diff --git a/agents-api/agents_api/autogen/openapi_model.py b/agents-api/agents_api/autogen/openapi_model.py
index 786aba3d3..3dad60a2e 100644
--- a/agents-api/agents_api/autogen/openapi_model.py
+++ b/agents-api/agents_api/autogen/openapi_model.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# generated by datamodel-codegen:
# filename: openapi.yaml
-# timestamp: 2024-05-09T11:41:12+00:00
+# timestamp: 2024-05-16T13:06:33+00:00
from __future__ import annotations
@@ -585,12 +585,16 @@ class AgentDefaultSettings(BaseModel):
+class ContentItem(RootModel[str]):
+ root: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1)]
class Doc(BaseModel):
title: str
Title describing what this bit of information contains
- content: str
+ content: List[ContentItem] | str
Information content
@@ -608,10 +612,6 @@ class Doc(BaseModel):
-class ContentItem(RootModel[str]):
- root: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1)]
class CreateDoc(BaseModel):
title: str
diff --git a/agents-api/poetry.lock b/agents-api/poetry.lock
index 19652e4a6..e11669da7 100644
--- a/agents-api/poetry.lock
+++ b/agents-api/poetry.lock
@@ -812,13 +812,13 @@ files = [
name = "fsspec"
-version = "2024.3.1"
+version = "2024.5.0"
description = "File-system specification"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
- {file = "fsspec-2024.3.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:918d18d41bf73f0e2b261824baeb1b124bcf771767e3a26425cd7dec3332f512"},
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@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ abfs = ["adlfs"]
adl = ["adlfs"]
arrow = ["pyarrow (>=1)"]
dask = ["dask", "distributed"]
-devel = ["pytest", "pytest-cov"]
+dev = ["pre-commit", "ruff"]
dropbox = ["dropbox", "dropboxdrivefs", "requests"]
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fuse = ["fusepy"]
@@ -843,16 +843,20 @@ s3 = ["s3fs"]
sftp = ["paramiko"]
smb = ["smbprotocol"]
ssh = ["paramiko"]
+test = ["aiohttp (!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1)", "numpy", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio (!=0.22.0)", "pytest-benchmark", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock", "pytest-recording", "pytest-rerunfailures", "requests"]
+test-downstream = ["aiobotocore (>=2.5.4,<3.0.0)", "dask-expr", "dask[dataframe,test]", "moto[server] (>4,<5)", "pytest-timeout", "xarray"]
+test-full = ["adlfs", "aiohttp (!=4.0.0a0,!=4.0.0a1)", "cloudpickle", "dask", "distributed", "dropbox", "dropboxdrivefs", "fastparquet", "fusepy", "gcsfs", "jinja2", "kerchunk", "libarchive-c", "lz4", "notebook", "numpy", "ocifs", "pandas", "panel", "paramiko", "pyarrow", "pyarrow (>=1)", "pyftpdlib", "pygit2", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio (!=0.22.0)", "pytest-benchmark", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mock", "pytest-recording", "pytest-rerunfailures", "python-snappy", "requests", "smbprotocol", "tqdm", "urllib3", "zarr", "zstandard"]
tqdm = ["tqdm"]
name = "genson"
-version = "1.2.2"
+version = "1.3.0"
description = "GenSON is a powerful, user-friendly JSON Schema generator."
optional = false
python-versions = "*"
files = [
- {file = "genson-1.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:8caf69aa10af7aee0e1a1351d1d06801f4696e005f06cedef438635384346a16"},
+ {file = "genson-1.3.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:468feccd00274cc7e4c09e84b08704270ba8d95232aa280f65b986139cec67f7"},
+ {file = "genson-1.3.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:e02db9ac2e3fd29e65b5286f7135762e2cd8a986537c075b06fc5f1517308e37"},
@@ -905,13 +909,13 @@ requests = ["requests (>=2.20.0,<3.0.0.dev0)"]
name = "google-cloud-aiplatform"
-version = "1.49.0"
+version = "1.51.0"
description = "Vertex AI API client library"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
- {file = "google-cloud-aiplatform-1.49.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:e6e6d01079bb5def49e4be4db4d12b13c624b5c661079c869c13c855e5807429"},
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@@ -933,8 +937,8 @@ cloud-profiler = ["tensorboard-plugin-profile (>=2.4.0,<3.0.0dev)", "tensorflow
datasets = ["pyarrow (>=10.0.1)", "pyarrow (>=14.0.0)", "pyarrow (>=3.0.0,<8.0dev)"]
endpoint = ["requests (>=2.28.1)"]
full = ["cloudpickle (<3.0)", "docker (>=5.0.3)", "explainable-ai-sdk (>=1.0.0)", "fastapi (>=0.71.0,<=0.109.1)", "google-cloud-bigquery", "google-cloud-bigquery-storage", "google-cloud-logging (<4.0)", "google-vizier (>=0.1.6)", "httpx (>=0.23.0,<0.25.0)", "immutabledict", "lit-nlp (==0.4.0)", "mlflow (>=1.27.0,<=2.1.1)", "nest-asyncio (>=1.0.0,<1.6.0)", "numpy (>=1.15.0)", "pandas (>=1.0.0)", "pandas (>=1.0.0,<2.2.0)", "pyarrow (>=10.0.1)", "pyarrow (>=14.0.0)", "pyarrow (>=3.0.0,<8.0dev)", "pyarrow (>=6.0.1)", "pydantic (<2)", "pyyaml (>=5.3.1,<7)", "ray[default] (>=2.4,<2.5.dev0 || >2.9.0,!=2.9.1,!=2.9.2,<=2.9.3)", "ray[default] (>=2.5,<=2.9.3)", "requests (>=2.28.1)", "starlette (>=0.17.1)", "tensorflow (>=2.3.0,<3.0.0dev)", "tensorflow (>=2.3.0,<3.0.0dev)", "urllib3 (>=1.21.1,<1.27)", "uvicorn[standard] (>=0.16.0)"]
-langchain = ["langchain (>=0.1.13,<0.2)", "langchain-core (<0.2)", "langchain-google-vertexai (<0.2)"]
-langchain-testing = ["absl-py", "cloudpickle (>=2.2.1,<3.0)", "langchain (>=0.1.13,<0.2)", "langchain-core (<0.2)", "langchain-google-vertexai (<0.2)", "pydantic (>=2.6.3,<3)", "pytest-xdist"]
+langchain = ["langchain (>=0.1.16,<0.2)", "langchain-core (<0.2)", "langchain-google-vertexai (<2)"]
+langchain-testing = ["absl-py", "cloudpickle (>=2.2.1,<3.0)", "langchain (>=0.1.16,<0.2)", "langchain-core (<0.2)", "langchain-google-vertexai (<2)", "pydantic (>=2.6.3,<3)", "pytest-xdist"]
lit = ["explainable-ai-sdk (>=1.0.0)", "lit-nlp (==0.4.0)", "pandas (>=1.0.0)", "tensorflow (>=2.3.0,<3.0.0dev)"]
metadata = ["numpy (>=1.15.0)", "pandas (>=1.0.0)"]
pipelines = ["pyyaml (>=5.3.1,<7)"]
@@ -952,13 +956,13 @@ xai = ["tensorflow (>=2.3.0,<3.0.0dev)"]
name = "google-cloud-bigquery"
-version = "3.21.0"
+version = "3.22.0"
description = "Google BigQuery API client library"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
- {file = "google-cloud-bigquery-3.21.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6265c39f9d5bdf50f11cb81a9c2a0605d285df34ac139de0d2333b1250add0ff"},
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@@ -1303,13 +1307,13 @@ socks = ["socksio (==1.*)"]
name = "huggingface-hub"
-version = "0.22.2"
+version = "0.23.0"
description = "Client library to download and publish models, datasets and other repos on the huggingface.co hub"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8.0"
files = [
- {file = "huggingface_hub-0.22.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:3429e25f38ccb834d310804a3b711e7e4953db5a9e420cc147a5e194ca90fd17"},
- {file = "huggingface_hub-0.22.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:32e9a9a6843c92f253ff9ca16b9985def4d80a93fb357af5353f770ef74a81be"},
+ {file = "huggingface_hub-0.23.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:075c30d48ee7db2bba779190dc526d2c11d422aed6f9044c5e2fdc2c432fdb91"},
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@@ -1322,16 +1326,16 @@ tqdm = ">=4.42.1"
typing-extensions = ">="
-all = ["InquirerPy (==0.3.4)", "Jinja2", "Pillow", "aiohttp", "gradio", "jedi", "minijinja (>=1.0)", "mypy (==1.5.1)", "numpy", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-cov", "pytest-env", "pytest-rerunfailures", "pytest-vcr", "pytest-xdist", "ruff (>=0.3.0)", "soundfile", "types-PyYAML", "types-requests", "types-simplejson", "types-toml", "types-tqdm", "types-urllib3", "typing-extensions (>=4.8.0)", "urllib3 (<2.0)"]
+all = ["InquirerPy (==0.3.4)", "Jinja2", "Pillow", "aiohttp", "fastapi", "gradio", "jedi", "minijinja (>=1.0)", "mypy (==1.5.1)", "numpy", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-cov", "pytest-env", "pytest-rerunfailures", "pytest-vcr", "pytest-xdist", "ruff (>=0.3.0)", "soundfile", "types-PyYAML", "types-requests", "types-simplejson", "types-toml", "types-tqdm", "types-urllib3", "typing-extensions (>=4.8.0)", "urllib3 (<2.0)"]
cli = ["InquirerPy (==0.3.4)"]
-dev = ["InquirerPy (==0.3.4)", "Jinja2", "Pillow", "aiohttp", "gradio", "jedi", "minijinja (>=1.0)", "mypy (==1.5.1)", "numpy", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-cov", "pytest-env", "pytest-rerunfailures", "pytest-vcr", "pytest-xdist", "ruff (>=0.3.0)", "soundfile", "types-PyYAML", "types-requests", "types-simplejson", "types-toml", "types-tqdm", "types-urllib3", "typing-extensions (>=4.8.0)", "urllib3 (<2.0)"]
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fastai = ["fastai (>=2.4)", "fastcore (>=1.3.27)", "toml"]
hf-transfer = ["hf-transfer (>=0.1.4)"]
inference = ["aiohttp", "minijinja (>=1.0)"]
quality = ["mypy (==1.5.1)", "ruff (>=0.3.0)"]
tensorflow = ["graphviz", "pydot", "tensorflow"]
tensorflow-testing = ["keras (<3.0)", "tensorflow"]
-testing = ["InquirerPy (==0.3.4)", "Jinja2", "Pillow", "aiohttp", "gradio", "jedi", "minijinja (>=1.0)", "numpy", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-cov", "pytest-env", "pytest-rerunfailures", "pytest-vcr", "pytest-xdist", "soundfile", "urllib3 (<2.0)"]
+testing = ["InquirerPy (==0.3.4)", "Jinja2", "Pillow", "aiohttp", "fastapi", "gradio", "jedi", "minijinja (>=1.0)", "numpy", "pytest", "pytest-asyncio", "pytest-cov", "pytest-env", "pytest-rerunfailures", "pytest-vcr", "pytest-xdist", "soundfile", "urllib3 (<2.0)"]
torch = ["safetensors", "torch"]
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@@ -1478,13 +1482,13 @@ testing = ["Django", "attrs", "colorama", "docopt", "pytest (<7.0.0)"]
name = "jinja2"
-version = "3.1.3"
+version = "3.1.4"
description = "A very fast and expressive template engine."
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
- {file = "Jinja2-3.1.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:7d6d50dd97d52cbc355597bd845fabfbac3f551e1f99619e39a35ce8c370b5fa"},
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@@ -1602,13 +1606,13 @@ dev = ["Sphinx (>=5.1.1)", "black (==23.12.1)", "build (>=0.10.0)", "coverage (>
name = "litellm"
-version = "1.37.3"
+version = "1.37.12"
description = "Library to easily interface with LLM API providers"
optional = false
python-versions = "!=2.7.*,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*,!=3.4.*,!=3.5.*,!=3.6.*,!=3.7.*,>=3.8"
files = [
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- {file = "litellm-1.37.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:93f0c849ca8f658da1f37c3aa337f39d3193fbef1de6300fc2ffb410ea3f6c93"},
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@@ -1624,7 +1628,7 @@ tokenizers = "*"
extra-proxy = ["azure-identity (>=1.15.0,<2.0.0)", "azure-keyvault-secrets (>=4.8.0,<5.0.0)", "google-cloud-kms (>=2.21.3,<3.0.0)", "prisma (==0.11.0)", "resend (>=0.8.0,<0.9.0)"]
-proxy = ["PyJWT (>=2.8.0,<3.0.0)", "apscheduler (>=3.10.4,<4.0.0)", "backoff", "cryptography (>=42.0.5,<43.0.0)", "fastapi (>=0.109.1,<0.110.0)", "fastapi-sso (>=0.10.0,<0.11.0)", "gunicorn (>=22.0.0,<23.0.0)", "orjson (>=3.9.7,<4.0.0)", "python-multipart (>=0.0.9,<0.0.10)", "pyyaml (>=6.0.1,<7.0.0)", "rq", "uvicorn (>=0.22.0,<0.23.0)"]
+proxy = ["PyJWT (>=2.8.0,<3.0.0)", "apscheduler (>=3.10.4,<4.0.0)", "backoff", "cryptography (>=42.0.5,<43.0.0)", "fastapi (>=0.111.0,<0.112.0)", "fastapi-sso (>=0.10.0,<0.11.0)", "gunicorn (>=22.0.0,<23.0.0)", "orjson (>=3.9.7,<4.0.0)", "python-multipart (>=0.0.9,<0.0.10)", "pyyaml (>=6.0.1,<7.0.0)", "rq", "uvicorn (>=0.22.0,<0.23.0)"]
name = "markdown-it-py"
@@ -1721,13 +1725,13 @@ files = [
name = "marshmallow"
-version = "3.21.1"
+version = "3.21.2"
description = "A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from native Python datatypes."
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
- {file = "marshmallow-3.21.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:f085493f79efb0644f270a9bf2892843142d80d7174bbbd2f3713f2a589dc633"},
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@@ -1735,7 +1739,7 @@ packaging = ">=17.0"
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tests = ["pytest", "pytz", "simplejson"]
@@ -2017,13 +2021,13 @@ files = [
name = "openai"
-version = "1.25.0"
+version = "1.30.1"
description = "The official Python library for the openai API"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7.1"
files = [
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@@ -2171,13 +2175,13 @@ ptyprocess = ">=0.5"
name = "platformdirs"
-version = "4.2.1"
+version = "4.2.2"
description = "A small Python package for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a `user data dir`."
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
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@@ -2492,17 +2496,16 @@ tests = ["black", "chardet", "tox"]
name = "pygments"
-version = "2.17.2"
+version = "2.18.0"
description = "Pygments is a syntax highlighting package written in Python."
optional = false
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@@ -3274,17 +3277,17 @@ widechars = ["wcwidth"]
name = "temporalio"
-version = "1.5.1"
+version = "1.6.0"
description = "Temporal.io Python SDK"
optional = false
-python-versions = ">=3.8,<4.0"
+python-versions = "<4.0,>=3.8"
files = [
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- {file = "temporalio-1.5.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4c7bbc8a3e8df1ffc0c7d213bdcad26ae055bdd615567ce1ca4bfa9f28f831b8"},
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+ {file = "temporalio-1.6.0-cp38-abi3-manylinux2014_x86_64.manylinux_2_17_x86_64.whl", hash = "sha256:6b25d451170ecdf8443f1ed09f75ea708e8679c26636e7aa326bc89bd6bd0c84"},
+ {file = "temporalio-1.6.0-cp38-abi3-win_amd64.whl", hash = "sha256:b5ae0bea0665a0bc87d80e7d18870b32eec631694abc0610ee39235e99cc304b"},
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@@ -3504,13 +3507,13 @@ files = [
name = "tqdm"
-version = "4.66.2"
+version = "4.66.4"
description = "Fast, Extensible Progress Meter"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
- {file = "tqdm-4.66.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:1ee4f8a893eb9bef51c6e35730cebf234d5d0b6bd112b0271e10ed7c24a02bd9"},
- {file = "tqdm-4.66.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6cd52cdf0fef0e0f543299cfc96fec90d7b8a7e88745f411ec33eb44d5ed3531"},
+ {file = "tqdm-4.66.4-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b75ca56b413b030bc3f00af51fd2c1a1a5eac6a0c1cca83cbb37a5c52abce644"},
+ {file = "tqdm-4.66.4.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:e4d936c9de8727928f3be6079590e97d9abfe8d39a590be678eb5919ffc186bb"},
@@ -3539,13 +3542,13 @@ test = ["argcomplete (>=3.0.3)", "mypy (>=1.7.0)", "pre-commit", "pytest (>=7.0,
name = "transformers"
-version = "4.40.1"
+version = "4.40.2"
description = "State-of-the-art Machine Learning for JAX, PyTorch and TensorFlow"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8.0"
files = [
- {file = "transformers-4.40.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:9d5ee0c8142a60501faf9e49a0b42f8e9cb8611823bce4f195a9325a6816337e"},
- {file = "transformers-4.40.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:55e1697e6f18b58273e7117bb469cdffc11be28995462d8d5e422fef38d2de36"},
+ {file = "transformers-4.40.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:71cb94301ec211a2e1d4b8c8d18dcfaa902dfa00a089dceca167a8aa265d6f2d"},
+ {file = "transformers-4.40.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:657b6054a2097671398d976ad46e60836e7e15f9ea9551631a96e33cb9240649"},
@@ -3839,18 +3842,18 @@ multidict = ">=4.0"
name = "zipp"
-version = "3.18.1"
+version = "3.18.2"
description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
- {file = "zipp-3.18.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:206f5a15f2af3dbaee80769fb7dc6f249695e940acca08dfb2a4769fe61e538b"},
- {file = "zipp-3.18.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:2884ed22e7d8961de1c9a05142eb69a247f120291bc0206a00a7642f09b5b715"},
+ {file = "zipp-3.18.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:dce197b859eb796242b0622af1b8beb0a722d52aa2f57133ead08edd5bf5374e"},
+ {file = "zipp-3.18.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6278d9ddbcfb1f1089a88fde84481528b07b0e10474e09dcfe53dad4069fa059"},
docs = ["furo", "jaraco.packaging (>=9.3)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "sphinx (>=3.5)", "sphinx-lint"]
-testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "more-itertools", "pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-ignore-flaky", "pytest-mypy", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)"]
+testing = ["big-O", "jaraco.functools", "jaraco.itertools", "jaraco.test", "more-itertools", "pytest (>=6,!=8.1.*)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=2.2)", "pytest-ignore-flaky", "pytest-mypy", "pytest-ruff (>=0.2.1)"]
lock-version = "2.0"
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/README.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/README.md
index 54fb6feb8..9a736bebd 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-@julep/sdk / [Modules](modules.md)
+@julep/sdk / [Exports](modules.md)
@@ -39,34 +39,32 @@ Start your project with conversation history, support for any LLM, agentic workf
## Why Julep?
-We've built a lot of AI apps and understand how difficult it is to evaluate hundreds of tools, techniques, and models, and then make them work well together.
+We've built a lot of AI apps and understand how difficult it is to evaluate hundreds of tools, techniques, and models, and then make them work well together.
-**The Problem**
+**The Problems**
+1. The barrier to making LLM apps with memory, knowledge & tools is too high.
+2. Agentic behaviour is hard to control when done through multi-agent frameworks.
-Even for simple apps you have to:
-- pick the right language model for your use case
-- pick the right framework
-- pick the right embedding model
-- choose the vector store and RAG pipeline
-- build integrations
-- tweak all of the parameters (temp, penalty, max tokens, similarity thresholds, chunk size, and so on)
-- write and iterate on prompts for them to work
-**The Solution**:
-Julep eases the burden and time taken to get up and running with any AI app.
-- **Statefulness By Design**: Build AI apps without needing to write code to embed, save and retrieve conversation history. Deals with context windows by using CozoDB; a transactional, relational-graph-vector database.
-- **Use and switch between any LLMs anytime**: Switch and use different LLMs, providers and models, self-hosted or otherwise by changing only *one line of code*
-- **Automatic Function Calling**: No need to handle function calling manually. Julep deals with calling the function, parsing the response, retrying in case of failures and passing the response into the context.
+**The Solution**:
+- **Statefulness By Design**: Manages context by default. Uses [CozoDB](https://cozodb.org/) to save & retrieve conversation history, OpenAPI specification tools & documents.
+- **Support for Users & Agents**: Allows creating different user <-> agent interactions like `One Agent <-> Many Users`; `Many Agents <-> One User` etc. Read more: https://docs.julep.ai/concepts/
+- **Use and switch between any LLMs anytime**: Switch and use different LLMs, providers and models, self-hosted or otherwise.
- **Production-ready**: Julep comes ready to be deployed to production using Docker Compose. Support for k8s coming soon!
- **90+ tools built-in**: Connect your AI app to 150+ third-party applications using [Composio](https://docs.composio.dev/framework/julep/) natively.
-- ***GitHub Actions-like workflows for task**: Define agentic workflows to be executed asynchronously without worrying about timeouts.
-> (*) Features coming soon!
+- ***GitHub Actions-like workflows for tasks**: Define agentic workflows to be executed asynchronously with one ore more without worrying about timeouts or multiplying hallucinations.
+> (*) Coming soon!
## Quickstart
-### Option 1: Install and run Julep locally
+### Option 1: Use the Julep Cloud
+Our hosted platform is in Beta!
+To get access:
+[Join our Discord](https://discord.com/invite/JTSBGRZrzj) or Drop a "Hey" over at sid@julep.ai!
+### Option 2: Install and run Julep locally
- Download the `docker-compose.yml` file along with the `.env` file for configuration to run the Julep platform locally
@@ -81,21 +79,13 @@ docker compose up -d
- The API would now be available at: ``
-- Next, add your OpenAI API Key to the `.env`
+- Next, add your OpenAI/Anthropic API Key to the `.env`
- Set your environment variables
export JULEP_API_KEY=myauthkey
-### Option 2: Use the Julep Cloud
-- Generate an API key from https://platform.julep.ai
-- Set your environment variables
-export JULEP_API_KEY=your_julep_api_key
-export JULEP_API_URL=https://api-alpha.julep.ai
### Installation
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.BaseHttpRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.BaseHttpRequest.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f823446f..000000000
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.BaseHttpRequest.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [api](../modules/api.md) / BaseHttpRequest
-# Class: BaseHttpRequest
-## Table of contents
-### Constructors
-- [constructor](api.BaseHttpRequest.md#constructor)
-### Properties
-- [config](api.BaseHttpRequest.md#config)
-### Methods
-- [request](api.BaseHttpRequest.md#request)
-## Constructors
-### constructor
-• **new BaseHttpRequest**(`config`): [`BaseHttpRequest`](api.BaseHttpRequest.md)
-#### Parameters
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `config` | [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api.md#openapiconfig) |
-#### Returns
-#### Defined in
-## Properties
-### config
-• `Readonly` **config**: [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api.md#openapiconfig)
-#### Defined in
-## Methods
-### request
-â–¸ **request**\<`T`\>(`options`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<`T`\>
-#### Type parameters
-| Name |
-| :------ |
-| `T` |
-#### Parameters
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `options` | `ApiRequestOptions` |
-#### Returns
-#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_JulepApiClient.JulepApiClient.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_JulepApiClient.JulepApiClient.md
index 26dfacc60..d5afd1c10 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_JulepApiClient.JulepApiClient.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_JulepApiClient.JulepApiClient.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [api/JulepApiClient](../modules/api_JulepApiClient.md) / JulepApiClient
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [api/JulepApiClient](../modules/api_JulepApiClient.md) / JulepApiClient
# Class: JulepApiClient
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
| Name | Type | Default value |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `config?` | `Partial`\<[`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api.md#openapiconfig)\> | `undefined` |
+| `config?` | `Partial`\<[`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig)\> | `undefined` |
| `HttpRequest` | `HttpRequestConstructor` | `AxiosHttpRequest` |
#### Returns
@@ -34,24 +34,24 @@
#### Defined in
## Properties
### default
-• `Readonly` **default**: [`DefaultService`](api.DefaultService.md)
+• `Readonly` **default**: [`DefaultService`](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md)
#### Defined in
### request
-• `Readonly` **request**: [`BaseHttpRequest`](api.BaseHttpRequest.md)
+• `Readonly` **request**: [`BaseHttpRequest`](api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md)
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.ApiError.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md
similarity index 63%
rename from docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.ApiError.md
rename to docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md
index 8051303ad..80db86a77 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.ApiError.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [api](../modules/api.md) / ApiError
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [api/core/ApiError](../modules/api_core_ApiError.md) / ApiError
# Class: ApiError
## Hierarchy
@@ -14,42 +14,42 @@
### Constructors
-- [constructor](api.ApiError.md#constructor)
+- [constructor](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#constructor)
### Properties
-- [body](api.ApiError.md#body)
-- [message](api.ApiError.md#message)
-- [name](api.ApiError.md#name)
-- [request](api.ApiError.md#request)
-- [stack](api.ApiError.md#stack)
-- [status](api.ApiError.md#status)
-- [statusText](api.ApiError.md#statustext)
-- [url](api.ApiError.md#url)
-- [prepareStackTrace](api.ApiError.md#preparestacktrace)
-- [stackTraceLimit](api.ApiError.md#stacktracelimit)
+- [body](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#body)
+- [message](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#message)
+- [name](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#name)
+- [request](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#request)
+- [stack](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#stack)
+- [status](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#status)
+- [statusText](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#statustext)
+- [url](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#url)
+- [prepareStackTrace](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#preparestacktrace)
+- [stackTraceLimit](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#stacktracelimit)
### Methods
-- [captureStackTrace](api.ApiError.md#capturestacktrace)
+- [captureStackTrace](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md#capturestacktrace)
## Constructors
### constructor
-• **new ApiError**(`request`, `response`, `message`): [`ApiError`](api.ApiError.md)
+• **new ApiError**(`request`, `response`, `message`): [`ApiError`](api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
-| `request` | `ApiRequestOptions` |
-| `response` | `ApiResult` |
+| `request` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](../modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) |
+| `response` | [`ApiResult`](../modules/api_core_ApiResult.md#apiresult) |
| `message` | `string` |
#### Returns
#### Overrides
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ Error.constructor
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Error.constructor
#### Defined in
@@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ ___
### request
-• `Readonly` **request**: `ApiRequestOptions`
+• `Readonly` **request**: [`ApiRequestOptions`](../modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions)
#### Defined in
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e13c6097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [api/core/AxiosHttpRequest](../modules/api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.md) / AxiosHttpRequest
+# Class: AxiosHttpRequest
+## Hierarchy
+- [`BaseHttpRequest`](api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md)
+ ↳ **`AxiosHttpRequest`**
+ ↳↳ [`CustomHttpRequest`](utils_requestConstructor.CustomHttpRequest.md)
+## Table of contents
+### Constructors
+- [constructor](api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md#constructor)
+### Properties
+- [config](api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md#config)
+### Methods
+- [request](api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md#request)
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+• **new AxiosHttpRequest**(`config`): [`AxiosHttpRequest`](api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md)
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `config` | [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig) |
+#### Returns
+#### Overrides
+#### Defined in
+## Properties
+### config
+• `Readonly` **config**: [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig)
+#### Inherited from
+#### Defined in
+## Methods
+### request
+â–¸ **request**\<`T`\>(`options`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<`T`\>
+Request method
+#### Type parameters
+| Name |
+| :------ |
+| `T` |
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](../modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) | The request options from the service |
+#### Returns
+#### Overrides
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0fbab76d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [api/core/BaseHttpRequest](../modules/api_core_BaseHttpRequest.md) / BaseHttpRequest
+# Class: BaseHttpRequest
+## Hierarchy
+- **`BaseHttpRequest`**
+ ↳ [`AxiosHttpRequest`](api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md)
+## Table of contents
+### Constructors
+- [constructor](api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md#constructor)
+### Properties
+- [config](api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md#config)
+### Methods
+- [request](api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md#request)
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+• **new BaseHttpRequest**(`config`): [`BaseHttpRequest`](api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md)
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `config` | [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig) |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+## Properties
+### config
+• `Readonly` **config**: [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig)
+#### Defined in
+## Methods
+### request
+â–¸ **request**\<`T`\>(`options`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<`T`\>
+#### Type parameters
+| Name |
+| :------ |
+| `T` |
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](../modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.CancelError.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md
similarity index 67%
rename from docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.CancelError.md
rename to docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md
index 45cc30bc6..58dd7a33f 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.CancelError.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [api](../modules/api.md) / CancelError
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [api/core/CancelablePromise](../modules/api_core_CancelablePromise.md) / CancelError
# Class: CancelError
## Hierarchy
@@ -14,29 +14,29 @@
### Constructors
-- [constructor](api.CancelError.md#constructor)
+- [constructor](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md#constructor)
### Properties
-- [message](api.CancelError.md#message)
-- [name](api.CancelError.md#name)
-- [stack](api.CancelError.md#stack)
-- [prepareStackTrace](api.CancelError.md#preparestacktrace)
-- [stackTraceLimit](api.CancelError.md#stacktracelimit)
+- [message](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md#message)
+- [name](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md#name)
+- [stack](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md#stack)
+- [prepareStackTrace](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md#preparestacktrace)
+- [stackTraceLimit](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md#stacktracelimit)
### Accessors
-- [isCancelled](api.CancelError.md#iscancelled)
+- [isCancelled](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md#iscancelled)
### Methods
-- [captureStackTrace](api.CancelError.md#capturestacktrace)
+- [captureStackTrace](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md#capturestacktrace)
## Constructors
### constructor
-• **new CancelError**(`message`): [`CancelError`](api.CancelError.md)
+• **new CancelError**(`message`): [`CancelError`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md)
#### Parameters
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#### Returns
#### Overrides
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Error.constructor
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ node_modules/@types/node/globals.d.ts:30
#### Defined in
## Methods
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.CancelablePromise.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md
similarity index 66%
rename from docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.CancelablePromise.md
rename to docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md
index 2c7f1e55f..eface7820 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.CancelablePromise.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md
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-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [api](../modules/api.md) / CancelablePromise
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [api/core/CancelablePromise](../modules/api_core_CancelablePromise.md) / CancelablePromise
# Class: CancelablePromise\
## Type parameters
@@ -18,35 +18,35 @@
### Constructors
-- [constructor](api.CancelablePromise.md#constructor)
+- [constructor](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md#constructor)
### Properties
-- [#cancelHandlers](api.CancelablePromise.md##cancelhandlers)
-- [#isCancelled](api.CancelablePromise.md##iscancelled)
-- [#isRejected](api.CancelablePromise.md##isrejected)
-- [#isResolved](api.CancelablePromise.md##isresolved)
-- [#promise](api.CancelablePromise.md##promise)
-- [#reject](api.CancelablePromise.md##reject)
-- [#resolve](api.CancelablePromise.md##resolve)
+- [#cancelHandlers](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md##cancelhandlers)
+- [#isCancelled](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md##iscancelled)
+- [#isRejected](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md##isrejected)
+- [#isResolved](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md##isresolved)
+- [#promise](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md##promise)
+- [#reject](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md##reject)
+- [#resolve](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md##resolve)
### Accessors
-- [[toStringTag]](api.CancelablePromise.md#[tostringtag])
-- [isCancelled](api.CancelablePromise.md#iscancelled)
+- [[toStringTag]](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md#[tostringtag])
+- [isCancelled](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md#iscancelled)
### Methods
-- [cancel](api.CancelablePromise.md#cancel)
-- [catch](api.CancelablePromise.md#catch)
-- [finally](api.CancelablePromise.md#finally)
-- [then](api.CancelablePromise.md#then)
+- [cancel](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md#cancel)
+- [catch](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md#catch)
+- [finally](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md#finally)
+- [then](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md#then)
## Constructors
### constructor
-• **new CancelablePromise**\<`T`\>(`executor`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<`T`\>
+• **new CancelablePromise**\<`T`\>(`executor`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<`T`\>
#### Type parameters
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
-| `executor` | (`resolve`: (`value`: `T` \| `PromiseLike`\<`T`\>) => `void`, `reject`: (`reason?`: `any`) => `void`, `onCancel`: `OnCancel`) => `void` |
+| `executor` | (`resolve`: (`value`: `T` \| `PromiseLike`\<`T`\>) => `void`, `reject`: (`reason?`: `any`) => `void`, `onCancel`: [`OnCancel`](../interfaces/api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md)) => `void` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
#### Defined in
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
## Accessors
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ Promise.[toStringTag]
#### Defined in
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
## Methods
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ Promise.catch
#### Defined in
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ Promise.finally
#### Defined in
@@ -296,4 +296,4 @@ Promise.then
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.DefaultService.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md
similarity index 52%
rename from docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.DefaultService.md
rename to docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md
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--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api.DefaultService.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md
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-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [api](../modules/api.md) / DefaultService
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [api/services/DefaultService](../modules/api_services_DefaultService.md) / DefaultService
# Class: DefaultService
## Table of contents
### Constructors
-- [constructor](api.DefaultService.md#constructor)
+- [constructor](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#constructor)
### Properties
-- [httpRequest](api.DefaultService.md#httprequest)
+- [httpRequest](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#httprequest)
### Methods
-- [chat](api.DefaultService.md#chat)
-- [createAgent](api.DefaultService.md#createagent)
-- [createAgentDoc](api.DefaultService.md#createagentdoc)
-- [createAgentTool](api.DefaultService.md#createagenttool)
-- [createSession](api.DefaultService.md#createsession)
-- [createUser](api.DefaultService.md#createuser)
-- [createUserDoc](api.DefaultService.md#createuserdoc)
-- [deleteAgent](api.DefaultService.md#deleteagent)
-- [deleteAgentDoc](api.DefaultService.md#deleteagentdoc)
-- [deleteAgentMemory](api.DefaultService.md#deleteagentmemory)
-- [deleteAgentTool](api.DefaultService.md#deleteagenttool)
-- [deleteSession](api.DefaultService.md#deletesession)
-- [deleteSessionHistory](api.DefaultService.md#deletesessionhistory)
-- [deleteUser](api.DefaultService.md#deleteuser)
-- [deleteUserDoc](api.DefaultService.md#deleteuserdoc)
-- [getAgent](api.DefaultService.md#getagent)
-- [getAgentDocs](api.DefaultService.md#getagentdocs)
-- [getAgentMemories](api.DefaultService.md#getagentmemories)
-- [getAgentTools](api.DefaultService.md#getagenttools)
-- [getHistory](api.DefaultService.md#gethistory)
-- [getJobStatus](api.DefaultService.md#getjobstatus)
-- [getSession](api.DefaultService.md#getsession)
-- [getSuggestions](api.DefaultService.md#getsuggestions)
-- [getUser](api.DefaultService.md#getuser)
-- [getUserDocs](api.DefaultService.md#getuserdocs)
-- [listAgents](api.DefaultService.md#listagents)
-- [listSessions](api.DefaultService.md#listsessions)
-- [listUsers](api.DefaultService.md#listusers)
-- [patchAgent](api.DefaultService.md#patchagent)
-- [patchAgentTool](api.DefaultService.md#patchagenttool)
-- [patchSession](api.DefaultService.md#patchsession)
-- [patchUser](api.DefaultService.md#patchuser)
-- [updateAgent](api.DefaultService.md#updateagent)
-- [updateAgentTool](api.DefaultService.md#updateagenttool)
-- [updateSession](api.DefaultService.md#updatesession)
-- [updateUser](api.DefaultService.md#updateuser)
+- [chat](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#chat)
+- [createAgent](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#createagent)
+- [createAgentDoc](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#createagentdoc)
+- [createAgentTool](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#createagenttool)
+- [createSession](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#createsession)
+- [createUser](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#createuser)
+- [createUserDoc](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#createuserdoc)
+- [deleteAgent](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#deleteagent)
+- [deleteAgentDoc](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#deleteagentdoc)
+- [deleteAgentMemory](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#deleteagentmemory)
+- [deleteAgentTool](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#deleteagenttool)
+- [deleteSession](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#deletesession)
+- [deleteSessionHistory](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#deletesessionhistory)
+- [deleteUser](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#deleteuser)
+- [deleteUserDoc](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#deleteuserdoc)
+- [getAgent](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getagent)
+- [getAgentDocs](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getagentdocs)
+- [getAgentMemories](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getagentmemories)
+- [getAgentTools](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getagenttools)
