diff --git a/preview/src/ReviewConfig.elm b/preview/src/ReviewConfig.elm
index 18427fb..220a541 100644
--- a/preview/src/ReviewConfig.elm
+++ b/preview/src/ReviewConfig.elm
@@ -26,16 +26,17 @@ import Review.Rule exposing (Rule)
 import String.Extra
-config = configMagicLinkAuth "Jim Carlson" "jxxcarlson" "jxxcarlson@gmail.com"
+config =
+    configMagicLinkAuth "Jim Carlson" "jxxcarlson" "jxxcarlson@gmail.com"
 configMagicLinkAuth fullname username email =
-    configAll {fullname = fullname, username = username, email = email }
+    configAll { fullname = fullname, username = username, email = email }
 stringifyAdminConfig : { fullname : String, username : String, email : String } -> String
 stringifyAdminConfig { fullname, username, email } =
-    "{ fullname = " ++ String.Extra.quote fullname ++ ", username = " ++ String.Extra.quote username ++ ", email = " ++ String.Extra.quote email ++"}"
+    "{ fullname = " ++ String.Extra.quote fullname ++ ", username = " ++ String.Extra.quote username ++ ", email = " ++ String.Extra.quote email ++ "}"
 configAll : { fullname : String, username : String, email : String } -> List Rule
@@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ configAuthFrontend =
 configAuthBackend : { fullname : String, username : String, email : String } -> List Rule
-configAuthBackend adminConfig=
+configAuthBackend adminConfig =
     [ ClauseInCase.config "Backend" "update" "AuthBackendMsg authMsg" "Auth.Flow.backendUpdate (MagicLink.Auth.backendConfig model) authMsg" |> ClauseInCase.makeRule
     , ClauseInCase.config "Backend" "update" "AutoLogin sessionId loginData" "( model, Lamdera.sendToFrontend sessionId (AuthToFrontend <| Auth.Common.AuthSignInWithTokenResponse <| Ok <| loginData) )" |> ClauseInCase.makeRule
     , ClauseInCase.config "Backend" "update" "OnConnected sessionId clientId" "( model, Reconnect.connect model sessionId clientId )" |> ClauseInCase.makeRule
@@ -238,7 +239,6 @@ configAuthBackend adminConfig=
 configRoute : List Rule
 configRoute =
     [ -- ROUTE
diff --git a/review/elm.json b/review/elm.json
index 9556325..2fd6128 100644
--- a/review/elm.json
+++ b/review/elm.json
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
             "elm/json": "1.1.3",
             "elm/project-metadata-utils": "1.0.2",
             "jfmengels/elm-review": "2.14.0",
+            "jfmengels/elm-review-common": "1.3.3",
             "jfmengels/elm-review-debug": "1.0.8",
             "jfmengels/elm-review-documentation": "2.0.4",
             "jfmengels/elm-review-unused": "1.2.3",
@@ -17,15 +18,21 @@
             "stil4m/elm-syntax": "7.3.2"
         "indirect": {
+            "BrianHicks/elm-trend": "2.1.3",
+            "elm/browser": "1.0.2",
             "elm/bytes": "1.0.8",
             "elm/html": "1.0.0",
             "elm/parser": "1.1.0",
             "elm/random": "1.0.0",
             "elm/regex": "1.0.0",
             "elm/time": "1.0.0",
+            "elm/url": "1.0.0",
             "elm/virtual-dom": "1.0.3",
+            "elm-explorations/benchmark": "1.0.2",
             "elm-explorations/test": "2.2.0",
+            "mdgriffith/style-elements": "5.0.2",
             "miniBill/elm-unicode": "1.1.1",
+            "robinheghan/murmur3": "1.0.0",
             "rtfeldman/elm-hex": "1.0.0",
             "stil4m/structured-writer": "1.0.3"
diff --git a/review/src/ReviewConfig.elm b/review/src/ReviewConfig.elm
index 37de5bb..81c60ed 100644
--- a/review/src/ReviewConfig.elm
+++ b/review/src/ReviewConfig.elm
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
 module ReviewConfig exposing (config)
-import NoDebug.Log
 import Docs.NoMissing exposing (exposedModules, onlyExposed)
 import Docs.ReviewAtDocs
 import Docs.ReviewLinksAndSections
 import Docs.UpToDateReadmeLinks
+import NoDebug.Log
 import NoDebug.TodoOrToString
+import NoPrematureLetComputation
 import NoUnused.Dependencies
 import NoUnused.Variables
 import Review.Rule exposing (Rule)
@@ -20,4 +21,5 @@ config =
     , Docs.ReviewLinksAndSections.rule
     , Docs.ReviewAtDocs.rule
+    , NoPrematureLetComputation.rule
diff --git a/src/Install/ClauseInCase.elm b/src/Install/ClauseInCase.elm
index 4cd6b8f..8b7cad9 100644
--- a/src/Install/ClauseInCase.elm
+++ b/src/Install/ClauseInCase.elm
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-module Install.ClauseInCase exposing (config, makeRule, withInsertAfter, withInsertAtBeginning, withCustomErrorMessage, Config, CustomError)
+module Install.ClauseInCase exposing
+    ( Config, config, makeRule
+    , withInsertAfter, withInsertAtBeginning
+    , withCustomErrorMessage, CustomError
+    )
 {-| Add a clause to a case expression in a specified function
 in a specified module. For example, if you put the code below in your
@@ -6,10 +10,14 @@ in a specified module. For example, if you put the code below in your
 `ResetCounter` to the `updateFromFrontend` function in the `Backend` module.
