key | meaning |
←/→/↑/↓ | Turn view L/R/U |
Numpad + | Zoom view in |
Numpad - | Zoom view out |
Mod + F12 | Open debug console |
M | Map view |
Tab | Cycle focus in orbital map |
Left-Shift + Tab | Reverse cycle focus in orbital map |
Backspace | Reset focus in orbital map |
Insert | Staging (default) controls |
Delete | Docking controls |
. | Time warp increase |
, | Time warp (physical time warp in atmosphere) decrease |
Mod + . | Physical time warp increase (compulsory) |
Mod + | Physical time warp decrease (compulsory) |
. (numpad del) | Toggle navball |
] | Cycle through active ships (forwards) |
[ | Cycle through active ships (backwards) |
F1 | Screenshot |
F2 | Toggle UI visibility |
F3 | Toggle results screen |
F4 | Toggle ship labels |
F5 | Quicksave |
Mod + F5 | Make a specific |
hold F9 | Load quicksave |
Mod + F9 | Load a specific quicksave |
Ctrl + F10 | Load saved game state dialogue box (hidden feature |
F10 | Temperature Gauges |
F11 | Temperatures Overlay |
F12 | Aerodynamic Forces Overlay |
Mod + F12 | Debug/cheat menu |
key | meaning |
W | Pitch adjustment (up/back) |
S | Pitch adjustment (down/forward) |
A | Yaw adjustment (port/left) |
D | Yaw adjustment (starboard/right) |
Q | Roll adjustment (counter clockwise) |
E | Roll adjustment (clockwise) |
C | Toggle IVA view |
V | Toggle camera view (auto/free/orbital/chase) |
Left-Shift | Increase throttle |
Left-Control | Decrease throttle |
Space | Detach stage or launch.07.3 |
T | Toggle SAS.07.3 |
F | Hold to temporarily invert SAS state |
Mod + L | Lock current stage (very useful before you accidentally hit the spacebar) |
Caps Lock | Toggle precision ("softer") controls |
R | Toggle RCS.11.0 |
H | RCS thrust translate forward |
N | RCS thrust translate backward |
I | RCS thrust translate down |
J | RCS thrust translate left |
K | RCS thrust translate up |
L | RCS thrust translate right |
X | Cut throttle |
Z | Full throttle |
G | Toggle landing gear.14.0 |
Mod + W/S/A/D/Q/E | Trim pitch/yaw/roll |
Mod + X | Reset trim |
B | Wheel brakes.15.0 |
U | Toggle vehicle lights.15.0 |
1-9 | 0 |
Backspace | Activate abort action group.18.0 |
Right-click | Open part info window |
Mod + Right-click | Open multiple info windows for fuel transfer (right-click on two fuel tanks) |
Home | Scroll stage icons up |
End | Scroll stage icons down |
#Docking mode
key | meaning |
W | Pitch adjustment (up/back) / Translate forward |
S | Pitch adjustment (down/forward) / Translate backward |
A | Yaw adjustment (port/left) / Translate left |
D | Yaw adjustment (starboard/right) / Translate right |
Q | Roll adjustment |
E | Roll adjustment |
Left-Shift | Translate up |
Left-Control | Translate down |
Space | Toggle translation/rotation.18.0 |
key | meaning |
W | Walk/jet forward |
S | Walk/jet back |
A | Walk/jet left |
D | Walk/jet right |
Q | Jet rotate |
E | Jet rotate |
Left-click and drag left | Jet counter |
Left-click and drag right | Jet |
Left-click and drag up | Pitch down by |
Left-click and drag down | Pitch up by |
Shift | Jet up |
Control | Jet down |
Space | Jump/Let go of part |
Space | Reorient attitude to camera by jet |
F | Use part |
Shift + (W/S/A/D) + Space | Jump to different directions when on |
Shift + (W/S/A/D | |
L | Toggle headlamps |
R | Toggle jetpack |
B | Return to cockpit |
Mod | Toggle movement |
] | Cycle through active ships/EVAs (forwards) |
[ | Cycle through active ships/EVAs (backwards) |
key | meaning |
Ctrl + Z | Undo last action |
Ctrl + Y | Redo last action |
Mod (hold) | Disable surface attach/exclusively use node attach |
Mod + Left-click | Duplicate part or assembly in VAB |
C | Toggle Angle Snap |
X | Cycle symmetry settings (forward) |
Shift + X | Cycle symmetry settings (backward) |
Page Up | Scroll view up |
Page Down | Scroll view down |
Shift + Left-click | Move the entire ship |
Shift + Scroll Up | Zoom view in |
Shift + Scroll Down | Zoom view out |
W | Rotate part backwards |
S | Rotate part forwards |
A | Rotate part counterclockwise (flat) |
D | Rotate part clockwise (flat) |
Q | Rotate part counterclockwise |
E | Rotate part clockwise in VAB |
Shift | Hold to rotate parts in 5° instead of 90° steps |
Space | Reset part rotation |
1 | Place Mode |
2 | Offset Mode |
3 | Rotate Mode |
4 | root part |
F | In place mode: Toggle Symmetry between vessel or parent part |
F | In Offset mode: Toggle between absolute or load centered offset |
F | In Rotate mode: Toggle between absolute or relative rotation |
R | Toggle Symmetry Method between mirror (SPH) or radial (VAB) |