+- [getHistory](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#gethistory)
+- [getJobStatus](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getjobstatus)
+- [getSession](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getsession)
+- [getSuggestions](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getsuggestions)
+- [getUser](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getuser)
+- [getUserDocs](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#getuserdocs)
+- [listAgents](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#listagents)
+- [listSessions](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#listsessions)
+- [listUsers](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#listusers)
+- [patchAgent](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#patchagent)
+- [patchAgentTool](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#patchagenttool)
+- [patchSession](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#patchsession)
+- [patchUser](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#patchuser)
+- [updateAgent](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#updateagent)
+- [updateAgentTool](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#updateagenttool)
+- [updateSession](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#updatesession)
+- [updateUser](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md#updateuser)
## Constructors
### constructor
-• **new DefaultService**(`httpRequest`): [`DefaultService`](api.DefaultService.md)
+• **new DefaultService**(`httpRequest`): [`DefaultService`](api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md)
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
-| `httpRequest` | [`BaseHttpRequest`](api.BaseHttpRequest.md) |
+| `httpRequest` | [`BaseHttpRequest`](api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md) |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
## Properties
### httpRequest
-• `Readonly` **httpRequest**: [`BaseHttpRequest`](api.BaseHttpRequest.md)
+• `Readonly` **httpRequest**: [`BaseHttpRequest`](api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md)
#### Defined in
## Methods
### chat
-▸ **chat**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ChatResponse`](../modules/api.md#chatresponse)\>
+▸ **chat**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ChatResponse`](../modules/api_models_ChatResponse.md#chatresponse)\>
Interact with the session
@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ Interact with the session
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` | `undefined` |
| › `accept?` | ``"application/json"`` \| ``"text/event-stream"`` | `"application/json"` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`ChatInput`](../modules/api.md#chatinput) | `undefined` |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`ChatInput`](../modules/api_models_ChatInput.md#chatinput) | `undefined` |
| › `sessionId` | `string` | `undefined` |
#### Returns
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### createAgent
-▸ **createAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
+▸ **createAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
Create a new agent
Create a new agent
@@ -128,11 +128,11 @@ Create a new agent
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` | - |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateAgentRequest`](../modules/api.md#createagentrequest) | Agent create options |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateAgentRequest`](../modules/api_models_CreateAgentRequest.md#createagentrequest) | Agent create options |
#### Returns
ResourceCreatedResponse Agent successfully created
@@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### createAgentDoc
-▸ **createAgentDoc**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
+▸ **createAgentDoc**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
Create doc of the agent
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ Create doc of the agent
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
| › `agentId` | `string` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateDoc`](../modules/api.md#createdoc) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateDoc`](../modules/api_models_CreateDoc.md#createdoc) |
#### Returns
@@ -172,13 +172,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### createAgentTool
-▸ **createAgentTool**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
+▸ **createAgentTool**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
Create tool for the agent
@@ -188,11 +188,11 @@ Create tool for the agent
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
| › `agentId` | `string` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateToolRequest`](../modules/api.md#createtoolrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateToolRequest`](../modules/api_models_CreateToolRequest.md#createtoolrequest) |
#### Returns
@@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### createSession
-▸ **createSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
+▸ **createSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
Create a new session
Create a session between an agent and a user
@@ -218,11 +218,11 @@ Create a session between an agent and a user
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` | - |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateSessionRequest`](../modules/api.md#createsessionrequest) | Session initialization options |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateSessionRequest`](../modules/api_models_CreateSessionRequest.md#createsessionrequest) | Session initialization options |
#### Returns
ResourceCreatedResponse Session successfully created
@@ -232,13 +232,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### createUser
-▸ **createUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
+▸ **createUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
Create a new user
Create a new user
@@ -248,11 +248,11 @@ Create a new user
| Name | Type | Description |
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` | - |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateUserRequest`](../modules/api.md#createuserrequest) | User create options |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateUserRequest`](../modules/api_models_CreateUserRequest.md#createuserrequest) | User create options |
#### Returns
ResourceCreatedResponse User successfully created
@@ -262,13 +262,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### createUserDoc
-▸ **createUserDoc**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
+▸ **createUserDoc**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
Create doc of the user
@@ -277,12 +277,12 @@ Create doc of the user
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateDoc`](../modules/api.md#createdoc) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`CreateDoc`](../modules/api_models_CreateDoc.md#createdoc) |
| › `userId` | `string` |
#### Returns
@@ -292,13 +292,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### deleteAgent
-▸ **deleteAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
+▸ **deleteAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
Delete agent
@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ Delete agent
#### Returns
@@ -321,13 +321,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### deleteAgentDoc
-▸ **deleteAgentDoc**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
+▸ **deleteAgentDoc**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
Delete doc by id
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ Delete doc by id
#### Returns
@@ -351,13 +351,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### deleteAgentMemory
-▸ **deleteAgentMemory**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
+▸ **deleteAgentMemory**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
Delete memory of the agent by id
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ Delete memory of the agent by id
#### Returns
@@ -381,13 +381,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### deleteAgentTool
-▸ **deleteAgentTool**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
+▸ **deleteAgentTool**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
Delete tool by id
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ Delete tool by id
#### Returns
@@ -411,13 +411,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### deleteSession
-▸ **deleteSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
+▸ **deleteSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
Delete session
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ Delete session
#### Returns
@@ -440,13 +440,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### deleteSessionHistory
-▸ **deleteSessionHistory**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
+▸ **deleteSessionHistory**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
Delete session history (does NOT delete related memories)
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ Delete session history (does NOT delete related memories)
#### Returns
@@ -469,13 +469,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### deleteUser
-▸ **deleteUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
+▸ **deleteUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
Delete user
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ Delete user
#### Returns
@@ -498,13 +498,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### deleteUserDoc
-▸ **deleteUserDoc**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
+▸ **deleteUserDoc**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceDeletedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)\>
Delete doc by id
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ Delete doc by id
#### Returns
@@ -528,13 +528,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getAgent
-▸ **getAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)\>
+▸ **getAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)\>
Get details of the agent
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@ Get details of the agent
#### Returns
@@ -557,13 +557,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getAgentDocs
-▸ **getAgentDocs**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)[] }\>
+▸ **getAgentDocs**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)[] }\>
Get docs of the agent
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ Sorted (created_at descending)
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)[] }\>
@@ -593,13 +593,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getAgentMemories
-▸ **getAgentMemories**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Memory`](../modules/api.md#memory)[] }\>
+▸ **getAgentMemories**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Memory`](../modules/api_models_Memory.md#memory)[] }\>
Get memories of the agent
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ Sorted (created_at descending)
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Memory`](../modules/api.md#memory)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Memory`](../modules/api_models_Memory.md#memory)[] }\>
@@ -627,13 +627,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getAgentTools
-▸ **getAgentTools**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Tool`](../modules/api.md#tool)[] }\>
+▸ **getAgentTools**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Tool`](../modules/api_models_Tool.md#tool)[] }\>
Get tools of the agent
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ Sorted (created_at descending)
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Tool`](../modules/api.md#tool)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Tool`](../modules/api_models_Tool.md#tool)[] }\>
@@ -660,13 +660,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getHistory
-▸ **getHistory**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`ChatMLMessage`](../modules/api.md#chatmlmessage)[] }\>
+▸ **getHistory**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`ChatMLMessage`](../modules/api_models_ChatMLMessage.md#chatmlmessage)[] }\>
Get all messages in a session
Sorted (created_at ascending)
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ Sorted (created_at ascending)
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`ChatMLMessage`](../modules/api.md#chatmlmessage)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`ChatMLMessage`](../modules/api_models_ChatMLMessage.md#chatmlmessage)[] }\>
@@ -692,13 +692,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getJobStatus
-▸ **getJobStatus**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`JobStatus`](../modules/api.md#jobstatus)\>
+▸ **getJobStatus**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`JobStatus`](../modules/api_models_JobStatus.md#jobstatus)\>
Get status of the job
@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ Get status of the job
#### Returns
@@ -721,13 +721,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getSession
-▸ **getSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`Session`](../modules/api.md#session)\>
+▸ **getSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`Session`](../modules/api_models_Session.md#session)\>
Get details of the session
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ Get details of the session
#### Returns
@@ -750,13 +750,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getSuggestions
-▸ **getSuggestions**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Suggestion`](../modules/api.md#suggestion)[] }\>
+▸ **getSuggestions**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Suggestion`](../modules/api_models_Suggestion.md#suggestion)[] }\>
Get autogenerated suggestions for session user and agent
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ Sorted (created_at descending)
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Suggestion`](../modules/api.md#suggestion)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Suggestion`](../modules/api_models_Suggestion.md#suggestion)[] }\>
@@ -782,13 +782,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getUser
-▸ **getUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`User`](../modules/api.md#user)\>
+▸ **getUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`User`](../modules/api_models_User.md#user)\>
Get details of the user
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ Get details of the user
#### Returns
@@ -811,13 +811,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### getUserDocs
-▸ **getUserDocs**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)[] }\>
+▸ **getUserDocs**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)[] }\>
Get docs of the user
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ Sorted (created_at descending)
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)[] }\>
@@ -847,13 +847,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### listAgents
-▸ **listAgents**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)[] }\>
+▸ **listAgents**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)[] }\>
List agents
List agents created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -871,7 +871,7 @@ List agents created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)[] }\>
any List of agents (sorted created_at descending order) with limit+offset pagination
@@ -881,13 +881,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### listSessions
-▸ **listSessions**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`Session`](../modules/api.md#session)[] }\>
+▸ **listSessions**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`Session`](../modules/api_models_Session.md#session)[] }\>
List sessions
List sessions created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ List sessions created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessio
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`Session`](../modules/api.md#session)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`Session`](../modules/api_models_Session.md#session)[] }\>
any List of sessions (sorted created_at descending order) with limit+offset pagination
@@ -915,13 +915,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### listUsers
-▸ **listUsers**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`User`](../modules/api.md#user)[] }\>
+▸ **listUsers**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`User`](../modules/api_models_User.md#user)[] }\>
List users
List users created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -939,7 +939,7 @@ List users created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions;
#### Returns
-[`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`User`](../modules/api.md#user)[] }\>
+[`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<\{ `items`: [`User`](../modules/api_models_User.md#user)[] }\>
any List of users (sorted created_at descending order) with limit+offset pagination
@@ -949,13 +949,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### patchAgent
-▸ **patchAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **patchAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
Patch Agent parameters (merge instead of replace)
@@ -965,11 +965,11 @@ Patch Agent parameters (merge instead of replace)
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
| › `agentId` | `string` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`PatchAgentRequest`](../modules/api.md#patchagentrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`PatchAgentRequest`](../modules/api_models_PatchAgentRequest.md#patchagentrequest) |
#### Returns
@@ -979,13 +979,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### patchAgentTool
-▸ **patchAgentTool**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **patchAgentTool**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
Patch Agent tool parameters (merge instead of replace)
@@ -995,12 +995,12 @@ Patch Agent tool parameters (merge instead of replace)
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
| › `agentId` | `string` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`PatchToolRequest`](../modules/api.md#patchtoolrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`PatchToolRequest`](../modules/api_models_PatchToolRequest.md#patchtoolrequest) |
| › `toolId` | `string` |
#### Returns
@@ -1010,13 +1010,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### patchSession
-▸ **patchSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **patchSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
Patch Session parameters (merge instead of replace)
@@ -1025,12 +1025,12 @@ Patch Session parameters (merge instead of replace)
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`PatchSessionRequest`](../modules/api.md#patchsessionrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`PatchSessionRequest`](../modules/api_models_PatchSessionRequest.md#patchsessionrequest) |
| › `sessionId` | `string` |
#### Returns
@@ -1040,13 +1040,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### patchUser
-▸ **patchUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **patchUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
Patch User parameters (merge instead of replace)
@@ -1055,12 +1055,12 @@ Patch User parameters (merge instead of replace)
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`PatchUserRequest`](../modules/api.md#patchuserrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`PatchUserRequest`](../modules/api_models_PatchUserRequest.md#patchuserrequest) |
| › `userId` | `string` |
#### Returns
@@ -1070,13 +1070,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### updateAgent
-▸ **updateAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **updateAgent**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
Update agent parameters
@@ -1086,11 +1086,11 @@ Update agent parameters
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
| › `agentId` | `string` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`UpdateAgentRequest`](../modules/api.md#updateagentrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`UpdateAgentRequest`](../modules/api_models_UpdateAgentRequest.md#updateagentrequest) |
#### Returns
@@ -1100,13 +1100,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### updateAgentTool
-▸ **updateAgentTool**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **updateAgentTool**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
Update agent tool definition
@@ -1116,12 +1116,12 @@ Update agent tool definition
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
| › `agentId` | `string` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`UpdateToolRequest`](../modules/api.md#updatetoolrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`UpdateToolRequest`](../modules/api_models_UpdateToolRequest.md#updatetoolrequest) |
| › `toolId` | `string` |
#### Returns
@@ -1131,13 +1131,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### updateSession
-▸ **updateSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **updateSession**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
Update session parameters
@@ -1146,12 +1146,12 @@ Update session parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`UpdateSessionRequest`](../modules/api.md#updatesessionrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`UpdateSessionRequest`](../modules/api_models_UpdateSessionRequest.md#updatesessionrequest) |
| › `sessionId` | `string` |
#### Returns
@@ -1161,13 +1161,13 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
### updateUser
-▸ **updateUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **updateUser**(`«destructured»`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
Update user parameters
@@ -1176,12 +1176,12 @@ Update user parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
-| › `requestBody?` | [`UpdateUserRequest`](../modules/api.md#updateuserrequest) |
+| › `requestBody?` | [`UpdateUserRequest`](../modules/api_models_UpdateUserRequest.md#updateuserrequest) |
| › `userId` | `string` |
#### Returns
@@ -1191,4 +1191,4 @@ ApiError
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/client.Client.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/client.Client.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2615184cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/client.Client.md
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [client](../modules/client.md) / Client
+# Class: Client
+Client for interacting with the Julep API and OpenAI.
+## Table of contents
+### Constructors
+- [constructor](client.Client.md#constructor)
+### Properties
+- [\_apiClient](client.Client.md#_apiclient)
+- [\_openaiClient](client.Client.md#_openaiclient)
+- [agents](client.Client.md#agents)
+- [chat](client.Client.md#chat)
+- [completions](client.Client.md#completions)
+- [docs](client.Client.md#docs)
+- [memories](client.Client.md#memories)
+- [sessions](client.Client.md#sessions)
+- [tools](client.Client.md#tools)
+- [users](client.Client.md#users)
+## Constructors
+### constructor
+• **new Client**(`options?`): [`Client`](client.Client.md)
+Creates an instance of Client.
+Initializes the client with the provided or default API key and base URL. If neither are provided nor set as environment variables, an error is thrown.
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `options?` | `ClientOptions` | Configuration options for the client. |
+#### Returns
+Throws an error if both apiKey and baseUrl are not provided and not set as environment variables.
+#### Defined in
+## Properties
+### \_apiClient
+• `Private` **\_apiClient**: [`JulepApiClient`](api_JulepApiClient.JulepApiClient.md)
+#### Defined in
+### \_openaiClient
+• `Private` **\_openaiClient**: `OpenAI`
+#### Defined in
+### agents
+• **agents**: [`AgentsManager`](managers_agent.AgentsManager.md)
+Manager for interacting with agents.
+Provides methods to manage and interact with agents within the Julep API.
+#### Defined in
+### chat
+• **chat**: `Chat`
+OpenAI Chat API.
+This is patched to enhance functionality and ensure compatibility with Julep API.
+#### Defined in
+### completions
+• **completions**: `Completions`
+OpenAI Completions API.
+Enhanced with custom patches for improved integration and usage within Julep.
+#### Defined in
+### docs
+• **docs**: [`DocsManager`](managers_doc.DocsManager.md)
+Manager for interacting with documents.
+Enables document management including creation, update, and deletion.
+#### Defined in
+### memories
+• **memories**: [`MemoriesManager`](managers_memory.MemoriesManager.md)
+Manager for interacting with memories.
+Allows for storing and retrieving user-specific data and preferences.
+#### Defined in
+### sessions
+• **sessions**: [`SessionsManager`](managers_session.SessionsManager.md)
+Manager for interacting with sessions.
+Facilitates the creation, management, and retrieval of user sessions.
+#### Defined in
+### tools
+• **tools**: [`ToolsManager`](managers_tool.ToolsManager.md)
+Manager for interacting with tools.
+Provides access to various utility tools and functionalities.
+#### Defined in
+### users
+• **users**: [`UsersManager`](managers_user.UsersManager.md)
+Manager for interacting with users.
+Offers functionalities to handle user accounts and their data.
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_agent.AgentsManager.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_agent.AgentsManager.md
index 24f961242..a6bc645d9 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_agent.AgentsManager.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_agent.AgentsManager.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [managers/agent](../modules/managers_agent.md) / AgentsManager
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [managers/agent](../modules/managers_agent.md) / AgentsManager
# Class: AgentsManager
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Constructs a new instance of BaseManager.
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
#### Defined in
## Methods
### create
-▸ **create**(`«destructured»`): `Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
+▸ **create**(`«destructured»`): `Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
#### Parameters
@@ -85,20 +85,20 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` | `undefined` |
| › `about` | `string` | `undefined` |
-| › `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](../modules/api.md#agentdefaultsettings) | `undefined` |
-| › `docs?` | [`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)[] | `[]` |
+| › `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](../modules/api_models_AgentDefaultSettings.md#agentdefaultsettings) | `undefined` |
+| › `docs?` | [`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)[] | `[]` |
| › `instructions` | `string` \| `string`[] | `[]` |
| › `model?` | `string` | `"julep-ai/samantha-1-turbo"` |
| › `name` | `string` | `undefined` |
-| › `tools?` | [`CreateToolRequest`](../modules/api.md#createtoolrequest)[] | `undefined` |
+| › `tools?` | [`CreateToolRequest`](../modules/api_models_CreateToolRequest.md#createtoolrequest)[] | `undefined` |
#### Returns
-`Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
+`Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
#### Defined in
@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@ ___
#### Defined in
### get
-â–¸ **get**(`agentId`): `Promise`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)\>
+â–¸ **get**(`agentId`): `Promise`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)\>
#### Parameters
@@ -134,17 +134,17 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### list
-▸ **list**(`«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)[]\>
+▸ **list**(`«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)[]\>
#### Parameters
@@ -157,48 +157,48 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### update
-â–¸ **update**(`agentId`, `request`, `overwrite?`): `Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
+â–¸ **update**(`agentId`, `request`, `overwrite?`): `Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `agentId` | `string` |
-| `request` | [`PatchAgentRequest`](../modules/api.md#patchagentrequest) |
+| `request` | [`PatchAgentRequest`](../modules/api_models_PatchAgentRequest.md#patchagentrequest) |
| `overwrite?` | ``false`` |
#### Returns
-`Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
+`Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
#### Defined in
-â–¸ **update**(`agentId`, `request`, `overwrite`): `Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
+â–¸ **update**(`agentId`, `request`, `overwrite`): `Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `agentId` | `string` |
-| `request` | [`UpdateAgentRequest`](../modules/api.md#updateagentrequest) |
+| `request` | [`UpdateAgentRequest`](../modules/api_models_UpdateAgentRequest.md#updateagentrequest) |
| `overwrite` | ``true`` |
#### Returns
-`Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
+`Promise`\<`Partial`\<[`Agent`](../modules/api_models_Agent.md#agent)\> & \{ `id`: `string` }\>
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_base.BaseManager.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_base.BaseManager.md
index 0996b3ea5..1a3020388 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_base.BaseManager.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_base.BaseManager.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [managers/base](../modules/managers_base.md) / BaseManager
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [managers/base](../modules/managers_base.md) / BaseManager
# Class: BaseManager
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Constructs a new instance of BaseManager.
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_doc.DocsManager.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_doc.DocsManager.md
index 0385991dc..3e2d98191 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_doc.DocsManager.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_doc.DocsManager.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [managers/doc](../modules/managers_doc.md) / DocsManager
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [managers/doc](../modules/managers_doc.md) / DocsManager
# Class: DocsManager
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Constructs a new instance of BaseManager.
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
#### Defined in
## Methods
### create
-â–¸ **create**(`params`): `Promise`\<[`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)\>
+â–¸ **create**(`params`): `Promise`\<[`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)\>
Creates a document based on the provided agentId or userId.
Ensures that only one of agentId or userId is provided using xor function.
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@ Validates the provided agentId or userId using isValidUuid4.
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `params` | `Object` | The parameters for creating a document. |
| `params.agentId?` | `string` | The agent's unique identifier, if creating for an agent. |
-| `params.doc` | [`CreateDoc`](../modules/api.md#createdoc) | The document to be created. |
+| `params.doc` | [`CreateDoc`](../modules/api_models_CreateDoc.md#createdoc) | The document to be created. |
| `params.userId?` | `string` | The user's unique identifier, if creating for a user. |
#### Returns
The created document.
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ If neither agentId nor userId is provided.
#### Defined in
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@ If neither agentId nor userId is provided.
#### Defined in
### get
-â–¸ **get**(`params`): `Promise`\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)[] }\>
+â–¸ **get**(`params`): `Promise`\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)[] }\>
Retrieves documents based on the provided agentId or userId.
Ensures that only one of agentId or userId is provided using xor function.
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ Validates the provided agentId or userId using isValidUuid4.
#### Returns
-`Promise`\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)[] }\>
+`Promise`\<\{ `items?`: [`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)[] }\>
The retrieved documents.
@@ -170,13 +170,13 @@ If neither agentId nor userId is provided.
#### Defined in
### list
-â–¸ **list**(`params?`): `Promise`\<[`Doc`](../modules/api.md#doc)[]\>
+â–¸ **list**(`params?`): `Promise`\<[`Doc`](../modules/api_models_Doc.md#doc)[]\>
Lists documents based on the provided agentId or userId, with optional metadata filtering.
Ensures that only one of agentId or userId is provided using xor function.
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ Allows for filtering based on metadata.
#### Returns
The list of filtered documents.
@@ -206,4 +206,4 @@ If neither agentId nor userId is provided.
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_memory.MemoriesManager.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_memory.MemoriesManager.md
index 7e3aa9945..e1718479f 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_memory.MemoriesManager.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_memory.MemoriesManager.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [managers/memory](../modules/managers_memory.md) / MemoriesManager
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [managers/memory](../modules/managers_memory.md) / MemoriesManager
# Class: MemoriesManager
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ Constructs a new instance of BaseManager.
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
#### Defined in
## Methods
### list
-▸ **list**(`«destructured»`): `Promise`\<[`Memory`](../modules/api.md#memory)[]\>
+▸ **list**(`«destructured»`): `Promise`\<[`Memory`](../modules/api_models_Memory.md#memory)[]\>
Lists memories based on the provided parameters.
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ Lists memories based on the provided parameters.
#### Returns
A promise that resolves to an array of Memory objects.
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_session.SessionsManager.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_session.SessionsManager.md
index 8462e23cb..5266ab7b8 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_session.SessionsManager.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_session.SessionsManager.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [managers/session](../modules/managers_session.md) / SessionsManager
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [managers/session](../modules/managers_session.md) / SessionsManager
# Class: SessionsManager
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Constructs a new instance of BaseManager.
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -75,34 +75,34 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
#### Defined in
## Methods
### chat
-▸ **chat**(`sessionId`, `«destructured»`): `Promise`\<[`ChatResponse`](../modules/api.md#chatresponse)\>
+▸ **chat**(`sessionId`, `«destructured»`): `Promise`\<[`ChatResponse`](../modules/api_models_ChatResponse.md#chatresponse)\>
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `sessionId` | `string` |
-| `«destructured»` | [`ChatInput`](../modules/api.md#chatinput) |
+| `«destructured»` | [`ChatInput`](../modules/api_models_ChatInput.md#chatinput) |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### create
-▸ **create**(`«destructured»`): `Promise`\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
+▸ **create**(`«destructured»`): `Promise`\<[`ResourceCreatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)\>
#### Parameters
@@ -112,11 +112,11 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -156,13 +156,13 @@ ___
#### Defined in
### get
-â–¸ **get**(`sessionId`): `Promise`\<[`Session`](../modules/api.md#session)\>
+â–¸ **get**(`sessionId`): `Promise`\<[`Session`](../modules/api_models_Session.md#session)\>
Retrieves a session by its ID.
@@ -174,19 +174,19 @@ Retrieves a session by its ID.
#### Returns
A promise that resolves with the session object.
#### Defined in
### history
-▸ **history**(`sessionId`, `«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`ChatMLMessage`](../modules/api.md#chatmlmessage)[]\>
+▸ **history**(`sessionId`, `«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`ChatMLMessage`](../modules/api_models_ChatMLMessage.md#chatmlmessage)[]\>
#### Parameters
@@ -199,17 +199,17 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### list
-▸ **list**(`«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`Session`](../modules/api.md#session)[]\>
+▸ **list**(`«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`Session`](../modules/api_models_Session.md#session)[]\>
#### Parameters
@@ -222,17 +222,17 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### suggestions
-▸ **suggestions**(`sessionId`, `«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`Suggestion`](../modules/api.md#suggestion)[]\>
+▸ **suggestions**(`sessionId`, `«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`Suggestion`](../modules/api_models_Suggestion.md#suggestion)[]\>
#### Parameters
@@ -245,17 +245,17 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### update
-▸ **update**(`sessionId`, `«destructured»`, `overwrite?`): `Promise`\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
+▸ **update**(`sessionId`, `«destructured»`, `overwrite?`): `Promise`\<[`ResourceUpdatedResponse`](../modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)\>
#### Parameters
@@ -269,8 +269,8 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_tool.ToolsManager.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_tool.ToolsManager.md
index 2207952e0..334f6c50c 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_tool.ToolsManager.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_tool.ToolsManager.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [managers/tool](../modules/managers_tool.md) / ToolsManager
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [managers/tool](../modules/managers_tool.md) / ToolsManager
# Class: ToolsManager
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Constructs a new instance of BaseManager.
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
#### Defined in
## Methods
### create
-▸ **create**(`«destructured»`): `Promise`\<[`Tool`](../modules/api.md#tool)\>
+▸ **create**(`«destructured»`): `Promise`\<[`Tool`](../modules/api_models_Tool.md#tool)\>
#### Parameters
@@ -85,16 +85,16 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
| `«destructured»` | `Object` |
| › `agentId` | `string` |
| › `tool` | `Object` |
-| › `tool.function` | [`FunctionDef`](../modules/api.md#functiondef) |
+| › `tool.function` | [`FunctionDef`](../modules/api_models_FunctionDef.md#functiondef) |
| › `tool.type` | ``"function"`` \| ``"webhook"`` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
@@ -116,13 +116,13 @@ ___
#### Defined in
### list
-▸ **list**(`agentId`, `«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`Tool`](../modules/api.md#tool)[]\>
+▸ **list**(`agentId`, `«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`Tool`](../modules/api_models_Tool.md#tool)[]\>
#### Parameters
@@ -135,17 +135,17 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### update
-▸ **update**(`«destructured»`, `overwrite?`): `Promise`\<[`Tool`](../modules/api.md#tool)\>
+▸ **update**(`«destructured»`, `overwrite?`): `Promise`\<[`Tool`](../modules/api_models_Tool.md#tool)\>
#### Parameters
@@ -153,14 +153,14 @@ ___
| :------ | :------ | :------ |
| `«destructured»` | `Object` | `undefined` |
| › `agentId` | `string` | `undefined` |
-| › `tool` | [`UpdateToolRequest`](../modules/api.md#updatetoolrequest) | `undefined` |
+| › `tool` | [`UpdateToolRequest`](../modules/api_models_UpdateToolRequest.md#updatetoolrequest) | `undefined` |
| › `toolId` | `string` | `undefined` |
| `overwrite` | `boolean` | `false` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_user.UsersManager.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_user.UsersManager.md
index ebe5d8b2d..222b33b00 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_user.UsersManager.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/managers_user.UsersManager.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [managers/user](../modules/managers_user.md) / UsersManager
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [managers/user](../modules/managers_user.md) / UsersManager
# Class: UsersManager
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Constructs a new instance of BaseManager.
#### Defined in
## Properties
@@ -71,27 +71,27 @@ The JulepApiClient instance used for API interactions.
