I do have a few linux virtual servers spread around in various data centers. Originally that was mostly nginx front ends to various locally installed applications, all supervised by systemd. Changing to caddy as the proxy server was a fresh breeze as the configuration got much simpler and there where no shell scripts needed any longer to update certificates with letsencrypt. Still a lot installed on each server, but simpler.
My most recent iteration in making the administrative side easier is the following setup:
- All nodes run tailscale as an overlay VPN for admin functions.
- All nodes run docker and one instance of the watchtower container for easy automatic upgrades of the individual packages.
- Docker is configured to log to Google Cloud Logging for easy log file monitoring. This is may not be relevant for most people, but for me it makes perusing logs much easier.
- All docker containers are started via a docker-compose.yml file. Each of those gets their own subdirectory with the docker-compose.yml file alongside any additional configuration and data volumes needed.
- I run caddy with the docker-proxy and caddy-storage-redis plugins in a container as front end proxy.
- Individual containers for the services use caddy docker proxy label fragments for configuration in the individual docker-compose.yml files.
- All caddy instances share a common storage backend (a redis instance reached via the tailscale overlay vpn) for tls certificate storage. This facilitates easy moving a service from one server box to another without a lot of downtime due to missing TLS certificates.
- I use an instance of gatus to monitor all these services and get notified by email about any failures. The caddy health check is on the tailscale side, so I check both the status of the tailnet as well as caddy basics working in one check.
All the referenced docker-compose files below assume a docker bridge network named caddy, see the networks.sh script.
I do override configuration on the docker service via creating the directory /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d and creating a file override.conf like this:
The After= section makes sure that docker starts after tailscale is initialized. This is necessary to achieve name resolution via the tailscale magic DNS feature from within the docker caddy container. If you cannot resolve your services in your tailnet (this example uses a redis server reachable from all nodes over the private tailnet), you can check the resolv.conf file in the caddy container:
docker exec -it caddy cat /etc/resolv.conf
On some Linux distributions the /etc/resolv.conf is overwritten multiple times, in these cases the caddy docker container picked up an intermidiate version of resolv.conf and not the final one. So the caddy resolv.conf should match the hosts /etc/resolv.conf exactly.
From my experience the use of NetworkManager together with cloud-init is prone to produce these situation. In these cases it might be advised to change the above dependency to After=tailscale-up.service and use the following tailscale-up.service file:
Description=Wait for tailscale up
ExecStart=/usr/bin/sh -c "/usr/bin/tailscale up; echo tailscale-up"
Experimenting with systemd-resolved might also reduce the number of overwrites to the resolv.conf file.
The Google Cloud configuration is optional if you like to use journalctl on the individual hosts.
I used to use the gcplogs log driver built into docker, but I am really switching all my projects to structured json based logging and was looking for ways to directly feed that into google cloud logging. The docker gpclogs driver does not do this (it forwards the JSON as one big log line), but I found the excellent project ngcplogs that modified the gcplogs driver to extract the structured log info.
This driver is a docker plugin and is installed like this (for an ARM based host):
docker plugin install nanoandrew4/ngcplogs:linux-arm64-v1.3.0
The driver is configured as usual in /etc/docker/dameon.json like this:
"log-driver": "nanoandrew4/ngcplogs:linux-arm64-v1.3.0",
"log-opts": {
"exclude-timestamp" : "true",
"extract-gcp" : "true",
"extract-caddy" : "true",
"gcp-project": "hosting-XXXXXX",
"gcp-meta-name": "myservername"
"credentials-json" : "your_json_escaped_credentials.json_file_content"
The escaped json string for the Google service account with log writing permissions can be generated with the json-escape.go program like this:
go run json-escape.go </path/to/my-service-acct.json
The extract-gcp option extracts already existing Google Cloud style Trace, labels and source line information from applications that already expect their output to be scanned by Google Cloud Logging. For Golang apps that use logrus stackdriver-gae-logrus-plugin or for log/slog based ones slogdriver this works nicely.
The slogdriver adapter for log/slog does not parse the traceparent HTTP header, I have thus created small piece of middleware that I use to inject the trace information as expected by slogdriver into the request context: traceparent.
The extract-caddy option extracts fields from Caddy logs to be able to use caddy as a proper trace parent and also make Google Cloud console display caddy access log entries as HTTP requests.
The neat effect of all this that I get a fully distributed tracing across multiple nodes without going through the hoops of setting up a full blown OTEL setup and a really nice log viewer in the Google Cloud Console.
The root directory of this repo contains the Dockerfile and a build-docker.sh script to build the container that runs caddy with the docker-proxy, caddy-storage-redis and caddy-dns/cloudflare plugins. I do build both AMD64 and ARM64 versions of each of my containers as my linux systems use both of these architectures.
