Aqua Enterprise self-hosted product deployment in a Kubernetes cluster begins with deployment of the server, by using multiple manifest yaml files. Server includes the following components:
Console (Aqua UI) Gateway Database (DB).
You can optionally deploy one or multiple other Aqua components later, as required.
This repository shows all the directories and manifest yaml files required to deploy the Aqua server component on the following Kubernetes platforms:
- Kubernetes
- OpenShift
- Kubernetes engines: EKS, GKE, ICP, AKS, TKG, and TKGI
Before you follow the deployment steps explained below, Aqua strongly recommends you refer the product documentation, Deploy Server Components.
The deployment commands shown below use the kubectl cli, however they can be easliy replaced with the oc cli commands, to work on all platforms including OpenShift.
- Your Aqua credentials: username and password
- Your Aqua Enterprise License Token
- Access to the target Kubernetes cluster with RBAC authorization
- The cluster should have a default storage and load-balancer controller. If your cluster does not have these, you should edit the YAML files to configure them as required.
It is recommended that you complete the sizing and capacity assessment for the deployment. Refer to Sizing Guide.
Before you start deploying Aqua server, you may perform the following configurations, as required.
Aqua Enterprise offers packaged PostgreSQL database container. For large environments and enterprise companies with advanced requirements, Aqua recommends to use an external managed PostgreSQL database by following the deployment steps below.
To configure an HTTPS (secure) channel, refer to Configure HTTPS for the Aqua Server.
To configure Active-active Server mode for high availability of Aqua Enterprise, refer to the product documentation, Deploy Aqua in Active-Active Server Mode.
To configure mTLS (mutual TLS) instead of the default TLS between server and other Aqua components, refer to the product documentation, Configure mTLS.
The Aqua Server container (deployed from the image can be run behind a reverse proxy server such as Apache, NGINX, or HAProxy. To configure this, refer to the product documentation, Run the Server behind a reverse proxy.
For large environments with more than 500 nodes, you should define a gRPC-supported Ingress to act as a load balancer for multiple Aqua Gateways. To configure this, refer to the product documentation, Advanced Deployment Architecture.
< PLATFORM > | Description |
aks | Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) |
eks | Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) |
gke | Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) |
ibm | IBM Cloud Private (ICP) |
k3s | fully CNCF certified Kubernetes |
native_k8s | Kubernetes |
openshift | OpenShift (Red Hat) |
rancher | Rancher / Kubernetes |
tkg | VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) |
tkgi | VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI) |
You can skip any of the steps if you have already performed.
Step 1. Create a namespace (or an OpenShift project) by name aqua (if not already done).
kubectl create namespace aqua
Step 2. Create a docker-registry secret (if not already done).
kubectl create secret docker-registry aqua-registry \ \
--docker-username=<your-name> \
--docker-password=<your-pword> \
--docker-email=<your-email> \
-n aqua
Step 3. Create a service account and RBAC for your deployment platform (if not already done). Replace the platform name from Supported platforms.
kubectl apply -f< PLATFORM >/aqua_sa.yaml
Step 1. Create the secrets manually or download, edit, and apply the secrets. It is strongly recommended to change the database password (aqua-db).
kubectl apply -f
Step 2. Deploy directly or download, edit, and run the deployment configMaps
kubectl apply -f
Step 3. (Optional) Configure the packaged database (If you use Aqua’s packaged PostgreSQL DB container).
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
For large and complex deployments, refer to the product documentation, Sizing Guide and Aqua Packaged DB Operational Guide.
Step 4. Deploy Aqua server.
With Aqua’s packaged DB
kubectl apply -f
With external managed DB
kubectl apply -f
You can expose Server and Gateway through one of the three following use cases:
- Kubernetes LoadBalancer service type
- Use an Ingress (Envoy) to route traffic to your Gateway farm
- Use an OpenShift route
It is a default option. It uses single Gateway service and supports upto 500 hosts.
kubectl apply -f
Step 1. Generate certificates for the Envoy service.
kubectl apply -f
Step 2. Scale the number of Gateways. Replace N with the number of Gateways required.
kubectl -n aqua scale --replicas=<N> deployment.apps/aqua-gateway
Step 3. Load the TLS keys and certs as secrets.
kubectl create secret tls aqua-lb-certs --key <<tls-key.key>> --cert <<tls.crt>> -n aqua
Step 4. Deploy Envoy service.
kubectl apply -f
Step 5. Deploy Envoy Configmap.
kubectl apply -f
Step 6. Deploy Envoy.
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Aquactl is the command-line utility to automate the deployment steps mentioned in the section, Deploy Aqua server using Manifests. Command shown in this section creates (downloads) manifests (yaml files) quickly and prepares them for the Aqua Server deployment.
aquactl download server [flags]
You should pass the following deployment options through flags, as required.
Flag and parameter type | Values |
-p or --platform, (string) (mandatory flag) | Orchestration platform to deploy Aqua Enterprise on. you should pass one of the following as required: kubernetes, aks, eks, gke, icp, openshift, tkg, tkgi |
* -v or --version | |
(string) (mandatory flag) | Major version of Aqua Enterprise to deploy. For example: 2022.4 |
-r or --registry (string) | Docker registry containing the Aqua Enterprise product images, it defaults to |
--pull-policy (string) | The Docker image pull policy that should be used in deployment for the Aqua product images, it defaults to IfNotPresent |
--service-account (string) | Kubernetes service account name, it defaults to aqua-sa |
-n, --namespace (string) | Kubernetes namespace name, it defaults to aqua |
--output-dir (string) | Output directory for the manifests (YAML files), it defaults to aqua-deploy, the directory aquactl was launched in |
Flag and type | Values |
--external-db (Boolean) | Include this flag if you want to use external managed database, instead of the Aqua packaged database, it defaults to false |
--internal-db-size (string) | Size of the Aqua packaged database, it must be S (default), M, or L |
--external-db-host (string) | External database IP or DNS, it does not have a default value |
--external-db-port (int) | External database port, it defaults to 5432 |
--external-db-username (string) | Username of the external database, it does not have a default value |
--external-db-password (string) | Password for the user of the external database, it does not have a default value |
Flag and type | Values |
--ingress-gw (string) | Route for Aqua Gateway connectivity, example: envoy, it does not have a default value |
After the manifests are created, follow the instructions that appear on the console to perform the actual deployment.
aquactl download server --platform eks --version 2022.4