#### Defined in
## Methods
### create
-▸ **create**(`«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api.md#user)\>
+▸ **create**(`«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api_models_User.md#user)\>
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
-| `«destructured»` | [`CreateUserRequest`](../modules/api.md#createuserrequest) |
+| `«destructured»` | [`CreateUserRequest`](../modules/api_models_CreateUserRequest.md#createuserrequest) |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
@@ -111,13 +111,13 @@ ___
#### Defined in
### get
-â–¸ **get**(`userId`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api.md#user)\>
+â–¸ **get**(`userId`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api_models_User.md#user)\>
#### Parameters
@@ -127,17 +127,17 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### list
-▸ **list**(`«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api.md#user)[]\>
+▸ **list**(`«destructured»?`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api_models_User.md#user)[]\>
#### Parameters
@@ -150,48 +150,48 @@ ___
#### Returns
#### Defined in
### update
-â–¸ **update**(`userId`, `request`, `overwrite`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api.md#user)\>
+â–¸ **update**(`userId`, `request`, `overwrite`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api_models_User.md#user)\>
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `userId` | `string` |
-| `request` | [`UpdateUserRequest`](../modules/api.md#updateuserrequest) |
+| `request` | [`UpdateUserRequest`](../modules/api_models_UpdateUserRequest.md#updateuserrequest) |
| `overwrite` | ``true`` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
-â–¸ **update**(`userId`, `request`, `overwrite?`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api.md#user)\>
+â–¸ **update**(`userId`, `request`, `overwrite?`): `Promise`\<[`User`](../modules/api_models_User.md#user)\>
#### Parameters
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
| `userId` | `string` |
-| `request` | [`PatchUserRequest`](../modules/api.md#patchuserrequest) |
+| `request` | [`PatchUserRequest`](../modules/api_models_PatchUserRequest.md#patchuserrequest) |
| `overwrite?` | ``false`` |
#### Returns
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/utils_requestConstructor.CustomHttpRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/utils_requestConstructor.CustomHttpRequest.md
index 6f6a2f0d7..84d0101df 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/utils_requestConstructor.CustomHttpRequest.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/classes/utils_requestConstructor.CustomHttpRequest.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [utils/requestConstructor](../modules/utils_requestConstructor.md) / CustomHttpRequest
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [utils/requestConstructor](../modules/utils_requestConstructor.md) / CustomHttpRequest
# Class: CustomHttpRequest
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
## Hierarchy
-- `AxiosHttpRequest`
+- [`AxiosHttpRequest`](api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md)
↳ **`CustomHttpRequest`**
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
| Name | Type |
| :------ | :------ |
-| `config` | [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api.md#openapiconfig) |
+| `config` | [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig) |
#### Returns
@@ -42,31 +42,33 @@
#### Overrides
#### Defined in
## Properties
### config
-• `Readonly` **config**: [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api.md#openapiconfig)
+• `Readonly` **config**: [`OpenAPIConfig`](../modules/api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig)
#### Inherited from
#### Defined in
## Methods
### request
-â–¸ **request**\<`T`\>(`options`): [`CancelablePromise`](api.CancelablePromise.md)\<`T`\>
+â–¸ **request**\<`T`\>(`options`): [`CancelablePromise`](api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<`T`\>
+Request method
#### Type parameters
@@ -76,18 +78,24 @@ AxiosHttpRequest.config
#### Parameters
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `options` | `ApiRequestOptions` |
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](../modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) | The request options from the service |
#### Returns
#### Overrides
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/interfaces/api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/interfaces/api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..179c3fbfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/interfaces/api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [api/core/CancelablePromise](../modules/api_core_CancelablePromise.md) / OnCancel
+# Interface: OnCancel
+## Callable
+### OnCancel
+â–¸ **OnCancel**(`cancelHandler`): `void`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `cancelHandler` | () => `void` |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+## Table of contents
+### Properties
+- [isCancelled](api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md#iscancelled)
+- [isRejected](api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md#isrejected)
+- [isResolved](api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md#isresolved)
+## Properties
+### isCancelled
+• `Readonly` **isCancelled**: `boolean`
+#### Defined in
+### isRejected
+• `Readonly` **isRejected**: `boolean`
+#### Defined in
+### isResolved
+• `Readonly` **isResolved**: `boolean`
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/interfaces/managers_session.CreateSessionPayload.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/interfaces/managers_session.CreateSessionPayload.md
index df323916f..e5c1135b8 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/interfaces/managers_session.CreateSessionPayload.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/interfaces/managers_session.CreateSessionPayload.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / [managers/session](../modules/managers_session.md) / CreateSessionPayload
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / [managers/session](../modules/managers_session.md) / CreateSessionPayload
# Interface: CreateSessionPayload
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
#### Defined in
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ ___
#### Defined in
@@ -62,4 +62,4 @@ ___
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules.md
index ec445aa16..626acd7d0 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](README.md) / Modules
+[@julep/sdk](README.md) / Exports
# @julep/sdk
@@ -8,6 +8,114 @@
- [api](modules/api.md)
- [api/JulepApiClient](modules/api_JulepApiClient.md)
+- [api/core/ApiError](modules/api_core_ApiError.md)
+- [api/core/ApiRequestOptions](modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md)
+- [api/core/ApiResult](modules/api_core_ApiResult.md)
+- [api/core/AxiosHttpRequest](modules/api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.md)
+- [api/core/BaseHttpRequest](modules/api_core_BaseHttpRequest.md)
+- [api/core/CancelablePromise](modules/api_core_CancelablePromise.md)
+- [api/core/OpenAPI](modules/api_core_OpenAPI.md)
+- [api/core/request](modules/api_core_request.md)
+- [api/models/Agent](modules/api_models_Agent.md)
+- [api/models/AgentDefaultSettings](modules/api_models_AgentDefaultSettings.md)
+- [api/models/ChatInput](modules/api_models_ChatInput.md)
+- [api/models/ChatInputData](modules/api_models_ChatInputData.md)
+- [api/models/ChatMLMessage](modules/api_models_ChatMLMessage.md)
+- [api/models/ChatResponse](modules/api_models_ChatResponse.md)
+- [api/models/ChatSettings](modules/api_models_ChatSettings.md)
+- [api/models/CompletionUsage](modules/api_models_CompletionUsage.md)
+- [api/models/CreateAgentRequest](modules/api_models_CreateAgentRequest.md)
+- [api/models/CreateDoc](modules/api_models_CreateDoc.md)
+- [api/models/CreateSessionRequest](modules/api_models_CreateSessionRequest.md)
+- [api/models/CreateToolRequest](modules/api_models_CreateToolRequest.md)
+- [api/models/CreateUserRequest](modules/api_models_CreateUserRequest.md)
+- [api/models/Doc](modules/api_models_Doc.md)
+- [api/models/DocIds](modules/api_models_DocIds.md)
+- [api/models/FunctionCallOption](modules/api_models_FunctionCallOption.md)
+- [api/models/FunctionDef](modules/api_models_FunctionDef.md)
+- [api/models/FunctionParameters](modules/api_models_FunctionParameters.md)
+- [api/models/InputChatMLMessage](modules/api_models_InputChatMLMessage.md)
+- [api/models/JobStatus](modules/api_models_JobStatus.md)
+- [api/models/Memory](modules/api_models_Memory.md)
+- [api/models/MemoryAccessOptions](modules/api_models_MemoryAccessOptions.md)
+- [api/models/NamedToolChoice](modules/api_models_NamedToolChoice.md)
+- [api/models/PartialFunctionDef](modules/api_models_PartialFunctionDef.md)
+- [api/models/PatchAgentRequest](modules/api_models_PatchAgentRequest.md)
+- [api/models/PatchSessionRequest](modules/api_models_PatchSessionRequest.md)
+- [api/models/PatchToolRequest](modules/api_models_PatchToolRequest.md)
+- [api/models/PatchUserRequest](modules/api_models_PatchUserRequest.md)
+- [api/models/ResourceCreatedResponse](modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md)
+- [api/models/ResourceDeletedResponse](modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md)
+- [api/models/ResourceUpdatedResponse](modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md)
+- [api/models/Session](modules/api_models_Session.md)
+- [api/models/Suggestion](modules/api_models_Suggestion.md)
+- [api/models/Tool](modules/api_models_Tool.md)
+- [api/models/ToolChoiceOption](modules/api_models_ToolChoiceOption.md)
+- [api/models/UpdateAgentRequest](modules/api_models_UpdateAgentRequest.md)
+- [api/models/UpdateSessionRequest](modules/api_models_UpdateSessionRequest.md)
+- [api/models/UpdateToolRequest](modules/api_models_UpdateToolRequest.md)
+- [api/models/UpdateUserRequest](modules/api_models_UpdateUserRequest.md)
+- [api/models/User](modules/api_models_User.md)
+- [api/models/agent\_id](modules/api_models_agent_id.md)
+- [api/models/doc\_id](modules/api_models_doc_id.md)
+- [api/models/job\_id](modules/api_models_job_id.md)
+- [api/models/memory\_id](modules/api_models_memory_id.md)
+- [api/models/message\_id](modules/api_models_message_id.md)
+- [api/models/session\_id](modules/api_models_session_id.md)
+- [api/models/tool\_id](modules/api_models_tool_id.md)
+- [api/models/user\_id](modules/api_models_user_id.md)
+- [api/schemas/$Agent](modules/api_schemas__Agent.md)
+- [api/schemas/$AgentDefaultSettings](modules/api_schemas__AgentDefaultSettings.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ChatInput](modules/api_schemas__ChatInput.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ChatInputData](modules/api_schemas__ChatInputData.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ChatMLMessage](modules/api_schemas__ChatMLMessage.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ChatResponse](modules/api_schemas__ChatResponse.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ChatSettings](modules/api_schemas__ChatSettings.md)
+- [api/schemas/$CompletionUsage](modules/api_schemas__CompletionUsage.md)
+- [api/schemas/$CreateAgentRequest](modules/api_schemas__CreateAgentRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$CreateDoc](modules/api_schemas__CreateDoc.md)
+- [api/schemas/$CreateSessionRequest](modules/api_schemas__CreateSessionRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$CreateToolRequest](modules/api_schemas__CreateToolRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$CreateUserRequest](modules/api_schemas__CreateUserRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$Doc](modules/api_schemas__Doc.md)
+- [api/schemas/$DocIds](modules/api_schemas__DocIds.md)
+- [api/schemas/$FunctionCallOption](modules/api_schemas__FunctionCallOption.md)
+- [api/schemas/$FunctionDef](modules/api_schemas__FunctionDef.md)
+- [api/schemas/$FunctionParameters](modules/api_schemas__FunctionParameters.md)
+- [api/schemas/$InputChatMLMessage](modules/api_schemas__InputChatMLMessage.md)
+- [api/schemas/$JobStatus](modules/api_schemas__JobStatus.md)
+- [api/schemas/$Memory](modules/api_schemas__Memory.md)
+- [api/schemas/$MemoryAccessOptions](modules/api_schemas__MemoryAccessOptions.md)
+- [api/schemas/$NamedToolChoice](modules/api_schemas__NamedToolChoice.md)
+- [api/schemas/$PartialFunctionDef](modules/api_schemas__PartialFunctionDef.md)
+- [api/schemas/$PatchAgentRequest](modules/api_schemas__PatchAgentRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$PatchSessionRequest](modules/api_schemas__PatchSessionRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$PatchToolRequest](modules/api_schemas__PatchToolRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$PatchUserRequest](modules/api_schemas__PatchUserRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ResourceCreatedResponse](modules/api_schemas__ResourceCreatedResponse.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ResourceDeletedResponse](modules/api_schemas__ResourceDeletedResponse.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ResourceUpdatedResponse](modules/api_schemas__ResourceUpdatedResponse.md)
+- [api/schemas/$Session](modules/api_schemas__Session.md)
+- [api/schemas/$Suggestion](modules/api_schemas__Suggestion.md)
+- [api/schemas/$Tool](modules/api_schemas__Tool.md)
+- [api/schemas/$ToolChoiceOption](modules/api_schemas__ToolChoiceOption.md)
+- [api/schemas/$UpdateAgentRequest](modules/api_schemas__UpdateAgentRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$UpdateSessionRequest](modules/api_schemas__UpdateSessionRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$UpdateToolRequest](modules/api_schemas__UpdateToolRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$UpdateUserRequest](modules/api_schemas__UpdateUserRequest.md)
+- [api/schemas/$User](modules/api_schemas__User.md)
+- [api/schemas/$agent\_id](modules/api_schemas__agent_id.md)
+- [api/schemas/$doc\_id](modules/api_schemas__doc_id.md)
+- [api/schemas/$job\_id](modules/api_schemas__job_id.md)
+- [api/schemas/$memory\_id](modules/api_schemas__memory_id.md)
+- [api/schemas/$message\_id](modules/api_schemas__message_id.md)
+- [api/schemas/$session\_id](modules/api_schemas__session_id.md)
+- [api/schemas/$tool\_id](modules/api_schemas__tool_id.md)
+- [api/schemas/$user\_id](modules/api_schemas__user_id.md)
+- [api/services/DefaultService](modules/api_services_DefaultService.md)
+- [client](modules/client.md)
+- [env](modules/env.md)
+- [index](modules/index.md)
- [managers/agent](modules/managers_agent.md)
- [managers/base](modules/managers_base.md)
- [managers/doc](modules/managers_doc.md)
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api.md
index c1ccc945f..3cbc8893b 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / api
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api
# Module: api
@@ -6,69 +6,6 @@
### References
-- [JulepApiClient](api.md#julepapiclient)
-### Classes
-- [ApiError](../classes/api.ApiError.md)
-- [BaseHttpRequest](../classes/api.BaseHttpRequest.md)
-- [CancelError](../classes/api.CancelError.md)
-- [CancelablePromise](../classes/api.CancelablePromise.md)
-- [DefaultService](../classes/api.DefaultService.md)
-### Type Aliases
-- [Agent](api.md#agent)
-- [AgentDefaultSettings](api.md#agentdefaultsettings)
-- [ChatInput](api.md#chatinput)
-- [ChatInputData](api.md#chatinputdata)
-- [ChatMLMessage](api.md#chatmlmessage)
-- [ChatResponse](api.md#chatresponse)
-- [ChatSettings](api.md#chatsettings)
-- [CompletionUsage](api.md#completionusage)
-- [CreateAgentRequest](api.md#createagentrequest)
-- [CreateDoc](api.md#createdoc)
-- [CreateSessionRequest](api.md#createsessionrequest)
-- [CreateToolRequest](api.md#createtoolrequest)
-- [CreateUserRequest](api.md#createuserrequest)
-- [Doc](api.md#doc)
-- [FunctionCallOption](api.md#functioncalloption)
-- [FunctionDef](api.md#functiondef)
-- [FunctionParameters](api.md#functionparameters)
-- [InputChatMLMessage](api.md#inputchatmlmessage)
-- [JobStatus](api.md#jobstatus)
-- [Memory](api.md#memory)
-- [MemoryAccessOptions](api.md#memoryaccessoptions)
-- [NamedToolChoice](api.md#namedtoolchoice)
-- [OpenAPIConfig](api.md#openapiconfig)
-- [PartialFunctionDef](api.md#partialfunctiondef)
-- [PatchAgentRequest](api.md#patchagentrequest)
-- [PatchSessionRequest](api.md#patchsessionrequest)
-- [PatchToolRequest](api.md#patchtoolrequest)
-- [PatchUserRequest](api.md#patchuserrequest)
-- [ResourceCreatedResponse](api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)
-- [ResourceDeletedResponse](api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)
-- [ResourceUpdatedResponse](api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)
-- [Session](api.md#session)
-- [Suggestion](api.md#suggestion)
-- [Tool](api.md#tool)
-- [ToolChoiceOption](api.md#toolchoiceoption)
-- [UpdateAgentRequest](api.md#updateagentrequest)
-- [UpdateSessionRequest](api.md#updatesessionrequest)
-- [UpdateToolRequest](api.md#updatetoolrequest)
-- [UpdateUserRequest](api.md#updateuserrequest)
-- [User](api.md#user)
-- [agent\_id](api.md#agent_id)
-- [doc\_id](api.md#doc_id)
-- [job\_id](api.md#job_id)
-- [memory\_id](api.md#memory_id)
-- [message\_id](api.md#message_id)
-- [session\_id](api.md#session_id)
-- [tool\_id](api.md#tool_id)
-- [user\_id](api.md#user_id)
-### Variables
- [$Agent](api.md#$agent)
- [$AgentDefaultSettings](api.md#$agentdefaultsettings)
- [$ChatInput](api.md#$chatinput)
@@ -83,6 +20,7 @@
- [$CreateToolRequest](api.md#$createtoolrequest)
- [$CreateUserRequest](api.md#$createuserrequest)
- [$Doc](api.md#$doc)
+- [$DocIds](api.md#$docids)
- [$FunctionCallOption](api.md#$functioncalloption)
- [$FunctionDef](api.md#$functiondef)
- [$FunctionParameters](api.md#$functionparameters)
@@ -116,2331 +54,683 @@
- [$session\_id](api.md#$session_id)
- [$tool\_id](api.md#$tool_id)
- [$user\_id](api.md#$user_id)
+- [Agent](api.md#agent)
+- [AgentDefaultSettings](api.md#agentdefaultsettings)
+- [ApiError](api.md#apierror)
+- [BaseHttpRequest](api.md#basehttprequest)
+- [CancelError](api.md#cancelerror)
+- [CancelablePromise](api.md#cancelablepromise)
+- [ChatInput](api.md#chatinput)
+- [ChatInputData](api.md#chatinputdata)
+- [ChatMLMessage](api.md#chatmlmessage)
+- [ChatResponse](api.md#chatresponse)
+- [ChatSettings](api.md#chatsettings)
+- [CompletionUsage](api.md#completionusage)
+- [CreateAgentRequest](api.md#createagentrequest)
+- [CreateDoc](api.md#createdoc)
+- [CreateSessionRequest](api.md#createsessionrequest)
+- [CreateToolRequest](api.md#createtoolrequest)
+- [CreateUserRequest](api.md#createuserrequest)
+- [DefaultService](api.md#defaultservice)
+- [Doc](api.md#doc)
+- [DocIds](api.md#docids)
+- [FunctionCallOption](api.md#functioncalloption)
+- [FunctionDef](api.md#functiondef)
+- [FunctionParameters](api.md#functionparameters)
+- [InputChatMLMessage](api.md#inputchatmlmessage)
+- [JobStatus](api.md#jobstatus)
+- [JulepApiClient](api.md#julepapiclient)
+- [Memory](api.md#memory)
+- [MemoryAccessOptions](api.md#memoryaccessoptions)
+- [NamedToolChoice](api.md#namedtoolchoice)
- [OpenAPI](api.md#openapi)
+- [OpenAPIConfig](api.md#openapiconfig)
+- [PartialFunctionDef](api.md#partialfunctiondef)
+- [PatchAgentRequest](api.md#patchagentrequest)
+- [PatchSessionRequest](api.md#patchsessionrequest)
+- [PatchToolRequest](api.md#patchtoolrequest)
+- [PatchUserRequest](api.md#patchuserrequest)
+- [ResourceCreatedResponse](api.md#resourcecreatedresponse)
+- [ResourceDeletedResponse](api.md#resourcedeletedresponse)
+- [ResourceUpdatedResponse](api.md#resourceupdatedresponse)
+- [Session](api.md#session)
+- [Suggestion](api.md#suggestion)
+- [Tool](api.md#tool)
+- [ToolChoiceOption](api.md#toolchoiceoption)
+- [UpdateAgentRequest](api.md#updateagentrequest)
+- [UpdateSessionRequest](api.md#updatesessionrequest)
+- [UpdateToolRequest](api.md#updatetoolrequest)
+- [UpdateUserRequest](api.md#updateuserrequest)
+- [User](api.md#user)
+- [agent\_id](api.md#agent_id)
+- [doc\_id](api.md#doc_id)
+- [job\_id](api.md#job_id)
+- [memory\_id](api.md#memory_id)
+- [message\_id](api.md#message_id)
+- [session\_id](api.md#session_id)
+- [tool\_id](api.md#tool_id)
+- [user\_id](api.md#user_id)
-## References
-### JulepApiClient
-Re-exports [JulepApiClient](../classes/api_JulepApiClient.JulepApiClient.md)
-## Type Aliases
-### Agent
-Ƭ **Agent**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `about?` | `string` | About the agent |
-| `created_at?` | `string` | Agent created at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](api.md#agentdefaultsettings) | Default settings for all sessions created by this agent |
-| `id` | `string` | Agent id (UUID) |
-| `instructions?` | `string` \| `string`[] | Instructions for the agent |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `model` | `string` | The model to use with this agent |
-| `name` | `string` | Name of the agent |
-| `updated_at?` | `string` | Agent updated at (RFC-3339 format) |
-#### Defined in
-### AgentDefaultSettings
-Ƭ **AgentDefaultSettings**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `frequency_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
-| `length_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. |
-| `min_p?` | `number` | Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered |
-| `presence_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
-| `preset?` | ``"problem_solving"`` \| ``"conversational"`` \| ``"fun"`` \| ``"prose"`` \| ``"creative"`` \| ``"business"`` \| ``"deterministic"`` \| ``"code"`` \| ``"multilingual"`` | Generation preset name (one of: problem_solving, conversational, fun, prose, creative, business, deterministic, code, multilingual) |
-| `repetition_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
-| `temperature?` | `number` \| ``null`` | What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. |
-| `top_p?` | `number` \| ``null`` | Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both. |
-#### Defined in
-### ChatInput
-Ƭ **ChatInput**: [`ChatInputData`](api.md#chatinputdata) & [`ChatSettings`](api.md#chatsettings) & [`MemoryAccessOptions`](api.md#memoryaccessoptions)
-#### Defined in
-### ChatInputData
-Ƭ **ChatInputData**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `messages` | [`InputChatMLMessage`](api.md#inputchatmlmessage)[] | A list of new input messages comprising the conversation so far. |
-| `tool_choice?` | [`ToolChoiceOption`](api.md#toolchoiceoption) \| [`NamedToolChoice`](api.md#namedtoolchoice) \| ``null`` | Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request |
-| `tools?` | [`Tool`](api.md#tool)[] \| ``null`` | (Advanced) List of tools that are provided in addition to agent's default set of tools. Functions of same name in agent set are overriden |
-#### Defined in
-### ChatMLMessage
-Ƭ **ChatMLMessage**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `content` | `string` | ChatML content |
-| `created_at` | `string` | Message created at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `id` | `string` | Message ID |
-| `name?` | `string` | ChatML name |
-| `role` | ``"user"`` \| ``"assistant"`` \| ``"system"`` \| ``"function_call"`` \| ``"function"`` | ChatML role (system\|assistant\|user\|function_call\|function) |
-#### Defined in
-### ChatResponse
-Ƭ **ChatResponse**: `Object`
-Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `finish_reason` | ``"stop"`` \| ``"length"`` \| ``"tool_calls"`` \| ``"content_filter"`` \| ``"function_call"`` | The reason the model stopped generating tokens. This will be `stop` if the model hit a natural stop point or a provided stop sequence, `length` if the maximum number of tokens specified in the request was reached, `content_filter` if content was omitted due to a flag from our content filters, `tool_calls` if the model called a tool, or `function_call` (deprecated) if the model called a function. |
-| `id` | `string` | A unique identifier for the chat completion. |
-| `jobs?` | `string`[] | IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request |
-| `response` | [`ChatMLMessage`](api.md#chatmlmessage)[][] | A list of chat completion messages produced as a response. |
-| `usage` | [`CompletionUsage`](api.md#completionusage) | - |
-#### Defined in
-### ChatSettings
-Ƭ **ChatSettings**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `frequency_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
-| `length_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. |
-| `logit_bias?` | `Record`\<`string`, `number`\> \| ``null`` | Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion. Accepts a JSON object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID in the tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100. Mathematically, the bias is added to the logits generated by the model prior to sampling. The exact effect will vary per model, but values between -1 and 1 should decrease or increase likelihood of selection; values like -100 or 100 should result in a ban or exclusive selection of the relevant token. |
-| `max_tokens?` | `number` \| ``null`` | The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion. The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length. |
-| `min_p?` | `number` | Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered |
-| `presence_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
-| `preset?` | ``"problem_solving"`` \| ``"conversational"`` \| ``"fun"`` \| ``"prose"`` \| ``"creative"`` \| ``"business"`` \| ``"deterministic"`` \| ``"code"`` \| ``"multilingual"`` | Generation preset name (problem_solving\|conversational\|fun\|prose\|creative\|business\|deterministic\|code\|multilingual) |
-| `repetition_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
-| `response_format?` | \{ `pattern?`: `string` ; `schema?`: `any` ; `type?`: ``"text"`` \| ``"json_object"`` \| ``"regex"`` } | An object specifying the format that the model must output. Setting to `{ "type": "json_object" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON. **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly "stuck" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason="length"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length. |
-| `response_format.pattern?` | `string` | Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `"regex"` |
-| `response_format.schema?` | `any` | JSON Schema to use if `type` is `"json_object"` |
-| `response_format.type?` | ``"text"`` \| ``"json_object"`` \| ``"regex"`` | Must be one of `"text"`, `"regex"` or `"json_object"`. |
-| `seed?` | `number` \| ``null`` | This feature is in Beta. If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result. Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend. |
-| `stop?` | `string` \| ``null`` \| `string`[] | Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. |
-| `stream?` | `boolean` \| ``null`` | If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions). |
-| `temperature?` | `number` \| ``null`` | What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. |
-| `top_p?` | `number` \| ``null`` | Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both. |
-#### Defined in
-### CompletionUsage
-Ƭ **CompletionUsage**: `Object`
-Usage statistics for the completion request.
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `completion_tokens` | `number` | Number of tokens in the generated completion. |
-| `prompt_tokens` | `number` | Number of tokens in the prompt. |
-| `total_tokens` | `number` | Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion). |
-#### Defined in
-### CreateAgentRequest
-Ƭ **CreateAgentRequest**: `Object`
-A valid request payload for creating an agent
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `about?` | `string` | About the agent |
-| `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](api.md#agentdefaultsettings) | Default model settings to start every session with |
-| `docs?` | [`CreateDoc`](api.md#createdoc)[] | List of docs about agent |
-| `instructions?` | `string` \| `string`[] | Instructions for the agent |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | (Optional) metadata |
-| `model?` | `string` | Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use |
-| `name` | `string` | Name of the agent |
-| `tools?` | [`CreateToolRequest`](api.md#createtoolrequest)[] | A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only `function`s are supported as a tool. Use this to provide a list of functions the model may generate JSON inputs for. |
-#### Defined in
-### CreateDoc
-Ƭ **CreateDoc**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `content` | `string` | Information content |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `title` | `string` | Title describing what this bit of information contains |
-#### Defined in
-### CreateSessionRequest
-Ƭ **CreateSessionRequest**: `Object`
-A valid request payload for creating a session
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `agent_id` | `string` | Agent ID of agent to associate with this session |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `render_templates?` | `boolean` | Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates |
-| `situation?` | `string` | A specific situation that sets the background for this session |
-| `user_id?` | `string` | (Optional) User ID of user to associate with this session |
-#### Defined in
-### CreateToolRequest
-Ƭ **CreateToolRequest**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `function` | [`FunctionDef`](api.md#functiondef) | Function definition and parameters |
-| `type` | ``"function"`` \| ``"webhook"`` | Whether this tool is a `function` or a `webhook` (Only `function` tool supported right now) |
-#### Defined in
-### CreateUserRequest
-Ƭ **CreateUserRequest**: `Object`
-A valid request payload for creating a user
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `about?` | `string` | About the user |
-| `docs?` | [`CreateDoc`](api.md#createdoc)[] | List of docs about user |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | (Optional) metadata |
-| `name?` | `string` | Name of the user |
-#### Defined in
-### Doc
-Ƭ **Doc**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `content` | `string` | Information content |
-| `created_at` | `string` | Doc created at |
-| `id` | `string` | ID of doc |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | optional metadata |
-| `title` | `string` | Title describing what this bit of information contains |
-#### Defined in
-### FunctionCallOption
-Ƭ **FunctionCallOption**: `Object`
-Specifying a particular function via `{"name": "my_function"}` forces the model to call that function.
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `name` | `string` | The name of the function to call. |
-#### Defined in
-### FunctionDef
-Ƭ **FunctionDef**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `description?` | `string` | A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function. |
-| `name` | `string` | The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64. |
-| `parameters` | [`FunctionParameters`](api.md#functionparameters) | Parameters accepeted by this function |
-#### Defined in
-### FunctionParameters
-Ƭ **FunctionParameters**: `Record`\<`string`, `any`\>
-The parameters the functions accepts, described as a JSON Schema object.
-#### Defined in
-### InputChatMLMessage
-Ƭ **InputChatMLMessage**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `content` | `string` | ChatML content |
-| `continue?` | `boolean` | Whether to continue this message or return a new one |
-| `name?` | `string` | ChatML name |
-| `role` | ``"user"`` \| ``"assistant"`` \| ``"system"`` \| ``"function_call"`` \| ``"function"`` \| ``"auto"`` | ChatML role (system\|assistant\|user\|function_call\|function\|auto) |
-#### Defined in
-### JobStatus
-Ƭ **JobStatus**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `created_at` | `string` | Job created at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `has_progress?` | `boolean` | Whether this Job supports progress updates |
-| `id` | `string` | Job id (UUID) |
-| `name` | `string` | Name of the job |
-| `progress?` | `number` | Progress percentage |
-| `reason?` | `string` | Reason for current state |
-| `state` | ``"pending"`` \| ``"in_progress"`` \| ``"retrying"`` \| ``"succeeded"`` \| ``"aborted"`` \| ``"failed"`` \| ``"unknown"`` | Current state (one of: pending, in_progress, retrying, succeeded, aborted, failed) |
-| `updated_at?` | `string` | Job updated at (RFC-3339 format) |
-#### Defined in
-### Memory
-Ƭ **Memory**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `agent_id` | `string` | ID of the agent |
-| `content` | `string` | Content of the memory |
-| `created_at` | `string` | Memory created at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `entities` | `any`[] | List of entities mentioned in the memory |
-| `id` | `string` | Memory id (UUID) |
-| `last_accessed_at?` | `string` | Memory last accessed at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `sentiment?` | `number` | Sentiment (valence) of the memory on a scale of -1 to 1 |
-| `timestamp?` | `string` | Memory happened at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `user_id` | `string` | ID of the user |
-#### Defined in
-### MemoryAccessOptions
-Ƭ **MemoryAccessOptions**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `recall?` | `boolean` | Whether previous memories should be recalled or not |
-| `record?` | `boolean` | Whether this interaction should be recorded in history or not |
-| `remember?` | `boolean` | Whether this interaction should form memories or not |
-#### Defined in
-### NamedToolChoice
-Ƭ **NamedToolChoice**: `Object`
-Specifies a tool the model should use. Use to force the model to call a specific function.
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `function` | \{ `name`: `string` } | - |
-| `function.name` | `string` | The name of the function to call. |
-| `type` | ``"function"`` | The type of the tool. Currently, only `function` is supported. |
-#### Defined in
-### OpenAPIConfig
-Ƭ **OpenAPIConfig**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `BASE` | `string` |
-| `CREDENTIALS` | ``"include"`` \| ``"omit"`` \| ``"same-origin"`` |
-| `ENCODE_PATH?` | (`path`: `string`) => `string` |
-| `HEADERS?` | `Headers` \| `Resolver`\<`Headers`\> |
-| `PASSWORD?` | `string` \| `Resolver`\<`string`\> |
-| `TOKEN?` | `string` \| `Resolver`\<`string`\> |
-| `USERNAME?` | `string` \| `Resolver`\<`string`\> |
-| `VERSION` | `string` |
-| `WITH_CREDENTIALS` | `boolean` |
-#### Defined in
-### PartialFunctionDef
-Ƭ **PartialFunctionDef**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `description?` | `string` | A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function. |
-| `name?` | `string` | The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64. |
-| `parameters?` | [`FunctionParameters`](api.md#functionparameters) | Parameters accepeted by this function |
-#### Defined in
-### PatchAgentRequest
-Ƭ **PatchAgentRequest**: `Object`
-A request for patching an agent
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `about?` | `string` | About the agent |
-| `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](api.md#agentdefaultsettings) | Default model settings to start every session with |
-| `instructions?` | `string` \| `string`[] | Instructions for the agent |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `model?` | `string` | Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use |
-| `name?` | `string` | Name of the agent |
-#### Defined in
-### PatchSessionRequest
-Ƭ **PatchSessionRequest**: `Object`
-A request for patching a session
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `situation?` | `string` | Updated situation for this session |
-#### Defined in
-### PatchToolRequest
-Ƭ **PatchToolRequest**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `function` | [`PartialFunctionDef`](api.md#partialfunctiondef) | Function definition and parameters |
-#### Defined in
-### PatchUserRequest
-Ƭ **PatchUserRequest**: `Object`
-A request for patching a user
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `about?` | `string` | About the user |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `name?` | `string` | Name of the user |
-#### Defined in
-### ResourceCreatedResponse
-Ƭ **ResourceCreatedResponse**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `created_at` | `string` | - |
-| `id` | `string` | - |
-| `jobs?` | `string`[] | IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request |
-#### Defined in
-### ResourceDeletedResponse
-Ƭ **ResourceDeletedResponse**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `deleted_at` | `string` | - |
-| `id` | `string` | - |
-| `jobs?` | `string`[] | IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request |
-#### Defined in
-### ResourceUpdatedResponse
-Ƭ **ResourceUpdatedResponse**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `id` | `string` | - |
-| `jobs?` | `string`[] | IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request |
-| `updated_at` | `string` | - |
-#### Defined in
-### Session
-Ƭ **Session**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `agent_id` | `string` | Agent ID of agent associated with this session |
-| `created_at?` | `string` | Session created at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `id` | `string` | Session id (UUID) |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `render_templates?` | `boolean` | Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates |
-| `situation?` | `string` | A specific situation that sets the background for this session |
-| `summary?` | `string` | (null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction |
-| `updated_at?` | `string` | Session updated at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `user_id?` | `string` | User ID of user associated with this session |
-#### Defined in
-### Suggestion
-Ƭ **Suggestion**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `content` | `string` | The content of the suggestion |
-| `created_at?` | `string` | Suggestion created at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `message_id` | `string` | The message that produced it |
-| `session_id` | `string` | Session this suggestion belongs to |
-| `target` | ``"user"`` \| ``"agent"`` | Whether the suggestion is for the `agent` or a `user` |
-#### Defined in
-### Tool
-Ƭ **Tool**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `function` | [`FunctionDef`](api.md#functiondef) | Function definition and parameters |
-| `id` | `string` | Tool ID |
-| `type` | ``"function"`` \| ``"webhook"`` | Whether this tool is a `function` or a `webhook` (Only `function` tool supported right now) |
-#### Defined in
-### ToolChoiceOption
-Ƭ **ToolChoiceOption**: ``"none"`` \| ``"auto"`` \| [`NamedToolChoice`](api.md#namedtoolchoice)
-Controls which (if any) function is called by the model.
-`none` means the model will not call a function and instead generates a message.
-`auto` means the model can pick between generating a message or calling a function.
-Specifying a particular function via `{"type: "function", "function": {"name": "my_function"}}` forces the model to call that function.
-`none` is the default when no functions are present. `auto` is the default if functions are present.
-#### Defined in
-### UpdateAgentRequest
-Ƭ **UpdateAgentRequest**: `Object`
-A valid request payload for updating an agent
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `about` | `string` | About the agent |
-| `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](api.md#agentdefaultsettings) | Default model settings to start every session with |
-| `instructions?` | `string` \| `string`[] | Instructions for the agent |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `model?` | `string` | Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use |
-| `name` | `string` | Name of the agent |
-#### Defined in
-### UpdateSessionRequest
-Ƭ **UpdateSessionRequest**: `Object`
+## References
-A valid request payload for updating a session
+### $Agent
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$Agent](api_schemas__Agent.md#$agent)
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `situation` | `string` | Updated situation for this session |
-#### Defined in
+### $AgentDefaultSettings
+Re-exports [$AgentDefaultSettings](api_schemas__AgentDefaultSettings.md#$agentdefaultsettings)
-### UpdateToolRequest
-Ƭ **UpdateToolRequest**: `Object`
+### $ChatInput
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$ChatInput](api_schemas__ChatInput.md#$chatinput)
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `function` | [`FunctionDef`](api.md#functiondef) | Function definition and parameters |
-#### Defined in
+### $ChatInputData
+Re-exports [$ChatInputData](api_schemas__ChatInputData.md#$chatinputdata)
-### UpdateUserRequest
-Ƭ **UpdateUserRequest**: `Object`
-A valid request payload for updating a user
+### $ChatMLMessage
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$ChatMLMessage](api_schemas__ChatMLMessage.md#$chatmlmessage)
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `about` | `string` | About the user |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
-| `name` | `string` | Name of the user |
-#### Defined in
+### $ChatResponse
+Re-exports [$ChatResponse](api_schemas__ChatResponse.md#$chatresponse)
-### User
-Ƭ **User**: `Object`
+### $ChatSettings
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$ChatSettings](api_schemas__ChatSettings.md#$chatsettings)
-| Name | Type | Description |
-| :------ | :------ | :------ |
-| `about?` | `string` | About the user |
-| `created_at?` | `string` | User created at (RFC-3339 format) |
-| `id` | `string` | User id (UUID) |
-| `metadata?` | `any` | (Optional) metadata |
-| `name?` | `string` | Name of the user |
-| `updated_at?` | `string` | User updated at (RFC-3339 format) |
-#### Defined in
+### $CompletionUsage
+Re-exports [$CompletionUsage](api_schemas__CompletionUsage.md#$completionusage)
-### agent\_id
-Ƭ **agent\_id**: `string`
-#### Defined in
+### $CreateAgentRequest
+Re-exports [$CreateAgentRequest](api_schemas__CreateAgentRequest.md#$createagentrequest)
-### doc\_id
-Ƭ **doc\_id**: `string`
-#### Defined in
+### $CreateDoc
+Re-exports [$CreateDoc](api_schemas__CreateDoc.md#$createdoc)
-### job\_id
-Ƭ **job\_id**: `string`
-#### Defined in
+### $CreateSessionRequest
+Re-exports [$CreateSessionRequest](api_schemas__CreateSessionRequest.md#$createsessionrequest)
-### memory\_id
-Ƭ **memory\_id**: `string`
-#### Defined in
+### $CreateToolRequest
+Re-exports [$CreateToolRequest](api_schemas__CreateToolRequest.md#$createtoolrequest)
-### message\_id
+### $CreateUserRequest
+Re-exports [$CreateUserRequest](api_schemas__CreateUserRequest.md#$createuserrequest)
-Ƭ **message\_id**: `string`
-#### Defined in
+### $Doc
+Re-exports [$Doc](api_schemas__Doc.md#$doc)
-### session\_id
+### $DocIds
+Re-exports [$DocIds](api_schemas__DocIds.md#$docids)
-Ƭ **session\_id**: `string`
-#### Defined in
+### $FunctionCallOption
+Re-exports [$FunctionCallOption](api_schemas__FunctionCallOption.md#$functioncalloption)
-### tool\_id
+### $FunctionDef
-Ƭ **tool\_id**: `string`
+Re-exports [$FunctionDef](api_schemas__FunctionDef.md#$functiondef)
-#### Defined in
+### $FunctionParameters
+Re-exports [$FunctionParameters](api_schemas__FunctionParameters.md#$functionparameters)
-### user\_id
+### $InputChatMLMessage
-Ƭ **user\_id**: `string`
+Re-exports [$InputChatMLMessage](api_schemas__InputChatMLMessage.md#$inputchatmlmessage)
-#### Defined in
+### $JobStatus
-## Variables
+Re-exports [$JobStatus](api_schemas__JobStatus.md#$jobstatus)
-### $Agent
+### $Memory
-• `Const` **$Agent**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `default_settings`: \{ `description`: ``"Default settings for all sessions created by this agent"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `instructions`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `model`: \{ `description`: ``"The model to use with this agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the agent"`` |
-| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Agent created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.default_settings` | \{ `description`: ``"Default settings for all sessions created by this agent"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } |
-| `properties.default_settings.description` | ``"Default settings for all sessions created by this agent"`` |
-| `properties.default_settings.type` | ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"Agent id (UUID)"`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.instructions` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
-| `properties.instructions.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
-| `properties.instructions.description` | ``"Instructions for the agent"`` |
-| `properties.instructions.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.model` | \{ `description`: ``"The model to use with this agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.model.description` | ``"The model to use with this agent"`` |
-| `properties.model.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.model.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the agent"`` |
-| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.updated_at.description` | ``"Agent updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [$Memory](api_schemas__Memory.md#$memory)
-### $AgentDefaultSettings
+### $MemoryAccessOptions
-• `Const` **$AgentDefaultSettings**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `frequency_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `minimum`: ``-2`` = -2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `length_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `min_p`: \{ `description`: ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` ; `exclusiveMaximum`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `presence_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `preset`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } ; `repetition_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `temperature`: \{ `description`: ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``3`` = 3; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `top_p`: \{ `description`: ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } } |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `minimum`: ``-2`` = -2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.description` | ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.minimum` | ``-2`` |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.length_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.length_penalty.description` | ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` |
-| `properties.length_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.length_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
-| `properties.length_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.min_p` | \{ `description`: ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` ; `exclusiveMaximum`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.min_p.description` | ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` |
-| `properties.min_p.exclusiveMaximum` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.min_p.maximum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.min_p.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.description` | ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.maximum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.minimum` | ``-1`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.preset` | \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.preset.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty.description` | ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.temperature` | \{ `description`: ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``3`` = 3; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.temperature.description` | ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` |
-| `properties.temperature.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.temperature.maximum` | ``3`` |
-| `properties.temperature.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.top_p` | \{ `description`: ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.top_p.description` | ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` |
-| `properties.top_p.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.top_p.maximum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.top_p.type` | ``"number"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [$MemoryAccessOptions](api_schemas__MemoryAccessOptions.md#$memoryaccessoptions)
-### $ChatInput
-• `Const` **$ChatInput**: `Object`
+### $NamedToolChoice
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$NamedToolChoice](api_schemas__NamedToolChoice.md#$namedtoolchoice)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"ChatInputData"`` = "ChatInputData" }, \{ `type`: ``"ChatSettings"`` = "ChatSettings" }, \{ `type`: ``"MemoryAccessOptions"`` = "MemoryAccessOptions" }] |
-| `type` | ``"all-of"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $PartialFunctionDef
+Re-exports [$PartialFunctionDef](api_schemas__PartialFunctionDef.md#$partialfunctiondef)
-### $ChatInputData
-• `Const` **$ChatInputData**: `Object`
+### $PatchAgentRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$PatchAgentRequest](api_schemas__PatchAgentRequest.md#$patchagentrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `messages`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"InputChatMLMessage"`` = "InputChatMLMessage" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `tool_choice`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"ToolChoiceOption"`` = "ToolChoiceOption" }, \{ `type`: ``"NamedToolChoice"`` = "NamedToolChoice" }] ; `description`: ``"Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request"`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `tools`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"Tool"`` = "Tool" } ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
-| `properties.messages` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"InputChatMLMessage"`` = "InputChatMLMessage" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.messages.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"InputChatMLMessage"`` = "InputChatMLMessage" } |
-| `properties.messages.contains.type` | ``"InputChatMLMessage"`` |
-| `properties.messages.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.messages.type` | ``"array"`` |
-| `properties.tool_choice` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"ToolChoiceOption"`` = "ToolChoiceOption" }, \{ `type`: ``"NamedToolChoice"`` = "NamedToolChoice" }] ; `description`: ``"Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request"`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
-| `properties.tool_choice.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"ToolChoiceOption"`` = "ToolChoiceOption" }, \{ `type`: ``"NamedToolChoice"`` = "NamedToolChoice" }] |
-| `properties.tool_choice.description` | ``"Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request"`` |
-| `properties.tool_choice.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.tool_choice.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-| `properties.tools` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"Tool"`` = "Tool" } ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.tools.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"Tool"`` = "Tool" } |
-| `properties.tools.contains.type` | ``"Tool"`` |
-| `properties.tools.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.tools.type` | ``"array"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $PatchSessionRequest
+Re-exports [$PatchSessionRequest](api_schemas__PatchSessionRequest.md#$patchsessionrequest)
-### $ChatMLMessage
-• `Const` **$ChatMLMessage**: `Object`
+### $PatchToolRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$PatchToolRequest](api_schemas__PatchToolRequest.md#$patchtoolrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `description`: ``"ChatML content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Message created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Message ID"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"ChatML name"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `role`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
-| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"ChatML content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.content.description` | ``"ChatML content"`` |
-| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Message created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Message created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Message ID"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"Message ID"`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"ChatML name"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"ChatML name"`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.role` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.role.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.role.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $PatchUserRequest
+Re-exports [$PatchUserRequest](api_schemas__PatchUserRequest.md#$patchuserrequest)
-### $ChatResponse
+### $ResourceCreatedResponse
-• `Const` **$ChatResponse**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input."`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `finish_reason`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"A unique identifier for the chat completion."`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `jobs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `response`: \{ `contains`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"ChatMLMessage"`` = "ChatMLMessage" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `usage`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"CompletionUsage"`` = "CompletionUsage" } } |
-| `properties.finish_reason` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.finish_reason.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.finish_reason.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"A unique identifier for the chat completion."`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"A unique identifier for the chat completion."`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.jobs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.jobs.contains` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.jobs.contains.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.jobs.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.jobs.type` | ``"array"`` |
-| `properties.response` | \{ `contains`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"ChatMLMessage"`` = "ChatMLMessage" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.response.contains` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"ChatMLMessage"`` = "ChatMLMessage" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.response.contains.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"ChatMLMessage"`` = "ChatMLMessage" } |
-| `properties.response.contains.contains.type` | ``"ChatMLMessage"`` |
-| `properties.response.contains.type` | ``"array"`` |
-| `properties.response.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.response.type` | ``"array"`` |
-| `properties.usage` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"CompletionUsage"`` = "CompletionUsage" } |
-| `properties.usage.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.usage.type` | ``"CompletionUsage"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [$ResourceCreatedResponse](api_schemas__ResourceCreatedResponse.md#$resourcecreatedresponse)
-### $ChatSettings
+### $ResourceDeletedResponse
-• `Const` **$ChatSettings**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `frequency_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `length_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `logit_bias`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"dictionary"`` = "dictionary" } ; `max_tokens`: \{ `description`: ``"The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion.\n The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length.\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``16384`` = 16384; `minimum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `min_p`: \{ `description`: ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` ; `exclusiveMaximum`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `presence_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `preset`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } ; `repetition_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `response_format`: \{ `description`: ``"An object specifying the format that the model must output.\n Setting to `{ \"type\": \"json_object\" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.\n **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly \"stuck\" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason=\"length\"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length.\n "`` ; `properties`: \{ `pattern`: \{ `description`: ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `schema`: \{ `description`: ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `type`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } } ; `seed`: \{ `description`: ``"This feature is in Beta.\n If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result.\n Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend.\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``9999`` = 9999; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `stop`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.\n "`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `stream`: \{ `description`: ``"If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions).\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `temperature`: \{ `description`: ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `top_p`: \{ `description`: ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` ; `exclusiveMinimum`: ``true`` = true; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } } |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.description` | ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.maximum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.minimum` | ``-1`` |
-| `properties.frequency_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.length_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.length_penalty.description` | ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` |
-| `properties.length_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.length_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
-| `properties.length_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.logit_bias` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"dictionary"`` = "dictionary" } |
-| `properties.logit_bias.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.logit_bias.contains.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.logit_bias.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.logit_bias.type` | ``"dictionary"`` |
-| `properties.max_tokens` | \{ `description`: ``"The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion.\n The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length.\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``16384`` = 16384; `minimum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.max_tokens.description` | ``"The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion.\n The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length.\n "`` |
-| `properties.max_tokens.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.max_tokens.maximum` | ``16384`` |
-| `properties.max_tokens.minimum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.max_tokens.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.min_p` | \{ `description`: ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` ; `exclusiveMaximum`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.min_p.description` | ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` |
-| `properties.min_p.exclusiveMaximum` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.min_p.maximum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.min_p.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.description` | ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.maximum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.minimum` | ``-1`` |
-| `properties.presence_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.preset` | \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.preset.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty.description` | ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
-| `properties.repetition_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.response_format` | \{ `description`: ``"An object specifying the format that the model must output.\n Setting to `{ \"type\": \"json_object\" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.\n **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly \"stuck\" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason=\"length\"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length.\n "`` ; `properties`: \{ `pattern`: \{ `description`: ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `schema`: \{ `description`: ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `type`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } } |
-| `properties.response_format.description` | ``"An object specifying the format that the model must output.\n Setting to `{ \"type\": \"json_object\" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.\n **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly \"stuck\" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason=\"length\"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length.\n "`` |
-| `properties.response_format.properties` | \{ `pattern`: \{ `description`: ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `schema`: \{ `description`: ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `type`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
-| `properties.response_format.properties.pattern` | \{ `description`: ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.response_format.properties.pattern.description` | ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` |
-| `properties.response_format.properties.pattern.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.response_format.properties.schema` | \{ `description`: ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.response_format.properties.schema.description` | ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` |
-| `properties.response_format.properties.schema.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.response_format.properties.type` | \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.response_format.properties.type.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-| `properties.seed` | \{ `description`: ``"This feature is in Beta.\n If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result.\n Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend.\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``9999`` = 9999; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.seed.description` | ``"This feature is in Beta.\n If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result.\n Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend.\n "`` |
-| `properties.seed.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.seed.maximum` | ``9999`` |
-| `properties.seed.minimum` | ``-1`` |
-| `properties.seed.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.stop` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.\n "`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
-| `properties.stop.contains` | readonly [\{ `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
-| `properties.stop.description` | ``"Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.\n "`` |
-| `properties.stop.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-| `properties.stream` | \{ `description`: ``"If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions).\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
-| `properties.stream.description` | ``"If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions).\n "`` |
-| `properties.stream.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.stream.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
-| `properties.temperature` | \{ `description`: ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.temperature.description` | ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` |
-| `properties.temperature.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.temperature.maximum` | ``2`` |
-| `properties.temperature.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.top_p` | \{ `description`: ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` ; `exclusiveMinimum`: ``true`` = true; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.top_p.description` | ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` |
-| `properties.top_p.exclusiveMinimum` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.top_p.isNullable` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.top_p.maximum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.top_p.type` | ``"number"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [$ResourceDeletedResponse](api_schemas__ResourceDeletedResponse.md#$resourcedeletedresponse)
