diff --git a/dropdown.gif b/dropdown.gif
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5da2558
Binary files /dev/null and b/dropdown.gif differ
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..415c186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ jQuery Stylish Select 0.4.1 plugin examples
+ Stylish Select 0.4.1
+ A cross-browser, accessible alternative to the standard form element which can be fully customised with CSS
+ Stylish Select attempts to replicate the functionality of the browser default select box as closely as possible with support for keyboard navigation, and intelligent positioning.
+ Stylish Select aims to have a minimal code footprint and weighs in at just over 3KB when minified.
+ Stylish Select blog post
+ Download source code (version 0.4.1)
+ Usage
+ First, include the stylesheet, jQuery and the stylish select .js file in your html head tag
+ The plugin can be used to replace any select with the following:
+ $('#my-dropdown').sSelect();
Simplest example, option selected by default
You can use the alphabetical and arrow keys to navigate the list as you would a browser default select.
+ A cappella
+ Acid Jazz
+ Big Band
+ Big Beat
+ Cakewalk
+ Calenda
+ Dark ambient
+ Dark cabaret
Change event
Stylish Select alters the original select on the page, so you can access it's change event:
+//change event
+ A cappella
+ Acid Jazz
+ Big Band
+ Big Beat
+ Cakewalk
+ Calenda
+ Dark ambient
+ Dark cabaret
Grouped options
Stylish Select supports optgroups.
+ Opiate
+ Undertow
+ Aenima
+ Lateralus
+ People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
+ The Low End Theory
+ Midnight Marauders
+ Beats, Rhymes and Life
+ The Love Movement
Windows XP style
The Stylish Select can be styled with CSS in whatever way you like.
+ A cappella Acid Jazz
+ Big Band
+ Big Beat
+ Cakewalk
+ Calenda
+ Dark ambient
+ Dark cabaret
Getting/setting the value
+//set value
+ $('#my-dropdown5').getSetSSValue('Sit');
+//get value
+ alert('The value is: '+$('#my-dropdown5').getSetSSValue());
Set text to "Sit"
Get value
+ Lorem
+ Ipsum
+ Dolor
+ Sit
+ Amet
+ Consectetuer
+ Adipiscing
Add new options to Stylish Select
+//add options to select and update
+ $('#my-dropdown6').append('New Option ').resetSS();
If you add or remove options from the initial select element on the page, be sure to call the .resetSS() method on the select to update the Stylish Select replacement.
Add new options to select and update
+ Lorem
+ Ipsum
+ Dolor
+ Sit
+ Amet
+ Consectetuer
+ Adipiscing
+ Adipiscing
+ Adipiscing
+ Adipiscing
Max-height for large lists
+$('#my-dropdown').sSelect({{ddMaxHeight: '300px'}});
+ Afghanistan
+ Akrotiri
+ Albania
+ Algeria
+ American Samoa
+ Andorra
+ Angola
+ Anguilla
+ Antarctica
+ Antigua and Barbuda
+ Argentina
+ Armenia
+ Aruba
+ Ashmore and Cartier Islands
+ Australia
+ Austria
+ Azerbaijan
+ Bahamas, The
+ Bahrain
+ Bangladesh
+ Barbados
+ Bassas da India
+ Belarus
+ Belgium
+ Belize
+ Benin
+ Bermuda
+ Bhutan
+ Bolivia
+ Bosnia and Herzegovina
+ Botswana
+ Bouvet Island
+ Brazil
+ British Indian Ocean Territory
+ British Virgin Islands
+ Brunei
+ Bulgaria
+ Burkina Faso
+ Burma
+ Burundi
+ Cambodia
+ Cameroon
+ Canada
+ Cape Verde
+ Cayman Islands
+ Central African Republic
+ Chad
+ Chile
+ China
+ Christmas Island
+ Clipperton Island
+ Cocos (Keeling) Islands
+ Colombia
+ Comoros
+ Congo, Democratic Republic of the
+ Congo, Republic of the
+ Cook Islands
+ Coral Sea Islands
+ Costa Rica
+ Cote d'Ivoire
+ Croatia
+ Cuba
+ Cyprus
+ Czech Republic
+ Denmark
+ Dhekelia
+ Djibouti
+ Dominica
+ Dominican Republic
+ Ecuador
+ Egypt
+ El Salvador
+ Equatorial Guinea
+ Eritrea
+ Estonia
+ Ethiopia
+ Europa Island
+ Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)
+ Faroe Islands
+ Fiji
+ Finland
+ France
+ French Guiana
Intelligent positioning
Stylish Select will always remain visible on the page.
+ Opiate
+ Undertow
+ Aenima
+ Lateralus
+ People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
+ The Low End Theory
+ Midnight Marauders
+ Beats, Rhymes and Life
+ The Love Movement
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jquery.stylish-select.min.js b/jquery.stylish-select.min.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..781702e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jquery.stylish-select.min.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Stylish Select 0.4.1 - $ plugin to replace a select drop down box with a stylable unordered list
+Requires: jQuery 1.3 or newer
+Contributions from Justin Beasley: http://www.harvest.org/ & Anatoly Ressin: http://www.artazor.lv/
+Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+(function(a){a("html").addClass("stylish-select");Array.prototype.indexOf=function(c,d){for(var b=(d||0);b'),r=a('
'),z=a(''),t=-1,d=-1,m=[],w=false,v=false,x;a(this).data("ssOpts",b);r.insertAfter(e);j.prependTo(r);z.appendTo(r);e.hide();if(e.children("optgroup").length==0){e.children().each(function(B){var C=a(this).text();var A=a(this).val();m.push(C.charAt(0).toLowerCase());if(a(this).attr("selected")==true){l.defaultText=C;d=B}z.append(a(''+C+" ").data("key",A))});x=z.children().children()}else{e.children("optgroup").each(function(){var A=a(this).attr("label"),C=a(''+A+" ");C.appendTo(z);var B=a("");B.appendTo(C);a(this).children().each(function(){++t;var E=a(this).text();var D=a(this).val();m.push(E.charAt(0).toLowerCase());if(a(this).attr("selected")==true){l.defaultText=E;d=t}B.append(a(''+E+" ").data("key",D))})});x=z.find("ul li a")}var o=z.height(),n=r.height(),y=x.length;if(d!=-1){h(d,true)}else{j.text(l.defaultText)}function p(){var B=r.offset().top,A=jQuery(window).height(),C=jQuery(window).scrollTop();if(o>parseInt(l.ddMaxHeight)){o=parseInt(l.ddMaxHeight)}B=B-C;if(B+o>=A){z.css({top:"-"+o+"px",height:o});e.onTop=true}else{z.css({top:n+"px",height:o});e.onTop=false}}p();a(window).resize(function(){p()});a(window).scroll(function(){p()});function s(){r.css("position","relative")}function c(){r.css("position","static")}j.click(function(A){A.stopPropagation();a(".newList").not(a(this).next()).hide().parent().removeClass("newListSelFocus");z.toggle();s();x.eq(d).focus()});x.click(function(B){var A=a(B.target);d=x.index(A);v=true;h(d);z.hide();r.css("position","static")});x.hover(function(B){var A=a(B.target);A.addClass("newListHover")},function(B){var A=a(B.target);A.removeClass("newListHover")});function h(A,D){x.removeClass("hiLite").eq(A).addClass("hiLite");if(z.is(":visible")){x.eq(A).focus()}var C=x.eq(A).text();var B=x.eq(A).parent().data("key");if(D==true){e.val(B);j.text(C);return false}e.val(B);e.change();j.text(C)}e.change(function(A){$targetInput=a(A.target);if(v==true){v=false;return false}$currentOpt=$targetInput.find(":selected");d=$targetInput.find("option").index($currentOpt);h(d,true)});function q(A){A.onkeydown=function(D){var C;if(D==null){C=event.keyCode}else{C=D.which}v=true;switch(C){case 40:case 39:u();return false;break;case 38:case 37:k();return false;break;case 33:case 36:g();return false;break;case 34:case 35:f();return false;break;case 13:case 27:z.hide();c();return false;break}keyPressed=String.fromCharCode(C).toLowerCase();var B=m.indexOf(keyPressed);if(typeof B!="undefined"){++d;d=m.indexOf(keyPressed,d);if(d==-1||d==null||w!