     -- code for ReviewConfig.elm:
-    Install.ClauseInCase.config "Backend" "updateFromFrontend" "ResetCounter" "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
+    Install.ClauseInCase.config
+        "Backend"
+        "updateFromFrontend"
+        "ResetCounter"
+        "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
         |> Install.ClauseInCase.makeRule
-    Thus we will have
+Thus we will have
     updateFromFrontend : SessionId -> ClientId -> ToBackend -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd BackendMsg )
     updateFromFrontend sessionId clientId msg model =
@@ -21,28 +29,14 @@ in a specified module. For example, if you put the code below in your
             ResetCounter ->
                 ( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )
-    You also can add the clause after another clause of choice with the `withInsertAfter` function:
-        Install.ClauseInCase.config "Backend" "updateFromFrontend" "ResetCounter" "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
-            |> Install.ClauseInCase.withInsertAfter "CounterIncremented"
-            |> Install.ClauseInCase.makeRule
-    In this case we will have
-        updateFromFrontend : SessionId -> ClientId -> ToBackend -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd BackendMsg )
-        updateFromFrontend sessionId clientId msg model =
-            case msg of
-                CounterIncremented ->
-                ...
-                ResetCounter ->
-                    ( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )
-                CounterDecremented ->
-                ...
-    You can also customize the error message with the `withCustomErrorMessage` function:
-        Install.ClauseInCase.config "Backend" "updateFromFrontend" "ResetCounter" "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
-            |> Install.ClauseInCase.withCustomErrorMessage "Add handler for ResetCounter" []
-            |> Install.ClauseInCase.makeRule
-@docs config, makeRule, withInsertAfter, withInsertAtBeginning, withCustomErrorMessage, Config, CustomError
+            ...
+@docs Config, config, makeRule
+By default, the clause will be inserted as the last clause. You can change the insertion location using the following functions:
+@docs withInsertAfter, withInsertAtBeginning
+@docs withCustomErrorMessage, CustomError
@@ -57,10 +51,9 @@ import List.Extra
 import Maybe.Extra
 import Review.Fix as Fix exposing (Fix)
 import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
-import String.Extra
-{-| Configuration for makeRule: add a clause to a case expression in a specified function in a specified module.
+{-| Configuration for rule: add a clause to a case expression in a specified function in a specified module.
 type Config
     = Config
@@ -87,9 +80,14 @@ type CustomError
 {-| Basic config to add a new clause to a case expression. If you just need to add a new clause at the end of the case, you can simply use it with the `makeRule` function like this:
-    Install.ClauseInCase.config "Backend" "updateFromFrontend" "ResetCounter" "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
+    Install.ClauseInCase.config
+        "Backend"
+        "updateFromFrontend"
+        "ResetCounter"
+        "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
         |> Install.ClauseInCase.makeRule
-    If you need additional configuration, check the `withInsertAfter` and `withCustomErrorMessage` functions.