The caddy subdirectory showcases a typical caddy configuration. I do run caddy in its container with ports forwarded for port 80 and 443 TCP and 443 UDP for QUIC aka HTTP/3. For easier configuration of the individual services I do include Caddyfile snippets in the config/Caddfile subdirectory. The caddy docker-proxy configuration to build a final Caddyfile can get a bit obscure for more complicated containers like nextcloud. I use a defaulthdr snippet (for an example see the whoami section later) to set HSTS headers, set the log file and enable compression. This snipped might be replaced by the norobots snippet that whould inhibit crawling for API style sites or the robots snippet for normal content with some obnoxius robots excluded.
This Caddyfile also defines a https site on the tailscale side for the host, this has by default just a /health endpoint for health checking. The watchtower and adminer containers do add subdirectory endpoints here for the watchtower API and for examining database content.
The volume /run/containers for caddy might look unfamilar, but I use this to expose my own services via unix domain sockets. If you do not expect to proxy to upstream servers via unix domain sockets you might omit that volume.
The volume /var/www/html is for interoperability with php fastcgi in the nextcloud example, if you do not need nextcloud drop this.
To support naked domains (e.g. redirecting from example.com to www.example.com) I use the naked snippet. You need to define an A (and AAAA, if you use IPv6) record pointing to your host instance besides the normal CNAME record pointing to the canonical name for your host for the www subdomain. This would normally look like this:
; SOA Record
@ 3600 IN SOA ns.example.com. jum.example.com. (
; A Record
@ 3600 IN A X.X.X.X
; AAAA Record
; CNAME Record
www 3600 IN CNAME www.example.org.
A container serving the www.example.com domain would have this in its label section in the docker-compose.yml:
caddy_0: example.com
caddy_0.import: naked
caddy_0.tls.dns: cloudflare {env.CF_API_KEY}
caddy_1: www.example.com
caddy_1.tls.dns: cloudflare {env.CF_API_KEY}
caddy_1.import: robots
caddy_1.log_skip: /health
caddy_1.reverse_proxy: "unix//run/containers/example-www.sock"
This assumes that container serving the example.com domain is listening under a UNIX domain socket and also exposes a /health endpoint that should not be recorded in the logs.
Recently I started to use ACME DNS verification for some domains, for this reason I add the cloudflare caddy DNS module for my DNS provider. The above configuration with caddy_X.tls.dns tell caddy to use ACME DNS instead of HTTP based verification for generating TLS certificates. You could also add this to the base Caddyfile snippet, but only if you use only one DNS provider account. I recently moved from godaddy to cloudflare for hosting my DNS, and although I initially purchased my domains using multiple godaddy accounts I can now update all my domains using a single CF_API_KEY for cloudflare. I have thus moved this into the main Caddyfile under the acme_dns global configuration.
For all of my domains (except one, for backward compatibility) I also do not expect any unencrypted traffic on port 80, I have thus added "auto_https disable_redirects" to the base Caddfile to let caddy not listen on port 80 by default. As I only use the ACME DNS challenge, I do not need to open that port und thus save myself the headache of the many probes for security problems, which conveniently only happen on port 80.
The docker container mounts the runtime directory of tailscale and not the socket file itself (how it is done for the docker socket). This is due to the fact that docker virtual mounts will not notice if the underlying file is recreated upon restarting the listening daemon. For the docker socket this does not matter, as if docker is restart all containers will restart as well. As a further complication, the tailscaled.service files not specify the option to preserve the directory /var/run/tailscale at daemon restart, making a mount of /var/run/tailscale instead of the socket not work. But there is an option in systemd to make that work, create a directory named /etc/systemd/system/tailscaled.service.d and create a file named runtimedir.conf with the following contents:
This will prevent systemd from removing the /var/run/tailscale directory and the caddy container will pick the changed tailscaled socket on the next access.
I have submitted a feature request to tailscale to make that the default. You might want to chime in here to make it happen:
The container defined in the watchtower subdirectory is responsible for updating the containers actually running on the host, with the exception of watchtower itself. Letting watchtower update itself does not appear to be working, but fortunately this is mature software and changes seldomly. Please note that you should set a random password for the watchtower API in this docker-compose.yml. This container also needs to access your docker credentials in your home directory for accessing your docker repositories. A script like this can be used to trigger a scan for updated containers for an individual host:
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer Secret_Token" \
I do use this in my gitea CI/CD pipelines to trigger container reloads on affected hosts after building a container. As this accesses the watchtower container via the tailnet, that only works for private action runners that are part of your tailnet.
