diff --git a/RegEx/RegEx_Remove_emojis_from_text.ipynb b/RegEx/RegEx_Remove_emojis_from_text.ipynb
new file mode 100644
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+ "# RegEx - Remove emojis from text"
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+ "**Tags:** #regex #text #emoji #remove #string #python"
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+ "**Author:** [Florent Ravenel](https://www.linkedin.com/in/florent-ravenel/)"
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+ "**Last update:** 2023-12-05 (Created: 2023-12-05)"
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+ "**Description:** This notebook will show how to remove emojis from a text using RegEx and Python."
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+ "**References:**\n",
+ "- [Regular Expressions - Python Documentation](https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html)\n",
+ "- [Remove Emojis from Text - Stack Overflow](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33404752/removing-emojis-from-a-string-in-python)"
+ ]
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+ "### Import libraries"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "import re"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "### Setup variables\n",
+ "- `text`: Text containing emojis"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "text = \"This is a text with emojis 😊😊😊\""
+ ]
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+ "### Remove emojis from text"
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+ "source": [
+ "This function will remove all emojis from a text using RegEx."
+ ]
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+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def remove_emojis(text):\n",
+ " # Emoji pattern\n",
+ " emoji_pattern = re.compile(\"[\"\n",
+ " u\"\\U0001F600-\\U0001F64F\" # emoticons\n",
+ " u\"\\U0001F300-\\U0001F5FF\" # symbols & pictographs\n",
+ " u\"\\U0001F680-\\U0001F6FF\" # transport & map symbols\n",
+ " u\"\\U0001F1E0-\\U0001F1FF\" # flags (iOS)\n",
+ " u\"\\U00002500-\\U00002BEF\" # chinese char\n",
+ " u\"\\U00002702-\\U000027B0\"\n",
+ " u\"\\U00002702-\\U000027B0\"\n",
+ " u\"\\U000024C2-\\U0001F251\"\n",
+ " u\"\\U0001f926-\\U0001f937\"\n",
+ " u\"\\U00010000-\\U0010ffff\"\n",
+ " u\"\\u2640-\\u2642\"\n",
+ " u\"\\u2600-\\u2B55\"\n",
+ " u\"\\u200d\"\n",
+ " u\"\\u23cf\"\n",
+ " u\"\\u23e9\"\n",
+ " u\"\\u231a\"\n",
+ " u\"\\ufe0f\" # dingbats\n",
+ " u\"\\u3030\"\n",
+ " \"]+\", flags=re.UNICODE)\n",
+ " # Remove emojis from the text\n",
+ " text = emoji_pattern.sub(r'', text)\n",
+ " return text.strip()"
+ ]
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+ "## Output"
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+ "### Display result"
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+ "source": [
+ "print(remove_emojis(text))"
+ ]
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