- apply.sh: By using this script we can apply changes to the Terraform resources in GCP.
- common.sh: By using this script we can validate the required packages and variables on your system. This script will be called in
. - delete_bucket.py: By using this script we can delete the Google Storage Bucket by passing values like
. ex:- export bucket_name="your-bucket-name". - destroy.sh: By using this script we can destroy all the resource Created Terraform.
- enable.sh: By using this script we can enable the google api's
- init.sh: By using this script we can initialize the modules, Terraform workspace, environment and create terraform statefile bucket.
- make_bucket.py: By using this script you can create Google Compute Storage bucket by passing values like
. ex:- export bucket_name="your-bucket-name". - plan.sh: By using this script we plan the resources by running
terraform plan