Source: SCM-140-ADSR on Github
The following modifications were made by me:
- Converted schematics and board to Kicad
- Added component values to silk screen
- Added a PCB faceplate in Kicad
Main board silkscreen is missing values, transistor types, and IC types
IO board silkscreen is missing values
Main board is meant to be mounted upside down (note the +12V/GND on JP5). More clear on that.
R43 and R13 from 47k to 137k (otherwise the attack phase doesn't hit high enough until decay. Still, maximum is 9.3V now)
Consider reducing the main cap lower than 3.3uF, envelope is too long. Changed to 0.47 uF
See if we can add something to toggle (allow turn off) auto-retrigger
Note: Electrolytic polarity, also for the main state caps!
Note: NPN transistors are EU-style (BCxxx), PNP transistors are US style (2Nyyyy)! <-- check the BOM as well.
Note: TL072 seems to have less output noise than LM4558, but that may just be a part issue.
A CircuitJS simulation is available.