Batch convert wdf files to txt for Raman spectroscopy analysis
This script utilizes the renishawWiRE package by alchem0x2A
Clone this repository, then change into the locally created directory for setup.
git clone
Required: Python 3.6 or above, pip3
All commands are assumed to be ran in the project's root directory.
Optional: Do configuration in a virtual environment
python3 -m venv ENVIR_NAME
. ./activate
To install the script, use pip.
pip3 install .
If running into issues with wheels, run the following commands before running the command above..
pip3 install cython pybind11
pip3 install --no-binary :all: --no-use-pep517 numpy
wdftotxt [OPTION]... [FILE]...
Batch converts .wdf files to .txt format, then stores all files in a single output directory. Output files will retain the directory hierarchy of input files.
This script utilizes the renishawWiRE package by alchem0x2A
show this help message and exit
filters out files that do not end in .wdf
-o DIR
changes the output directory to DIR
recursively convert files of any input directories
output will be unhierarchical i.e. will not retain the hierarchy of input files
wdftotxt *
Converts all files in the current directory to txt format
wdftotxt -f *
Converts only files ending in .wdf
wdftotxt -o outdir *
Sets the output directory to outdir
wdftotxt -r .
Recursively enters any directories and converts files within them
wdftotxt -u *
Removes any hierarchical information of input files. For example, suppose the filesystem is
(dir) a
| file1.wdf
(dir) b
| file2.wdf
The command
wdftotxt a/file1.wdf b/file2.wdf
would have an output with the following hierarchy
(dir) a
| (dir) file1_txt
| \
| ...
(dir) b
| (dir) file2_txt
| \
| ...
while the command
wdftotxt -u a/file1.wdf b/file2.wdf
would have an output with the following hierarchy
(dir) file1_txt
| ...
(dir) file2_txt
| ...