Facial landmark detection using Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Device
- tensorflow==1.5.0
- Keras==2.1.3
- coremltools==0.8
Dataset in Google Drive: Image Dataset Landmarks Dataset
# Example: Load Dataset
X = np.load(PATH + "basic_dataset_img.npz")
y = np.load(PATH + "basic_dataset_pts.npz")
X = X['arr_0']
y = y['arr_0'].reshape(-1, 136)
- Face detector: opencv ssd detector
- Facial Landmark detector: Mobilenet based model
Youtube Video 1 Youtube Video 2
Android (TODO)
- Import model in Tensorflow
- Convert Keras to Tensorflow use this code
- Build Android app and call tensflow. check this tutorial and this official demo from google to learn how to do it.
- Import model in Java
- deeplearning4j a java library allow to import keras model: tutorial link
- Use deeplearning4j in Android: it is easy since you are in java world. check this tutorial
- Import model in Tensorflow