##Synopsis A program which shows how to display the recevivers attached to a journal and determine if the detach date is greater than the number of days passed.
##Purpose Demonstrates how to display a receiver chain and identify those receivers which are older than a number of days. It can be used to clean up a receiver chain attached to any journal (*LOCAL/*REMOTE) to allow DASD utilization to be managed.
- Journal 20 character 'JrnName Library '
- Days to keep int
##Tests Call from command line using the format CALL OSSILE/CHKRCVRDLT 'JrnName Library' 2. this will print out those receivers which are detached and greater than 2 days old.
##Documentation See IBM Knowledge Center for details of the API's used.
##Contributors Provided by Chris Hird. You can contact me via Ryver or Linked in should it be necessary. Website
##Copyright Copyright (c) Chris Hird 2016 Made available under the terms of the license of the containing project