It is recommended to symlink the dataset root to $SEGMENTRON/datasets
|-- configs
|-- datasets
| |-- ade
| | |-- ADEChallengeData2016
| | | |-- annotations
| | | `-- images
| | |-- downloads
| | `-- release_test
| | `-- testing
| |-- cityscapes
| | |-- gtFine
| | | |-- test
| | | |-- train
| | | `-- val
| | `-- leftImg8bit
| | |-- test
| | |-- train
| | `-- val
| |-- coco
| | |-- annotations
| | |-- train2017
| | `-- val2017
| `-- voc
| |-- VOC2007
| | |-- Annotations
| | |-- ImageSets
| | |-- JPEGImages
| | |-- SegmentationClass
| | `-- SegmentationObject
| |-- VOC2012
| | |-- Annotations
| | |-- ImageSets
| | |-- JPEGImages
| | |-- SegmentationClass
| | `-- SegmentationObject
| `-- VOCaug
| |-- benchmark_code_RELEASE
| `-- dataset
|-- docs
|-- segmentron
|-- tools
Goto Cityscape register a account and download datasets.
run following command, and it will automatically symlink your-download-dir
to datasets/coco
python segmentron/data/downloader/ --download-dir your-download-dir
run following command, and it will automatically symlink your-download-dir
to datasets/voc
python segmentron/data/downloader/ --download-dir your-download-dir
run following command, and it will automatically symlink your-download-dir
to datasets/ade
python segmentron/data/downloader/ --download-dir your-download-dir