+If you need additional configuration, check the `withInsertAfter` and `withCustomErrorMessage` functions.
 config : String -> String -> String -> String -> Config
@@ -104,9 +102,13 @@ config moduleName functionName clause functionCall =
-{-| Create a makeRule that adds a clause to a case expression in a specified function. You can use it like this:
+{-| Create a rule that adds a clause to a case expression in a specified function. You can use it like this:
-    Install.ClauseInCase.config "Backend" "updateFromFrontend" "ResetCounter" "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
+    Install.ClauseInCase.config
+        "Backend"
+        "updateFromFrontend"
+        "ResetCounter"
+        "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
         |> Install.ClauseInCase.makeRule
@@ -151,12 +153,13 @@ declarationVisitor (Node _ declaration) moduleName functionName clause functionC
                 isInCorrectModule =
                     Install.Library.isInCorrectModule moduleName context
-                functionDeclaration : FunctionImplementation
-                functionDeclaration =
-                    Node.value function.declaration
             if name == functionName && isInCorrectModule then
+                let
+                    functionDeclaration : FunctionImplementation
+                    functionDeclaration =
+                        Node.value function.declaration
+                in
                 visitFunction clause functionCall functionDeclaration.expression insertAt customError context
@@ -197,12 +200,12 @@ visitFunction clause functionCall expressionNode insertAt customError context =
                         (\pattern -> Install.Library.patternToString (Node.empty pattern) == clause_)
                         (getPatterns cases_)
-                isClauseStringPattern =
-                    List.any isStringPattern (getPatterns allCases)
             if not (findClause clause allCases) then
+                    isClauseStringPattern =
+                        List.any isStringPattern (getPatterns allCases)
                     rangeToInsert : Maybe ( Range, Int, Int )
                     rangeToInsert =
                         rangeToInsertClause insertAt isClauseStringPattern allCases patternMatchNode |> Just
@@ -359,7 +362,11 @@ Given the following module:
 To add the clause `Aspasia` after the clause `Aristotle`, you can use the following configuration:
-    Install.ClauseInCase.config "Philosopher" "stringToPhilosopher" "Aspasia" "Just Aspasia"
+    Install.ClauseInCase.config
+        "Philosopher"
+        "stringToPhilosopher"
+        "Aspasia"
+        "Just Aspasia"
         |> Install.ClauseInCase.withInsertAfter "Aristotle"
         |> Install.ClauseInCase.makeRule
@@ -393,6 +400,31 @@ withInsertAfter clauseToInsertAfter (Config config_) =
 {-| Add a clause at the beginning of the case expression.
+You also can add the clause after another clause of choice with the `withInsertAfter` function:
+    Install.ClauseInCase.config
+        "Backend"
+        "updateFromFrontend"
+        "ResetCounter"
+        "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
+        |> Install.ClauseInCase.withInsertAtBeginning
+        |> Install.ClauseInCase.makeRule
+In this case we will have
+    updateFromFrontend : SessionId -> ClientId -> ToBackend -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd BackendMsg )
+    updateFromFrontend sessionId clientId msg model =
+        case msg of
+            ResetCounter ->
+                ( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )
+            CounterIncremented ->
+            ...
+            CounterDecremented ->
+            ...
 withInsertAtBeginning : Config -> Config
 withInsertAtBeginning (Config config_) =
@@ -402,7 +434,16 @@ withInsertAtBeginning (Config config_) =
-{-| Customize the error message that will be displayed when running `elm-review --fix` or `elm-review --fix-all`
+{-| Customize the error message that will be displayed when running `elm-review --fix` or `elm-review --fix-all`.