-### $CompletionUsage
-• `Const` **$CompletionUsage**: `Object`
+### $ResourceUpdatedResponse
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$ResourceUpdatedResponse](api_schemas__ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#$resourceupdatedresponse)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"Usage statistics for the completion request."`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `completion_tokens`: \{ `description`: ``"Number of tokens in the generated completion."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `prompt_tokens`: \{ `description`: ``"Number of tokens in the prompt."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `total_tokens`: \{ `description`: ``"Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion)."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } } |
-| `properties.completion_tokens` | \{ `description`: ``"Number of tokens in the generated completion."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.completion_tokens.description` | ``"Number of tokens in the generated completion."`` |
-| `properties.completion_tokens.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.completion_tokens.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.prompt_tokens` | \{ `description`: ``"Number of tokens in the prompt."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.prompt_tokens.description` | ``"Number of tokens in the prompt."`` |
-| `properties.prompt_tokens.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.prompt_tokens.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.total_tokens` | \{ `description`: ``"Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion)."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.total_tokens.description` | ``"Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion)."`` |
-| `properties.total_tokens.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.total_tokens.type` | ``"number"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $Session
+Re-exports [$Session](api_schemas__Session.md#$session)
-### $CreateAgentRequest
+### $Suggestion
-• `Const` **$CreateAgentRequest**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for creating an agent"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `default_settings`: \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } ; `docs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `instructions`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `model`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `tools`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateToolRequest"`` = "CreateToolRequest" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
-| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the agent"`` |
-| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.default_settings` | \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } |
-| `properties.default_settings.description` | ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` |
-| `properties.default_settings.type` | ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` |
-| `properties.docs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.docs.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } |
-| `properties.docs.contains.type` | ``"CreateDoc"`` |
-| `properties.docs.type` | ``"array"`` |
-| `properties.instructions` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
-| `properties.instructions.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
-| `properties.instructions.description` | ``"Instructions for the agent"`` |
-| `properties.instructions.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"(Optional) metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.model` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.model.description` | ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` |
-| `properties.model.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the agent"`` |
-| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.tools` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateToolRequest"`` = "CreateToolRequest" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.tools.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"CreateToolRequest"`` = "CreateToolRequest" } |
-| `properties.tools.contains.type` | ``"CreateToolRequest"`` |
-| `properties.tools.type` | ``"array"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [$Suggestion](api_schemas__Suggestion.md#$suggestion)
-### $CreateDoc
-• `Const` **$CreateDoc**: `Object`
+### $Tool
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$Tool](api_schemas__Tool.md#$tool)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `description`: ``"Information content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `title`: \{ `description`: ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"Information content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.content.description` | ``"Information content"`` |
-| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.title` | \{ `description`: ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.title.description` | ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` |
-| `properties.title.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.title.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $ToolChoiceOption
+Re-exports [$ToolChoiceOption](api_schemas__ToolChoiceOption.md#$toolchoiceoption)
-### $CreateSessionRequest
-• `Const` **$CreateSessionRequest**: `Object`
+### $UpdateAgentRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$UpdateAgentRequest](api_schemas__UpdateAgentRequest.md#$updateagentrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for creating a session"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `agent_id`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent ID of agent to associate with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `render_templates`: \{ `description`: ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `situation`: \{ `description`: ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `user_id`: \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) User ID of user to associate with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.agent_id` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent ID of agent to associate with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.agent_id.description` | ``"Agent ID of agent to associate with this session"`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.render_templates` | \{ `description`: ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
-| `properties.render_templates.description` | ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` |
-| `properties.render_templates.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
-| `properties.situation` | \{ `description`: ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.situation.description` | ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` |
-| `properties.situation.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.user_id` | \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) User ID of user to associate with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.user_id.description` | ``"(Optional) User ID of user to associate with this session"`` |
-| `properties.user_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.user_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $UpdateSessionRequest
+Re-exports [$UpdateSessionRequest](api_schemas__UpdateSessionRequest.md#$updatesessionrequest)
-### $CreateToolRequest
-• `Const` **$CreateToolRequest**: `Object`
+### $UpdateToolRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$UpdateToolRequest](api_schemas__UpdateToolRequest.md#$updatetoolrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] ; `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `type`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
-| `properties.function` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] ; `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
-| `properties.function.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] |
-| `properties.function.description` | ``"Function definition and parameters"`` |
-| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.function.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-| `properties.type` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.type.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.type.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $UpdateUserRequest
+Re-exports [$UpdateUserRequest](api_schemas__UpdateUserRequest.md#$updateuserrequest)
-### $CreateUserRequest
-• `Const` **$CreateUserRequest**: `Object`
+### $User
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$User](api_schemas__User.md#$user)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for creating a user"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `docs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the user"`` |
-| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.docs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.docs.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } |
-| `properties.docs.contains.type` | ``"CreateDoc"`` |
-| `properties.docs.type` | ``"array"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"(Optional) metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the user"`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $agent\_id
+Re-exports [$agent_id](api_schemas__agent_id.md#$agent_id)
-### $Doc
+### $doc\_id
-• `Const` **$Doc**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `description`: ``"Information content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Doc created at"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"ID of doc"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `title`: \{ `description`: ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"Information content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.content.description` | ``"Information content"`` |
-| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Doc created at"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Doc created at"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"ID of doc"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"ID of doc"`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.title` | \{ `description`: ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.title.description` | ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` |
-| `properties.title.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.title.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [$doc_id](api_schemas__doc_id.md#$doc_id)
-### $FunctionCallOption
-• `Const` **$FunctionCallOption**: `Object`
+### $job\_id
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$job_id](api_schemas__job_id.md#$job_id)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"Specifying a particular function via `{\"name\": \"my_function\"}` forces the model to call that function.\n "`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"The name of the function to call."`` |
-| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $memory\_id
+Re-exports [$memory_id](api_schemas__memory_id.md#$memory_id)
-### $FunctionDef
-• `Const` **$FunctionDef**: `Object`
+### $message\_id
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$message_id](api_schemas__message_id.md#$message_id)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `description`: \{ `description`: ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `parameters`: \{ `description`: ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"FunctionParameters"`` = "FunctionParameters" } } |
-| `properties.description` | \{ `description`: ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.description.description` | ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` |
-| `properties.description.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` |
-| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.parameters` | \{ `description`: ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"FunctionParameters"`` = "FunctionParameters" } |
-| `properties.parameters.description` | ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` |
-| `properties.parameters.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.parameters.type` | ``"FunctionParameters"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $session\_id
+Re-exports [$session_id](api_schemas__session_id.md#$session_id)
-### $FunctionParameters
-• `Const` **$FunctionParameters**: `Object`
+### $tool\_id
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [$tool_id](api_schemas__tool_id.md#$tool_id)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `contains` | \{ `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `contains.properties` | {} |
-| `type` | ``"dictionary"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### $user\_id
+Re-exports [$user_id](api_schemas__user_id.md#$user_id)
-### $InputChatMLMessage
-• `Const` **$InputChatMLMessage**: `Object`
+### Agent
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [Agent](api_models_Agent.md#agent)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `description`: ``"ChatML content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `continue`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether to continue this message or return a new one"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"ChatML name"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `role`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
-| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"ChatML content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.content.description` | ``"ChatML content"`` |
-| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.continue` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether to continue this message or return a new one"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
-| `properties.continue.description` | ``"Whether to continue this message or return a new one"`` |
-| `properties.continue.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"ChatML name"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"ChatML name"`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.role` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.role.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.role.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### AgentDefaultSettings
+Re-exports [AgentDefaultSettings](api_models_AgentDefaultSettings.md#agentdefaultsettings)
-### $JobStatus
+### ApiError
-• `Const` **$JobStatus**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Job created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `has_progress`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether this Job supports progress updates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Job id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the job"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `progress`: \{ `description`: ``"Progress percentage"`` ; `maximum`: ``100`` = 100; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `reason`: \{ `description`: ``"Reason for current state"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `state`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Job updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Job created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Job created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.has_progress` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether this Job supports progress updates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
-| `properties.has_progress.description` | ``"Whether this Job supports progress updates"`` |
-| `properties.has_progress.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Job id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"Job id (UUID)"`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the job"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the job"`` |
-| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.progress` | \{ `description`: ``"Progress percentage"`` ; `maximum`: ``100`` = 100; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.progress.description` | ``"Progress percentage"`` |
-| `properties.progress.maximum` | ``100`` |
-| `properties.progress.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.reason` | \{ `description`: ``"Reason for current state"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.reason.description` | ``"Reason for current state"`` |
-| `properties.reason.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.state` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.state.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.state.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Job updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.updated_at.description` | ``"Job updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [ApiError](../classes/api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md)
-### $Memory
+### BaseHttpRequest
-• `Const` **$Memory**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `agent_id`: \{ `description`: ``"ID of the agent"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `content`: \{ `description`: ``"Content of the memory"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Memory created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `entities`: \{ `contains`: \{ `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Memory id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `last_accessed_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Memory last accessed at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `sentiment`: \{ `description`: ``"Sentiment (valence) of the memory on a scale of -1 to 1"`` ; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `timestamp`: \{ `description`: ``"Memory happened at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `user_id`: \{ `description`: ``"ID of the user"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.agent_id` | \{ `description`: ``"ID of the agent"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.agent_id.description` | ``"ID of the agent"`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"Content of the memory"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.content.description` | ``"Content of the memory"`` |
-| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Memory created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Memory created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.entities` | \{ `contains`: \{ `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.entities.contains` | \{ `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.entities.contains.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.entities.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.entities.type` | ``"array"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Memory id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"Memory id (UUID)"`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.last_accessed_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Memory last accessed at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.last_accessed_at.description` | ``"Memory last accessed at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.last_accessed_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.last_accessed_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.sentiment` | \{ `description`: ``"Sentiment (valence) of the memory on a scale of -1 to 1"`` ; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
-| `properties.sentiment.description` | ``"Sentiment (valence) of the memory on a scale of -1 to 1"`` |
-| `properties.sentiment.maximum` | ``1`` |
-| `properties.sentiment.minimum` | ``-1`` |
-| `properties.sentiment.type` | ``"number"`` |
-| `properties.timestamp` | \{ `description`: ``"Memory happened at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.timestamp.description` | ``"Memory happened at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.timestamp.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.timestamp.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.user_id` | \{ `description`: ``"ID of the user"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.user_id.description` | ``"ID of the user"`` |
-| `properties.user_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.user_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.user_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [BaseHttpRequest](../classes/api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md)
-### $MemoryAccessOptions
-• `Const` **$MemoryAccessOptions**: `Object`
+### CancelError
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [CancelError](../classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `recall`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether previous memories should be recalled or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `record`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether this interaction should be recorded in history or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `remember`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether this interaction should form memories or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } } |
-| `properties.recall` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether previous memories should be recalled or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
-| `properties.recall.description` | ``"Whether previous memories should be recalled or not"`` |
-| `properties.recall.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
-| `properties.record` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether this interaction should be recorded in history or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
-| `properties.record.description` | ``"Whether this interaction should be recorded in history or not"`` |
-| `properties.record.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
-| `properties.remember` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether this interaction should form memories or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
-| `properties.remember.description` | ``"Whether this interaction should form memories or not"`` |
-| `properties.remember.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### CancelablePromise
+Re-exports [CancelablePromise](../classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)
-### $NamedToolChoice
-• `Const` **$NamedToolChoice**: `Object`
+### ChatInput
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [ChatInput](api_models_ChatInput.md#chatinput)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"Specifies a tool the model should use. Use to force the model to call a specific function."`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `properties`: \{ `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } } ; `type`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
-| `properties.function` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `properties`: \{ `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } } |
-| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.function.properties` | \{ `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.function.properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.function.properties.name.description` | ``"The name of the function to call."`` |
-| `properties.function.properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.function.properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.type` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.type.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.type.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### ChatInputData
+Re-exports [ChatInputData](api_models_ChatInputData.md#chatinputdata)
-### $PartialFunctionDef
-• `Const` **$PartialFunctionDef**: `Object`
+### ChatMLMessage
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [ChatMLMessage](api_models_ChatMLMessage.md#chatmlmessage)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `description`: \{ `description`: ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `parameters`: \{ `description`: ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` ; `type`: ``"FunctionParameters"`` = "FunctionParameters" } } |
-| `properties.description` | \{ `description`: ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.description.description` | ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` |
-| `properties.description.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.parameters` | \{ `description`: ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` ; `type`: ``"FunctionParameters"`` = "FunctionParameters" } |
-| `properties.parameters.description` | ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` |
-| `properties.parameters.type` | ``"FunctionParameters"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### ChatResponse
+Re-exports [ChatResponse](api_models_ChatResponse.md#chatresponse)
-### $PatchAgentRequest
-• `Const` **$PatchAgentRequest**: `Object`
+### ChatSettings
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [ChatSettings](api_models_ChatSettings.md#chatsettings)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A request for patching an agent"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `default_settings`: \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } ; `instructions`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `model`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the agent"`` |
-| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.default_settings` | \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } |
-| `properties.default_settings.description` | ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` |
-| `properties.default_settings.type` | ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` |
-| `properties.instructions` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
-| `properties.instructions.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
-| `properties.instructions.description` | ``"Instructions for the agent"`` |
-| `properties.instructions.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.model` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.model.description` | ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` |
-| `properties.model.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the agent"`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### CompletionUsage
+Re-exports [CompletionUsage](api_models_CompletionUsage.md#completionusage)
-### $PatchSessionRequest
-• `Const` **$PatchSessionRequest**: `Object`
+### CreateAgentRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [CreateAgentRequest](api_models_CreateAgentRequest.md#createagentrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A request for patching a session"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `situation`: \{ `description`: ``"Updated situation for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.situation` | \{ `description`: ``"Updated situation for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.situation.description` | ``"Updated situation for this session"`` |
-| `properties.situation.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### CreateDoc
+Re-exports [CreateDoc](api_models_CreateDoc.md#createdoc)
-### $PatchToolRequest
-• `Const` **$PatchToolRequest**: `Object`
+### CreateSessionRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [CreateSessionRequest](api_models_CreateSessionRequest.md#createsessionrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"PartialFunctionDef"`` = "PartialFunctionDef" } } |
-| `properties.function` | \{ `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"PartialFunctionDef"`` = "PartialFunctionDef" } |
-| `properties.function.description` | ``"Function definition and parameters"`` |
-| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.function.type` | ``"PartialFunctionDef"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### CreateToolRequest
+Re-exports [CreateToolRequest](api_models_CreateToolRequest.md#createtoolrequest)
-### $PatchUserRequest
-• `Const` **$PatchUserRequest**: `Object`
+### CreateUserRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [CreateUserRequest](api_models_CreateUserRequest.md#createuserrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A request for patching a user"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the user"`` |
-| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the user"`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### DefaultService
+Re-exports [DefaultService](../classes/api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md)
-### $ResourceCreatedResponse
-• `Const` **$ResourceCreatedResponse**: `Object`
+### Doc
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [Doc](api_models_Doc.md#doc)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `created_at`: \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `jobs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.jobs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.jobs.contains` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.jobs.contains.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.jobs.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.jobs.type` | ``"array"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### DocIds
+Re-exports [DocIds](api_models_DocIds.md#docids)
-### $ResourceDeletedResponse
-• `Const` **$ResourceDeletedResponse**: `Object`
+### FunctionCallOption
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [FunctionCallOption](api_models_FunctionCallOption.md#functioncalloption)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `deleted_at`: \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `jobs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
-| `properties.deleted_at` | \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.deleted_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.deleted_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.deleted_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.jobs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.jobs.contains` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.jobs.contains.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.jobs.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.jobs.type` | ``"array"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### FunctionDef
+Re-exports [FunctionDef](api_models_FunctionDef.md#functiondef)
-### $ResourceUpdatedResponse
-• `Const` **$ResourceUpdatedResponse**: `Object`
+### FunctionParameters
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [FunctionParameters](api_models_FunctionParameters.md#functionparameters)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `id`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `jobs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.jobs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
-| `properties.jobs.contains` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.jobs.contains.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.jobs.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.jobs.type` | ``"array"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### InputChatMLMessage
+Re-exports [InputChatMLMessage](api_models_InputChatMLMessage.md#inputchatmlmessage)
-### $Session
+### JobStatus
-• `Const` **$Session**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `agent_id`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent ID of agent associated with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Session created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Session id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `render_templates`: \{ `description`: ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `situation`: \{ `description`: ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `summary`: \{ `description`: ``"(null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Session updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `user_id`: \{ `description`: ``"User ID of user associated with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.agent_id` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent ID of agent associated with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.agent_id.description` | ``"Agent ID of agent associated with this session"`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.agent_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Session created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Session created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Session id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"Session id (UUID)"`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.render_templates` | \{ `description`: ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
-| `properties.render_templates.description` | ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` |
-| `properties.render_templates.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
-| `properties.situation` | \{ `description`: ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.situation.description` | ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` |
-| `properties.situation.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.summary` | \{ `description`: ``"(null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.summary.description` | ``"(null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction"`` |
-| `properties.summary.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Session updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.updated_at.description` | ``"Session updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.user_id` | \{ `description`: ``"User ID of user associated with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.user_id.description` | ``"User ID of user associated with this session"`` |
-| `properties.user_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.user_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [JobStatus](api_models_JobStatus.md#jobstatus)
-### $Suggestion
+### JulepApiClient
-• `Const` **$Suggestion**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `description`: ``"The content of the suggestion"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Suggestion created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `message_id`: \{ `description`: ``"The message that produced it"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `session_id`: \{ `description`: ``"Session this suggestion belongs to"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `target`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
-| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"The content of the suggestion"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.content.description` | ``"The content of the suggestion"`` |
-| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Suggestion created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Suggestion created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.message_id` | \{ `description`: ``"The message that produced it"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.message_id.description` | ``"The message that produced it"`` |
-| `properties.message_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.message_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.message_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.session_id` | \{ `description`: ``"Session this suggestion belongs to"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.session_id.description` | ``"Session this suggestion belongs to"`` |
-| `properties.session_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.session_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.session_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.target` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.target.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.target.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [JulepApiClient](../classes/api_JulepApiClient.JulepApiClient.md)
-### $Tool
-• `Const` **$Tool**: `Object`
+### Memory
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [Memory](api_models_Memory.md#memory)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] ; `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Tool ID"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
-| `properties.function` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] ; `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
-| `properties.function.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] |
-| `properties.function.description` | ``"Function definition and parameters"`` |
-| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.function.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Tool ID"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"Tool ID"`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.type` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
-| `properties.type.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.type.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### MemoryAccessOptions
+Re-exports [MemoryAccessOptions](api_models_MemoryAccessOptions.md#memoryaccessoptions)
-### $ToolChoiceOption
-• `Const` **$ToolChoiceOption**: `Object`
+### NamedToolChoice
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [NamedToolChoice](api_models_NamedToolChoice.md#namedtoolchoice)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" }, \{ `type`: ``"NamedToolChoice"`` = "NamedToolChoice" }] |
-| `description` | ``"Controls which (if any) function is called by the model.\n `none` means the model will not call a function and instead generates a message.\n `auto` means the model can pick between generating a message or calling a function.\n Specifying a particular function via `{\"type: \"function\", \"function\": {\"name\": \"my_function\"}}` forces the model to call that function.\n `none` is the default when no functions are present. `auto` is the default if functions are present.\n "`` |
-| `type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### OpenAPI
+Re-exports [OpenAPI](api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapi)
-### $UpdateAgentRequest
+### OpenAPIConfig
-• `Const` **$UpdateAgentRequest**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for updating an agent"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `default_settings`: \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } ; `instructions`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `model`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the agent"`` |
-| `properties.about.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.default_settings` | \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } |
-| `properties.default_settings.description` | ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` |
-| `properties.default_settings.type` | ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` |
-| `properties.instructions` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
-| `properties.instructions.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
-| `properties.instructions.description` | ``"Instructions for the agent"`` |
-| `properties.instructions.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.model` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.model.description` | ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` |
-| `properties.model.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the agent"`` |
-| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [OpenAPIConfig](api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig)
-### $UpdateSessionRequest
-• `Const` **$UpdateSessionRequest**: `Object`
+### PartialFunctionDef
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [PartialFunctionDef](api_models_PartialFunctionDef.md#partialfunctiondef)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for updating a session"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `situation`: \{ `description`: ``"Updated situation for this session"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.situation` | \{ `description`: ``"Updated situation for this session"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.situation.description` | ``"Updated situation for this session"`` |
-| `properties.situation.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.situation.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### PatchAgentRequest
+Re-exports [PatchAgentRequest](api_models_PatchAgentRequest.md#patchagentrequest)
-### $UpdateToolRequest
-• `Const` **$UpdateToolRequest**: `Object`
+### PatchSessionRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [PatchSessionRequest](api_models_PatchSessionRequest.md#patchsessionrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" } } |
-| `properties.function` | \{ `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" } |
-| `properties.function.description` | ``"Function definition and parameters"`` |
-| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.function.type` | ``"FunctionDef"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### PatchToolRequest
+Re-exports [PatchToolRequest](api_models_PatchToolRequest.md#patchtoolrequest)
-### $UpdateUserRequest
-• `Const` **$UpdateUserRequest**: `Object`
+### PatchUserRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [PatchUserRequest](api_models_PatchUserRequest.md#patchuserrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for updating a user"`` |
-| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the user"`` |
-| `properties.about.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the user"`` |
-| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### ResourceCreatedResponse
+Re-exports [ResourceCreatedResponse](api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)
-### $User
+### ResourceDeletedResponse
-• `Const` **$User**: `Object`
-#### Type declaration
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"User created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"User id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `description`: ``"User updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
-| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the user"`` |
-| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"User created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"User created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"User id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.id.description` | ``"User id (UUID)"`` |
-| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
-| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
-| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"(Optional) metadata"`` |
-| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
-| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the user"`` |
-| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `description`: ``"User updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
-| `properties.updated_at.description` | ``"User updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
-| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+Re-exports [ResourceDeletedResponse](api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)
-### $agent\_id
-• `Const` **$agent\_id**: `Object`
+### ResourceUpdatedResponse
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [ResourceUpdatedResponse](api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### Session
+Re-exports [Session](api_models_Session.md#session)
-### $doc\_id
-• `Const` **$doc\_id**: `Object`
+### Suggestion
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [Suggestion](api_models_Suggestion.md#suggestion)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### Tool
+Re-exports [Tool](api_models_Tool.md#tool)
-### $job\_id
-• `Const` **$job\_id**: `Object`
+### ToolChoiceOption
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [ToolChoiceOption](api_models_ToolChoiceOption.md#toolchoiceoption)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### UpdateAgentRequest
+Re-exports [UpdateAgentRequest](api_models_UpdateAgentRequest.md#updateagentrequest)
-### $memory\_id
-• `Const` **$memory\_id**: `Object`
+### UpdateSessionRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [UpdateSessionRequest](api_models_UpdateSessionRequest.md#updatesessionrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### UpdateToolRequest
+Re-exports [UpdateToolRequest](api_models_UpdateToolRequest.md#updatetoolrequest)
-### $message\_id
-• `Const` **$message\_id**: `Object`
+### UpdateUserRequest
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [UpdateUserRequest](api_models_UpdateUserRequest.md#updateuserrequest)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### User
+Re-exports [User](api_models_User.md#user)
-### $session\_id
-• `Const` **$session\_id**: `Object`
+### agent\_id
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [agent_id](api_models_agent_id.md#agent_id)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### doc\_id
+Re-exports [doc_id](api_models_doc_id.md#doc_id)
-### $tool\_id
-• `Const` **$tool\_id**: `Object`
+### job\_id
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [job_id](api_models_job_id.md#job_id)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### memory\_id
+Re-exports [memory_id](api_models_memory_id.md#memory_id)
-### $user\_id
-• `Const` **$user\_id**: `Object`
+### message\_id
-#### Type declaration
+Re-exports [message_id](api_models_message_id.md#message_id)
-| Name | Type |
-| :------ | :------ |
-| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
-| `type` | ``"string"`` |
-#### Defined in
+### session\_id
+Re-exports [session_id](api_models_session_id.md#session_id)
-### OpenAPI
+### tool\_id
+Re-exports [tool_id](api_models_tool_id.md#tool_id)
-• `Const` **OpenAPI**: [`OpenAPIConfig`](api.md#openapiconfig)
-#### Defined in
+### user\_id
+Re-exports [user_id](api_models_user_id.md#user_id)
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_JulepApiClient.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_JulepApiClient.md
index 07f3cc365..5ed209f99 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_JulepApiClient.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_JulepApiClient.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / api/JulepApiClient
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/JulepApiClient
# Module: api/JulepApiClient
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiError.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiError.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be175c325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiError.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/core/ApiError
+# Module: api/core/ApiError
+## Table of contents
+### Classes
+- [ApiError](../classes/api_core_ApiError.ApiError.md)
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7bd615fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/core/ApiRequestOptions
+# Module: api/core/ApiRequestOptions
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ApiRequestOptions](api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions)
+## Type Aliases
+### ApiRequestOptions
+Ƭ **ApiRequestOptions**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `body?` | `any` |
+| `cookies?` | `Record`\<`string`, `any`\> |
+| `errors?` | `Record`\<`number`, `string`\> |
+| `formData?` | `Record`\<`string`, `any`\> |
+| `headers?` | `Record`\<`string`, `any`\> |
+| `mediaType?` | `string` |
+| `method` | ``"GET"`` \| ``"PUT"`` \| ``"POST"`` \| ``"DELETE"`` \| ``"OPTIONS"`` \| ``"HEAD"`` \| ``"PATCH"`` |
+| `path?` | `Record`\<`string`, `any`\> |
+| `query?` | `Record`\<`string`, `any`\> |
+| `responseHeader?` | `string` |
+| `url` | `string` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiResult.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiResult.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9828ec35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_core_ApiResult.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/core/ApiResult
+# Module: api/core/ApiResult
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ApiResult](api_core_ApiResult.md#apiresult)
+## Type Aliases
+### ApiResult
+Ƭ **ApiResult**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `body` | `any` |
+| `ok` | `boolean` |
+| `status` | `number` |
+| `statusText` | `string` |
+| `url` | `string` |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/core/AxiosHttpRequest
+# Module: api/core/AxiosHttpRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Classes
+- [AxiosHttpRequest](../classes/api_core_AxiosHttpRequest.AxiosHttpRequest.md)
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/core/BaseHttpRequest
+# Module: api/core/BaseHttpRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Classes
+- [BaseHttpRequest](../classes/api_core_BaseHttpRequest.BaseHttpRequest.md)
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/core/CancelablePromise
+# Module: api/core/CancelablePromise
+## Table of contents
+### Classes
+- [CancelError](../classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelError.md)
+- [CancelablePromise](../classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)
+### Interfaces
+- [OnCancel](../interfaces/api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md)
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/core/OpenAPI
+# Module: api/core/OpenAPI
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [OpenAPIConfig](api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig)
+### Variables
+- [OpenAPI](api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapi)
+## Type Aliases
+### OpenAPIConfig
+Ƭ **OpenAPIConfig**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `BASE` | `string` |
+| `CREDENTIALS` | ``"include"`` \| ``"omit"`` \| ``"same-origin"`` |
+| `ENCODE_PATH?` | (`path`: `string`) => `string` |
+| `HEADERS?` | `Headers` \| `Resolver`\<`Headers`\> |
+| `PASSWORD?` | `string` \| `Resolver`\<`string`\> |
+| `TOKEN?` | `string` \| `Resolver`\<`string`\> |
+| `USERNAME?` | `string` \| `Resolver`\<`string`\> |
+| `VERSION` | `string` |
+| `WITH_CREDENTIALS` | `boolean` |
+#### Defined in
+## Variables
+### OpenAPI
+• `Const` **OpenAPI**: [`OpenAPIConfig`](api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig)
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/core/request
+# Module: api/core/request
+## Table of contents
+### Functions
+- [base64](api_core_request.md#base64)
+- [catchErrorCodes](api_core_request.md#catcherrorcodes)
+- [getFormData](api_core_request.md#getformdata)
+- [getHeaders](api_core_request.md#getheaders)
+- [getQueryString](api_core_request.md#getquerystring)
+- [getRequestBody](api_core_request.md#getrequestbody)
+- [getResponseBody](api_core_request.md#getresponsebody)
+- [getResponseHeader](api_core_request.md#getresponseheader)
+- [isBlob](api_core_request.md#isblob)
+- [isDefined](api_core_request.md#isdefined)
+- [isFormData](api_core_request.md#isformdata)
+- [isString](api_core_request.md#isstring)
+- [isStringWithValue](api_core_request.md#isstringwithvalue)
+- [isSuccess](api_core_request.md#issuccess)
+- [request](api_core_request.md#request)
+- [resolve](api_core_request.md#resolve)
+- [sendRequest](api_core_request.md#sendrequest)
+## Functions
+### base64
+â–¸ **base64**(`str`): `string`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `str` | `string` |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+### catchErrorCodes
+â–¸ **catchErrorCodes**(`options`, `result`): `void`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) |
+| `result` | [`ApiResult`](api_core_ApiResult.md#apiresult) |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+### getFormData
+â–¸ **getFormData**(`options`): `undefined` \| `FormData`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) |
+#### Returns
+`undefined` \| `FormData`
+#### Defined in
+### getHeaders
+â–¸ **getHeaders**(`config`, `options`, `formData?`): `Promise`\<`Record`\<`string`, `string`\>\>
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `config` | [`OpenAPIConfig`](api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig) |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) |
+| `formData?` | `FormData` |
+#### Returns
+`Promise`\<`Record`\<`string`, `string`\>\>
+#### Defined in
+### getQueryString
+â–¸ **getQueryString**(`params`): `string`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `params` | `Record`\<`string`, `any`\> |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+### getRequestBody
+â–¸ **getRequestBody**(`options`): `any`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+### getResponseBody
+â–¸ **getResponseBody**(`response`): `any`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `response` | `AxiosResponse`\<`any`, `any`\> |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+### getResponseHeader
+â–¸ **getResponseHeader**(`response`, `responseHeader?`): `undefined` \| `string`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `response` | `AxiosResponse`\<`any`, `any`\> |
+| `responseHeader?` | `string` |
+#### Returns
+`undefined` \| `string`
+#### Defined in
+### isBlob
+â–¸ **isBlob**(`value`): value is Blob
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `value` | `any` |
+#### Returns
+value is Blob
+#### Defined in
+### isDefined
+â–¸ **isDefined**\<`T`\>(`value`): value is Exclude\
+#### Type parameters
+| Name |
+| :------ |
+| `T` |
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `value` | `undefined` \| ``null`` \| `T` |
+#### Returns
+value is Exclude\
+#### Defined in
+### isFormData
+â–¸ **isFormData**(`value`): value is FormData
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `value` | `any` |
+#### Returns
+value is FormData
+#### Defined in
+### isString
+â–¸ **isString**(`value`): value is string
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `value` | `any` |
+#### Returns
+value is string
+#### Defined in
+### isStringWithValue
+â–¸ **isStringWithValue**(`value`): value is string
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `value` | `any` |
+#### Returns
+value is string
+#### Defined in
+### isSuccess
+â–¸ **isSuccess**(`status`): `boolean`
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `status` | `number` |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+### request
+â–¸ **request**\<`T`\>(`config`, `options`, `axiosClient?`): [`CancelablePromise`](../classes/api_core_CancelablePromise.CancelablePromise.md)\<`T`\>
+Request method
+#### Type parameters
+| Name |
+| :------ |
+| `T` |
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type | Default value | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `config` | [`OpenAPIConfig`](api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig) | `undefined` | The OpenAPI configuration object |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) | `undefined` | The request options from the service |
+| `axiosClient` | `AxiosInstance` | `axios` | The axios client instance to use |
+#### Returns
+#### Defined in
+### resolve
+â–¸ **resolve**\<`T`\>(`options`, `resolver?`): `Promise`\<`undefined` \| `T`\>
+#### Type parameters
+| Name |
+| :------ |
+| `T` |
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) |
+| `resolver?` | `T` \| `Resolver`\<`T`\> |
+#### Returns
+`Promise`\<`undefined` \| `T`\>
+#### Defined in
+### sendRequest
+â–¸ **sendRequest**\<`T`\>(`config`, `options`, `url`, `body`, `formData`, `headers`, `onCancel`, `axiosClient`): `Promise`\<`AxiosResponse`\<`T`, `any`\>\>
+#### Type parameters
+| Name |
+| :------ |
+| `T` |
+#### Parameters
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `config` | [`OpenAPIConfig`](api_core_OpenAPI.md#openapiconfig) |
+| `options` | [`ApiRequestOptions`](api_core_ApiRequestOptions.md#apirequestoptions) |
+| `url` | `string` |
+| `body` | `any` |
+| `formData` | `undefined` \| `FormData` |
+| `headers` | `Record`\<`string`, `string`\> |
+| `onCancel` | [`OnCancel`](../interfaces/api_core_CancelablePromise.OnCancel.md) |
+| `axiosClient` | `AxiosInstance` |
+#### Returns
+`Promise`\<`AxiosResponse`\<`T`, `any`\>\>
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/Agent
+# Module: api/models/Agent
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [Agent](api_models_Agent.md#agent)
+## Type Aliases
+### Agent
+Ƭ **Agent**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `about?` | `string` | About the agent |
+| `created_at?` | `string` | Agent created at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](api_models_AgentDefaultSettings.md#agentdefaultsettings) | Default settings for all sessions created by this agent |
+| `id` | `string` | Agent id (UUID) |
+| `instructions?` | `string` \| `string`[] | Instructions for the agent |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `model` | `string` | The model to use with this agent |
+| `name` | `string` | Name of the agent |
+| `updated_at?` | `string` | Agent updated at (RFC-3339 format) |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/AgentDefaultSettings
+# Module: api/models/AgentDefaultSettings
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [AgentDefaultSettings](api_models_AgentDefaultSettings.md#agentdefaultsettings)
+## Type Aliases
+### AgentDefaultSettings
+Ƭ **AgentDefaultSettings**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `frequency_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
+| `length_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. |
+| `min_p?` | `number` | Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered |
+| `presence_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
+| `preset?` | ``"problem_solving"`` \| ``"conversational"`` \| ``"fun"`` \| ``"prose"`` \| ``"creative"`` \| ``"business"`` \| ``"deterministic"`` \| ``"code"`` \| ``"multilingual"`` | Generation preset name (one of: problem_solving, conversational, fun, prose, creative, business, deterministic, code, multilingual) |
+| `repetition_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
+| `temperature?` | `number` \| ``null`` | What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. |
+| `top_p?` | `number` \| ``null`` | Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both. |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ChatInput
+# Module: api/models/ChatInput
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ChatInput](api_models_ChatInput.md#chatinput)
+## Type Aliases
+### ChatInput
+Ƭ **ChatInput**: [`ChatInputData`](api_models_ChatInputData.md#chatinputdata) & [`ChatSettings`](api_models_ChatSettings.md#chatsettings) & [`MemoryAccessOptions`](api_models_MemoryAccessOptions.md#memoryaccessoptions)
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ChatInputData
+# Module: api/models/ChatInputData
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ChatInputData](api_models_ChatInputData.md#chatinputdata)
+## Type Aliases
+### ChatInputData
+Ƭ **ChatInputData**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `messages` | [`InputChatMLMessage`](api_models_InputChatMLMessage.md#inputchatmlmessage)[] | A list of new input messages comprising the conversation so far. |
+| `tool_choice?` | [`ToolChoiceOption`](api_models_ToolChoiceOption.md#toolchoiceoption) \| [`NamedToolChoice`](api_models_NamedToolChoice.md#namedtoolchoice) \| ``null`` | Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request |
+| `tools?` | [`Tool`](api_models_Tool.md#tool)[] \| ``null`` | (Advanced) List of tools that are provided in addition to agent's default set of tools. Functions of same name in agent set are overriden |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ChatMLMessage
+# Module: api/models/ChatMLMessage
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ChatMLMessage](api_models_ChatMLMessage.md#chatmlmessage)
+## Type Aliases
+### ChatMLMessage
+Ƭ **ChatMLMessage**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `content` | `string` | ChatML content |
+| `created_at` | `string` | Message created at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `id` | `string` | Message ID |
+| `name?` | `string` | ChatML name |
+| `role` | ``"user"`` \| ``"assistant"`` \| ``"system"`` \| ``"function_call"`` \| ``"function"`` | ChatML role (system\|assistant\|user\|function_call\|function) |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ChatResponse
+# Module: api/models/ChatResponse
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ChatResponse](api_models_ChatResponse.md#chatresponse)
+## Type Aliases
+### ChatResponse
+Ƭ **ChatResponse**: `Object`
+Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `doc_ids` | [`DocIds`](api_models_DocIds.md#docids) | - |
+| `finish_reason` | ``"stop"`` \| ``"length"`` \| ``"tool_calls"`` \| ``"content_filter"`` \| ``"function_call"`` | The reason the model stopped generating tokens. This will be `stop` if the model hit a natural stop point or a provided stop sequence, `length` if the maximum number of tokens specified in the request was reached, `content_filter` if content was omitted due to a flag from our content filters, `tool_calls` if the model called a tool, or `function_call` (deprecated) if the model called a function. |
+| `id` | `string` | A unique identifier for the chat completion. |
+| `jobs?` | `string`[] | IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request |
+| `response` | [`ChatMLMessage`](api_models_ChatMLMessage.md#chatmlmessage)[][] | A list of chat completion messages produced as a response. |
+| `usage` | [`CompletionUsage`](api_models_CompletionUsage.md#completionusage) | - |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ChatSettings
+# Module: api/models/ChatSettings
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ChatSettings](api_models_ChatSettings.md#chatsettings)
+## Type Aliases
+### ChatSettings
+Ƭ **ChatSettings**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `frequency_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
+| `length_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. |
+| `logit_bias?` | `Record`\<`string`, `number`\> \| ``null`` | Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion. Accepts a JSON object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID in the tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100. Mathematically, the bias is added to the logits generated by the model prior to sampling. The exact effect will vary per model, but values between -1 and 1 should decrease or increase likelihood of selection; values like -100 or 100 should result in a ban or exclusive selection of the relevant token. |
+| `max_tokens?` | `number` \| ``null`` | The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion. The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length. |
+| `min_p?` | `number` | Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered |
+| `presence_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
+| `preset?` | ``"problem_solving"`` \| ``"conversational"`` \| ``"fun"`` \| ``"prose"`` \| ``"creative"`` \| ``"business"`` \| ``"deterministic"`` \| ``"code"`` \| ``"multilingual"`` | Generation preset name (problem_solving\|conversational\|fun\|prose\|creative\|business\|deterministic\|code\|multilingual) |
+| `repetition_penalty?` | `number` \| ``null`` | (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim. |
+| `response_format?` | \{ `pattern?`: `string` ; `schema?`: `any` ; `type?`: ``"text"`` \| ``"json_object"`` \| ``"regex"`` } | An object specifying the format that the model must output. Setting to `{ "type": "json_object" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON. **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly "stuck" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason="length"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length. |
+| `response_format.pattern?` | `string` | Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `"regex"` |
+| `response_format.schema?` | `any` | JSON Schema to use if `type` is `"json_object"` |
+| `response_format.type?` | ``"text"`` \| ``"json_object"`` \| ``"regex"`` | Must be one of `"text"`, `"regex"` or `"json_object"`. |
+| `seed?` | `number` \| ``null`` | This feature is in Beta. If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result. Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend. |
+| `stop?` | `string` \| ``null`` \| `string`[] | Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens. |
+| `stream?` | `boolean` \| ``null`` | If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions). |
+| `temperature?` | `number` \| ``null`` | What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic. |
+| `top_p?` | `number` \| ``null`` | Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both. |
+#### Defined in
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CompletionUsage.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/CompletionUsage
+# Module: api/models/CompletionUsage
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [CompletionUsage](api_models_CompletionUsage.md#completionusage)
+## Type Aliases
+### CompletionUsage
+Ƭ **CompletionUsage**: `Object`
+Usage statistics for the completion request.