For debugging (and as a placeholder to aquire certificates) I tend to start an instance of whoami on the canonical host name of the linux box. For hosts that may be running postfix and dovecot or other services outside the caddy/docker universe a seperate project in certwatch can be used to monitor a set of certificates in the caddy redis storage and write the certificates to /var/lib/certwatch and restart systemd services.
Adminer is a nice tool to examine mariadb or postgres databases. I do only run it exposed on the tailscale host name under the /adminer endpoint, and then only when I need it.
One node in the tailscale VPN should run redis for storing the TLS certifcates. The redis subdirectory contains an example for this, please note that this also has to expose the tailnet side of the hosts IP (the 100.X.X.X IP in the docker-compose.yml file for use in redis URLs.
The postgres and mariadb subdorectories contain docker-compose files to start any of these databases. I have used mariadb in the past but on new projects I am mostly using postgres. Please note that for both databases you would need to change the IP number 100.X.X:X to be able to access these databases from anywhere inside your tailnet.
I do host my own private git repositories and the assorted CI/CD pipelines using gitea. The subdirectiory gitea shows an example docker-compose.yml file. Please note that I use something like this in my app.ini for gitea to reverse proxy via a unix socket:
SSH_DOMAIN = gitea.example.org
DOMAIN = gitea.example.org
PROTOCOL = http+unix
HTTP_PORT = 3000
HTTP_ADDR = /run/containers/gitea.sock
The act_runner directory contains the docker compose setup for a gitea runner. I do run that on a few nodes, but not on the node that runs gitea itself. If the runner nodes need to update via watchtower, make sure they are running in your tailnet. Before you start, run the register.sh script to register the runner node. I think the standard runner images of gitea do not contain what I need on a runner, I am thus changing my workflows to run on node-20 instead of ubuntu, and my config.yml point to my prepared image. See act_runner_image for what I use.
The Nextcloud configuration in the Caddyfile is rather lengthy, so I decided to put that as a snippet in the base Caddyfile and just put the import in the nextcloud/docker-compose.yml. The php fastcgi configuration relies on the .php files to be present under the same path in both the caddy and the nextcloud containers, note the according volume mounts of /var/www/html in both containers.
I also add the fixed proxy address to the X-Forwarded-For header and in my config.php in the trusted_proxy section to make the nextcloud proxy recognition happy.
The docker compose file configures to use redis storage for PHP sessions, I additionally configure the same redis instance as cache and locking backend in my config.php. I do seperate nextcloud caching into it's own redis database number, as nextcloud does not expire old entries and an occasional "delete *" is in order (preferably after an upgrade) to keep the redis storage down.
Additionally you might want to use the occ.sh and cron.sh scripts. The cron.sh script triggers background jobs inside the nextcloud container, see the nextcloud.timer and nextcloud.service files for a systemd configuration.
The occ.sh script us used to trigger nextcloud command line functions for administrative management of the nextcloud instance.
I do run nightly backups via restic to a Hetzner storage box via SFTP. After configuring one of those and putting these credentials into your .ssh/config and into /root/.ssh/config as well I run using a script like this:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
if test -t 0
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY=sftp:storage:backup-hostXXX/restic
export RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE=$HOME/.restic-backup-hostXXX
docker compose ls --format json|jq -r '.[]|.ConfigFiles' | while read yaml
dir=`dirname "$yaml"`
if test -x "$dir/dumpdb.sh"
sudo -u adminuser sh -c "cd $dir; ./dumpdb.sh"
restic $VERBOSE backup --exclude-caches=true \
/etc/docker /var/lib/docker \
/usr/local \
/home/adminuser /root
restic $VERBOSE forget \
--keep-daily 7 --keep-weekly 5 --keep-monthly 12 \
--keep-yearly 100 --prune
chown -R adminuser:adminuser /home/adminuser/.cache/restic
This scripts assumes that the subdirectories for the docker containers are kept under ~adminuser/web and that the adminuser is a member of the docker group.
If the directory with the docker-compose.yaml file has a dumpdb.sh script, it is called to dump any databases before backing up. The script for redis will dump the memory to a file, the mariadb and postgres containers will dump the complete database. I also use this with some sqlite projects to perform a textual dump of the database.
This script does also backup /var/lib/docker, which is probably what you want if you use docker volumes that should be persistent. I do mount all my persistent valumes using volume mounts relative to the directory where the docker-compose.yml file is located. This way I do not have valuable data in /var/lib/docker and therefore do not include it in my backup. The only hosts (in my installations) that have considerable amount of data in /var/lib/docker are act_runner hosts, which have the cache volumes there. I do not want to backup these, as they are huge and easily recreated on the next docker builds.