+    Install.ClauseInCase.config
+        "Backend"
+        "updateFromFrontend"
+        "ResetCounter"
+        "( { model | counter = 0 }, broadcast (CounterNewValue 0 clientId) )"
+        |> Install.ClauseInCase.withCustomErrorMessage "Add handler for ResetCounter" []
+        |> Install.ClauseInCase.makeRule
 withCustomErrorMessage : String -> List String -> Config -> Config
 withCustomErrorMessage errorMessage details (Config config_) =
diff --git a/src/Install/ElementToList.elm b/src/Install/ElementToList.elm
index 4187d41..2a5805f 100644
--- a/src/Install/ElementToList.elm
+++ b/src/Install/ElementToList.elm
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ import String.Extra
 For example, the rule
-    Install.ElementToList.makeRule "User" "userTypes" [ "Admin", "SystemAdmin" ]
+    Install.ElementToList.makeRule
+        "User"
+        "userTypes"
+        [ "Admin", "SystemAdmin" ]
 results in the following fix for function `User.userTypes`:
diff --git a/src/Install/FieldInTypeAlias.elm b/src/Install/FieldInTypeAlias.elm
index b69b6e1..f77d904 100644
--- a/src/Install/FieldInTypeAlias.elm
+++ b/src/Install/FieldInTypeAlias.elm
@@ -44,14 +44,16 @@ import Set.Extra
 After running the rule with the following code:
-    Install.FieldInTypeAlias.makeRule "Types" "FrontendModel" ["clientName: String", "quot: String"]
+    Install.FieldInTypeAlias.makeRule "Types" "FrontendModel" [ "clientName: String", "quot: String" ]
-        type alias FrontendModel =
-            { counter : Int
-            , clientId : String
-            , clientName : String
-            , quot : String
-            }
+we will have
+    type alias FrontendModel =
+        { counter : Int
+        , clientId : String
+        , clientName : String
+        , quot : String
+        }
 makeRule : String -> String -> List String -> Rule
diff --git a/src/Install/Function/InsertFunction.elm b/src/Install/Function/InsertFunction.elm
index 825f991..5a15b31 100644
--- a/src/Install/Function/InsertFunction.elm
+++ b/src/Install/Function/InsertFunction.elm
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable)
 import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
-{-| Configuration for makeRule: add a function in a specified module if it does not already exist.
+{-| Configuration for rule: add a function in a specified module if it does not already exist.
 type Config
     = Config
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ withInsertAfter previousDeclaration (Config config_) =
 {-| Initialize the configuration for the rule.
 config : String -> String -> String -> Config
-config moduleNaeme functionName functionImplementation =
+config moduleName functionName functionImplementation =
-        { moduleName = moduleNaeme
+        { moduleName = moduleName
         , functionName = functionName
         , functionImplementation = functionImplementation
-        , theFunctionNodeExpression = Install.Library.maybeNodeExpressionFromString { moduleName = String.split "." moduleNaeme } functionImplementation
+        , theFunctionNodeExpression = Install.Library.maybeNodeExpressionFromString { moduleName = String.split "." moduleName } functionImplementation
         , customErrorMessage = CustomError { message = "Add function \"" ++ functionName ++ "\".", details = [ "" ] }
         , insertAt = AtEnd
@@ -119,24 +119,23 @@ declarationVisitor context (Config config_) declaration =
         declarationName =
             Install.Library.getDeclarationName declaration
-        contextWithLastDeclarationRange =
-            case config_.insertAt of
-                After previousDeclaration ->
-                    if Install.Library.getDeclarationName declaration == previousDeclaration then
-                        { context | lastDeclarationRange = Node.range declaration }
-                    else
-                        context
-                AtEnd ->
-                    { context | lastDeclarationRange = Node.range declaration }
     if declarationName == config_.functionName then
         ( [], { context | appliedFix = True } )
-        ( [], contextWithLastDeclarationRange )
+        ( []
+        , case config_.insertAt of
+            After previousDeclaration ->
+                if Install.Library.getDeclarationName declaration == previousDeclaration then
+                    { context | lastDeclarationRange = Node.range declaration }
+                else
+                    context
+            AtEnd ->
+                { context | lastDeclarationRange = Node.range declaration }
+        )
 finalEvaluation : Config -> Context -> List (Rule.Error {})
diff --git a/src/Install/Function/ReplaceFunction.elm b/src/Install/Function/ReplaceFunction.elm
index cac2420..19533ce 100644
--- a/src/Install/Function/ReplaceFunction.elm
+++ b/src/Install/Function/ReplaceFunction.elm
@@ -31,15 +31,13 @@ import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (Expression, Function)
 import Elm.Syntax.ModuleName exposing (ModuleName)
 import Elm.Syntax.Node as Node exposing (Node)
 import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (Range)
-import Install.Infer as Infer
 import Install.Library
-import Install.Normalize as Normalize
 import Review.Fix as Fix
 import Review.ModuleNameLookupTable exposing (ModuleNameLookupTable)
 import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
-{-| Configuration for makeRule: replace a function in a specified module with a new implementation.