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `completion_tokens` | `number` | Number of tokens in the generated completion. |
+| `prompt_tokens` | `number` | Number of tokens in the prompt. |
+| `total_tokens` | `number` | Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion). |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CreateAgentRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CreateAgentRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/CreateAgentRequest
+# Module: api/models/CreateAgentRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [CreateAgentRequest](api_models_CreateAgentRequest.md#createagentrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### CreateAgentRequest
+Ƭ **CreateAgentRequest**: `Object`
+A valid request payload for creating an agent
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `about?` | `string` | About the agent |
+| `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](api_models_AgentDefaultSettings.md#agentdefaultsettings) | Default model settings to start every session with |
+| `docs?` | [`CreateDoc`](api_models_CreateDoc.md#createdoc)[] | List of docs about agent |
+| `instructions?` | `string` \| `string`[] | Instructions for the agent |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | (Optional) metadata |
+| `model?` | `string` | Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use |
+| `name` | `string` | Name of the agent |
+| `tools?` | [`CreateToolRequest`](api_models_CreateToolRequest.md#createtoolrequest)[] | A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only `function`s are supported as a tool. Use this to provide a list of functions the model may generate JSON inputs for. |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CreateDoc.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CreateDoc.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/CreateDoc
+# Module: api/models/CreateDoc
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [CreateDoc](api_models_CreateDoc.md#createdoc)
+## Type Aliases
+### CreateDoc
+Ƭ **CreateDoc**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `content` | `string`[] \| `string` | Information content |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `title` | `string` | Title describing what this bit of information contains |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CreateSessionRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CreateSessionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/CreateSessionRequest
+# Module: api/models/CreateSessionRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [CreateSessionRequest](api_models_CreateSessionRequest.md#createsessionrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### CreateSessionRequest
+Ƭ **CreateSessionRequest**: `Object`
+A valid request payload for creating a session
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `agent_id` | `string` | Agent ID of agent to associate with this session |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `render_templates?` | `boolean` | Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates |
+| `situation?` | `string` | A specific situation that sets the background for this session |
+| `user_id?` | `string` | (Optional) User ID of user to associate with this session |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/CreateToolRequest
+# Module: api/models/CreateToolRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [CreateToolRequest](api_models_CreateToolRequest.md#createtoolrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### CreateToolRequest
+Ƭ **CreateToolRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `function` | [`FunctionDef`](api_models_FunctionDef.md#functiondef) | Function definition and parameters |
+| `type` | ``"function"`` \| ``"webhook"`` | Whether this tool is a `function` or a `webhook` (Only `function` tool supported right now) |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CreateUserRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_CreateUserRequest.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/CreateUserRequest
+# Module: api/models/CreateUserRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [CreateUserRequest](api_models_CreateUserRequest.md#createuserrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### CreateUserRequest
+Ƭ **CreateUserRequest**: `Object`
+A valid request payload for creating a user
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `about?` | `string` | About the user |
+| `docs?` | [`CreateDoc`](api_models_CreateDoc.md#createdoc)[] | List of docs about user |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | (Optional) metadata |
+| `name?` | `string` | Name of the user |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_Doc.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_Doc.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/Doc
+# Module: api/models/Doc
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [Doc](api_models_Doc.md#doc)
+## Type Aliases
+### Doc
+Ƭ **Doc**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `content` | `string`[] \| `string` | Information content |
+| `created_at` | `string` | Doc created at |
+| `id` | `string` | ID of doc |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | optional metadata |
+| `title` | `string` | Title describing what this bit of information contains |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_DocIds.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_DocIds.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/DocIds
+# Module: api/models/DocIds
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [DocIds](api_models_DocIds.md#docids)
+## Type Aliases
+### DocIds
+Ƭ **DocIds**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `agent_doc_ids` | `string`[] |
+| `user_doc_ids` | `string`[] |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_FunctionCallOption.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_FunctionCallOption.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/FunctionCallOption
+# Module: api/models/FunctionCallOption
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [FunctionCallOption](api_models_FunctionCallOption.md#functioncalloption)
+## Type Aliases
+### FunctionCallOption
+Ƭ **FunctionCallOption**: `Object`
+Specifying a particular function via `{"name": "my_function"}` forces the model to call that function.
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `name` | `string` | The name of the function to call. |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/FunctionDef
+# Module: api/models/FunctionDef
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [FunctionDef](api_models_FunctionDef.md#functiondef)
+## Type Aliases
+### FunctionDef
+Ƭ **FunctionDef**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `description?` | `string` | A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function. |
+| `name` | `string` | The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64. |
+| `parameters` | [`FunctionParameters`](api_models_FunctionParameters.md#functionparameters) | Parameters accepeted by this function |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/FunctionParameters
+# Module: api/models/FunctionParameters
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [FunctionParameters](api_models_FunctionParameters.md#functionparameters)
+## Type Aliases
+### FunctionParameters
+Ƭ **FunctionParameters**: `Record`\<`string`, `any`\>
+The parameters the functions accepts, described as a JSON Schema object.
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_InputChatMLMessage.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_InputChatMLMessage.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/InputChatMLMessage
+# Module: api/models/InputChatMLMessage
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [InputChatMLMessage](api_models_InputChatMLMessage.md#inputchatmlmessage)
+## Type Aliases
+### InputChatMLMessage
+Ƭ **InputChatMLMessage**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `content` | `string` | ChatML content |
+| `continue?` | `boolean` | Whether to continue this message or return a new one |
+| `name?` | `string` | ChatML name |
+| `role` | ``"user"`` \| ``"assistant"`` \| ``"system"`` \| ``"function_call"`` \| ``"function"`` \| ``"auto"`` | ChatML role (system\|assistant\|user\|function_call\|function\|auto) |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_JobStatus.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_JobStatus.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/JobStatus
+# Module: api/models/JobStatus
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [JobStatus](api_models_JobStatus.md#jobstatus)
+## Type Aliases
+### JobStatus
+Ƭ **JobStatus**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `created_at` | `string` | Job created at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `has_progress?` | `boolean` | Whether this Job supports progress updates |
+| `id` | `string` | Job id (UUID) |
+| `name` | `string` | Name of the job |
+| `progress?` | `number` | Progress percentage |
+| `reason?` | `string` | Reason for current state |
+| `state` | ``"pending"`` \| ``"in_progress"`` \| ``"retrying"`` \| ``"succeeded"`` \| ``"aborted"`` \| ``"failed"`` \| ``"unknown"`` | Current state (one of: pending, in_progress, retrying, succeeded, aborted, failed) |
+| `updated_at?` | `string` | Job updated at (RFC-3339 format) |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_Memory.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_Memory.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/Memory
+# Module: api/models/Memory
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [Memory](api_models_Memory.md#memory)
+## Type Aliases
+### Memory
+Ƭ **Memory**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `agent_id` | `string` | ID of the agent |
+| `content` | `string` | Content of the memory |
+| `created_at` | `string` | Memory created at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `entities` | `any`[] | List of entities mentioned in the memory |
+| `id` | `string` | Memory id (UUID) |
+| `last_accessed_at?` | `string` | Memory last accessed at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `sentiment?` | `number` | Sentiment (valence) of the memory on a scale of -1 to 1 |
+| `timestamp?` | `string` | Memory happened at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `user_id` | `string` | ID of the user |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_MemoryAccessOptions.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_MemoryAccessOptions.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/MemoryAccessOptions
+# Module: api/models/MemoryAccessOptions
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [MemoryAccessOptions](api_models_MemoryAccessOptions.md#memoryaccessoptions)
+## Type Aliases
+### MemoryAccessOptions
+Ƭ **MemoryAccessOptions**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `recall?` | `boolean` | Whether previous memories should be recalled or not |
+| `record?` | `boolean` | Whether this interaction should be recorded in history or not |
+| `remember?` | `boolean` | Whether this interaction should form memories or not |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_NamedToolChoice.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_NamedToolChoice.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/NamedToolChoice
+# Module: api/models/NamedToolChoice
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [NamedToolChoice](api_models_NamedToolChoice.md#namedtoolchoice)
+## Type Aliases
+### NamedToolChoice
+Ƭ **NamedToolChoice**: `Object`
+Specifies a tool the model should use. Use to force the model to call a specific function.
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `function` | \{ `name`: `string` } | - |
+| `function.name` | `string` | The name of the function to call. |
+| `type` | ``"function"`` | The type of the tool. Currently, only `function` is supported. |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PartialFunctionDef.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PartialFunctionDef.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/PartialFunctionDef
+# Module: api/models/PartialFunctionDef
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [PartialFunctionDef](api_models_PartialFunctionDef.md#partialfunctiondef)
+## Type Aliases
+### PartialFunctionDef
+Ƭ **PartialFunctionDef**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `description?` | `string` | A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function. |
+| `name?` | `string` | The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64. |
+| `parameters?` | [`FunctionParameters`](api_models_FunctionParameters.md#functionparameters) | Parameters accepeted by this function |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PatchAgentRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PatchAgentRequest.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/PatchAgentRequest
+# Module: api/models/PatchAgentRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [PatchAgentRequest](api_models_PatchAgentRequest.md#patchagentrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### PatchAgentRequest
+Ƭ **PatchAgentRequest**: `Object`
+A request for patching an agent
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `about?` | `string` | About the agent |
+| `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](api_models_AgentDefaultSettings.md#agentdefaultsettings) | Default model settings to start every session with |
+| `instructions?` | `string` \| `string`[] | Instructions for the agent |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `model?` | `string` | Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use |
+| `name?` | `string` | Name of the agent |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PatchSessionRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PatchSessionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/PatchSessionRequest
+# Module: api/models/PatchSessionRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [PatchSessionRequest](api_models_PatchSessionRequest.md#patchsessionrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### PatchSessionRequest
+Ƭ **PatchSessionRequest**: `Object`
+A request for patching a session
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `situation?` | `string` | Updated situation for this session |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PatchToolRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PatchToolRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/PatchToolRequest
+# Module: api/models/PatchToolRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [PatchToolRequest](api_models_PatchToolRequest.md#patchtoolrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### PatchToolRequest
+Ƭ **PatchToolRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `function` | [`PartialFunctionDef`](api_models_PartialFunctionDef.md#partialfunctiondef) | Function definition and parameters |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PatchUserRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_PatchUserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/PatchUserRequest
+# Module: api/models/PatchUserRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [PatchUserRequest](api_models_PatchUserRequest.md#patchuserrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### PatchUserRequest
+Ƭ **PatchUserRequest**: `Object`
+A request for patching a user
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `about?` | `string` | About the user |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `name?` | `string` | Name of the user |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md
new file mode 100644
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ResourceCreatedResponse
+# Module: api/models/ResourceCreatedResponse
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ResourceCreatedResponse](api_models_ResourceCreatedResponse.md#resourcecreatedresponse)
+## Type Aliases
+### ResourceCreatedResponse
+Ƭ **ResourceCreatedResponse**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `created_at` | `string` | - |
+| `id` | `string` | - |
+| `jobs?` | `string`[] | IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md
new file mode 100644
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ResourceDeletedResponse
+# Module: api/models/ResourceDeletedResponse
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ResourceDeletedResponse](api_models_ResourceDeletedResponse.md#resourcedeletedresponse)
+## Type Aliases
+### ResourceDeletedResponse
+Ƭ **ResourceDeletedResponse**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `deleted_at` | `string` | - |
+| `id` | `string` | - |
+| `jobs?` | `string`[] | IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md
new file mode 100644
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ResourceUpdatedResponse
+# Module: api/models/ResourceUpdatedResponse
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ResourceUpdatedResponse](api_models_ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#resourceupdatedresponse)
+## Type Aliases
+### ResourceUpdatedResponse
+Ƭ **ResourceUpdatedResponse**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `id` | `string` | - |
+| `jobs?` | `string`[] | IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request |
+| `updated_at` | `string` | - |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/Session
+# Module: api/models/Session
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [Session](api_models_Session.md#session)
+## Type Aliases
+### Session
+Ƭ **Session**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `agent_id` | `string` | Agent ID of agent associated with this session |
+| `created_at?` | `string` | Session created at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `id` | `string` | Session id (UUID) |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `render_templates?` | `boolean` | Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates |
+| `situation?` | `string` | A specific situation that sets the background for this session |
+| `summary?` | `string` | (null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction |
+| `updated_at?` | `string` | Session updated at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `user_id?` | `string` | User ID of user associated with this session |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/Suggestion
+# Module: api/models/Suggestion
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [Suggestion](api_models_Suggestion.md#suggestion)
+## Type Aliases
+### Suggestion
+Ƭ **Suggestion**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `content` | `string` | The content of the suggestion |
+| `created_at?` | `string` | Suggestion created at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `message_id` | `string` | The message that produced it |
+| `session_id` | `string` | Session this suggestion belongs to |
+| `target` | ``"user"`` \| ``"agent"`` | Whether the suggestion is for the `agent` or a `user` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_Tool.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_Tool.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/Tool
+# Module: api/models/Tool
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [Tool](api_models_Tool.md#tool)
+## Type Aliases
+### Tool
+Ƭ **Tool**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `function` | [`FunctionDef`](api_models_FunctionDef.md#functiondef) | Function definition and parameters |
+| `id` | `string` | Tool ID |
+| `type` | ``"function"`` \| ``"webhook"`` | Whether this tool is a `function` or a `webhook` (Only `function` tool supported right now) |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_ToolChoiceOption.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_ToolChoiceOption.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/ToolChoiceOption
+# Module: api/models/ToolChoiceOption
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [ToolChoiceOption](api_models_ToolChoiceOption.md#toolchoiceoption)
+## Type Aliases
+### ToolChoiceOption
+Ƭ **ToolChoiceOption**: ``"none"`` \| ``"auto"`` \| [`NamedToolChoice`](api_models_NamedToolChoice.md#namedtoolchoice)
+Controls which (if any) function is called by the model.
+`none` means the model will not call a function and instead generates a message.
+`auto` means the model can pick between generating a message or calling a function.
+Specifying a particular function via `{"type: "function", "function": {"name": "my_function"}}` forces the model to call that function.
+`none` is the default when no functions are present. `auto` is the default if functions are present.
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/UpdateAgentRequest
+# Module: api/models/UpdateAgentRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [UpdateAgentRequest](api_models_UpdateAgentRequest.md#updateagentrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### UpdateAgentRequest
+Ƭ **UpdateAgentRequest**: `Object`
+A valid request payload for updating an agent
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `about` | `string` | About the agent |
+| `default_settings?` | [`AgentDefaultSettings`](api_models_AgentDefaultSettings.md#agentdefaultsettings) | Default model settings to start every session with |
+| `instructions?` | `string` \| `string`[] | Instructions for the agent |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `model?` | `string` | Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use |
+| `name` | `string` | Name of the agent |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/UpdateSessionRequest
+# Module: api/models/UpdateSessionRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [UpdateSessionRequest](api_models_UpdateSessionRequest.md#updatesessionrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### UpdateSessionRequest
+Ƭ **UpdateSessionRequest**: `Object`
+A valid request payload for updating a session
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `situation` | `string` | Updated situation for this session |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/UpdateToolRequest
+# Module: api/models/UpdateToolRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [UpdateToolRequest](api_models_UpdateToolRequest.md#updatetoolrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### UpdateToolRequest
+Ƭ **UpdateToolRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `function` | [`FunctionDef`](api_models_FunctionDef.md#functiondef) | Function definition and parameters |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/UpdateUserRequest
+# Module: api/models/UpdateUserRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [UpdateUserRequest](api_models_UpdateUserRequest.md#updateuserrequest)
+## Type Aliases
+### UpdateUserRequest
+Ƭ **UpdateUserRequest**: `Object`
+A valid request payload for updating a user
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `about` | `string` | About the user |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | Optional metadata |
+| `name` | `string` | Name of the user |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/User
+# Module: api/models/User
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [User](api_models_User.md#user)
+## Type Aliases
+### User
+Ƭ **User**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type | Description |
+| :------ | :------ | :------ |
+| `about?` | `string` | About the user |
+| `created_at?` | `string` | User created at (RFC-3339 format) |
+| `id` | `string` | User id (UUID) |
+| `metadata?` | `any` | (Optional) metadata |
+| `name?` | `string` | Name of the user |
+| `updated_at?` | `string` | User updated at (RFC-3339 format) |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/agent\_id
+# Module: api/models/agent\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [agent\_id](api_models_agent_id.md#agent_id)
+## Type Aliases
+### agent\_id
+Ƭ **agent\_id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/doc\_id
+# Module: api/models/doc\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [doc\_id](api_models_doc_id.md#doc_id)
+## Type Aliases
+### doc\_id
+Ƭ **doc\_id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_job_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_job_id.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/job\_id
+# Module: api/models/job\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [job\_id](api_models_job_id.md#job_id)
+## Type Aliases
+### job\_id
+Ƭ **job\_id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/memory\_id
+# Module: api/models/memory\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [memory\_id](api_models_memory_id.md#memory_id)
+## Type Aliases
+### memory\_id
+Ƭ **memory\_id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_message_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_message_id.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/message\_id
+# Module: api/models/message\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [message\_id](api_models_message_id.md#message_id)
+## Type Aliases
+### message\_id
+Ƭ **message\_id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_session_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_session_id.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/session\_id
+# Module: api/models/session\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [session\_id](api_models_session_id.md#session_id)
+## Type Aliases
+### session\_id
+Ƭ **session\_id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_tool_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_tool_id.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/tool\_id
+# Module: api/models/tool\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [tool\_id](api_models_tool_id.md#tool_id)
+## Type Aliases
+### tool\_id
+Ƭ **tool\_id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_user_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_models_user_id.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/models/user\_id
+# Module: api/models/user\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Type Aliases
+- [user\_id](api_models_user_id.md#user_id)
+## Type Aliases
+### user\_id
+Ƭ **user\_id**: `string`
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Agent.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Agent.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$Agent
+# Module: api/schemas/$Agent
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$Agent](api_schemas__Agent.md#$agent)
+## Variables
+### $Agent
+• `Const` **$Agent**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `default_settings`: \{ `description`: ``"Default settings for all sessions created by this agent"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `instructions`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `model`: \{ `description`: ``"The model to use with this agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the agent"`` |
+| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Agent created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.default_settings` | \{ `description`: ``"Default settings for all sessions created by this agent"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } |
+| `properties.default_settings.description` | ``"Default settings for all sessions created by this agent"`` |
+| `properties.default_settings.type` | ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"Agent id (UUID)"`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.instructions` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.instructions.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
+| `properties.instructions.description` | ``"Instructions for the agent"`` |
+| `properties.instructions.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.model` | \{ `description`: ``"The model to use with this agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.model.description` | ``"The model to use with this agent"`` |
+| `properties.model.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.model.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the agent"`` |
+| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.updated_at.description` | ``"Agent updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__AgentDefaultSettings.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__AgentDefaultSettings.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$AgentDefaultSettings
+# Module: api/schemas/$AgentDefaultSettings
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$AgentDefaultSettings](api_schemas__AgentDefaultSettings.md#$agentdefaultsettings)
+## Variables
+### $AgentDefaultSettings
+• `Const` **$AgentDefaultSettings**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `frequency_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `minimum`: ``-2`` = -2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `length_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `min_p`: \{ `description`: ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` ; `exclusiveMaximum`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `presence_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `preset`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } ; `repetition_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `temperature`: \{ `description`: ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``3`` = 3; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `top_p`: \{ `description`: ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } } |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `minimum`: ``-2`` = -2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.description` | ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.minimum` | ``-2`` |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.length_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.length_penalty.description` | ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` |
+| `properties.length_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.length_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
+| `properties.length_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.min_p` | \{ `description`: ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` ; `exclusiveMaximum`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.min_p.description` | ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` |
+| `properties.min_p.exclusiveMaximum` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.min_p.maximum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.min_p.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.description` | ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.maximum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.minimum` | ``-1`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.preset` | \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.preset.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty.description` | ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.temperature` | \{ `description`: ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``3`` = 3; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.temperature.description` | ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` |
+| `properties.temperature.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.temperature.maximum` | ``3`` |
+| `properties.temperature.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.top_p` | \{ `description`: ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.top_p.description` | ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` |
+| `properties.top_p.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.top_p.maximum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.top_p.type` | ``"number"`` |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ChatInput
+# Module: api/schemas/$ChatInput
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ChatInput](api_schemas__ChatInput.md#$chatinput)
+## Variables
+### $ChatInput
+• `Const` **$ChatInput**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"ChatInputData"`` = "ChatInputData" }, \{ `type`: ``"ChatSettings"`` = "ChatSettings" }, \{ `type`: ``"MemoryAccessOptions"`` = "MemoryAccessOptions" }] |
+| `type` | ``"all-of"`` |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ChatInputData
+# Module: api/schemas/$ChatInputData
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ChatInputData](api_schemas__ChatInputData.md#$chatinputdata)
+## Variables
+### $ChatInputData
+• `Const` **$ChatInputData**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `messages`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"InputChatMLMessage"`` = "InputChatMLMessage" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `tool_choice`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"ToolChoiceOption"`` = "ToolChoiceOption" }, \{ `type`: ``"NamedToolChoice"`` = "NamedToolChoice" }] ; `description`: ``"Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request"`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `tools`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"Tool"`` = "Tool" } ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
+| `properties.messages` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"InputChatMLMessage"`` = "InputChatMLMessage" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.messages.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"InputChatMLMessage"`` = "InputChatMLMessage" } |
+| `properties.messages.contains.type` | ``"InputChatMLMessage"`` |
+| `properties.messages.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.messages.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.tool_choice` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"ToolChoiceOption"`` = "ToolChoiceOption" }, \{ `type`: ``"NamedToolChoice"`` = "NamedToolChoice" }] ; `description`: ``"Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request"`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.tool_choice.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"ToolChoiceOption"`` = "ToolChoiceOption" }, \{ `type`: ``"NamedToolChoice"`` = "NamedToolChoice" }] |
+| `properties.tool_choice.description` | ``"Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request"`` |
+| `properties.tool_choice.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.tool_choice.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.tools` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"Tool"`` = "Tool" } ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.tools.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"Tool"`` = "Tool" } |
+| `properties.tools.contains.type` | ``"Tool"`` |
+| `properties.tools.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.tools.type` | ``"array"`` |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ChatMLMessage
+# Module: api/schemas/$ChatMLMessage
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ChatMLMessage](api_schemas__ChatMLMessage.md#$chatmlmessage)
+## Variables
+### $ChatMLMessage
+• `Const` **$ChatMLMessage**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `description`: ``"ChatML content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Message created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Message ID"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"ChatML name"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `role`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
+| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"ChatML content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.content.description` | ``"ChatML content"`` |
+| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Message created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Message created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Message ID"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"Message ID"`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"ChatML name"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"ChatML name"`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.role` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.role.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.role.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ChatResponse
+# Module: api/schemas/$ChatResponse
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ChatResponse](api_schemas__ChatResponse.md#$chatresponse)
+## Variables
+### $ChatResponse
+• `Const` **$ChatResponse**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input."`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `doc_ids`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"DocIds"`` = "DocIds" } ; `finish_reason`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"A unique identifier for the chat completion."`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `jobs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `response`: \{ `contains`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"ChatMLMessage"`` = "ChatMLMessage" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `usage`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"CompletionUsage"`` = "CompletionUsage" } } |
+| `properties.doc_ids` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"DocIds"`` = "DocIds" } |
+| `properties.doc_ids.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.doc_ids.type` | ``"DocIds"`` |
+| `properties.finish_reason` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.finish_reason.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.finish_reason.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"A unique identifier for the chat completion."`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"A unique identifier for the chat completion."`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.jobs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.jobs.contains` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.jobs.contains.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.jobs.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.jobs.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.response` | \{ `contains`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"ChatMLMessage"`` = "ChatMLMessage" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.response.contains` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"ChatMLMessage"`` = "ChatMLMessage" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.response.contains.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"ChatMLMessage"`` = "ChatMLMessage" } |
+| `properties.response.contains.contains.type` | ``"ChatMLMessage"`` |
+| `properties.response.contains.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.response.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.response.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.usage` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"CompletionUsage"`` = "CompletionUsage" } |
+| `properties.usage.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.usage.type` | ``"CompletionUsage"`` |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ChatSettings
+# Module: api/schemas/$ChatSettings
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ChatSettings](api_schemas__ChatSettings.md#$chatsettings)
+## Variables
+### $ChatSettings
+• `Const` **$ChatSettings**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `frequency_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `length_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `logit_bias`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"dictionary"`` = "dictionary" } ; `max_tokens`: \{ `description`: ``"The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion.\n The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length.\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``16384`` = 16384; `minimum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `min_p`: \{ `description`: ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` ; `exclusiveMaximum`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `presence_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `preset`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } ; `repetition_penalty`: \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `response_format`: \{ `description`: ``"An object specifying the format that the model must output.\n Setting to `{ \"type\": \"json_object\" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.\n **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly \"stuck\" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason=\"length\"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length.\n "`` ; `properties`: \{ `pattern`: \{ `description`: ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `schema`: \{ `description`: ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `type`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } } ; `seed`: \{ `description`: ``"This feature is in Beta.\n If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result.\n Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend.\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``9999`` = 9999; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `stop`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.\n "`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `stream`: \{ `description`: ``"If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions).\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `temperature`: \{ `description`: ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `top_p`: \{ `description`: ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` ; `exclusiveMinimum`: ``true`` = true; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } } |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.description` | ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.maximum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.minimum` | ``-1`` |
+| `properties.frequency_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.length_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.length_penalty.description` | ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "`` |
+| `properties.length_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.length_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
+| `properties.length_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.logit_bias` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"dictionary"`` = "dictionary" } |
+| `properties.logit_bias.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.logit_bias.contains.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.logit_bias.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.logit_bias.type` | ``"dictionary"`` |
+| `properties.max_tokens` | \{ `description`: ``"The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion.\n The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length.\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``16384`` = 16384; `minimum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.max_tokens.description` | ``"The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion.\n The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length.\n "`` |
+| `properties.max_tokens.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.max_tokens.maximum` | ``16384`` |
+| `properties.max_tokens.minimum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.max_tokens.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.min_p` | \{ `description`: ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` ; `exclusiveMaximum`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.min_p.description` | ``"Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered"`` |
+| `properties.min_p.exclusiveMaximum` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.min_p.maximum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.min_p.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.description` | ``"(OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.maximum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.minimum` | ``-1`` |
+| `properties.presence_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.preset` | \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.preset.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty` | \{ `description`: ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty.description` | ``"(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim."`` |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty.maximum` | ``2`` |
+| `properties.repetition_penalty.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.response_format` | \{ `description`: ``"An object specifying the format that the model must output.\n Setting to `{ \"type\": \"json_object\" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.\n **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly \"stuck\" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason=\"length\"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length.\n "`` ; `properties`: \{ `pattern`: \{ `description`: ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `schema`: \{ `description`: ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `type`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } } |
+| `properties.response_format.description` | ``"An object specifying the format that the model must output.\n Setting to `{ \"type\": \"json_object\" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.\n **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly \"stuck\" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason=\"length\"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length.\n "`` |
+| `properties.response_format.properties` | \{ `pattern`: \{ `description`: ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `schema`: \{ `description`: ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `type`: \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
+| `properties.response_format.properties.pattern` | \{ `description`: ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.response_format.properties.pattern.description` | ``"Regular expression pattern to use if `type` is `\"regex\"`"`` |
+| `properties.response_format.properties.pattern.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.response_format.properties.schema` | \{ `description`: ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.response_format.properties.schema.description` | ``"JSON Schema to use if `type` is `\"json_object\"`"`` |
+| `properties.response_format.properties.schema.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.response_format.properties.type` | \{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.response_format.properties.type.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+| `properties.seed` | \{ `description`: ``"This feature is in Beta.\n If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result.\n Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend.\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``9999`` = 9999; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.seed.description` | ``"This feature is in Beta.\n If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result.\n Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend.\n "`` |
+| `properties.seed.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.seed.maximum` | ``9999`` |
+| `properties.seed.minimum` | ``-1`` |
+| `properties.seed.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.stop` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.\n "`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.stop.contains` | readonly [\{ `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
+| `properties.stop.description` | ``"Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.\n "`` |
+| `properties.stop.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.stream` | \{ `description`: ``"If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions).\n "`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
+| `properties.stream.description` | ``"If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions).\n "`` |
+| `properties.stream.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.stream.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
+| `properties.temperature` | \{ `description`: ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` ; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``2`` = 2; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.temperature.description` | ``"What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic."`` |
+| `properties.temperature.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.temperature.maximum` | ``2`` |
+| `properties.temperature.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.top_p` | \{ `description`: ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` ; `exclusiveMinimum`: ``true`` = true; `isNullable`: ``true`` = true; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.top_p.description` | ``"Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both."`` |
+| `properties.top_p.exclusiveMinimum` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.top_p.isNullable` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.top_p.maximum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.top_p.type` | ``"number"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CompletionUsage.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CompletionUsage.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$CompletionUsage
+# Module: api/schemas/$CompletionUsage
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$CompletionUsage](api_schemas__CompletionUsage.md#$completionusage)
+## Variables
+### $CompletionUsage
+• `Const` **$CompletionUsage**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"Usage statistics for the completion request."`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `completion_tokens`: \{ `description`: ``"Number of tokens in the generated completion."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `prompt_tokens`: \{ `description`: ``"Number of tokens in the prompt."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `total_tokens`: \{ `description`: ``"Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion)."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } } |
+| `properties.completion_tokens` | \{ `description`: ``"Number of tokens in the generated completion."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.completion_tokens.description` | ``"Number of tokens in the generated completion."`` |
+| `properties.completion_tokens.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.completion_tokens.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.prompt_tokens` | \{ `description`: ``"Number of tokens in the prompt."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.prompt_tokens.description` | ``"Number of tokens in the prompt."`` |
+| `properties.prompt_tokens.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.prompt_tokens.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.total_tokens` | \{ `description`: ``"Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion)."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.total_tokens.description` | ``"Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion)."`` |
+| `properties.total_tokens.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.total_tokens.type` | ``"number"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateAgentRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateAgentRequest.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$CreateAgentRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$CreateAgentRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$CreateAgentRequest](api_schemas__CreateAgentRequest.md#$createagentrequest)
+## Variables
+### $CreateAgentRequest
+• `Const` **$CreateAgentRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for creating an agent"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `default_settings`: \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } ; `docs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `instructions`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `model`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `tools`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateToolRequest"`` = "CreateToolRequest" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
+| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the agent"`` |
+| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.default_settings` | \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } |
+| `properties.default_settings.description` | ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` |
+| `properties.default_settings.type` | ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` |
+| `properties.docs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.docs.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } |
+| `properties.docs.contains.type` | ``"CreateDoc"`` |
+| `properties.docs.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.instructions` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.instructions.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
+| `properties.instructions.description` | ``"Instructions for the agent"`` |
+| `properties.instructions.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"(Optional) metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.model` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.model.description` | ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` |
+| `properties.model.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the agent"`` |
+| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.tools` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateToolRequest"`` = "CreateToolRequest" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.tools.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"CreateToolRequest"`` = "CreateToolRequest" } |
+| `properties.tools.contains.type` | ``"CreateToolRequest"`` |
+| `properties.tools.type` | ``"array"`` |
+#### Defined in
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$CreateDoc
+# Module: api/schemas/$CreateDoc
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$CreateDoc](api_schemas__CreateDoc.md#$createdoc)
+## Variables
+### $CreateDoc
+• `Const` **$CreateDoc**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `contains`: \{ `minItems`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }, \{ `description`: ``"A single document chunk"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }] ; `description`: ``"Information content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `title`: \{ `description`: ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.content` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `contains`: \{ `minItems`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }, \{ `description`: ``"A single document chunk"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }] ; `description`: ``"Information content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.content.contains` | readonly [\{ `contains`: \{ `minItems`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }, \{ `description`: ``"A single document chunk"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }] |
+| `properties.content.description` | ``"Information content"`` |
+| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.content.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.title` | \{ `description`: ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.title.description` | ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` |
+| `properties.title.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.title.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateSessionRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateSessionRequest.md
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateSessionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$CreateSessionRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$CreateSessionRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$CreateSessionRequest](api_schemas__CreateSessionRequest.md#$createsessionrequest)
+## Variables
+### $CreateSessionRequest
+• `Const` **$CreateSessionRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for creating a session"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `agent_id`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent ID of agent to associate with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `render_templates`: \{ `description`: ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `situation`: \{ `description`: ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `user_id`: \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) User ID of user to associate with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.agent_id` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent ID of agent to associate with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.agent_id.description` | ``"Agent ID of agent to associate with this session"`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.render_templates` | \{ `description`: ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
+| `properties.render_templates.description` | ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` |
+| `properties.render_templates.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
+| `properties.situation` | \{ `description`: ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.situation.description` | ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` |
+| `properties.situation.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.user_id` | \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) User ID of user to associate with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.user_id.description` | ``"(Optional) User ID of user to associate with this session"`` |
+| `properties.user_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.user_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateToolRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateToolRequest.md
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateToolRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$CreateToolRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$CreateToolRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$CreateToolRequest](api_schemas__CreateToolRequest.md#$createtoolrequest)
+## Variables
+### $CreateToolRequest
+• `Const` **$CreateToolRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] ; `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `type`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
+| `properties.function` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] ; `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.function.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] |
+| `properties.function.description` | ``"Function definition and parameters"`` |
+| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.function.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.type` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.type.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.type.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateUserRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__CreateUserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$CreateUserRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$CreateUserRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$CreateUserRequest](api_schemas__CreateUserRequest.md#$createuserrequest)
+## Variables
+### $CreateUserRequest
+• `Const` **$CreateUserRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for creating a user"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `docs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the user"`` |
+| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.docs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.docs.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"CreateDoc"`` = "CreateDoc" } |
+| `properties.docs.contains.type` | ``"CreateDoc"`` |
+| `properties.docs.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"(Optional) metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the user"`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Doc.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Doc.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Doc.md
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+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$Doc
+# Module: api/schemas/$Doc
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$Doc](api_schemas__Doc.md#$doc)
+## Variables
+### $Doc
+• `Const` **$Doc**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `contains`: \{ `minItems`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }, \{ `description`: ``"A single document chunk"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }] ; `description`: ``"Information content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Doc created at"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"ID of doc"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `title`: \{ `description`: ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.content` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `contains`: \{ `minItems`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }, \{ `description`: ``"A single document chunk"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }] ; `description`: ``"Information content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.content.contains` | readonly [\{ `contains`: \{ `minItems`: ``1`` = 1; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }, \{ `description`: ``"A single document chunk"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }] |
+| `properties.content.description` | ``"Information content"`` |
+| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.content.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Doc created at"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Doc created at"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"ID of doc"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"ID of doc"`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.title` | \{ `description`: ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.title.description` | ``"Title describing what this bit of information contains"`` |
+| `properties.title.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.title.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__DocIds.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__DocIds.md
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$DocIds
+# Module: api/schemas/$DocIds
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$DocIds](api_schemas__DocIds.md#$docids)
+## Variables
+### $DocIds
+• `Const` **$DocIds**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `agent_doc_ids`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `user_doc_ids`: \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
+| `properties.agent_doc_ids` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.agent_doc_ids.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.agent_doc_ids.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.agent_doc_ids.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.agent_doc_ids.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.user_doc_ids` | \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.user_doc_ids.contains` | \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.user_doc_ids.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.user_doc_ids.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.user_doc_ids.type` | ``"array"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__FunctionCallOption.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__FunctionCallOption.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__FunctionCallOption.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$FunctionCallOption
+# Module: api/schemas/$FunctionCallOption
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$FunctionCallOption](api_schemas__FunctionCallOption.md#$functioncalloption)
+## Variables
+### $FunctionCallOption
