Version number correction
Added Display a Resource Picture at specified coordinate. Added Crop Picture area from Resource Picture using defined area. Added Fill a defined area with specified color.
Corrected issue: Null pointer dereference in the event queue handling code #34
Enabled attachPush call back function initialization for every component.
Added NexScreen to manage screen system variables (brightness for example) Added link to extended instruction set (including hidden commands) to, Thanks to UNUF Project
Add ability to change back- and foreground picture in NexProgressBar
- EspSoftwareSerial Dependency removed.
- component refresh removed as it is now automatic in variable change
- functions return values corrected
-NexText::appendText function added
- Added support for multiple nextion displays
- Recommendation initialize nextion instance using Nextion::GetInstance command Harware and Software interfaces supported
- Nextion objects requires pointer to intance.
- Instance callback functiona must be initialized to instance object.
- implementation divided to ./src ans ./include folders
- STD_SUPPORT define replased with platform ESP8266 define if other platforms suppors needed std functionality add platform define with or (||)
- TFT file upload added to behing of NEX_ENABLE_TFT_UPLOAD define
- Documentation updated.
- Examples updated.
- platformIO development platformio.ini and .library.json added
- Version numbering uses now Semantic Versioning 1.0.0 ( -Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the: MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner, and PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes.