diff --git a/Spotify/Spotify_Get_Album_Tracks.ipynb b/Spotify/Spotify_Get_Album_Tracks.ipynb
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+ "# Spotify - Get Album Tracks"
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+ "**Author:** [Alton Liew](https://www.linkedin.com/in/alton-liew-749944182/)"
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+ "**Last update:** 2023-12-08 (Created: 2023-12-01)"
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+ "**Description:** This notebook will get Spotify catalog information about an album’s tracks. Optional parameters can be used to limit the number of tracks returned."
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "**References:**\n",
+ "- [Spotify - Get an Album's Tracks](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/get-an-albums-tracks)\n",
+ "- [Spotify - Web API Overview](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/)"
+ ]
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+ "## Input"
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+ "### Import libraries"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "try:\n",
+ " import spotipy\n",
+ "except:\n",
+ " !pip install spotipy --user\n",
+ " import spotipy\n",
+ "from spotipy.oauth2 import SpotifyClientCredentials\n",
+ "import naas\n",
+ "from pprint import pprint\n",
+ "from IPython.display import Image, display"
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+ "### Setup variables\n",
+ "- `client_id`: Your Spotify API client ID. [Get your client ID](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/app-settings/#register-your-app)\n",
+ "- `client_secret`: Your Spotify API client secret. [Get your client secret](https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/general/guides/app-settings/#register-your-app)\n",
+ "- `artist_id`: The unique Spotify ID for the album. [Find the album ID](https://developer.spotify.com/console/get-album/)\n",
+ "- `limit`: The number of results you want to receive. "
+ ]
+ },
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+ "iopub.status.idle": "2023-12-03T23:35:36.710004Z",
+ "shell.execute_reply": "2023-12-03T23:35:36.709366Z",
+ "shell.execute_reply.started": "2023-12-03T23:35:36.561453Z"
+ },
+ "papermill": {},
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "client_id = naas.secret.get(\"SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID\")\n",
+ "client_secret = naas.secret.get(\"SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET\")\n",
+ "album_id = \"1gIC63gC3B7o7FfpPACZQJ\"\n",
+ "limit = 5"
+ ]
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+ "## Model"
+ ]
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+ "### Get album tracks"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "This function will get Spotify catalog information about an album’s tracks."
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "a4aa966b-a88a-4023-b63a-fe64a1abdf5e",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "def get_album_tracks(client_id, client_secret, album_id):\n",
+ " data = None\n",
+ " sp = spotipy.Spotify(client_credentials_manager=SpotifyClientCredentials(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret))\n",
+ " try:\n",
+ " data = sp.album(album_id)\n",
+ " except spotipy.SpotifyException as e:\n",
+ " print(f\"Error retrieving album information: {e}\")\n",
+ " return data\n",
+ " \n",
+ "data = get_album_tracks(client_id, client_secret, album_id)\n",
+ "# pprint(data)"
+ ]
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+ "## Output"
+ ]
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+ "### Display result"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "If data is present, print out the album information and tracks with their relevant ID."
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": 19,
+ "id": "d379078d-cc22-4c6e-aba1-365008049bb3",
+ "metadata": {
+ "execution": {
+ "iopub.execute_input": "2023-12-03T23:52:56.196554Z",
+ "iopub.status.busy": "2023-12-03T23:52:56.196325Z",
+ "iopub.status.idle": "2023-12-03T23:52:56.204437Z",
+ "shell.execute_reply": "2023-12-03T23:52:56.203725Z",
+ "shell.execute_reply.started": "2023-12-03T23:52:56.196530Z"
+ },
+ "papermill": {},
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Album Information:\n",
+ "Name: 4\n",
+ "Artist: Beyoncé\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ ""
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {},
+ "output_type": "display_data"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "\n",
+ "Tracks:\n",
+ "1. Love On Top | ID: 1z6WtY7X4HQJvzxC4UgkSf\n",
+ "2. Party (feat. André 3000) | ID: 42qh86p7TLXyumxSHn65kc\n",
+ "3. Schoolin' Life | ID: 6JoIs4XLvBgjZOkKnyuPPv\n",
+ "4. Countdown | ID: 3axkNosdVQLZiq1HakuGhc\n",
+ "5. I Miss You | ID: 6Vv9wMxIc6OKRluQefy441\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "if data:\n",
+ " album_info = {\n",
+ " \"Name\": data['name'],\n",
+ " \"Artist\": data['artists'][0]['name'],\n",
+ " \"Image\": data['images'][0].get(\"url\"),\n",
+ " \"Tracks\": [(track['name'], track['id']) for track in data['tracks']['items'][:limit]]\n",
+ " }\n",
+ " \n",
+ " print(\"Album Information:\")\n",
+ " for key, value in album_info.items():\n",
+ " if key == \"Image\":\n",
+ " display(Image(url=value))\n",
+ " elif key == \"Tracks\":\n",
+ " print(f\"\\n{key}:\")\n",
+ " for i, (track_name, track_id) in enumerate(value, start=1):\n",
+ " print(f\"{i}. {track_name} | ID: {track_id}\")\n",
+ " else:\n",
+ " print(f\"{key}: {value}\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "else:\n",
+ " print(\"Failed to retrieve album information.\")"
+ ]
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+ " "
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