dockerized JabRef Citation Manager
Motivation: installing openjdk and openjfx on a Windows host is a pain
- clone repository
git clone https://github.com/kapsner/docker_images docker-JabRef
- then build the jabref image:
cd docker-Jabref/
chmod +x build_jabref.sh
- depending on your OS, rename the respective X11-docker-compose to docker-compose.yml and copy it to your local working directory:
# linux:
cp docker-compose.yml.X11_linux docker-compose.yml
# mac:
cp docker-compose.yml.X11_mac docker-compose.yml
# windows:
cp docker-compose.yml.X11_win docker-compose.yml
to add X11-support to your OS, mac-users need need to install e.g. XQuartz and windows-users need to install e.g. VcXsrv. Please make sure that in both cases, X11-Server accepts incoming connections. More information: -- Mac: https://fredrikaverpil.github.io/2016/07/31/docker-for-mac-and-gui-applications/ -- Windows: https://dev.to/darksmile92/run-gui-app-in-linux-docker-container-on-windows-host-4kde
then you can start the container (insert your prefered settings in the file "docker-compose.yml"):
# X11_linux:
docker-compose up -d
# X11_mac:
chmod +x startX11mac.sh
# X11_windows:
chmod +x startX11win.sh
# !!you need to type your IP-adress to the command:
- about JabRef: http://www.jabref.org/
- idea/ how-to dockerize a GUI app: https://dev.to/darksmile92/run-gui-app-in-linux-docker-container-on-windows-host-4kde
- about VcXsrv: https://sourceforge.net/projects/vcxsrv/