+{-| Configuration for rule: replace a function in a specified module with a new implementation.
 type Config
     = Config
@@ -60,12 +58,12 @@ type CustomError
 {-| Initialize the configuration for the rule.
 config : String -> String -> String -> Config
-config moduleNaeme functionName functionImplementation =
+config moduleName functionName functionImplementation =
-        { moduleName = moduleNaeme
+        { moduleName = moduleName
         , functionName = functionName
         , functionImplementation = functionImplementation
-        , theFunctionNodeExpression = Install.Library.maybeNodeExpressionFromString { moduleName = String.split "." moduleNaeme } functionImplementation
+        , theFunctionNodeExpression = Install.Library.maybeNodeExpressionFromString { moduleName = String.split "." moduleName } functionImplementation
         , customErrorMessage = CustomError { message = "Replace function \"" ++ functionName ++ "\" with new code.", details = [ "" ] }
@@ -111,9 +109,6 @@ declarationVisitor context (Config config_) declaration =
                 isInCorrectModule =
                     Install.Library.isInCorrectModule config_.moduleName context
-                resources =
-                    { lookupTable = context.lookupTable, inferredConstants = ( Infer.empty, [] ) }
                 isInCorrectFunction =
                     isInCorrectModule && name == config_.functionName
diff --git a/src/Install/Import.elm b/src/Install/Import.elm
index 32a6b4c..3b2ebea 100644
--- a/src/Install/Import.elm
+++ b/src/Install/Import.elm
@@ -4,17 +4,24 @@ module Install.Import exposing (config, ImportData, module_, withAlias, withExpo
 For example, to add `import Foo.Bar` to the `Frontend` module, you can use the following configuration:
     Install.Import.config "Frontend"
-        [ module_ "Foo.Bar" ]
+        [ Install.Import.module_ "Foo.Bar" ]
         |> Install.Import.makeRule
 To add the statement `import Foo.Bar as FB exposing (a, b, c)` to the `Frontend` module, do this:
-    Install.Import.config "Frontend" [ module_ "Foo.Bar" |> withAlias "FB" |> withExposedValues =  [ "a", "b", "c" ] ]
+    Install.Import.config "Frontend"
+        [ Install.Import.module_ "Foo.Bar"
+            |> Install.Import.withAlias "FB"
+            |> Install.Import.withExposedValues [ "a", "b", "c" ]
+        ]
         |> Install.Import.makeRule
-There is a short cut for importing modules with no alias or exposed values
+There is a shortcut for importing modules with no alias or exposed values
-    Install.Import.qualified "Frontend" [ module_ "Foo.Bar", module_ "Baz.Qux" ]
+    Install.Import.qualified "Frontend"
+        [ Install.Import.module_ "Foo.Bar"
+        , Install.Import.module_ "Baz.Qux"
+        ]
         |> Install.Import.makeRule
 @docs config, ImportData, module_, withAlias, withExposedValues, qualified, makeRule
@@ -30,10 +37,7 @@ import Review.Fix as Fix
 import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
-    Configuration for  the rule.
+{-| Configuration for the rule.
 type Config
     = Config
diff --git a/src/Install/InitializerCmd.elm b/src/Install/InitializerCmd.elm
index b6c04e4..32333e7 100644
--- a/src/Install/InitializerCmd.elm
+++ b/src/Install/InitializerCmd.elm
@@ -73,12 +73,13 @@ declarationVisitor moduleName functionName cmds (Node _ declaration) context =
                 name : String
                 name =
                     Node.value (Node.value function.declaration).name
-                namespace : String
-                namespace =
-                    String.join "." context.moduleName ++ "." ++ name
             if name == functionName then
+                let
+                    namespace : String
+                    namespace =
+                        String.join "." context.moduleName ++ "." ++ name
+                in
                 visitCmd namespace moduleName functionName cmds Set.empty function context
diff --git a/src/Install/Subscription.elm b/src/Install/Subscription.elm
index 2d61940..257385c 100644
--- a/src/Install/Subscription.elm
+++ b/src/Install/Subscription.elm
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import Review.Rule as Rule exposing (Error, Rule)
 and that you want to add `baz` to the list. To do this, say
-    Insall.Subscription.makeRule "Backend" [ "baz" ]
+    Install.Subscription.makeRule "Backend" [ "baz" ]
 The result is
@@ -70,70 +70,57 @@ declarationVisitor moduleName items (Node _ declaration) context =
                     implementation =
                         Node.value function.declaration
-                    expr =
-                        implementation.expression
-                    endOfRange =
-                        (Node.range expr).end
                     name : String
                     name =
                         Node.value implementation.name
-                    nameRange =
-                        Node.range implementation.name
-                    data =
-                        case Node.value implementation.expression of
-                            Application (head :: rest) ->
-                                Just ( head, rest )
-                            _ ->
-                                Nothing
                 if name /= "subscriptions" then
                     ( [], context )
-                    case data of
-                        Nothing ->
+                    case Node.value implementation.expression of
+                        Application ((Node _ (FunctionOrValue [ "Sub" ] "batch")) :: rest) ->
+                            let
+                                listElements =
+                                    rest