+• `Const` **$FunctionCallOption**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"Specifying a particular function via `{\"name\": \"my_function\"}` forces the model to call that function.\n "`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"The name of the function to call."`` |
+| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__FunctionDef.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__FunctionDef.md
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$FunctionDef
+# Module: api/schemas/$FunctionDef
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$FunctionDef](api_schemas__FunctionDef.md#$functiondef)
+## Variables
+### $FunctionDef
+• `Const` **$FunctionDef**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `description`: \{ `description`: ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `parameters`: \{ `description`: ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"FunctionParameters"`` = "FunctionParameters" } } |
+| `properties.description` | \{ `description`: ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.description.description` | ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` |
+| `properties.description.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` |
+| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.parameters` | \{ `description`: ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"FunctionParameters"`` = "FunctionParameters" } |
+| `properties.parameters.description` | ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` |
+| `properties.parameters.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.parameters.type` | ``"FunctionParameters"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__FunctionParameters.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__FunctionParameters.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$FunctionParameters
+# Module: api/schemas/$FunctionParameters
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$FunctionParameters](api_schemas__FunctionParameters.md#$functionparameters)
+## Variables
+### $FunctionParameters
+• `Const` **$FunctionParameters**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `contains` | \{ `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `contains.properties` | {} |
+| `type` | ``"dictionary"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__InputChatMLMessage.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__InputChatMLMessage.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$InputChatMLMessage
+# Module: api/schemas/$InputChatMLMessage
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$InputChatMLMessage](api_schemas__InputChatMLMessage.md#$inputchatmlmessage)
+## Variables
+### $InputChatMLMessage
+• `Const` **$InputChatMLMessage**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `description`: ``"ChatML content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `continue`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether to continue this message or return a new one"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"ChatML name"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `role`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
+| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"ChatML content"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.content.description` | ``"ChatML content"`` |
+| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.continue` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether to continue this message or return a new one"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
+| `properties.continue.description` | ``"Whether to continue this message or return a new one"`` |
+| `properties.continue.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"ChatML name"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"ChatML name"`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.role` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.role.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.role.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__JobStatus.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__JobStatus.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$JobStatus
+# Module: api/schemas/$JobStatus
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$JobStatus](api_schemas__JobStatus.md#$jobstatus)
+## Variables
+### $JobStatus
+• `Const` **$JobStatus**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Job created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `has_progress`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether this Job supports progress updates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Job id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the job"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `progress`: \{ `description`: ``"Progress percentage"`` ; `maximum`: ``100`` = 100; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `reason`: \{ `description`: ``"Reason for current state"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `state`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Job updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Job created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Job created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.has_progress` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether this Job supports progress updates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
+| `properties.has_progress.description` | ``"Whether this Job supports progress updates"`` |
+| `properties.has_progress.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Job id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"Job id (UUID)"`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the job"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the job"`` |
+| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.progress` | \{ `description`: ``"Progress percentage"`` ; `maximum`: ``100`` = 100; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.progress.description` | ``"Progress percentage"`` |
+| `properties.progress.maximum` | ``100`` |
+| `properties.progress.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.reason` | \{ `description`: ``"Reason for current state"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.reason.description` | ``"Reason for current state"`` |
+| `properties.reason.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.state` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.state.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.state.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Job updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.updated_at.description` | ``"Job updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Memory.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Memory.md
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Memory.md
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$Memory
+# Module: api/schemas/$Memory
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$Memory](api_schemas__Memory.md#$memory)
+## Variables
+### $Memory
+• `Const` **$Memory**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `agent_id`: \{ `description`: ``"ID of the agent"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `content`: \{ `description`: ``"Content of the memory"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Memory created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `entities`: \{ `contains`: \{ `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Memory id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `last_accessed_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Memory last accessed at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `sentiment`: \{ `description`: ``"Sentiment (valence) of the memory on a scale of -1 to 1"`` ; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } ; `timestamp`: \{ `description`: ``"Memory happened at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `user_id`: \{ `description`: ``"ID of the user"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.agent_id` | \{ `description`: ``"ID of the agent"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.agent_id.description` | ``"ID of the agent"`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"Content of the memory"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.content.description` | ``"Content of the memory"`` |
+| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Memory created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Memory created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.entities` | \{ `contains`: \{ `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.entities.contains` | \{ `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.entities.contains.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.entities.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.entities.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Memory id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"Memory id (UUID)"`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.last_accessed_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Memory last accessed at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.last_accessed_at.description` | ``"Memory last accessed at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.last_accessed_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.last_accessed_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.sentiment` | \{ `description`: ``"Sentiment (valence) of the memory on a scale of -1 to 1"`` ; `maximum`: ``1`` = 1; `minimum`: ``-1`` = -1; `type`: ``"number"`` = "number" } |
+| `properties.sentiment.description` | ``"Sentiment (valence) of the memory on a scale of -1 to 1"`` |
+| `properties.sentiment.maximum` | ``1`` |
+| `properties.sentiment.minimum` | ``-1`` |
+| `properties.sentiment.type` | ``"number"`` |
+| `properties.timestamp` | \{ `description`: ``"Memory happened at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.timestamp.description` | ``"Memory happened at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.timestamp.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.timestamp.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.user_id` | \{ `description`: ``"ID of the user"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.user_id.description` | ``"ID of the user"`` |
+| `properties.user_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.user_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.user_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__MemoryAccessOptions.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__MemoryAccessOptions.md
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__MemoryAccessOptions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$MemoryAccessOptions
+# Module: api/schemas/$MemoryAccessOptions
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$MemoryAccessOptions](api_schemas__MemoryAccessOptions.md#$memoryaccessoptions)
+## Variables
+### $MemoryAccessOptions
+• `Const` **$MemoryAccessOptions**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `recall`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether previous memories should be recalled or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `record`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether this interaction should be recorded in history or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `remember`: \{ `description`: ``"Whether this interaction should form memories or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } } |
+| `properties.recall` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether previous memories should be recalled or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
+| `properties.recall.description` | ``"Whether previous memories should be recalled or not"`` |
+| `properties.recall.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
+| `properties.record` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether this interaction should be recorded in history or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
+| `properties.record.description` | ``"Whether this interaction should be recorded in history or not"`` |
+| `properties.record.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
+| `properties.remember` | \{ `description`: ``"Whether this interaction should form memories or not"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
+| `properties.remember.description` | ``"Whether this interaction should form memories or not"`` |
+| `properties.remember.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__NamedToolChoice.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__NamedToolChoice.md
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$NamedToolChoice
+# Module: api/schemas/$NamedToolChoice
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$NamedToolChoice](api_schemas__NamedToolChoice.md#$namedtoolchoice)
+## Variables
+### $NamedToolChoice
+• `Const` **$NamedToolChoice**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"Specifies a tool the model should use. Use to force the model to call a specific function."`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `properties`: \{ `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } } ; `type`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
+| `properties.function` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `properties`: \{ `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } } |
+| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.function.properties` | \{ `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.function.properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to call."`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.function.properties.name.description` | ``"The name of the function to call."`` |
+| `properties.function.properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.function.properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.type` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.type.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.type.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PartialFunctionDef.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PartialFunctionDef.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f87e26402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PartialFunctionDef.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$PartialFunctionDef
+# Module: api/schemas/$PartialFunctionDef
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$PartialFunctionDef](api_schemas__PartialFunctionDef.md#$partialfunctiondef)
+## Variables
+### $PartialFunctionDef
+• `Const` **$PartialFunctionDef**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `description`: \{ `description`: ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `parameters`: \{ `description`: ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` ; `type`: ``"FunctionParameters"`` = "FunctionParameters" } } |
+| `properties.description` | \{ `description`: ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.description.description` | ``"A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function."`` |
+| `properties.description.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64."`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.parameters` | \{ `description`: ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` ; `type`: ``"FunctionParameters"`` = "FunctionParameters" } |
+| `properties.parameters.description` | ``"Parameters accepeted by this function"`` |
+| `properties.parameters.type` | ``"FunctionParameters"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchAgentRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchAgentRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchAgentRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$PatchAgentRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$PatchAgentRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$PatchAgentRequest](api_schemas__PatchAgentRequest.md#$patchagentrequest)
+## Variables
+### $PatchAgentRequest
+• `Const` **$PatchAgentRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A request for patching an agent"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `default_settings`: \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } ; `instructions`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `model`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the agent"`` |
+| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.default_settings` | \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } |
+| `properties.default_settings.description` | ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` |
+| `properties.default_settings.type` | ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` |
+| `properties.instructions` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.instructions.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
+| `properties.instructions.description` | ``"Instructions for the agent"`` |
+| `properties.instructions.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.model` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.model.description` | ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` |
+| `properties.model.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the agent"`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchSessionRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchSessionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchSessionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$PatchSessionRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$PatchSessionRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$PatchSessionRequest](api_schemas__PatchSessionRequest.md#$patchsessionrequest)
+## Variables
+### $PatchSessionRequest
+• `Const` **$PatchSessionRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A request for patching a session"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `situation`: \{ `description`: ``"Updated situation for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.situation` | \{ `description`: ``"Updated situation for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.situation.description` | ``"Updated situation for this session"`` |
+| `properties.situation.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchToolRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchToolRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$PatchToolRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$PatchToolRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$PatchToolRequest](api_schemas__PatchToolRequest.md#$patchtoolrequest)
+## Variables
+### $PatchToolRequest
+• `Const` **$PatchToolRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"PartialFunctionDef"`` = "PartialFunctionDef" } } |
+| `properties.function` | \{ `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"PartialFunctionDef"`` = "PartialFunctionDef" } |
+| `properties.function.description` | ``"Function definition and parameters"`` |
+| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.function.type` | ``"PartialFunctionDef"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchUserRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchUserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__PatchUserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$PatchUserRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$PatchUserRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$PatchUserRequest](api_schemas__PatchUserRequest.md#$patchuserrequest)
+## Variables
+### $PatchUserRequest
+• `Const` **$PatchUserRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A request for patching a user"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the user"`` |
+| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the user"`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceCreatedResponse.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceCreatedResponse.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceCreatedResponse.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ResourceCreatedResponse
+# Module: api/schemas/$ResourceCreatedResponse
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ResourceCreatedResponse](api_schemas__ResourceCreatedResponse.md#$resourcecreatedresponse)
+## Variables
+### $ResourceCreatedResponse
+• `Const` **$ResourceCreatedResponse**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `created_at`: \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `jobs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.jobs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.jobs.contains` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.jobs.contains.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.jobs.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.jobs.type` | ``"array"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceDeletedResponse.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceDeletedResponse.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..54fd7d5b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceDeletedResponse.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ResourceDeletedResponse
+# Module: api/schemas/$ResourceDeletedResponse
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ResourceDeletedResponse](api_schemas__ResourceDeletedResponse.md#$resourcedeletedresponse)
+## Variables
+### $ResourceDeletedResponse
+• `Const` **$ResourceDeletedResponse**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `deleted_at`: \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `jobs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } } |
+| `properties.deleted_at` | \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.deleted_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.deleted_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.deleted_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.jobs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.jobs.contains` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.jobs.contains.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.jobs.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.jobs.type` | ``"array"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceUpdatedResponse.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceUpdatedResponse.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfa860b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ResourceUpdatedResponse.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ResourceUpdatedResponse
+# Module: api/schemas/$ResourceUpdatedResponse
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ResourceUpdatedResponse](api_schemas__ResourceUpdatedResponse.md#$resourceupdatedresponse)
+## Variables
+### $ResourceUpdatedResponse
+• `Const` **$ResourceUpdatedResponse**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `id`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `jobs`: \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.jobs` | \{ `contains`: \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" } |
+| `properties.jobs.contains` | \{ `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.jobs.contains.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.jobs.contains.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.jobs.type` | ``"array"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Session.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Session.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f43260a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Session.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$Session
+# Module: api/schemas/$Session
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$Session](api_schemas__Session.md#$session)
+## Variables
+### $Session
+• `Const` **$Session**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `agent_id`: \{ `description`: ``"Agent ID of agent associated with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Session created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Session id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `render_templates`: \{ `description`: ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } ; `situation`: \{ `description`: ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `summary`: \{ `description`: ``"(null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Session updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `user_id`: \{ `description`: ``"User ID of user associated with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.agent_id` | \{ `description`: ``"Agent ID of agent associated with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.agent_id.description` | ``"Agent ID of agent associated with this session"`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.agent_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Session created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Session created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Session id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"Session id (UUID)"`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.render_templates` | \{ `description`: ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` ; `type`: ``"boolean"`` = "boolean" } |
+| `properties.render_templates.description` | ``"Render system and assistant message content as jinja templates"`` |
+| `properties.render_templates.type` | ``"boolean"`` |
+| `properties.situation` | \{ `description`: ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.situation.description` | ``"A specific situation that sets the background for this session"`` |
+| `properties.situation.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.summary` | \{ `description`: ``"(null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.summary.description` | ``"(null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction"`` |
+| `properties.summary.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Session updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.updated_at.description` | ``"Session updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.user_id` | \{ `description`: ``"User ID of user associated with this session"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.user_id.description` | ``"User ID of user associated with this session"`` |
+| `properties.user_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.user_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Suggestion.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Suggestion.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df306f68c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Suggestion.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$Suggestion
+# Module: api/schemas/$Suggestion
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$Suggestion](api_schemas__Suggestion.md#$suggestion)
+## Variables
+### $Suggestion
+• `Const` **$Suggestion**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `content`: \{ `description`: ``"The content of the suggestion"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"Suggestion created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `message_id`: \{ `description`: ``"The message that produced it"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `session_id`: \{ `description`: ``"Session this suggestion belongs to"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `target`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
+| `properties.content` | \{ `description`: ``"The content of the suggestion"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.content.description` | ``"The content of the suggestion"`` |
+| `properties.content.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.content.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"Suggestion created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"Suggestion created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.message_id` | \{ `description`: ``"The message that produced it"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.message_id.description` | ``"The message that produced it"`` |
+| `properties.message_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.message_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.message_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.session_id` | \{ `description`: ``"Session this suggestion belongs to"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.session_id.description` | ``"Session this suggestion belongs to"`` |
+| `properties.session_id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.session_id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.session_id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.target` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.target.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.target.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Tool.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Tool.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f461676a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__Tool.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$Tool
+# Module: api/schemas/$Tool
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$Tool](api_schemas__Tool.md#$tool)
+## Variables
+### $Tool
+• `Const` **$Tool**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] ; `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"Tool ID"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } } |
+| `properties.function` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] ; `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.function.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" }] |
+| `properties.function.description` | ``"Function definition and parameters"`` |
+| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.function.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"Tool ID"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"Tool ID"`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.type` | \{ `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" } |
+| `properties.type.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.type.type` | ``"Enum"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ToolChoiceOption.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ToolChoiceOption.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..004b25aef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__ToolChoiceOption.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$ToolChoiceOption
+# Module: api/schemas/$ToolChoiceOption
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$ToolChoiceOption](api_schemas__ToolChoiceOption.md#$toolchoiceoption)
+## Variables
+### $ToolChoiceOption
+• `Const` **$ToolChoiceOption**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"Enum"`` = "Enum" }, \{ `type`: ``"NamedToolChoice"`` = "NamedToolChoice" }] |
+| `description` | ``"Controls which (if any) function is called by the model.\n `none` means the model will not call a function and instead generates a message.\n `auto` means the model can pick between generating a message or calling a function.\n Specifying a particular function via `{\"type: \"function\", \"function\": {\"name\": \"my_function\"}}` forces the model to call that function.\n `none` is the default when no functions are present. `auto` is the default if functions are present.\n "`` |
+| `type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateAgentRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateAgentRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateAgentRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$UpdateAgentRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$UpdateAgentRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$UpdateAgentRequest](api_schemas__UpdateAgentRequest.md#$updateagentrequest)
+## Variables
+### $UpdateAgentRequest
+• `Const` **$UpdateAgentRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for updating an agent"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `default_settings`: \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } ; `instructions`: \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `model`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the agent"`` |
+| `properties.about.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.default_settings` | \{ `description`: ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` ; `type`: ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` = "AgentDefaultSettings" } |
+| `properties.default_settings.description` | ``"Default model settings to start every session with"`` |
+| `properties.default_settings.type` | ``"AgentDefaultSettings"`` |
+| `properties.instructions` | \{ `contains`: readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] ; `description`: ``"Instructions for the agent"`` ; `type`: ``"one-of"`` = "one-of" } |
+| `properties.instructions.contains` | readonly [\{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" }, \{ `contains`: \{ `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `type`: ``"array"`` = "array" }] |
+| `properties.instructions.description` | ``"Instructions for the agent"`` |
+| `properties.instructions.type` | ``"one-of"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.model` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.model.description` | ``"Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use"`` |
+| `properties.model.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the agent"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the agent"`` |
+| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateSessionRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateSessionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateSessionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$UpdateSessionRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$UpdateSessionRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$UpdateSessionRequest](api_schemas__UpdateSessionRequest.md#$updatesessionrequest)
+## Variables
+### $UpdateSessionRequest
+• `Const` **$UpdateSessionRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for updating a session"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `situation`: \{ `description`: ``"Updated situation for this session"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.situation` | \{ `description`: ``"Updated situation for this session"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.situation.description` | ``"Updated situation for this session"`` |
+| `properties.situation.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.situation.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateToolRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateToolRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7ae682328
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateToolRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$UpdateToolRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$UpdateToolRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$UpdateToolRequest](api_schemas__UpdateToolRequest.md#$updatetoolrequest)
+## Variables
+### $UpdateToolRequest
+• `Const` **$UpdateToolRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `function`: \{ `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" } } |
+| `properties.function` | \{ `description`: ``"Function definition and parameters"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"FunctionDef"`` = "FunctionDef" } |
+| `properties.function.description` | ``"Function definition and parameters"`` |
+| `properties.function.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.function.type` | ``"FunctionDef"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateUserRequest.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateUserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..556f6c80b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__UpdateUserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$UpdateUserRequest
+# Module: api/schemas/$UpdateUserRequest
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$UpdateUserRequest](api_schemas__UpdateUserRequest.md#$updateuserrequest)
+## Variables
+### $UpdateUserRequest
+• `Const` **$UpdateUserRequest**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `description` | ``"A valid request payload for updating a user"`` |
+| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the user"`` |
+| `properties.about.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"Optional metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"Optional metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the user"`` |
+| `properties.name.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__User.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__User.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d13c768a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__User.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$User
+# Module: api/schemas/$User
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$User](api_schemas__User.md#$user)
+## Variables
+### $User
+• `Const` **$User**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `properties` | \{ `about`: \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `created_at`: \{ `description`: ``"User created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `id`: \{ `description`: ``"User id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `metadata`: \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } ; `name`: \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } ; `updated_at`: \{ `description`: ``"User updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } } |
+| `properties.about` | \{ `description`: ``"About the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.about.description` | ``"About the user"`` |
+| `properties.about.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.created_at` | \{ `description`: ``"User created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.created_at.description` | ``"User created at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.created_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.id` | \{ `description`: ``"User id (UUID)"`` ; `format`: ``"uuid"`` = "uuid"; `isRequired`: ``true`` = true; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.id.description` | ``"User id (UUID)"`` |
+| `properties.id.format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `properties.id.isRequired` | ``true`` |
+| `properties.id.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.metadata` | \{ `description`: ``"(Optional) metadata"`` ; `properties`: {} = \{} } |
+| `properties.metadata.description` | ``"(Optional) metadata"`` |
+| `properties.metadata.properties` | {} |
+| `properties.name` | \{ `description`: ``"Name of the user"`` ; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.name.description` | ``"Name of the user"`` |
+| `properties.name.type` | ``"string"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at` | \{ `description`: ``"User updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` ; `format`: ``"date-time"`` = "date-time"; `type`: ``"string"`` = "string" } |
+| `properties.updated_at.description` | ``"User updated at (RFC-3339 format)"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.format` | ``"date-time"`` |
+| `properties.updated_at.type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__agent_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__agent_id.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__agent_id.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$agent\_id
+# Module: api/schemas/$agent\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$agent\_id](api_schemas__agent_id.md#$agent_id)
+## Variables
+### $agent\_id
+• `Const` **$agent\_id**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__doc_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__doc_id.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b409032f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__doc_id.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$doc\_id
+# Module: api/schemas/$doc\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$doc\_id](api_schemas__doc_id.md#$doc_id)
+## Variables
+### $doc\_id
+• `Const` **$doc\_id**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__job_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__job_id.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..168e5efea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__job_id.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$job\_id
+# Module: api/schemas/$job\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$job\_id](api_schemas__job_id.md#$job_id)
+## Variables
+### $job\_id
+• `Const` **$job\_id**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__memory_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__memory_id.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..596372423
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__memory_id.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$memory\_id
+# Module: api/schemas/$memory\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$memory\_id](api_schemas__memory_id.md#$memory_id)
+## Variables
+### $memory\_id
+• `Const` **$memory\_id**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__message_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__message_id.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63f4b075f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__message_id.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$message\_id
+# Module: api/schemas/$message\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$message\_id](api_schemas__message_id.md#$message_id)
+## Variables
+### $message\_id
+• `Const` **$message\_id**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__session_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__session_id.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..793e48498
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+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__session_id.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$session\_id
+# Module: api/schemas/$session\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$session\_id](api_schemas__session_id.md#$session_id)
+## Variables
+### $session\_id
+• `Const` **$session\_id**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__tool_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__tool_id.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d92f530f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__tool_id.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$tool\_id
+# Module: api/schemas/$tool\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$tool\_id](api_schemas__tool_id.md#$tool_id)
+## Variables
+### $tool\_id
+• `Const` **$tool\_id**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__user_id.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__user_id.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6c13f934
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_schemas__user_id.md
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/schemas/$user\_id
+# Module: api/schemas/$user\_id
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [$user\_id](api_schemas__user_id.md#$user_id)
+## Variables
+### $user\_id
+• `Const` **$user\_id**: `Object`
+#### Type declaration
+| Name | Type |
+| :------ | :------ |
+| `format` | ``"uuid"`` |
+| `type` | ``"string"`` |
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_services_DefaultService.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_services_DefaultService.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3b309632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/api_services_DefaultService.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / api/services/DefaultService
+# Module: api/services/DefaultService
+## Table of contents
+### Classes
+- [DefaultService](../classes/api_services_DefaultService.DefaultService.md)
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/client.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/client.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7c865f4a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/client.md
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / client
+# Module: client
+## Table of contents
+### Classes
+- [Client](../classes/client.Client.md)
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/env.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/env.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1d2912ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/env.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / env
+# Module: env
+## Table of contents
+### Variables
+- [JULEP\_API\_KEY](env.md#julep_api_key)
+- [JULEP\_API\_URL](env.md#julep_api_url)
+## Variables
+• **JULEP\_API\_KEY**: `string` = `""`
+#### Defined in
+• **JULEP\_API\_URL**: `string` = `""`
+#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/index.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73e693130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / index
+# Module: index
+## Table of contents
+### References
+- [Client](index.md#client)
+## References
+### Client
+Re-exports [Client](../classes/client.Client.md)
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_agent.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_agent.md
index 6f5ea9677..2bc665ac6 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_agent.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_agent.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / managers/agent
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / managers/agent
# Module: managers/agent
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_base.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_base.md
index fd0e930a7..8e280aa41 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_base.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_base.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / managers/base
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / managers/base
# Module: managers/base
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_doc.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_doc.md
index b7a31fa3a..184b8fa90 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_doc.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_doc.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / managers/doc
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / managers/doc
# Module: managers/doc
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_memory.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_memory.md
index 720bd4e70..fa57b3f94 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_memory.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_memory.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / managers/memory
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / managers/memory
# Module: managers/memory
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_session.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_session.md
index 38c9d75ef..b2b0680a1 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_session.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_session.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / managers/session
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / managers/session
# Module: managers/session
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_tool.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_tool.md
index 1c425999c..482af8f0b 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_tool.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_tool.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / managers/tool
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / managers/tool
# Module: managers/tool
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_user.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_user.md
index d0d6bffbf..dd7c96c68 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_user.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/managers_user.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / managers/user
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / managers/user
# Module: managers/user
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_invariant.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_invariant.md
index 0d4fa1560..e2e49873f 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_invariant.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_invariant.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / utils/invariant
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / utils/invariant
# Module: utils/invariant
@@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ Ensures that a condition is met, throwing a custom error message if not.
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_isValidUuid4.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_isValidUuid4.md
index f94dd6dc8..9736306c7 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_isValidUuid4.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_isValidUuid4.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / utils/isValidUuid4
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / utils/isValidUuid4
# Module: utils/isValidUuid4
@@ -33,4 +33,4 @@ True if the input is a valid UUID v4, otherwise false.
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_openaiPatch.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_openaiPatch.md
index b5d8e1c5d..316886bac 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_openaiPatch.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_openaiPatch.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / utils/openaiPatch
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / utils/openaiPatch
# Module: utils/openaiPatch
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ This is useful for enforcing a consistent model usage across different parts of
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_requestConstructor.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_requestConstructor.md
index a18bf52fe..d24300b17 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_requestConstructor.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_requestConstructor.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / utils/requestConstructor
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / utils/requestConstructor
# Module: utils/requestConstructor
diff --git a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_xor.md b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_xor.md
index 4646ba9f4..c5d7b9cee 100644
--- a/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_xor.md
+++ b/docs/js-sdk-docs/modules/utils_xor.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Modules](../modules.md) / utils/xor
+[@julep/sdk](../README.md) / [Exports](../modules.md) / utils/xor
# Module: utils/xor
@@ -27,4 +27,4 @@
#### Defined in
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/README.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/README.md
index d9a5345a7..1923b2880 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/README.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/README.md
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ A full list of `Julep Python SDK` project modules.
- [Agent](julep/api/types/agent.md#agent)
- [AgentDefaultSettings](julep/api/types/agent_default_settings.md#agentdefaultsettings)
- [AgentDefaultSettingsPreset](julep/api/types/agent_default_settings_preset.md#agentdefaultsettingspreset)
+ - [Agent Instructions](julep/api/types/agent_instructions.md#agent-instructions)
- [AgentMetadata](julep/api/types/agent_metadata.md#agentmetadata)
- [ChatInputData](julep/api/types/chat_input_data.md#chatinputdata)
- [Chat Input Data Tool Choice](julep/api/types/chat_input_data_tool_choice.md#chat-input-data-tool-choice)
@@ -32,14 +33,18 @@ A full list of `Julep Python SDK` project modules.
- [ChatSettingsResponseFormatType](julep/api/types/chat_settings_response_format_type.md#chatsettingsresponseformattype)
- [Chat Settings Stop](julep/api/types/chat_settings_stop.md#chat-settings-stop)
- [CompletionUsage](julep/api/types/completion_usage.md#completionusage)
+ - [Create Agent Request Instructions](julep/api/types/create_agent_request_instructions.md#create-agent-request-instructions)
- [CreateAgentRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/create_agent_request_metadata.md#createagentrequestmetadata)
- [CreateDoc](julep/api/types/create_doc.md#createdoc)
+ - [Create Doc Content](julep/api/types/create_doc_content.md#create-doc-content)
- [CreateDocMetadata](julep/api/types/create_doc_metadata.md#createdocmetadata)
- [CreateSessionRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/create_session_request_metadata.md#createsessionrequestmetadata)
- [CreateToolRequest](julep/api/types/create_tool_request.md#createtoolrequest)
- [CreateToolRequestType](julep/api/types/create_tool_request_type.md#createtoolrequesttype)
- [CreateUserRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/create_user_request_metadata.md#createuserrequestmetadata)
- [Doc](julep/api/types/doc.md#doc)
+ - [Doc Content](julep/api/types/doc_content.md#doc-content)
+ - [DocIds](julep/api/types/doc_ids.md#docids)
- [DocMetadata](julep/api/types/doc_metadata.md#docmetadata)
- [FunctionCallOption](julep/api/types/function_call_option.md#functioncalloption)
- [FunctionDef](julep/api/types/function_def.md#functiondef)
@@ -73,6 +78,7 @@ A full list of `Julep Python SDK` project modules.
- [NamedToolChoice](julep/api/types/named_tool_choice.md#namedtoolchoice)
- [NamedToolChoiceFunction](julep/api/types/named_tool_choice_function.md#namedtoolchoicefunction)
- [PartialFunctionDef](julep/api/types/partial_function_def.md#partialfunctiondef)
+ - [Patch Agent Request Instructions](julep/api/types/patch_agent_request_instructions.md#patch-agent-request-instructions)
- [PatchAgentRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/patch_agent_request_metadata.md#patchagentrequestmetadata)
- [PatchSessionRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/patch_session_request_metadata.md#patchsessionrequestmetadata)
- [PatchUserRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/patch_user_request_metadata.md#patchuserrequestmetadata)
@@ -86,6 +92,7 @@ A full list of `Julep Python SDK` project modules.
- [Tool](julep/api/types/tool.md#tool)
- [Tool Choice Option](julep/api/types/tool_choice_option.md#tool-choice-option)
- [ToolType](julep/api/types/tool_type.md#tooltype)
+ - [Update Agent Request Instructions](julep/api/types/update_agent_request_instructions.md#update-agent-request-instructions)
- [UpdateAgentRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/update_agent_request_metadata.md#updateagentrequestmetadata)
- [UpdateSessionRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/update_session_request_metadata.md#updatesessionrequestmetadata)
- [UpdateUserRequestMetadata](julep/api/types/update_user_request_metadata.md#updateuserrequestmetadata)
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/client.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/client.md
index bfa9453a4..c1ab52b53 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/client.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/client.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
## AsyncJulepApi
-[Show source in client.py:1833](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1833)
+[Show source in client.py:1834](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1834)
#### Signature
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class AsyncJulepApi:
### AsyncJulepApi().chat
-[Show source in client.py:2470](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2470)
+[Show source in client.py:2471](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2471)
#### Arguments
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ async def chat(
### AsyncJulepApi().create_agent
-[Show source in client.py:2119](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2119)
+[Show source in client.py:2120](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2120)
Create a new agent
@@ -147,8 +147,6 @@ Create a new agent
- `-` *about* - typing.Optional[str]. About the agent
-- `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]. List of instructions for the agent
- `-` *tools* - typing.Optional[typing.List[CreateToolRequest]]. A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only `function`s are supported as a tool. Use this to provide a list of functions the model may generate JSON inputs for.
- `-` *default_settings* - typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings]. Default model settings to start every session with
@@ -157,7 +155,9 @@ Create a new agent
- `-` *docs* - typing.Optional[typing.List[CreateDoc]]. List of docs about agent
- - `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestMetadata]. (Optional) metadata
+- `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestMetadata]. (Optional) metadata
+ - `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestInstructions]. Instructions for the agent
from julep.client import AsyncJulepApi
@@ -175,12 +175,12 @@ async def create_agent(
name: str,
about: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
- instructions: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = OMIT,
tools: typing.Optional[typing.List[CreateToolRequest]] = OMIT,
default_settings: typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings] = OMIT,
model: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
docs: typing.Optional[typing.List[CreateDoc]] = OMIT,
metadata: typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestMetadata] = OMIT,
+ instructions: typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestInstructions] = OMIT,
) -> ResourceCreatedResponse: ...
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ async def create_agent(
### AsyncJulepApi().create_agent_doc
-[Show source in client.py:3100](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3100)
+[Show source in client.py:3101](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3101)
#### Arguments
@@ -208,7 +208,6 @@ await client.create_agent_doc(
- content="content",
@@ -222,7 +221,7 @@ async def create_agent_doc(
### AsyncJulepApi().create_agent_tool
-[Show source in client.py:3395](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3395)
+[Show source in client.py:3394](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3394)
#### Arguments
@@ -257,7 +256,7 @@ async def create_agent_tool(
### AsyncJulepApi().create_session
-[Show source in client.py:1906](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1906)
+[Show source in client.py:1907](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1907)
Create a session between an agent and a user
@@ -301,7 +300,7 @@ async def create_session(
### AsyncJulepApi().create_user
-[Show source in client.py:2015](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2015)
+[Show source in client.py:2016](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2016)
Create a new user
@@ -358,7 +357,6 @@ await client.create_user_doc(
- content="content",
@@ -372,7 +370,7 @@ async def create_user_doc(
### AsyncJulepApi().delete_agent
-[Show source in client.py:2940](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2940)
+[Show source in client.py:2941](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2941)
#### Arguments
@@ -395,7 +393,7 @@ async def delete_agent(self, agent_id: str) -> None: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().delete_agent_doc
-[Show source in client.py:3280](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3280)
+[Show source in client.py:3279](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3279)
#### Arguments
@@ -421,7 +419,7 @@ async def delete_agent_doc(self, agent_id: str, doc_id: str) -> None: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().delete_agent_memory
-[Show source in client.py:3316](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3316)
+[Show source in client.py:3315](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3315)
#### Arguments
@@ -447,7 +445,7 @@ async def delete_agent_memory(self, agent_id: str, memory_id: str) -> None: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().delete_agent_tool
-[Show source in client.py:3486](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3486)
+[Show source in client.py:3485](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3485)
#### Arguments
@@ -473,7 +471,7 @@ async def delete_agent_tool(self, agent_id: str, tool_id: str) -> None: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().delete_session
-[Show source in client.py:2269](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2269)
+[Show source in client.py:2270](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2270)
#### Arguments
@@ -496,7 +494,7 @@ async def delete_session(self, session_id: str) -> None: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().delete_session_history
-[Show source in client.py:2437](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2437)
+[Show source in client.py:2438](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2438)
#### Arguments
@@ -519,7 +517,7 @@ async def delete_session_history(self, session_id: str) -> None: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().delete_user
-[Show source in client.py:2757](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2757)
+[Show source in client.py:2758](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2758)
#### Arguments
@@ -542,7 +540,7 @@ async def delete_user(self, user_id: str) -> None: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().delete_user_doc
-[Show source in client.py:3244](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3244)
+[Show source in client.py:3243](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3243)
#### Arguments
@@ -568,7 +566,7 @@ async def delete_user_doc(self, user_id: str, doc_id: str) -> None: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().get_agent
-[Show source in client.py:2842](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2842)
+[Show source in client.py:2843](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2843)
#### Arguments
@@ -591,7 +589,7 @@ async def get_agent(self, agent_id: str) -> Agent: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().get_agent_docs
-[Show source in client.py:3040](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3040)
+[Show source in client.py:3041](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3041)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -634,7 +632,7 @@ async def get_agent_docs(
### AsyncJulepApi().get_agent_memories
-[Show source in client.py:2622](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2622)
+[Show source in client.py:2623](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2623)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -675,7 +673,7 @@ async def get_agent_memories(
### AsyncJulepApi().get_agent_tools
-[Show source in client.py:3352](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3352)
+[Show source in client.py:3351](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3351)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -709,7 +707,7 @@ async def get_agent_tools(
### AsyncJulepApi().get_history
-[Show source in client.py:2393](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2393)
+[Show source in client.py:2394](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2394)
Sorted (created_at ascending)
@@ -743,7 +741,7 @@ async def get_history(
### AsyncJulepApi().get_job_status
-[Show source in client.py:3565](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3565)
+[Show source in client.py:3564](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3564)
#### Arguments
@@ -766,7 +764,7 @@ async def get_job_status(self, job_id: str) -> JobStatus: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().get_session
-[Show source in client.py:2190](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2190)
+[Show source in client.py:2191](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2191)
#### Arguments
@@ -789,7 +787,7 @@ async def get_session(self, session_id: str) -> Session: ...
