The project inplements an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) service based on WeNet model. The project consists of two subprojects, that are WeNet ASR Server project and WeNet ASR Client project.
Here is the official github page of WeNet project.
The server project implements a remote API service for WeNet ASR model call using gRPC framework. The project directory is wenet_asr_server. Please refer to wenet_asr_server/ for more information.
The client project provides python API implemented by a python class. The API encapsulates systematic usage of the remote API service provided by WeNet ASR Server. The API not only supports single-time model call, but also provides a real-time ASR calling method. The project directory is wenet_asr_client. Please refer to wenet_asr_client/ for more information.
The protos directory defines the gRPC services and messages using Protocol Buffers. The .proto file is already compiled to generate python code and the code is adjusted to fit into the project, so you don't need to do it again by yourself.