Welcome to the LeetCode API, where you can tap into the mystical realm of coding achievements! 😎
To embark on this epic coding adventure, simply wield your browser and visit:
Replace "lcUsername"
with the LeetCode username you seek to explore, and behold the magic! 🧙♂️
Clone or download this heroic repository. 🦸♂️
Equip yourself with the required dependencies by uttering the sacred command in the project directory:
npm install
Start your legendary API server by invoking the incantation:
npm start
Now, the API server shall emerge victorious on port 3000 by default! Witness its power! 🏰
Prepare to be greeted with the wisdom of the API, providing counsel on its usage! 📜
Venture forth, noble traveler, and seek the LeetCode profile of a user bearing the name `"lcUsername"`. 🗺️
The API shall reveal a treasure trove of JSON knowledge, including rankings, past submissions, and more!
json { "ranking": 42, "reputation": 12345, "totalSolved": 987, "totalSubmissions": { "difficulty": "Easy", "count": 100, "submissions": 200 }, "totalQuestions": 1500, "easySolved": 300, "totalEasy": 500, "mediumSolved": 350, "totalMedium": 600, "hardSolved": 137, "totalHard": 400, "submissionCalendar": { "2023-07-01": 1, "2023-07-02": 3, ... }, "contributionPoint": 50 }
This legendary LeetCode API was forged by Kamlesh Joshi, a Software Development Mage. 🧙♂️
- Portfolio: kamlesh-joshi.vercel.app 🏰
- Email: [email protected] 📧
- GitHub: kamleshjoshi8102 🐱
- Twitter: @spyd3r17 🐦
This heroic project is licensed under the ISC License - see the LICENSE file for details. ⚔️🛡️