents')[0].className
>>> $('#footer_contents')[0].attr("class");
 TypeError: $("#footer_contents")[0].attr is not a function

 >>> $('div.hidden')
 jQuery(div#ads_section_textlinks.clearfix, div#top_sales.top_box,
 div#top_valuated.top_box, div.list_container, div.ac_results)

 >>> $('div.hidden').toArray()
 [div#ads_section_textlinks.clearfix, div#top_sales.top_box,
 div#top_valuated.top_box, div.list_container, div.ac_results]

 >>> $('div.hidden').toArray()[0]
 <div id="ads_section_textlinks" class="clearfix
 hidden" style="display: block;">

 >>> document.getElementById('ads_section_textlinks');
 <div id="ads_section_textlinks" class="clearfix
 hidden" style="display: block;">

 >>> $(document.getElementById('ads_section_textlinks'));

 >>> $(document.querySelectorAll('div.hidden')[0]);