Releases: k-samuel/dvelum
Releases · k-samuel/dvelum
DVelum 0.9.5 Release Candidate 3
0.9.5RC3 DVelum 0.9.5 Release Candidate 3
DVelum 0.9.4 Release
New features:
- Filestorage now is able to upload multiple files, using the same name of form file fields, eg. name=”files[]”
- Now it is possible to create new instances of “Extended” (isExtended:true) Data Store for related components (Grid,Combo, etc.)
When you select the Store you can use a common link or instantiate a separate storage component. - New property defineOnly for Designer “extended” panels (with isExtended:true) has been introduced. Now it’s possible to set defineOnly:true and Panel will not be added to the main layout.
- Now it’s possible to add instances of already defined project components. For example, you can define Form or Grid Panel with some logic (methods , events) and add them to different windows.
- Added Slave DB connection support in readonly mode. Thus we can divide the reading and writing of data. ORM models have been updated for using new feature. If Slave DB connection is not set then main connection will be used.
- Added CSRF-Token support for ExtJS fileupload component.
- Added Mixed error log adapter. Error messages will be stored in DB or in filesystem if DB connection is unavailable. Admin Panel module is also implemented.
- Added Zend_Mail wrapper that can attach images to e-mail body, just set local file path into
src attribute.
- Added new OOP-style code generator with new platform features.
- Late static binding added to Db_Object_Config class. (for those who wish to extend the behavior)
- Filestorage::add method updated. Now it’s possible to specify the file name for saving in the ORM
- Dictionary Adapter property list updated (Designer)
- Added “locked” property for Grid Column (Designer)
- Field group validation is now performed in Db_Object class. It makes error handling more flexible;
- Added cache invalidation for files manually attached to the designer project.
- Aggregated code packages have been removed from distribution. You can aggregate them manually.
- ORM interface behavior modified. “IsNull” setting now hidden for Date fields and depends on “required”
- TimyMCE support removed
- New method “setInsertId” added to the Db_Object class. Now it’s possible to set explicitly the ID value for a new Db_Object (useful for data import);
- “showAllText” property added for StoreFilter -> Dictionary adapter. Now you can set your own text for reset option.
- Error Log is now enabled by default
- User data cache uses standard system methods now.
- Action column editor updated. (Designer)
- Designer behavior updated. Now selected component does not lose focus after Components Tree reloading
- Db_Object_Builder “unsigned” attribute is not always taken into consideration for validation of the object structure;
- Code editor in the designer does not appear when you load a new project;
- Rowexpander plugin issue fixed
- Page management interface. Text selection and copying is impossible in tables
- Media library, CropWindow. Window with large number of settings does not has a scrollbar.
- Media library. New sizes for cropping appear only after reloading
- Fixed issue with report generator when selection include objects with dictionary links
- Fixed inconsistent behavior of the interface and the server side while maintaining the fields containing dates. Empty string sended from interface for fields with isNull property enabled is now converted to null
- Fixed issue with importing fields into the editWindow
- Fixed issue with saving widths for windows and columns if DVelum is installed into the sub directory of document root at web server
- Fixed issue with removing grid column (Designer)
- Cron_Lock does not remove the lock.
- Fixed issue in Filestorage_Simple that leads to warning if the added file is absent.
- Store_Filter - Combobox component. Incorrect namespace for Store when you build the project
- Fixed bug from beta, interface designer caches the code and requires to save the project to upgrade.
- Fixed issue with “definedOnly” renderer found in the beta version
- Configuration option urlDelimetr renamed to urlDelimiter
- Fixed. Cannot publish Db_Object under version control linked to other object if user has no ACL "Create" permissions
- Fixed issue with eastPanelCollapsed:true at app.ContentWindow
- Fixed issue with app.HistoryPanel in several opened windows
- Fixed memory leak in Layout Designer
See more at:
DVelum 0.9.4 Release Candidate
0.9.4RC Tests update