This whole project is in a pre-alpha stage. Even the design documents are under construction at best. Synless does not yet exist.
Synless will be built on a client-server architecture. Let's look at the design from the inside-out. Inside the Server is the Engine. The Engine maintains the AST [LINK], and accepts as input a very basic set of Commands. Encompassing the Engine is the Server. The Server maintains the wider state of the editor, dealing with things like the keymap. Outside of the server is a Frontend. The Frontend is responsible for displaying things on the screen, gathering user input, and generally being the intermediary between the user and the Server. Finally, off to the side are some Plugins, which also talk to the server. As a diagram:
| | +------+
| Sever | <----> |Plugin|
| | +------+
| +--------+ |
| | Engine | | +------+
| +--------+ | <----> |Plugin|
| | +------+
Let's look at each of these parts in more detail.
Every time you interact with the document in any way: by editing,
navigating, undo-ing or redo-ing, that interaction eventually gets
broken down (by the Server) into a sequence of Commands that get sent
to the Engine. The Engine is responsible for knowing how to execute
these Commands, and for knowing how to undo that execution. In
particular, Commands are always sent in "undo groups", and there is an
command that undoes the last "undo group".
The state of the Engine includes:
- The Document itself,
- A Cursor into the document,
- An infinite set of registers, including a 'clipboard' register for cutting and pasting.
Some examples of Commands include:
(navigation) up, down, left, right
(editing) insert, delete
(registers) cut, paste, set-reg, get-reg
(undo-ing) undo, redo
The Frontend only deals with UI-related things, like key presses,
while the Engine only deals with very primitive Commands. The server
must bridge the gap between the two. It does so with a simple
stack-based language (similar to Postscript). The primitives of this
language are called Operations. The Frontend only needs to work with a
couple of these Operations directly: there are keypress
Operations for user input, and a render
Operation that
renders the document (within the screen) and returns a list of
elements to display.
When a keypress
Operation comes in, it is looked up in the Server's
keymap file (which is saved as part of your settings, and may be
modified there). This maps the key press to a sequence of Operations,
which will do a variety of things but will generally boil down to some
Commands getting sent to the Engine to do something with the Document.
The state of the Server includes:
- The current settings, including a Keymap that maps keyboard shortcuts
- The Language that the document is written in
- Information about the screen the document will be rendered on, like its size in characters
- The state of the stack-based language, which (like Postscript)
consists of:
- A data stack
- A call stack
- A dictionary
Some examples of Operations include:
(stack stuff) dup, swap, pop, dip, exec
(dictionary) <word>, <word> = <definition>
(bookmarks) ??
(input) keypress, mousepress
(output) render
While there is only one Engine and one Server, there need to be many Frontends: one for each platform that Synless can run on. The first Frontend will be for the terminal, and there may be additional ones for the browser and for different operating systems.
A Frontend is very thin: it is responsible for forwarding keyboard and mouse events to the Server, for rendering things onto the screen, and for saving and loading settings and documents. Basically, everything that might be platform-specific is the purview of the Frontend, and everything else is the purview of the Server.
Like the Frontend, a Plugin interacts with the Server by sending Operations and receiving responses. This allows them to do many things, including navigating and editing the document, remapping keys, mucking with the clipboard and bookmarks, and viewing and manipulating the document directly as a tree.
The document is a tree, but how should that tree be represented? It will be commonly accessed in at least three ways, each of which suggests a different representation:
- The document will be processed by simple recursive descent. For example, laying out and rendering the document will (probably) be accomplished by recursive descent. This suggests a simple tree data structure, in which every node contains a list of its children.
- As you edit the document, you have a cursor into it that needs to be able to mutate the document. This suggests a couple possible representations. First, the document could be represented as a tree, and your mutable cursor could consist of a mutable reference to this tree together with a path to the cursor location. Second, the mutable cursor could be represented as a zipper.
- Some nodes in the document will be remembered, for one purpose or another, and should be easy to recall, even if they have since moved. For example, you may have bookmarked a position, or have multiple selections, or have performed a search with multiple results. And in the meantime, you can edit the document, which may move these remembered nodes. It is important that they remain valid even though they have moved. This suggests a representation of the document in which every node has a unique id, and the document is a hashmap from id to information about the node: its type, its parent (none for the root), and its list of children.
Use case (3) doesn't play well with representation (1) or (either version of) representation (2). Thus, since we need something like the hashmap approach to handle use case (3), and since the hashmap should work well enough for (1) and (2) as all of the relevant operations are linear time, I choose representation (3). Thus:
A Document is a map from NodeId to Node.
A NodeId is a unique id.
A Node has: a node type, an optional parent, and a list of children.
There are a couple invariants to maintain:
is the child ofB
is the parent ofA
.- Every node in the map is the descendant of exactly one of: (i) both the cursor and the document root, or (ii) a tree stored in a register, such as the cut stack.