### AsyncJulepApi().get_suggestions
-[Show source in client.py:2349](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2349)
+[Show source in client.py:2350](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2350)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -823,7 +821,7 @@ async def get_suggestions(
### AsyncJulepApi().get_user
-[Show source in client.py:2674](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2674)
+[Show source in client.py:2675](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2675)
#### Arguments
@@ -889,7 +887,7 @@ async def get_user_docs(
### AsyncJulepApi().list_agents
-[Show source in client.py:2066](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2066)
+[Show source in client.py:2067](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2067)
List agents created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -927,7 +925,7 @@ async def list_agents(
### AsyncJulepApi().list_sessions
-[Show source in client.py:1853](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1853)
+[Show source in client.py:1854](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1854)
List sessions created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -965,7 +963,7 @@ async def list_sessions(
### AsyncJulepApi().list_users
-[Show source in client.py:1962](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1962)
+[Show source in client.py:1963](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1963)
List users created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -1003,7 +1001,7 @@ async def list_users(
### AsyncJulepApi().patch_agent
-[Show source in client.py:2972](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2972)
+[Show source in client.py:2973](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2973)
#### Arguments
@@ -1011,15 +1009,15 @@ async def list_users(
- `-` *about* - typing.Optional[str]. About the agent
-- `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]. List of instructions for the agent
- `-` *name* - typing.Optional[str]. Name of the agent
- `-` *model* - typing.Optional[str]. Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use
- `-` *default_settings* - typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings]. Default model settings to start every session with
- - `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestMetadata]. Optional metadata
+- `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestMetadata]. Optional metadata
+ - `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestInstructions]. Instructions for the agent
from julep.client import AsyncJulepApi
@@ -1037,11 +1035,11 @@ async def patch_agent(
agent_id: str,
about: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
- instructions: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = OMIT,
name: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
model: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
default_settings: typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings] = OMIT,
metadata: typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestMetadata] = OMIT,
+ instructions: typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestInstructions] = OMIT,
) -> ResourceUpdatedResponse: ...
@@ -1051,7 +1049,7 @@ async def patch_agent(
### AsyncJulepApi().patch_agent_tool
-[Show source in client.py:3522](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3522)
+[Show source in client.py:3521](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3521)
#### Arguments
@@ -1083,7 +1081,7 @@ async def patch_agent_tool(
### AsyncJulepApi().patch_session
-[Show source in client.py:2301](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2301)
+[Show source in client.py:2302](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2302)
#### Arguments
@@ -1119,7 +1117,7 @@ async def patch_session(
### AsyncJulepApi().patch_user
-[Show source in client.py:2789](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2789)
+[Show source in client.py:2790](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2790)
#### Arguments
@@ -1158,7 +1156,7 @@ async def patch_user(
### AsyncJulepApi().update_agent
-[Show source in client.py:2874](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2874)
+[Show source in client.py:2875](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2875)
#### Arguments
@@ -1166,15 +1164,15 @@ async def patch_user(
- `-` *about* - str. About the agent
-- `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]. List of instructions for the agent
- `-` *name* - str. Name of the agent
- `-` *model* - typing.Optional[str]. Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use
- `-` *default_settings* - typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings]. Default model settings to start every session with
- - `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestMetadata]. Optional metadata
+- `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestMetadata]. Optional metadata
+ - `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestInstructions]. Instructions for the agent
from julep.client import AsyncJulepApi
@@ -1194,11 +1192,11 @@ async def update_agent(
agent_id: str,
about: str,
- instructions: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = OMIT,
name: str,
model: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
default_settings: typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings] = OMIT,
metadata: typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestMetadata] = OMIT,
+ instructions: typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestInstructions] = OMIT,
) -> ResourceUpdatedResponse: ...
@@ -1208,7 +1206,7 @@ async def update_agent(
### AsyncJulepApi().update_agent_tool
-[Show source in client.py:3440](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3440)
+[Show source in client.py:3439](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L3439)
#### Arguments
@@ -1243,7 +1241,7 @@ async def update_agent_tool(
### AsyncJulepApi().update_session
-[Show source in client.py:2222](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2222)
+[Show source in client.py:2223](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2223)
#### Arguments
@@ -1280,7 +1278,7 @@ async def update_session(
### AsyncJulepApi().update_user
-[Show source in client.py:2706](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2706)
+[Show source in client.py:2707](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L2707)
#### Arguments
@@ -1323,7 +1321,7 @@ async def update_user(
## JulepApi
-[Show source in client.py:70](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L70)
+[Show source in client.py:73](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L73)
#### Signature
@@ -1341,7 +1339,7 @@ class JulepApi:
### JulepApi().chat
-[Show source in client.py:705](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L705)
+[Show source in client.py:708](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L708)
#### Arguments
@@ -1445,7 +1443,7 @@ def chat(
### JulepApi().create_agent
-[Show source in client.py:354](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L354)
+[Show source in client.py:357](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L357)
Create a new agent
@@ -1455,8 +1453,6 @@ Create a new agent
- `-` *about* - typing.Optional[str]. About the agent
-- `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]. List of instructions for the agent
- `-` *tools* - typing.Optional[typing.List[CreateToolRequest]]. A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only `function`s are supported as a tool. Use this to provide a list of functions the model may generate JSON inputs for.
- `-` *default_settings* - typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings]. Default model settings to start every session with
@@ -1465,7 +1461,9 @@ Create a new agent
- `-` *docs* - typing.Optional[typing.List[CreateDoc]]. List of docs about agent
- - `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestMetadata]. (Optional) metadata
+- `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestMetadata]. (Optional) metadata
+ - `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestInstructions]. Instructions for the agent
from julep.client import JulepApi
@@ -1483,12 +1481,12 @@ def create_agent(
name: str,
about: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
- instructions: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = OMIT,
tools: typing.Optional[typing.List[CreateToolRequest]] = OMIT,
default_settings: typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings] = OMIT,
model: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
docs: typing.Optional[typing.List[CreateDoc]] = OMIT,
metadata: typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestMetadata] = OMIT,
+ instructions: typing.Optional[CreateAgentRequestInstructions] = OMIT,
) -> ResourceCreatedResponse: ...
@@ -1498,7 +1496,7 @@ def create_agent(
### JulepApi().create_agent_doc
-[Show source in client.py:1335](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1335)
+[Show source in client.py:1338](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1338)
#### Arguments
@@ -1516,7 +1514,6 @@ client.create_agent_doc(
- content="content",
@@ -1530,7 +1527,7 @@ def create_agent_doc(
### JulepApi().create_agent_tool
-[Show source in client.py:1630](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1630)
+[Show source in client.py:1631](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1631)
#### Arguments
@@ -1565,7 +1562,7 @@ def create_agent_tool(
### JulepApi().create_session
-[Show source in client.py:141](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L141)
+[Show source in client.py:144](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L144)
Create a session between an agent and a user
@@ -1609,7 +1606,7 @@ def create_session(
### JulepApi().create_user
-[Show source in client.py:250](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L250)
+[Show source in client.py:253](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L253)
Create a new user
@@ -1648,7 +1645,7 @@ def create_user(
### JulepApi().create_user_doc
-[Show source in client.py:1437](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1437)
+[Show source in client.py:1439](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1439)
#### Arguments
@@ -1666,7 +1663,6 @@ client.create_user_doc(
- content="content",
@@ -1680,7 +1676,7 @@ def create_user_doc(
### JulepApi().delete_agent
-[Show source in client.py:1175](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1175)
+[Show source in client.py:1178](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1178)
#### Arguments
@@ -1703,7 +1699,7 @@ def delete_agent(self, agent_id: str) -> None: ...
### JulepApi().delete_agent_doc
-[Show source in client.py:1515](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1515)
+[Show source in client.py:1516](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1516)
#### Arguments
@@ -1729,7 +1725,7 @@ def delete_agent_doc(self, agent_id: str, doc_id: str) -> None: ...
### JulepApi().delete_agent_memory
-[Show source in client.py:1551](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1551)
+[Show source in client.py:1552](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1552)
#### Arguments
@@ -1755,7 +1751,7 @@ def delete_agent_memory(self, agent_id: str, memory_id: str) -> None: ...
### JulepApi().delete_agent_tool
-[Show source in client.py:1721](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1721)
+[Show source in client.py:1722](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1722)
#### Arguments
@@ -1781,7 +1777,7 @@ def delete_agent_tool(self, agent_id: str, tool_id: str) -> None: ...
### JulepApi().delete_session
-[Show source in client.py:504](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L504)
+[Show source in client.py:507](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L507)
#### Arguments
@@ -1804,7 +1800,7 @@ def delete_session(self, session_id: str) -> None: ...
### JulepApi().delete_session_history
-[Show source in client.py:672](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L672)
+[Show source in client.py:675](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L675)
#### Arguments
@@ -1827,7 +1823,7 @@ def delete_session_history(self, session_id: str) -> None: ...
### JulepApi().delete_user
-[Show source in client.py:992](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L992)
+[Show source in client.py:995](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L995)
#### Arguments
@@ -1850,7 +1846,7 @@ def delete_user(self, user_id: str) -> None: ...
### JulepApi().delete_user_doc
-[Show source in client.py:1479](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1479)
+[Show source in client.py:1480](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1480)
#### Arguments
@@ -1876,7 +1872,7 @@ def delete_user_doc(self, user_id: str, doc_id: str) -> None: ...
### JulepApi().get_agent
-[Show source in client.py:1077](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1077)
+[Show source in client.py:1080](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1080)
#### Arguments
@@ -1899,7 +1895,7 @@ def get_agent(self, agent_id: str) -> Agent: ...
### JulepApi().get_agent_docs
-[Show source in client.py:1275](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1275)
+[Show source in client.py:1278](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1278)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -1942,7 +1938,7 @@ def get_agent_docs(
### JulepApi().get_agent_memories
-[Show source in client.py:857](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L857)
+[Show source in client.py:860](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L860)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -1983,7 +1979,7 @@ def get_agent_memories(
### JulepApi().get_agent_tools
-[Show source in client.py:1587](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1587)
+[Show source in client.py:1588](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1588)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -2017,7 +2013,7 @@ def get_agent_tools(
### JulepApi().get_history
-[Show source in client.py:628](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L628)
+[Show source in client.py:631](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L631)
Sorted (created_at ascending)
@@ -2051,7 +2047,7 @@ def get_history(
### JulepApi().get_job_status
-[Show source in client.py:1800](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1800)
+[Show source in client.py:1801](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1801)
#### Arguments
@@ -2074,7 +2070,7 @@ def get_job_status(self, job_id: str) -> JobStatus: ...
### JulepApi().get_session
-[Show source in client.py:425](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L425)
+[Show source in client.py:428](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L428)
#### Arguments
@@ -2097,7 +2093,7 @@ def get_session(self, session_id: str) -> Session: ...
### JulepApi().get_suggestions
-[Show source in client.py:584](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L584)
+[Show source in client.py:587](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L587)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -2131,7 +2127,7 @@ def get_suggestions(
### JulepApi().get_user
-[Show source in client.py:909](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L909)
+[Show source in client.py:912](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L912)
#### Arguments
@@ -2154,7 +2150,7 @@ def get_user(self, user_id: str) -> User: ...
### JulepApi().get_user_docs
-[Show source in client.py:1377](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1377)
+[Show source in client.py:1379](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1379)
Sorted (created_at descending)
@@ -2197,7 +2193,7 @@ def get_user_docs(
### JulepApi().list_agents
-[Show source in client.py:301](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L301)
+[Show source in client.py:304](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L304)
List agents created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -2235,7 +2231,7 @@ def list_agents(
### JulepApi().list_sessions
-[Show source in client.py:88](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L88)
+[Show source in client.py:91](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L91)
List sessions created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -2273,7 +2269,7 @@ def list_sessions(
### JulepApi().list_users
-[Show source in client.py:197](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L197)
+[Show source in client.py:200](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L200)
List users created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
@@ -2311,7 +2307,7 @@ def list_users(
### JulepApi().patch_agent
-[Show source in client.py:1207](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1207)
+[Show source in client.py:1210](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1210)
#### Arguments
@@ -2319,15 +2315,15 @@ def list_users(
- `-` *about* - typing.Optional[str]. About the agent
-- `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]. List of instructions for the agent
- `-` *name* - typing.Optional[str]. Name of the agent
- `-` *model* - typing.Optional[str]. Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use
- `-` *default_settings* - typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings]. Default model settings to start every session with
- - `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestMetadata]. Optional metadata
+- `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestMetadata]. Optional metadata
+ - `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestInstructions]. Instructions for the agent
from julep.client import JulepApi
@@ -2345,11 +2341,11 @@ def patch_agent(
agent_id: str,
about: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
- instructions: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = OMIT,
name: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
model: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
default_settings: typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings] = OMIT,
metadata: typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestMetadata] = OMIT,
+ instructions: typing.Optional[PatchAgentRequestInstructions] = OMIT,
) -> ResourceUpdatedResponse: ...
@@ -2359,7 +2355,7 @@ def patch_agent(
### JulepApi().patch_agent_tool
-[Show source in client.py:1757](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1757)
+[Show source in client.py:1758](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1758)
#### Arguments
@@ -2391,7 +2387,7 @@ def patch_agent_tool(
### JulepApi().patch_session
-[Show source in client.py:536](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L536)
+[Show source in client.py:539](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L539)
#### Arguments
@@ -2427,7 +2423,7 @@ def patch_session(
### JulepApi().patch_user
-[Show source in client.py:1024](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1024)
+[Show source in client.py:1027](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1027)
#### Arguments
@@ -2466,7 +2462,7 @@ def patch_user(
### JulepApi().update_agent
-[Show source in client.py:1109](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1109)
+[Show source in client.py:1112](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1112)
#### Arguments
@@ -2474,15 +2470,15 @@ def patch_user(
- `-` *about* - str. About the agent
-- `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]. List of instructions for the agent
- `-` *name* - str. Name of the agent
- `-` *model* - typing.Optional[str]. Name of the model that the agent is supposed to use
- `-` *default_settings* - typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings]. Default model settings to start every session with
- - `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestMetadata]. Optional metadata
+- `-` *metadata* - typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestMetadata]. Optional metadata
+ - `-` *instructions* - typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestInstructions]. Instructions for the agent
from julep.client import JulepApi
@@ -2502,11 +2498,11 @@ def update_agent(
agent_id: str,
about: str,
- instructions: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = OMIT,
name: str,
model: typing.Optional[str] = OMIT,
default_settings: typing.Optional[AgentDefaultSettings] = OMIT,
metadata: typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestMetadata] = OMIT,
+ instructions: typing.Optional[UpdateAgentRequestInstructions] = OMIT,
) -> ResourceUpdatedResponse: ...
@@ -2516,7 +2512,7 @@ def update_agent(
### JulepApi().update_agent_tool
-[Show source in client.py:1675](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1675)
+[Show source in client.py:1676](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L1676)
#### Arguments
@@ -2551,7 +2547,7 @@ def update_agent_tool(
### JulepApi().update_session
-[Show source in client.py:457](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L457)
+[Show source in client.py:460](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L460)
#### Arguments
@@ -2588,7 +2584,7 @@ def update_session(
### JulepApi().update_user
-[Show source in client.py:941](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L941)
+[Show source in client.py:944](../../../../../../julep/api/client.py#L944)
#### Arguments
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/agent.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/agent.md
index 1c27ecb5c..810fb3ccf 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/agent.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/agent.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
## Agent
-[Show source in agent.py:16](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/agent.py#L16)
+[Show source in agent.py:17](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/agent.py#L17)
#### Signature
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class Agent(pydantic.BaseModel): ...
### Agent().dict
-[Show source in agent.py:45](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/agent.py#L45)
+[Show source in agent.py:46](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/agent.py#L46)
#### Signature
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def dict(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: ...
### Agent().json
-[Show source in agent.py:37](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/agent.py#L37)
+[Show source in agent.py:38](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/agent.py#L38)
#### Signature
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/agent_instructions.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/agent_instructions.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2fcdd8f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/agent_instructions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Agent Instructions
+[Julep Python SDK Index](../../../README.md#julep-python-sdk-index) / [Julep](../../index.md#julep) / [Api](../index.md#api) / [Types](./index.md#types) / Agent Instructions
+> Auto-generated documentation for [julep.api.types.agent_instructions](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/agent_instructions.py) module.
+- [Agent Instructions](#agent-instructions)
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_ml_message.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_ml_message.md
index 3d65beeca..bb735a4b8 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_ml_message.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_ml_message.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class ChatMlMessage(pydantic.BaseModel): ...
### ChatMlMessage().dict
-[Show source in chat_ml_message.py:34](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_ml_message.py#L34)
+[Show source in chat_ml_message.py:40](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_ml_message.py#L40)
#### Signature
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def dict(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: ...
### ChatMlMessage().json
-[Show source in chat_ml_message.py:26](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_ml_message.py#L26)
+[Show source in chat_ml_message.py:32](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_ml_message.py#L32)
#### Signature
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_ml_message_role.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_ml_message_role.md
index 4819b76a1..a86971ccf 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_ml_message_role.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_ml_message_role.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[Show source in chat_ml_message_role.py:9](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_ml_message_role.py#L9)
-ChatML role (system|assistant|user|function_call)
+ChatML role (system|assistant|user|function_call|function)
#### Signature
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_response.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_response.md
index fa595315a..7b7119ab8 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_response.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/chat_response.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
## ChatResponse
-[Show source in chat_response.py:17](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_response.py#L17)
+[Show source in chat_response.py:18](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_response.py#L18)
Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class ChatResponse(pydantic.BaseModel): ...
### ChatResponse().dict
-[Show source in chat_response.py:42](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_response.py#L42)
+[Show source in chat_response.py:44](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_response.py#L44)
#### Signature
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def dict(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: ...
### ChatResponse().json
-[Show source in chat_response.py:34](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_response.py#L34)
+[Show source in chat_response.py:36](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/chat_response.py#L36)
#### Signature
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/create_agent_request_instructions.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/create_agent_request_instructions.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a969de1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/create_agent_request_instructions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Create Agent Request Instructions
+[Julep Python SDK Index](../../../README.md#julep-python-sdk-index) / [Julep](../../index.md#julep) / [Api](../index.md#api) / [Types](./index.md#types) / Create Agent Request Instructions
+> Auto-generated documentation for [julep.api.types.create_agent_request_instructions](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/create_agent_request_instructions.py) module.
+- [Create Agent Request Instructions](#create-agent-request-instructions)
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/create_doc.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/create_doc.md
index 151a6b0bb..85c9d4e52 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/create_doc.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/create_doc.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
## CreateDoc
-[Show source in create_doc.py:15](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/create_doc.py#L15)
+[Show source in create_doc.py:16](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/create_doc.py#L16)
#### Signature
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class CreateDoc(pydantic.BaseModel): ...
### CreateDoc().dict
-[Show source in create_doc.py:32](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/create_doc.py#L32)
+[Show source in create_doc.py:33](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/create_doc.py#L33)
#### Signature
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def dict(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: ...
### CreateDoc().json
-[Show source in create_doc.py:24](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/create_doc.py#L24)
+[Show source in create_doc.py:25](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/create_doc.py#L25)
#### Signature
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/create_doc_content.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Create Doc Content
+[Julep Python SDK Index](../../../README.md#julep-python-sdk-index) / [Julep](../../index.md#julep) / [Api](../index.md#api) / [Types](./index.md#types) / Create Doc Content
+> Auto-generated documentation for [julep.api.types.create_doc_content](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/create_doc_content.py) module.
+- [Create Doc Content](#create-doc-content)
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/doc.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/doc.md
index e22a672f6..c7217cc81 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/doc.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/doc.md
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
## Doc
-[Show source in doc.py:15](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc.py#L15)
+[Show source in doc.py:16](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc.py#L16)
#### Signature
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class Doc(pydantic.BaseModel): ...
### Doc().dict
-[Show source in doc.py:34](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc.py#L34)
+[Show source in doc.py:35](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc.py#L35)
#### Signature
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def dict(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: ...
### Doc().json
-[Show source in doc.py:26](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc.py#L26)
+[Show source in doc.py:27](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc.py#L27)
#### Signature
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/doc_content.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/doc_content.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d94af58c9
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Doc Content
+[Julep Python SDK Index](../../../README.md#julep-python-sdk-index) / [Julep](../../index.md#julep) / [Api](../index.md#api) / [Types](./index.md#types) / Doc Content
+> Auto-generated documentation for [julep.api.types.doc_content](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc_content.py) module.
+- [Doc Content](#doc-content)
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/doc_ids.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# DocIds
+[Julep Python SDK Index](../../../README.md#julep-python-sdk-index) / [Julep](../../index.md#julep) / [Api](../index.md#api) / [Types](./index.md#types) / DocIds
+> Auto-generated documentation for [julep.api.types.doc_ids](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc_ids.py) module.
+- [DocIds](#docids)
+ - [DocIds](#docids-1)
+## DocIds
+[Show source in doc_ids.py:14](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc_ids.py#L14)
+#### Signature
+class DocIds(pydantic.BaseModel): ...
+### DocIds().dict
+[Show source in doc_ids.py:26](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc_ids.py#L26)
+#### Signature
+def dict(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: ...
+### DocIds().json
+[Show source in doc_ids.py:18](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/doc_ids.py#L18)
+#### Signature
+def json(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> str: ...
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/index.md
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
- [Agent](./agent.md)
- [AgentDefaultSettings](./agent_default_settings.md)
- [AgentDefaultSettingsPreset](./agent_default_settings_preset.md)
+- [Agent Instructions](./agent_instructions.md)
- [AgentMetadata](./agent_metadata.md)
- [ChatInputData](./chat_input_data.md)
- [Chat Input Data Tool Choice](./chat_input_data_tool_choice.md)
@@ -26,14 +27,18 @@
- [ChatSettingsResponseFormatType](./chat_settings_response_format_type.md)
- [Chat Settings Stop](./chat_settings_stop.md)
- [CompletionUsage](./completion_usage.md)
+- [Create Agent Request Instructions](./create_agent_request_instructions.md)
- [CreateAgentRequestMetadata](./create_agent_request_metadata.md)
- [CreateDoc](./create_doc.md)
+- [Create Doc Content](./create_doc_content.md)
- [CreateDocMetadata](./create_doc_metadata.md)
- [CreateSessionRequestMetadata](./create_session_request_metadata.md)
- [CreateToolRequest](./create_tool_request.md)
- [CreateToolRequestType](./create_tool_request_type.md)
- [CreateUserRequestMetadata](./create_user_request_metadata.md)
- [Doc](./doc.md)
+- [Doc Content](./doc_content.md)
+- [DocIds](./doc_ids.md)
- [DocMetadata](./doc_metadata.md)
- [FunctionCallOption](./function_call_option.md)
- [FunctionDef](./function_def.md)
@@ -67,6 +72,7 @@
- [NamedToolChoice](./named_tool_choice.md)
- [NamedToolChoiceFunction](./named_tool_choice_function.md)
- [PartialFunctionDef](./partial_function_def.md)
+- [Patch Agent Request Instructions](./patch_agent_request_instructions.md)
- [PatchAgentRequestMetadata](./patch_agent_request_metadata.md)
- [PatchSessionRequestMetadata](./patch_session_request_metadata.md)
- [PatchUserRequestMetadata](./patch_user_request_metadata.md)
@@ -80,6 +86,7 @@
- [Tool](./tool.md)
- [Tool Choice Option](./tool_choice_option.md)
- [ToolType](./tool_type.md)
+- [Update Agent Request Instructions](./update_agent_request_instructions.md)
- [UpdateAgentRequestMetadata](./update_agent_request_metadata.md)
- [UpdateSessionRequestMetadata](./update_session_request_metadata.md)
- [UpdateUserRequestMetadata](./update_user_request_metadata.md)
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message.md
index b9378ad8d..bbf8fc54d 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ class InputChatMlMessage(pydantic.BaseModel): ...
### InputChatMlMessage().dict
-[Show source in input_chat_ml_message.py:34](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message.py#L34)
+[Show source in input_chat_ml_message.py:41](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message.py#L41)
#### Signature
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ def dict(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]: ...
### InputChatMlMessage().json
-[Show source in input_chat_ml_message.py:26](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message.py#L26)
+[Show source in input_chat_ml_message.py:33](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message.py#L33)
#### Signature
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message_role.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message_role.md
index 38357c3a8..3a32633ab 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message_role.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message_role.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
[Show source in input_chat_ml_message_role.py:9](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message_role.py#L9)
-ChatML role (system|assistant|user|function_call)
+ChatML role (system|assistant|user|function_call|function|auto)
#### Signature
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class InputChatMlMessageRole(str, enum.Enum): ...
### InputChatMlMessageRole().visit
-[Show source in input_chat_ml_message_role.py:20](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message_role.py#L20)
+[Show source in input_chat_ml_message_role.py:21](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/input_chat_ml_message_role.py#L21)
#### Signature
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ def visit(
assistant: typing.Callable[[], T_Result],
system: typing.Callable[[], T_Result],
function_call: typing.Callable[[], T_Result],
+ function: typing.Callable[[], T_Result],
auto: typing.Callable[[], T_Result],
) -> T_Result: ...
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/patch_agent_request_instructions.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/patch_agent_request_instructions.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/patch_agent_request_instructions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Patch Agent Request Instructions
+[Julep Python SDK Index](../../../README.md#julep-python-sdk-index) / [Julep](../../index.md#julep) / [Api](../index.md#api) / [Types](./index.md#types) / Patch Agent Request Instructions
+> Auto-generated documentation for [julep.api.types.patch_agent_request_instructions](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/patch_agent_request_instructions.py) module.
+- [Patch Agent Request Instructions](#patch-agent-request-instructions)
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/update_agent_request_instructions.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/update_agent_request_instructions.md
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+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/api/types/update_agent_request_instructions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Update Agent Request Instructions
+[Julep Python SDK Index](../../../README.md#julep-python-sdk-index) / [Julep](../../index.md#julep) / [Api](../index.md#api) / [Types](./index.md#types) / Update Agent Request Instructions
+> Auto-generated documentation for [julep.api.types.update_agent_request_instructions](../../../../../../../julep/api/types/update_agent_request_instructions.py) module.
+- [Update Agent Request Instructions](#update-agent-request-instructions)
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/doc.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/doc.md
index b18d376bc..d25537089 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/doc.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/doc.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
## AsyncDocsManager
-[Show source in doc.py:339](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L339)
+[Show source in doc.py:342](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L342)
A class for managing asynchronous operations on documents.
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class AsyncDocsManager(BaseDocsManager): ...
### AsyncDocsManager().create
-[Show source in doc.py:420](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L420)
+[Show source in doc.py:423](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L423)
Create a new resource asynchronously.
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ async def create(self, **kwargs: DocsCreateArgs) -> Doc: ...
### AsyncDocsManager().delete
-[Show source in doc.py:440](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L440)
+[Show source in doc.py:443](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L443)
Asynchronously deletes a document by its ID.
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ async def delete(
### AsyncDocsManager().list
-[Show source in doc.py:379](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L379)
+[Show source in doc.py:382](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L382)
Asynchronously get a list of documents.
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ async def list(
## BaseDocsManager
-[Show source in doc.py:29](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L29)
+[Show source in doc.py:30](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L30)
Manages documents for agents or users by providing internal methods to list, create, and delete documents.
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ class BaseDocsManager(BaseManager): ...
### BaseDocsManager()._create
-[Show source in doc.py:114](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L114)
+[Show source in doc.py:115](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L115)
Create a new resource with docsrmation for either an agent or a user, but not both.
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ def _create(
### BaseDocsManager()._delete
-[Show source in doc.py:163](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L163)
+[Show source in doc.py:164](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L164)
Delete docs based on either an agent_id or a user_id.
@@ -282,12 +282,12 @@ def _delete(
agent_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]],
user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]],
doc_id: Union[str, UUID],
-): ...
+) -> Union[ResourceDeletedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceDeletedResponse]]: ...
### BaseDocsManager()._list
-[Show source in doc.py:62](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L62)
+[Show source in doc.py:63](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L63)
Retrieve docsrmation for an agent or user based on their ID.
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ def _list(
## DocsCreateArgs
-[Show source in doc.py:22](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L22)
+[Show source in doc.py:23](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L23)
#### Signature
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@ class DocsCreateArgs(TypedDict): ...
## DocsManager
-[Show source in doc.py:205](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L205)
+[Show source in doc.py:208](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L208)
A class responsible for managing documents.
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ class DocsManager(BaseDocsManager): ...
### DocsManager().create
-[Show source in doc.py:285](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L285)
+[Show source in doc.py:288](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L288)
Create a new resource with the specified document.
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ def create(self, **kwargs: DocsCreateArgs) -> Doc: ...
### DocsManager().delete
-[Show source in doc.py:308](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L308)
+[Show source in doc.py:311](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L311)
Deletes a document by its identifier.
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ def delete(
### DocsManager().list
-[Show source in doc.py:250](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L250)
+[Show source in doc.py:253](../../../../../../julep/managers/doc.py#L253)
Retrieve a list of documents based on specified criteria.
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/session.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/session.md
index 7e321196a..2ed72dffe 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/session.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/session.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
## AsyncSessionsManager
-[Show source in session.py:777](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L777)
+[Show source in session.py:782](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L782)
A class for managing asynchronous sessions.
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class AsyncSessionsManager(BaseSessionsManager): ...
### AsyncSessionsManager().chat
-[Show source in session.py:952](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L952)
+[Show source in session.py:957](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L957)
Sends a message in an asynchronous chat session and retrieves the response.
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ async def chat(
### AsyncSessionsManager().create
-[Show source in session.py:849](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L849)
+[Show source in session.py:854](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L854)
Asynchronously create a resource with the specified user and agent identifiers.
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ async def create(self, **kwargs: SessionCreateArgs) -> Session: ...
### AsyncSessionsManager().delete
-[Show source in session.py:902](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L902)
+[Show source in session.py:907](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L907)
Asynchronously delete a session given its ID.
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ async def delete(self, session_id: Union[str, UUID]): ...
### AsyncSessionsManager().delete_history
-[Show source in session.py:1097](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L1097)
+[Show source in session.py:1102](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L1102)
Delete the history of a session asynchronously.
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ async def delete_history(self, session_id: Union[str, UUID]) -> None: ...
### AsyncSessionsManager().get
-[Show source in session.py:821](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L821)
+[Show source in session.py:826](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L826)
Asynchronously get a Session object by its identifier.
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ async def get(self, id: Union[UUID, str]) -> Session: ...
### AsyncSessionsManager().history
-[Show source in session.py:1065](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L1065)
+[Show source in session.py:1070](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L1070)
Retrieve a history of chat messages based on the session ID, with optional limit and offset.
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ async def history(
### AsyncSessionsManager().list
-[Show source in session.py:872](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L872)
+[Show source in session.py:877](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L877)
Asynchronously retrieves a list of sessions with optional pagination.
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ async def list(
### AsyncSessionsManager().suggestions
-[Show source in session.py:1033](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L1033)
+[Show source in session.py:1038](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L1038)
Retrieve a list of suggestions asynchronously.
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@ async def suggestions(
### AsyncSessionsManager().update
-[Show source in session.py:921](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L921)
+[Show source in session.py:926](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L926)
Asynchronously update a resource with the given situation.
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ async def update(self, **kwargs: SessionUpdateArgs) -> Session: ...
## BaseSessionsManager
-[Show source in session.py:51](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L51)
+[Show source in session.py:53](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L53)
A class to manage sessions using base API client methods.
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ class BaseSessionsManager(BaseManager): ...
### BaseSessionsManager()._chat
-[Show source in session.py:293](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L293)
+[Show source in session.py:298](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L298)
Conducts a chat conversation with an AI model using specific parameters.
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ def _chat(
### BaseSessionsManager()._create
-[Show source in session.py:176](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L176)
+[Show source in session.py:178](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L178)
Creates a session for a specified user and agent.
@@ -594,6 +594,7 @@ agent_id (Union[str, UUID]): The agent's identifier which could be a string or a
user_id (Optional[Union[str, UUID]]): The user's identifier which could be a string or a UUID object.
- `situation` *Optional[str], optional* - An optional description of the situation.
metadata (Dict[str, Any])
+- `render_templates` *bool, optional* - Whether to render templates in the metadata. Defaults to False.
#### Returns
@@ -612,12 +613,13 @@ def _create(
user_id: Optional[Union[str, UUID]] = None,
situation: Optional[str] = None,
metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {},
+ render_templates: bool = False,
) -> Union[ResourceCreatedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceCreatedResponse]]: ...
### BaseSessionsManager()._delete
-[Show source in session.py:238](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L238)
+[Show source in session.py:243](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L243)
Delete a session given its session ID.
@@ -643,7 +645,7 @@ def _delete(self, session_id: Union[str, UUID]) -> Union[None, Awaitable[None]]:
### BaseSessionsManager()._delete_history
-[Show source in session.py:421](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L421)
+[Show source in session.py:426](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L426)
Delete the history of a session.
@@ -671,7 +673,7 @@ def _delete_history(
### BaseSessionsManager()._get
-[Show source in session.py:160](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L160)
+[Show source in session.py:162](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L162)
Get a session by its ID.
@@ -695,7 +697,7 @@ def _get(self, id: Union[str, UUID]) -> Union[Session, Awaitable[Session]]: ...
### BaseSessionsManager()._history
-[Show source in session.py:393](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L393)
+[Show source in session.py:398](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L398)
Retrieve a session's history with optional pagination controls.
@@ -725,7 +727,7 @@ def _history(
### BaseSessionsManager()._list_items
-[Show source in session.py:213](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L213)
+[Show source in session.py:218](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L218)
List items with optional pagination.
@@ -755,7 +757,7 @@ def _list_items(
### BaseSessionsManager()._suggestions
-[Show source in session.py:370](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L370)
+[Show source in session.py:375](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L375)
Retrieve a list of suggestions for a given session.
@@ -780,7 +782,7 @@ def _suggestions(
### BaseSessionsManager()._update
-[Show source in session.py:259](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L259)
+[Show source in session.py:264](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L264)
Update a session with a given situation.
@@ -826,7 +828,7 @@ class SessionCreateArgs(TypedDict): ...
## SessionUpdateArgs
-[Show source in session.py:44](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L44)
+[Show source in session.py:45](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L45)
#### Signature
@@ -838,7 +840,7 @@ class SessionUpdateArgs(TypedDict): ...
## SessionsManager
-[Show source in session.py:443](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L443)
+[Show source in session.py:448](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L448)
A class responsible for managing session interactions.
@@ -918,7 +920,7 @@ class SessionsManager(BaseSessionsManager): ...
### SessionsManager().chat
-[Show source in session.py:624](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L624)
+[Show source in session.py:629](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L629)
Initiate a chat session with the provided inputs and configurations.
@@ -982,7 +984,7 @@ def chat(
### SessionsManager().create
-[Show source in session.py:528](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L528)
+[Show source in session.py:533](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L533)
Create a new resource with a user ID and an agent ID, optionally including a situation description.
@@ -1015,7 +1017,7 @@ def create(self, **kwargs: SessionCreateArgs) -> Session: ...
### SessionsManager().delete
-[Show source in session.py:580](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L580)
+[Show source in session.py:585](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L585)
Deletes a session based on its session ID.
@@ -1040,7 +1042,7 @@ def delete(self, session_id: Union[str, UUID]): ...
### SessionsManager().delete_history
-[Show source in session.py:760](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L760)
+[Show source in session.py:765](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L765)
Delete the history of a session.
@@ -1065,7 +1067,7 @@ def delete_history(self, session_id: Union[str, UUID]) -> None: ...
### SessionsManager().get
-[Show source in session.py:511](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L511)
+[Show source in session.py:516](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L516)
Retrieve a Session object based on a given identifier.
@@ -1088,7 +1090,7 @@ def get(self, id: Union[str, UUID]) -> Session: ...
### SessionsManager().history
-[Show source in session.py:733](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L733)
+[Show source in session.py:738](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L738)
Retrieve a history of ChatMl messages for a given session.
@@ -1116,7 +1118,7 @@ def history(
### SessionsManager().list
-[Show source in session.py:549](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L549)
+[Show source in session.py:554](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L554)
Retrieve a list of Session objects with optional pagination.
@@ -1146,7 +1148,7 @@ def list(
### SessionsManager().suggestions
-[Show source in session.py:699](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L699)
+[Show source in session.py:704](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L704)
Provides a list of suggestion objects based on the given session ID.
@@ -1184,7 +1186,7 @@ def suggestions(
### SessionsManager().update
-[Show source in session.py:596](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L596)
+[Show source in session.py:601](../../../../../../julep/managers/session.py#L601)
Updates the state of a resource based on a given situation.
diff --git a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/tool.md b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/tool.md
index 97c0d0573..73889b87a 100644
--- a/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/tool.md
+++ b/docs/python-sdk-docs/julep/managers/tool.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
## AsyncToolsManager
-[Show source in tool.py:351](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L351)
+[Show source in tool.py:352](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L352)
A manager for asynchronous tools handling.
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ class AsyncToolsManager(BaseToolsManager): ...
### AsyncToolsManager().create
-[Show source in tool.py:402](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L402)
+[Show source in tool.py:403](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L403)
Create a new resource asynchronously.
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ async def create(
### AsyncToolsManager().delete
-[Show source in tool.py:429](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L429)
+[Show source in tool.py:430](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L430)
Asynchronously delete a specified agent-tool association.
@@ -97,12 +97,14 @@ Raises:
-async def delete(self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID], tool_id: Union[str, UUID]): ...
+async def delete(
+ self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID], tool_id: Union[str, UUID]
+) -> Awaitable[ResourceDeletedResponse]: ...