+                                        |> List.head
+                                        |> Maybe.map Node.value
+                                        |> (\expression ->
+                                                case expression of
+                                                    Just (ListExpr exprs) ->
+                                                        exprs
+                                                    _ ->
+                                                        []
+                                           )
+                                isAlreadyImplemented =
+                                    Install.Library.areItemsInList items listElements
+                            in
+                            if isAlreadyImplemented then
+                                ( [], context )
+                            else
+                                let
+                                    expr =
+                                        implementation.expression
+                                    endOfRange =
+                                        (Node.range expr).end
+                                    nameRange =
+                                        Node.range implementation.name
+                                    replacementCode =
+                                        items
+                                            |> List.map (\item -> ", " ++ item)
+                                            |> String.concat
+                                in
+                                ( [ errorWithFix replacementCode nameRange endOfRange rest ], context )
+                        _ ->
                             ( [], context )
-                        Just ( head, rest ) ->
-                            case Node.value head of
-                                FunctionOrValue [ "Sub" ] "batch" ->
-                                    let
-                                        listElements =
-                                            rest
-                                                |> List.head
-                                                |> Maybe.map Node.value
-                                                |> (\expression ->
-                                                        case expression of
-                                                            Just (ListExpr exprs) ->
-                                                                exprs
-                                                            _ ->
-                                                                []
-                                                   )
-                                        isAlreadyImplemented =
-                                            Install.Library.areItemsInList items listElements
-                                    in
-                                    if isAlreadyImplemented then
-                                        ( [], context )
-                                    else
-                                        let
-                                            replacementCode =
-                                                items
-                                                    |> List.map (\item -> ", " ++ item)
-                                                    |> String.concat
-                                        in
-                                        ( [ errorWithFix replacementCode nameRange endOfRange rest ], context )
-                                _ ->
-                                    ( [], context )
             _ ->
                 ( [], context )
diff --git a/src/Install/Type.elm b/src/Install/Type.elm
index a759ecb..93b4180 100644
--- a/src/Install/Type.elm
+++ b/src/Install/Type.elm
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ fixError typeName_ variants_ context =
 declarationVisitor : String -> String -> Node Declaration -> Context -> ( List (Error {}), Context )
 declarationVisitor moduleName_ typeName_ node context =
-    let
-        isInCorrectModule =
-            Install.Library.isInCorrectModule moduleName_ context
-    in
     case Node.value node of
         Declaration.CustomTypeDeclaration type_ ->
+            let
+                isInCorrectModule =
+                    Install.Library.isInCorrectModule moduleName_ context
+            in
             if isInCorrectModule && Node.value type_.name == typeName_ then
                 ( [], { context | typeIsPresent = True, lastNodeRange = Node.range node } )
diff --git a/src/Install/TypeVariant.elm b/src/Install/TypeVariant.elm
index 7a4dde7..e4b8d3c 100644
--- a/src/Install/TypeVariant.elm
+++ b/src/Install/TypeVariant.elm
@@ -107,9 +107,6 @@ declarationVisitor moduleName typeName variantList node context =
                 variantNames =
                     List.map variantName variantList |> List.filterMap identity
-                variantCode =
-                    List.map variantCodeItem variantList |> String.join ""
                 shouldFix : Node Declaration -> Context -> Bool
                 shouldFix node_ context_ =
@@ -127,6 +124,10 @@ declarationVisitor moduleName typeName variantList node context =
                     not <| Set.Extra.isSubsetOf variantsOfNode (Set.fromList variantNames)
             if isInCorrectModule && Node.value type_.name == typeName && shouldFix node context then
+                let
+                    variantCode =
+                        List.map variantCodeItem variantList |> String.join ""
+                in
                 ( [ errorWithFix typeName variantNames variantCode node (Just <| Node.range node) ]
                 , context