=keyPressed){d=m.indexOf(keyPressed)}h(d);w=keyPressed;return false}}}function u(){if(d<(y-1)){++d;h(d)}}function k(){if(d>0){--d;h(d)}}function g(){d=0;h(d)}function f(){d=y-1;h(d)}r.click(function(){q(this)});r.focus(function(){a(this).addClass("newListSelFocus");q(this)});r.blur(function(){a(this).removeClass("newListSelFocus")});a("body").click(function(){r.removeClass("newListSelFocus");z.hide();c()});j.hover(function(B){var A=a(B.target);A.parent().addClass("newListSelHover")},function(B){var A=a(B.target);A.parent().removeClass("newListSelHover")});z.css("left","0").hide()})}})(jQuery);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/select-bg.png b/select-bg.png
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..151eda7
Binary files /dev/null and b/select-bg.png differ
diff --git a/stylish-select.css b/stylish-select.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..56eab32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stylish-select.css
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+Stylish Select 0.4.1 - $ plugin to replace a select drop down box with a stylable unordered list
+Copyright (c) 2009 Scott Darby
+Requires: jQuery 1.3 or newer
+Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
+Hide lists on page load
+.stylish-select ul.newList {left:-9999px;}
+red curvy example
+ul.newList * {margin:0; padding:0;}
+ul.newList a {color: #000; text-decoration:none; display:block;}
+ul.newList {margin:0; padding:0; list-style:none; color:#000; width:290px; background:#fff; position:absolute; border:1px solid #ccc; top:22px; left:0; overflow:auto; z-index:9999;}
+.newListSelected {width:285px; color:#000; height:19px; padding:3px 0 0 6px; float:left; background:url(select-bg.png) no-repeat;}
+.newListSelected span {width:284px; display:block;}
+ul.newList li a {padding:3px 8px; display: block;}
+ul.newList li a:focus {-moz-outline-style: none;}
+.selectedTxt {width:258px; overflow:hidden; height:16px; padding:0 23px 0 0;}
+.hiLite {background:#650101!important; color:#fff!important;}
+.hiLite a {background:#650101!important; color:#fff!important;}
+.newListHover {background:#ccc!important; color:#000!important; cursor:default;}
+.newListSelHover, .newListSelFocus {background-position:0 -22px; cursor:default;}
+.newListOptionTitle {font-weight:bold;}
+.newListOptionTitle ul {margin:3px 0 0;}
+.newListOptionTitle li {font-weight:normal; border-left:1px solid #ccc;}
+windows xp style - div that contains the
+ has been given an id of #win-xp
+(for the purposes of this example
+#win-xp .newListSelected {background:#FFF url(dropdown.gif) no-repeat scroll 155px 1px; border:1px solid #A5ACB2; color:#000; height:17px; margin-bottom:10px; padding:0; width:173px;}
+#win-xp .newListSelected div {display:block; font-size:0.85em; padding:2px 21px 2px 4px; text-align:left !important; width:149px;}
+#win-xp ul.newList {list-style:none; color:#000; width:172px; background:#fff; border:1px solid #000; top:22px; left:0; height:auto; overflow:auto; font-size: 0.85em; text-align:left!important; position:absolute; z-index:9999;}
+#win-xp ul.newList li {padding:2px 5px!important; border-bottom: 1px solid #cccccc;}
+#win-xp .hiLite {background:#316ac5!important; color:#fff!important;}
+#win-xp .newListHover {background:#ccc!important; color:#000!important; cursor:default;}
+#win-xp .newListSelHover {cursor:default;}
+#win-xp .newListSelHover, #win-xp .newListSelFocus {background-position:auto;}
+#win-xp .newListSelHover div, #win-xp .newListSelFocus div {font-weight:bold;}
\ No newline at end of file