### AsyncToolsManager().get
-[Show source in tool.py:367](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L367)
+[Show source in tool.py:368](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L368)
Asynchronously get a list of Tool objects based on provided filters.
@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ async def get(
### AsyncToolsManager().update
-[Show source in tool.py:465](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L465)
+[Show source in tool.py:466](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L466)
Asynchronously updates a resource identified by the agent_id and tool_id with a new definition.
@@ -175,7 +177,7 @@ async def update(
## BaseToolsManager
-[Show source in tool.py:21](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L21)
+[Show source in tool.py:22](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L22)
A class to manage tools by interacting with an API client.
@@ -207,7 +209,7 @@ class BaseToolsManager(BaseManager): ...
### BaseToolsManager()._create
-[Show source in tool.py:76](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L76)
+[Show source in tool.py:77](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L77)
Create a new tool associated with a given agent.
@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ def _create(
### BaseToolsManager()._delete
-[Show source in tool.py:141](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L141)
+[Show source in tool.py:142](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L142)
Delete a tool associated with an agent.
@@ -246,12 +248,14 @@ Raises:
#### Signature
-def _delete(self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID], tool_id: Union[str, UUID]): ...
+def _delete(
+ self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID], tool_id: Union[str, UUID]
+) -> Union[ResourceDeletedResponse, Awaitable[ResourceDeletedResponse]]: ...
### BaseToolsManager()._get
-[Show source in tool.py:44](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L44)
+[Show source in tool.py:45](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L45)
Retrieve tools associated with the given agent.
@@ -288,7 +292,7 @@ def _get(
### BaseToolsManager()._update
-[Show source in tool.py:101](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L101)
+[Show source in tool.py:102](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L102)
Update the tool definition for a given agent.
@@ -320,7 +324,7 @@ def _update(
## ToolsManager
-[Show source in tool.py:169](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L169)
+[Show source in tool.py:170](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L170)
A manager class for handling tools related to agents.
@@ -380,7 +384,7 @@ class ToolsManager(BaseToolsManager): ...
### ToolsManager().create
-[Show source in tool.py:251](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L251)
+[Show source in tool.py:252](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L252)
Create a new resource with the provided agent identifier and tool information.
@@ -420,7 +424,7 @@ def create(
### ToolsManager().delete
-[Show source in tool.py:289](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L289)
+[Show source in tool.py:290](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L290)
Deletes an agent's access to a specific tool.
@@ -446,7 +450,7 @@ def delete(self, agent_id: Union[str, UUID], tool_id: Union[str, UUID]): ...
### ToolsManager().get
-[Show source in tool.py:220](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L220)
+[Show source in tool.py:221](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L221)
Retrieve a list of Tool objects for the specified agent.
@@ -478,7 +482,7 @@ def get(
### ToolsManager().update
-[Show source in tool.py:314](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L314)
+[Show source in tool.py:315](../../../../../../julep/managers/tool.py#L315)
Update a specific tool definition for an agent.
diff --git a/mock_openapi.yaml b/mock_openapi.yaml
index c30365969..008f2b129 100644
--- a/mock_openapi.yaml
+++ b/mock_openapi.yaml
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ paths:
summary: List sessions
description: >-
- List sessions created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
+ List sessions created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number
+ of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
operationId: ListSessions
tags: []
@@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ paths:
- in: query
name: order
description: >-
- Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc` (descending)
+ Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc`
+ (descending)
type: string
@@ -111,7 +113,8 @@ paths:
- items
description: >-
- List of sessions (sorted created_at descending order) with limit+offset pagination
+ List of sessions (sorted created_at descending order) with
+ limit+offset pagination
- api-key: []
@@ -139,7 +142,8 @@ paths:
summary: List users
description: >-
- List users created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
+ List users created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of
+ sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
operationId: ListUsers
tags: []
@@ -175,7 +179,8 @@ paths:
- in: query
name: order
description: >-
- Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc` (descending)
+ Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc`
+ (descending)
type: string
@@ -197,7 +202,8 @@ paths:
- items
description: >-
- List of users (sorted created_at descending order) with limit+offset pagination
+ List of users (sorted created_at descending order) with limit+offset
+ pagination
- api-key: []
@@ -225,7 +231,8 @@ paths:
summary: List agents
description: >-
- List agents created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
+ List agents created (use limit/offset pagination to get large number of
+ sessions; sorted by descending order of `created_at` by default)
operationId: ListAgents
tags: []
@@ -263,7 +270,8 @@ paths:
- in: query
name: order
description: >-
- Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc` (descending)
+ Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc`
+ (descending)
type: string
@@ -273,7 +281,8 @@ paths:
description: >-
- List of agents (sorted created_at descending order) with limit+offset pagination
+ List of agents (sorted created_at descending order) with
+ limit+offset pagination
@@ -744,7 +753,8 @@ paths:
- in: query
name: order
description: >-
- Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc` (descending)
+ Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc`
+ (descending)
type: string
@@ -830,7 +840,8 @@ paths:
- in: query
name: order
description: >-
- Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc` (descending)
+ Which order should the sort be: `asc` (ascending) or `desc`
+ (descending)
type: string
@@ -1211,11 +1222,13 @@ components:
type: string
description: >-
- A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function.
+ A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose
+ when and how to call the function.
type: string
description: >-
- The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64.
+ The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or
+ contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64.
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FunctionParameters'
description: Parameters accepeted by this function
@@ -1231,7 +1244,8 @@ components:
- function
- webhook
description: >-
- Whether this tool is a `function` or a `webhook` (Only `function` tool supported right now)
+ Whether this tool is a `function` or a `webhook` (Only `function`
+ tool supported right now)
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/FunctionDef'
@@ -1266,7 +1280,8 @@ components:
type: string
description: >-
- (null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every interaction
+ (null at the beginning) - generated automatically after every
+ interaction
type: string
format: date-time
@@ -1350,7 +1365,9 @@ components:
$ref: '#/components/schemas/CreateToolRequest'
description: >-
- A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only `function`s are supported as a tool. Use this to provide a list of functions the model may generate JSON inputs for.
+ A list of tools the model may call. Currently, only `function`s are
+ supported as a tool. Use this to provide a list of functions the
+ model may generate JSON inputs for.
$ref: '#/components/schemas/AgentDefaultSettings'
description: Default model settings to start every session with
@@ -1546,7 +1563,9 @@ components:
type: array
nullable: true
description: >-
- (Advanced) List of tools that are provided in addition to agent's default set of tools. Functions of same name in agent set are overriden
+ (Advanced) List of tools that are provided in addition to agent's
+ default set of tools. Functions of same name in agent set are
+ overriden
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Tool'
@@ -1555,13 +1574,15 @@ components:
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/ToolChoiceOption'
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/NamedToolChoice'
description: >-
- Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones included in the request
+ Can be one of existing tools given to the agent earlier or the ones
+ included in the request
- messages
type: object
description: >-
- Specifies a tool the model should use. Use to force the model to call a specific function.
+ Specifies a tool the model should use. Use to force the model to call a
+ specific function.
type: string
@@ -1583,20 +1604,24 @@ components:
description: >
Controls which (if any) function is called by the model.
- `none` means the model will not call a function and instead generates a message.
+ `none` means the model will not call a function and instead generates a
+ message.
- `auto` means the model can pick between generating a message or calling a function.
+ `auto` means the model can pick between generating a message or calling
+ a function.
- Specifying a particular function via `{"type: "function", "function": {"name": "my_function"}}` forces the model to call that function.
+ Specifying a particular function via `{"type: "function", "function":
+ {"name": "my_function"}}` forces the model to call that function.
- `none` is the default when no functions are present. `auto` is the default if functions are present.
+ `none` is the default when no functions are present. `auto` is the
+ default if functions are present.
- type: string
description: >
- `none` means the model will not call a function and instead generates a message. `auto` means the model can pick between generating a message or calling a function.
+ `none` means the model will not call a function and instead
+ generates a message. `auto` means the model can pick between
+ generating a message or calling a function.
- none
- auto
@@ -1605,8 +1630,8 @@ components:
type: object
description: >
- Specifying a particular function via `{"name": "my_function"}` forces the model to call that function.
+ Specifying a particular function via `{"name": "my_function"}` forces
+ the model to call that function.
type: string
@@ -1633,7 +1658,8 @@ components:
type: object
description: >-
- Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
+ Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the
+ provided input.
type: string
@@ -1642,7 +1668,12 @@ components:
type: string
description: >-
- The reason the model stopped generating tokens. This will be `stop` if the model hit a natural stop point or a provided stop sequence, `length` if the maximum number of tokens specified in the request was reached, `content_filter` if content was omitted due to a flag from our content filters, `tool_calls` if the model called a tool, or `function_call` (deprecated) if the model called a function.
+ The reason the model stopped generating tokens. This will be `stop`
+ if the model hit a natural stop point or a provided stop sequence,
+ `length` if the maximum number of tokens specified in the request
+ was reached, `content_filter` if content was omitted due to a flag
+ from our content filters, `tool_calls` if the model called a tool,
+ or `function_call` (deprecated) if the model called a function.
- stop
- length
@@ -1668,11 +1699,14 @@ components:
format: uuid
uniqueItems: true
description: IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request
+ doc_ids:
+ $ref: '#/components/schemas/DocIds'
- usage
- response
- finish_reason
- id
+ - doc_ids
$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#
type: object
@@ -1734,14 +1768,18 @@ components:
maximum: 1
nullable: true
description: >-
- (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
+ (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize
+ new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far,
+ decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
type: number
default: 1
minimum: 0
maximum: 2
nullable: true
- description: "(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "
+ description: >-
+ (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and
+ values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated.
type: object
default: null
@@ -1749,19 +1787,25 @@ components:
type: integer
description: >
- Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the completion.
+ Modify the likelihood of specified tokens appearing in the
+ completion.
- Accepts a JSON object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID in the tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100. Mathematically, the bias is added to the logits generated by the model prior to sampling. The exact effect will vary per model, but values between -1 and 1 should decrease or increase likelihood of selection; values like -100 or 100 should result in a ban or exclusive selection of the relevant token.
+ Accepts a JSON object that maps tokens (specified by their token ID
+ in the tokenizer) to an associated bias value from -100 to 100.
+ Mathematically, the bias is added to the logits generated by the
+ model prior to sampling. The exact effect will vary per model, but
+ values between -1 and 1 should decrease or increase likelihood of
+ selection; values like -100 or 100 should result in a ban or
+ exclusive selection of the relevant token.
properties: {}
description: >
The maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion.
- The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by the model's context length.
+ The total length of input tokens and generated tokens is limited by
+ the model's context length.
type: integer
nullable: true
default: 200
@@ -1774,7 +1818,9 @@ components:
maximum: 1
nullable: true
description: >-
- (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
+ (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize
+ new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far,
+ decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
type: number
default: 1
@@ -1782,18 +1828,28 @@ components:
maximum: 2
nullable: true
description: >-
- (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
+ (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and
+ values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing
+ frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to
+ repeat the same line verbatim.
type: object
description: >
An object specifying the format that the model must output.
- Setting to `{ "type": "json_object" }` enables JSON mode, which guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.
+ Setting to `{ "type": "json_object" }` enables JSON mode, which
+ guarantees the message the model generates is valid JSON.
- **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running and seemingly "stuck" request. Also note that the message content may be partially cut off if `finish_reason="length"`, which indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation exceeded the max context length.
+ **Important:** when using JSON mode, you **must** also instruct the
+ model to produce JSON yourself via a system or user message. Without
+ this, the model may generate an unending stream of whitespace until
+ the generation reaches the token limit, resulting in a long-running
+ and seemingly "stuck" request. Also note that the message content
+ may be partially cut off if `finish_reason="length"`, which
+ indicates the generation exceeded `max_tokens` or the conversation
+ exceeded the max context length.
type: string
@@ -1820,10 +1876,13 @@ components:
description: >
This feature is in Beta.
- If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed` and parameters should return the same result.
- Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the backend.
+ If specified, our system will make a best effort to sample
+ deterministically, such that repeated requests with the same `seed`
+ and parameters should return the same result.
+ Determinism is not guaranteed, and you should refer to the
+ `system_fingerprint` response parameter to monitor changes in the
+ backend.
description: |
Up to 4 sequences where the API will stop generating further tokens.
@@ -1838,8 +1897,12 @@ components:
type: string
description: >
- If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens will be sent as data-only [server-sent events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format) as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data: [DONE]` message. [Example Python code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions).
+ If set, partial message deltas will be sent, like in ChatGPT. Tokens
+ will be sent as data-only [server-sent
+ events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format)
+ as they become available, with the stream terminated by a `data:
+ [DONE]` message. [Example Python
+ code](https://cookbook.openai.com/examples/how_to_stream_completions).
type: boolean
nullable: true
default: false
@@ -1851,7 +1914,9 @@ components:
example: 0.75
nullable: true
description: >-
- What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
+ What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values
+ like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like
+ 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
type: number
minimum: 0
@@ -1860,7 +1925,11 @@ components:
example: 1
nullable: true
description: >-
- Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both.
+ Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called
+ nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the
+ tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens
+ comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We
+ generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both.
exclusiveMinimum: true
type: number
@@ -1874,7 +1943,8 @@ components:
type: string
description: >-
- Generation preset name (problem_solving|conversational|fun|prose|creative|business|deterministic|code|multilingual)
+ Generation preset name
+ (problem_solving|conversational|fun|prose|creative|business|deterministic|code|multilingual)
- problem_solving
- conversational
@@ -1895,14 +1965,18 @@ components:
maximum: 2
nullable: true
description: >-
- (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
+ (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize
+ new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far,
+ decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
type: number
default: 1
minimum: 0
maximum: 2
nullable: true
- description: "(Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated. "
+ description: >-
+ (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and
+ values larger than that penalize number of tokens generated.
type: number
default: 0
@@ -1910,7 +1984,9 @@ components:
maximum: 1
nullable: true
description: >-
- (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
+ (OpenAI-like) Number between -2.0 and 2.0. Positive values penalize
+ new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far,
+ decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
type: number
default: 1
@@ -1918,7 +1994,10 @@ components:
maximum: 2
nullable: true
description: >-
- (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to repeat the same line verbatim.
+ (Huggingface-like) Number between 0 and 2.0. 1.0 is neutral and
+ values larger than that penalize new tokens based on their existing
+ frequency in the text so far, decreasing the model's likelihood to
+ repeat the same line verbatim.
type: number
minimum: 0
@@ -1927,7 +2006,9 @@ components:
example: 0.75
nullable: true
description: >-
- What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
+ What sampling temperature to use, between 0 and 2. Higher values
+ like 0.8 will make the output more random, while lower values like
+ 0.2 will make it more focused and deterministic.
type: number
minimum: 0
@@ -1936,7 +2017,11 @@ components:
example: 1
nullable: true
description: >-
- Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both.
+ Defaults to 1 An alternative to sampling with temperature, called
+ nucleus sampling, where the model considers the results of the
+ tokens with top_p probability mass. So 0.1 means only the tokens
+ comprising the top 10% probability mass are considered. We
+ generally recommend altering this or temperature but not both.
type: number
description: Minimum probability compared to leading token to be considered
@@ -1949,7 +2034,8 @@ components:
type: string
description: >-
- Generation preset name (one of: problem_solving, conversational, fun, prose, creative, business, deterministic, code, multilingual)
+ Generation preset name (one of: problem_solving, conversational,
+ fun, prose, creative, business, deterministic, code, multilingual)
- problem_solving
- conversational
@@ -1972,7 +2058,14 @@ components:
type: string
description: Title describing what this bit of information contains
- type: string
+ oneOf:
+ - type: array
+ description: List of document chunks
+ items:
+ type: string
+ minItems: 1
+ - type: string
+ description: A single document chunk
description: Information content
type: string
@@ -1998,7 +2091,14 @@ components:
type: string
description: Title describing what this bit of information contains
- type: string
+ oneOf:
+ - type: array
+ description: List of document chunks
+ items:
+ type: string
+ minItems: 1
+ - type: string
+ description: A single document chunk
description: Information content
type: object
@@ -2007,6 +2107,7 @@ components:
- title
- content
+ - field_0
type: object
@@ -2031,7 +2132,8 @@ components:
- function
- webhook
description: >-
- Whether this tool is a `function` or a `webhook` (Only `function` tool supported right now)
+ Whether this tool is a `function` or a `webhook` (Only `function`
+ tool supported right now)
- $ref: '#/components/schemas/FunctionDef'
@@ -2139,7 +2241,8 @@ components:
type: string
description: >-
- Current state (one of: pending, in_progress, retrying, succeeded, aborted, failed)
+ Current state (one of: pending, in_progress, retrying, succeeded,
+ aborted, failed)
- pending
- in_progress
@@ -2223,14 +2326,30 @@ components:
type: string
description: >-
- A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose when and how to call the function.
+ A description of what the function does, used by the model to choose
+ when and how to call the function.
type: string
description: >-
- The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64.
+ The name of the function to be called. Must be a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or
+ contain underscores and dashes, with a maximum length of 64.
$ref: '#/components/schemas/FunctionParameters'
description: Parameters accepeted by this function
+ DocIds:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ agent_doc_ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ user_doc_ids:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ required:
+ - agent_doc_ids
+ - user_doc_ids
type: apiKey
diff --git a/openapi.yaml b/openapi.yaml
index 358ed03fa..ece3a9da5 100644
--- a/openapi.yaml
+++ b/openapi.yaml
@@ -2058,7 +2058,14 @@ components:
type: string
description: Title describing what this bit of information contains
- type: string
+ oneOf:
+ - type: array
+ description: List of document chunks
+ items:
+ type: string
+ minItems: 1
+ - type: string
+ description: A single document chunk
description: Information content
type: string
diff --git a/sdks/postman/collection.json b/sdks/postman/collection.json
index 5df99c162..027187a32 100644
--- a/sdks/postman/collection.json
+++ b/sdks/postman/collection.json
@@ -1296,7 +1296,7 @@
"description": null,
- "body": "{\n \"id\": \"id\",\n \"finish_reason\": \"stop\",\n \"response\": [\n [\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": \"content\",\n \"created_at\": \"2024-01-15T09:30:00Z\",\n \"id\": \"id\"\n }\n ]\n ],\n \"usage\": {\n \"completion_tokens\": 1,\n \"prompt_tokens\": 1,\n \"total_tokens\": 1\n },\n \"jobs\": [\n \"jobs\"\n ]\n}",
+ "body": "{\n \"id\": \"id\",\n \"finish_reason\": \"stop\",\n \"response\": [\n [\n {\n \"role\": \"user\",\n \"content\": \"content\",\n \"created_at\": \"2024-01-15T09:30:00Z\",\n \"id\": \"id\"\n }\n ]\n ],\n \"usage\": {\n \"completion_tokens\": 1,\n \"prompt_tokens\": 1,\n \"total_tokens\": 1\n },\n \"jobs\": [\n \"jobs\"\n ],\n \"doc_ids\": {\n \"agent_doc_ids\": [\n \"agent_doc_ids\"\n ],\n \"user_doc_ids\": [\n \"user_doc_ids\"\n ]\n }\n}",
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json"
@@ -2256,7 +2256,7 @@
"body": null
"description": null,
- "body": "{\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": \"content\",\n \"id\": \"id\",\n \"created_at\": \"2024-01-15T09:30:00Z\"\n }\n ]\n}",
+ "body": "{\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": [\n \"content\"\n ],\n \"id\": \"id\",\n \"created_at\": \"2024-01-15T09:30:00Z\"\n }\n ]\n}",
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json"
@@ -2302,7 +2302,7 @@
"auth": null,
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": \"content\"\n}",
+ "raw": "{\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": [\n \"content\"\n ]\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
@@ -2353,7 +2353,7 @@
"auth": null,
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": \"content\"\n}",
+ "raw": "{\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": [\n \"content\"\n ]\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
@@ -2452,7 +2452,7 @@
"body": null
"description": null,
- "body": "{\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": \"content\",\n \"id\": \"id\",\n \"created_at\": \"2024-01-15T09:30:00Z\"\n }\n ]\n}",
+ "body": "{\n \"items\": [\n {\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": [\n \"content\"\n ],\n \"id\": \"id\",\n \"created_at\": \"2024-01-15T09:30:00Z\"\n }\n ]\n}",
"_postman_previewlanguage": "json"
@@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@
"auth": null,
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": \"content\"\n}",
+ "raw": "{\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": [\n \"content\"\n ]\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
@@ -2549,7 +2549,7 @@
"auth": null,
"body": {
"mode": "raw",
- "raw": "{\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": \"content\"\n}",
+ "raw": "{\n \"title\": \"title\",\n \"content\": [\n \"content\"\n ]\n}",
"options": {
"raw": {
"language": "json"
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/__init__.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/__init__.py
index 68d35f5dc..11415eb1a 100644
--- a/sdks/python/julep/api/__init__.py
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/__init__.py
@@ -22,12 +22,15 @@
+ CreateDocContent,
+ DocContent,
+ DocIds,
@@ -106,12 +109,15 @@
+ "CreateDocContent",
+ "DocContent",
+ "DocIds",
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/client.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/client.py
index 29cc09f07..ad49a9b04 100644
--- a/sdks/python/julep/api/client.py
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/client.py
@@ -1356,7 +1356,6 @@ def create_agent_doc(
- content="content",
@@ -1458,7 +1457,6 @@ def create_user_doc(
- content="content",
@@ -3121,7 +3119,6 @@ async def create_agent_doc(
- content="content",
@@ -3223,7 +3220,6 @@ async def create_user_doc(
- content="content",
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/__init__.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/__init__.py
index 5ebde51d9..11fa4d201 100644
--- a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/__init__.py
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/__init__.py
@@ -21,12 +21,15 @@
from .create_agent_request_instructions import CreateAgentRequestInstructions
from .create_agent_request_metadata import CreateAgentRequestMetadata
from .create_doc import CreateDoc
+from .create_doc_content import CreateDocContent
from .create_doc_metadata import CreateDocMetadata
from .create_session_request_metadata import CreateSessionRequestMetadata
from .create_tool_request import CreateToolRequest
from .create_tool_request_type import CreateToolRequestType
from .create_user_request_metadata import CreateUserRequestMetadata
from .doc import Doc
+from .doc_content import DocContent
+from .doc_ids import DocIds
from .doc_metadata import DocMetadata
from .function_call_option import FunctionCallOption
from .function_def import FunctionDef
@@ -103,12 +106,15 @@
+ "CreateDocContent",
+ "DocContent",
+ "DocIds",
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/chat_response.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/chat_response.py
index 17e44c33a..c24284f61 100644
--- a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/chat_response.py
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/chat_response.py
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
from .chat_ml_message import ChatMlMessage
from .chat_response_finish_reason import ChatResponseFinishReason
from .completion_usage import CompletionUsage
+from .doc_ids import DocIds
import pydantic.v1 as pydantic # type: ignore
@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ class ChatResponse(pydantic.BaseModel):
jobs: typing.Optional[typing.List[str]] = pydantic.Field(
description="IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request"
+ doc_ids: DocIds
def json(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> str:
kwargs_with_defaults: typing.Any = {
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/create_doc.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/create_doc.py
index 76a713dab..3c7d2b602 100644
--- a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/create_doc.py
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/create_doc.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import typing
from ..core.datetime_utils import serialize_datetime
+from .create_doc_content import CreateDocContent
from .create_doc_metadata import CreateDocMetadata
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ class CreateDoc(pydantic.BaseModel):
title: str = pydantic.Field(
description="Title describing what this bit of information contains"
- content: str = pydantic.Field(description="Information content")
+ content: CreateDocContent = pydantic.Field(description="Information content")
metadata: typing.Optional[CreateDocMetadata] = pydantic.Field(
description="Optional metadata"
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/create_doc_content.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/create_doc_content.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e186d7fa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/create_doc_content.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
+import typing
+CreateDocContent = typing.Union[typing.List[str], str]
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc.py
index 112e9ddbd..6239d4090 100644
--- a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc.py
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc.py
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
import typing
from ..core.datetime_utils import serialize_datetime
+from .doc_content import DocContent
from .doc_metadata import DocMetadata
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ class Doc(pydantic.BaseModel):
title: str = pydantic.Field(
description="Title describing what this bit of information contains"
- content: str = pydantic.Field(description="Information content")
+ content: DocContent = pydantic.Field(description="Information content")
id: str = pydantic.Field(description="ID of doc")
created_at: dt.datetime = pydantic.Field(description="Doc created at")
metadata: typing.Optional[DocMetadata] = pydantic.Field(
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc_content.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc_content.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8b27a9501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc_content.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
+import typing
+DocContent = typing.Union[typing.List[str], str]
diff --git a/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc_ids.py b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc_ids.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..19eea5473
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/python/julep/api/types/doc_ids.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# This file was auto-generated by Fern from our API Definition.
+import datetime as dt
+import typing
+from ..core.datetime_utils import serialize_datetime
+ import pydantic.v1 as pydantic # type: ignore
+except ImportError:
+ import pydantic # type: ignore
+class DocIds(pydantic.BaseModel):
+ agent_doc_ids: typing.List[str]
+ user_doc_ids: typing.List[str]
+ def json(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> str:
+ kwargs_with_defaults: typing.Any = {
+ "by_alias": True,
+ "exclude_unset": True,
+ **kwargs,
+ }
+ return super().json(**kwargs_with_defaults)
+ def dict(self, **kwargs: typing.Any) -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]:
+ kwargs_with_defaults: typing.Any = {
+ "by_alias": True,
+ "exclude_unset": True,
+ **kwargs,
+ }
+ return super().dict(**kwargs_with_defaults)
+ class Config:
+ frozen = True
+ smart_union = True
+ json_encoders = {dt.datetime: serialize_datetime}
diff --git a/sdks/python/poetry.lock b/sdks/python/poetry.lock
index 07a9f3e5d..bc5cf6912 100644
--- a/sdks/python/poetry.lock
+++ b/sdks/python/poetry.lock
@@ -176,13 +176,13 @@ tests-no-zope = ["attrs[tests-mypy]", "cloudpickle", "hypothesis", "pympler", "p
name = "babel"
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+version = "2.15.0"
description = "Internationalization utilities"
optional = false
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+python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
- {file = "Babel-2.14.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:efb1a25b7118e67ce3a259bed20545c29cb68be8ad2c784c83689981b7a57287"},
- {file = "Babel-2.14.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6919867db036398ba21eb5c7a0f6b28ab8cbc3ae7a73a44ebe34ae74a4e7d363"},
+ {file = "Babel-2.15.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:08706bdad8d0a3413266ab61bd6c34d0c28d6e1e7badf40a2cebe67644e2e1fb"},
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description = "A very fast and expressive template engine."
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python-versions = ">=3.7"
files = [
- {file = "Jinja2-3.1.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:7d6d50dd97d52cbc355597bd845fabfbac3f551e1f99619e39a35ce8c370b5fa"},
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@@ -987,13 +987,13 @@ files = [
name = "jsonschema"
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+version = "4.22.0"
description = "An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python"
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python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
- {file = "jsonschema-4.21.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:7996507afae316306f9e2290407761157c6f78002dcf7419acb99822143d1c6f"},
- {file = "jsonschema-4.21.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:85727c00279f5fa6bedbe6238d2aa6403bedd8b4864ab11207d07df3cc1b2ee5"},
+ {file = "jsonschema-4.22.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:ff4cfd6b1367a40e7bc6411caec72effadd3db0bbe5017de188f2d6108335802"},
+ {file = "jsonschema-4.22.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5b22d434a45935119af990552c862e5d6d564e8f6601206b305a61fdf661a2b7"},
@@ -1171,13 +1171,13 @@ test = ["jupyter-server (>=2.0.0)", "pytest (>=7.0)", "pytest-jupyter[server] (>
name = "jupyterlab"
-version = "4.1.6"
+version = "4.2.0"
description = "JupyterLab computational environment"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
- {file = "jupyterlab-4.1.6-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:cf3e862bc10dbf4331e4eb37438634f813c238cfc62c71c640b3b3b2caa089a8"},
- {file = "jupyterlab-4.1.6.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7935f36ba26eb615183a4f5c2bbca5791b5108ce2a00b5505f8cfd100d53648e"},
+ {file = "jupyterlab-4.2.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:0dfe9278e25a145362289c555d9beb505697d269c10e99909766af7c440ad3cc"},
+ {file = "jupyterlab-4.2.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:356e9205a6a2ab689c47c8fe4919dba6c076e376d03f26baadc05748c2435dd5"},
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ jinja2 = ">=3.0.3"
jupyter-core = "*"
jupyter-lsp = ">=2.0.0"
jupyter-server = ">=2.4.0,<3"
-jupyterlab-server = ">=2.19.0,<3"
+jupyterlab-server = ">=2.27.1,<3"
notebook-shim = ">=0.2"
packaging = "*"
tomli = {version = ">=1.2.2", markers = "python_version < \"3.11\""}
@@ -1198,11 +1198,11 @@ tornado = ">=6.2.0"
traitlets = "*"
-dev = ["build", "bump2version", "coverage", "hatch", "pre-commit", "pytest-cov", "ruff (==0.2.0)"]
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test = ["coverage", "pytest (>=7.0)", "pytest-check-links (>=0.7)", "pytest-console-scripts", "pytest-cov", "pytest-jupyter (>=0.5.3)", "pytest-timeout", "pytest-tornasync", "requests", "requests-cache", "virtualenv"]
-upgrade-extension = ["copier (>=8.0,<9.0)", "jinja2-time (<0.3)", "pydantic (<2.0)", "pyyaml-include (<2.0)", "tomli-w (<2.0)"]
+upgrade-extension = ["copier (>=8,<10)", "jinja2-time (<0.3)", "pydantic (<2.0)", "pyyaml-include (<2.0)", "tomli-w (<2.0)"]
name = "jupyterlab-pygments"
@@ -1384,13 +1384,13 @@ files = [
name = "marshmallow"
-version = "3.21.1"
+version = "3.21.2"
description = "A lightweight library for converting complex datatypes to and from native Python datatypes."
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.8"
files = [
- {file = "marshmallow-3.21.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:f085493f79efb0644f270a9bf2892843142d80d7174bbbd2f3713f2a589dc633"},
- {file = "marshmallow-3.21.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:4e65e9e0d80fc9e609574b9983cf32579f305c718afb30d7233ab818571768c3"},
+ {file = "marshmallow-3.21.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:70b54a6282f4704d12c0a41599682c5c5450e843b9ec406308653b47c59648a1"},
+ {file = "marshmallow-3.21.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:82408deadd8b33d56338d2182d455db632c6313aa2af61916672146bb32edc56"},
@@ -1398,7 +1398,7 @@ packaging = ">=17.0"
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tests = ["pytest", "pytz", "simplejson"]
@@ -1472,13 +1472,13 @@ test = ["flaky", "ipykernel (>=6.19.3)", "ipython", "ipywidgets", "nbconvert (>=
name = "nbconvert"
-version = "7.16.3"
+version = "7.16.4"
description = "Converting Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files) to other formats. Output formats include asciidoc, html, latex, markdown, pdf, py, rst, script. nbconvert can be used both as a Python library (`import nbconvert`) or as a command line tool (invoked as `jupyter nbconvert ...`)."
optional = false
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+ {file = "rpds_py-0.18.1-pp39-pypy39_pp73-musllinux_1_2_aarch64.whl", hash = "sha256:1d54f74f40b1f7aaa595a02ff42ef38ca654b1469bef7d52867da474243cc633"},
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description = "Fast, Extensible Progress Meter"
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files = [
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- {file = "tqdm-4.66.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:6cd52cdf0fef0e0f543299cfc96fec90d7b8a7e88745f411ec33eb44d5ed3531"},
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index 8cdd58fbc..164640439 100644
--- a/sdks/python/pyproject.toml
+++ b/sdks/python/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
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+version = "0.3.3"
description = "Julep is a platform for creating agents with long-term memory"
authors = ["Julep Developers "]
license = "ISC"
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index 2cc1421f9..25daa1d2c 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/package-lock.json
+++ b/sdks/ts/package-lock.json
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
"name": "@julep/sdk",
- "version": "0.3.0",
+ "version": "0.3.3",
"lockfileVersion": 3,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
"": {
"name": "@julep/sdk",
- "version": "0.3.0",
+ "version": "0.3.3",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-typescript": "^11.1.6",
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index 153efac5a..8231cf2a0 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/package.json
+++ b/sdks/ts/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@julep/sdk",
- "version": "0.3.2",
+ "version": "0.3.3",
"description": "Julep is a platform for creating agents with long-term memory",
"keywords": [
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
"start_mock_api": "prism mock ./tests/mock_openapi.yaml -p 8080 -v fatal 1> /dev/null &",
"kill_mock_api": "kill $(pgrep -f 'prism .*') || echo bye",
"format": "prettier -w .",
- "openapi-codegen": "openapi -c axios --name JulepApiClient --useOptions --indent 2 -i <(yq -o=json '.' ../../openapi.yaml) -o src/api --exportSchemas true --useUnionTypes true",
+ "openapi-codegen": "bash -c 'openapi -c axios --name JulepApiClient --useOptions --indent 2 -i <(yq \".\" ../../openapi.yaml) -o src/api --exportSchemas true --useUnionTypes true'",
"codegen": "npm run openapi-codegen && npm run format",
"generate-docs": "typedoc --plugin typedoc-plugin-markdown --out ../../docs/js-sdk-docs src/**/*.ts",
"test-inspect": "node --inspect-brk node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand",
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/index.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/index.ts
index 2393d9be3..3e0dc5da8 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/src/api/index.ts
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/index.ts
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export type { CreateToolRequest } from "./models/CreateToolRequest";
export type { CreateUserRequest } from "./models/CreateUserRequest";
export type { Doc } from "./models/Doc";
export type { doc_id } from "./models/doc_id";
+export type { DocIds } from "./models/DocIds";
export type { FunctionCallOption } from "./models/FunctionCallOption";
export type { FunctionDef } from "./models/FunctionDef";
export type { FunctionParameters } from "./models/FunctionParameters";
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ export { $CreateToolRequest } from "./schemas/$CreateToolRequest";
export { $CreateUserRequest } from "./schemas/$CreateUserRequest";
export { $Doc } from "./schemas/$Doc";
export { $doc_id } from "./schemas/$doc_id";
+export { $DocIds } from "./schemas/$DocIds";
export { $FunctionCallOption } from "./schemas/$FunctionCallOption";
export { $FunctionDef } from "./schemas/$FunctionDef";
export { $FunctionParameters } from "./schemas/$FunctionParameters";
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/models/ChatResponse.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/models/ChatResponse.ts
index e880bc927..6614069fe 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/src/api/models/ChatResponse.ts
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/models/ChatResponse.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
/* eslint-disable */
import type { ChatMLMessage } from "./ChatMLMessage";
import type { CompletionUsage } from "./CompletionUsage";
+import type { DocIds } from "./DocIds";
* Represents a chat completion response returned by model, based on the provided input.
@@ -30,4 +31,5 @@ export type ChatResponse = {
* IDs (if any) of jobs created as part of this request
jobs?: Array;
+ doc_ids: DocIds;
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/models/CreateDoc.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/models/CreateDoc.ts
index 437fa1535..ff4542a0c 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/src/api/models/CreateDoc.ts
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/models/CreateDoc.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export type CreateDoc = {
* Information content
- content: string;
+ content: Array | string;
* Optional metadata
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/models/Doc.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/models/Doc.ts
index c19f2b84c..4e190d21f 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/src/api/models/Doc.ts
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/models/Doc.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export type Doc = {
* Information content
- content: string;
+ content: Array | string;
* ID of doc
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/models/DocIds.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/models/DocIds.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c33bb4948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/models/DocIds.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+/* generated using openapi-typescript-codegen -- do no edit */
+/* istanbul ignore file */
+/* tslint:disable */
+/* eslint-disable */
+export type DocIds = {
+ agent_doc_ids: Array;
+ user_doc_ids: Array;
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$ChatResponse.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$ChatResponse.ts
index c30f28c57..3c19ea0fc 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$ChatResponse.ts
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$ChatResponse.ts
@@ -36,5 +36,9 @@ export const $ChatResponse = {
format: "uuid",
+ doc_ids: {
+ type: "DocIds",
+ isRequired: true,
+ },
} as const;
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$CreateDoc.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$CreateDoc.ts
index 8e7e7b002..85d4bafa0 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$CreateDoc.ts
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$CreateDoc.ts
@@ -10,8 +10,21 @@ export const $CreateDoc = {
isRequired: true,
content: {
- type: "string",
+ type: "one-of",
description: `Information content`,
+ contains: [
+ {
+ type: "array",
+ contains: {
+ type: "string",
+ minItems: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ type: "string",
+ description: `A single document chunk`,
+ },
+ ],
isRequired: true,
metadata: {
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$Doc.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$Doc.ts
index 549052b3d..8f79f21f9 100644
--- a/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$Doc.ts
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$Doc.ts
@@ -10,8 +10,21 @@ export const $Doc = {
isRequired: true,
content: {
- type: "string",
+ type: "one-of",
description: `Information content`,
+ contains: [
+ {
+ type: "array",
+ contains: {
+ type: "string",
+ minItems: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ type: "string",
+ description: `A single document chunk`,
+ },
+ ],
isRequired: true,
id: {
diff --git a/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$DocIds.ts b/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$DocIds.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..594e9771a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdks/ts/src/api/schemas/$DocIds.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+/* generated using openapi-typescript-codegen -- do no edit */
+/* istanbul ignore file */
+/* tslint:disable */
+/* eslint-disable */
+export const $DocIds = {
+ properties: {
+ agent_doc_ids: {
+ type: "array",
+ contains: {
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ isRequired: true,
+ },
+ user_doc_ids: {
+ type: "array",
+ contains: {
+ type: "string",
+ },
+ isRequired: true,
+ },
+ },
+} as const;