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Day 2

Time Activity Slides Hands-on
Morning Read-based analyses Link here Link here
Afternoon Metagenome assembly Link here Link here
Afternoon Assembly QC Link here

Read-based analyses

Running the script

First login to the Amazon Cloud and cd to your working directory.
We migh have made changes to the GitHub repository, so let's pull those changes now:

git pull

For the read-based analyses, we will use seqtk, DIAMOND, and MEGAN.
Like yesterday, the script is provided and can be found from the Scripts folder.
Let's take a look at the script using less:

less Scripts/

NOTE: You can scroll up and down using the arrow keys on your keyboard, or move one "page" at a time using the spacebar.
NOTE: To quit less, hit the letter q.

As you will see, we are first running seqtk to subsample the data to an even number of sequences per sample (500,000).
Then we are running DIAMOND to annotate the reads against the NCBI nr database.
Then we will use MEGAN to parse the annotations and get taxonomic and functional assignments.

Now let's run the script:

bash Scripts/

Both the DIAMOND and MEGAN steps will actually take a while and it's very likely that the jobs won't finish in a reasonable time. For the purposes of this activity, it is enough if 1) we understand what the script is doing and 2) we are able to submit the script without any errors. So now let's stop the script by hitting ctrl+c.

Luckily, we have a copy of the MEGAN results in the shared folder. Let's take a look at the MEGAN folder inside ~/Share, which contains the actual output from the script we tried to run before:

ls ~/Share/MEGAN

For each sample, you should find:

  • $SAMPLE.R1.fastq.gz and $SAMPLE.R2.fastq.gz: the subsampled data obtained with seqtk
  • $SAMPLE.R1.blastx.txt and $SAMPLE.R2.blastx.txt: the output from DIAMOND for each of the forward and reverse reads
  • $SAMPLE.blastx.txt: a file combining both DIAMOND outputs
  • $SAMPLE.rma6: MEGAN output

The .rma6 files are compressed binary files created by MEGAN (command-line version).
These describe the taxonomic and functional composition of the samples based on the DIAMOND annotation against the NCBI nr database.

MEGAN also has a powerful GUI version, that you have installed in your own computer.
First let's copy the four .rma6 files to your own computers using FileZilla.
When that's done let's launch MEGAN and take a look together at one of the samples.

Now, by using the Compare tool, let's try to find differences between the samples.
On the slides for the first day ("Course outline and practical info") we saw that we have two winter and two summer samples.
Can we see major differences in community structure between the two seasons? For example:

  • Are samples from the same season more similar to each other than to the other samples? HINT: Try changing the view to the Genus Rank and then going to "Window" > "Cluster Analysis" and chosing "UPGMA Tree".
  • What is the most abundant phylum in the summer samples? And in the winter samples?
  • Now looking at the functional profiles (e.g. SEED), can you spot differences between the two seasons? Specially regarding energy and metabolism?

Metagenome assembly

Now we will go through the metagenomic assembly part, but not run the actual assembly script.
The assembly takes some time and needs more resources than we have on our instance.
So the assemblies will be provided.

Short-read assembly with MEGAHIT

The short reads will be assembled using MEGAHIT.
Although, we won't be running the actual assembly, MEGAHIT is installed on our instance.

So have a look at the different options you can change in the assembly.
You can find more information about MEGAHIT in their wiki.
You don't need to understand each and every option, but some of them can be important.

conda activate megahit_env
megahit -h

Questions about MEGAHIT

  1. What do you think would be important? What would you change or set?
  2. What version of MEGAHIT have we installed? Is it the latest?

After that have a look at the assembly script Scripts/
Open it with a text editor or print it on the screen with less.

Would you have changed something else and why?

When we're satisfied with the assembly options, we would start the assembly and wait from few hours to several days depending on your data and computational resources.
But we won't do it, since we don't have to time or the resources.
Instead, you can use the assemblies we provide in the shared foler:

ls ~/Share/ASSEMBLY

If you look inside the folders for each of the samples, you will see several files.
But the most important is the final.contigs.fa which cointains the final contigs as one might expect. You'll find the assembly logs inside the assembly folder for each sample.
Start by looking at the assembly logs with less.

Questions about the assembly

  1. Which version of megahit did we actually use for the assemblies?
  2. How long did the assemblies take to finish?
  3. Which sample gave the longest contig?

Long-read assembly

Short read assemblers are not optimal for long-read data, but there are already several long-read assemblers available.
Some of the most used metagenomic assemblers include metaflye, hicanu and hifiasm-meta.

For this course will use a data set of 434 105 PacBio HiFi-reads from one sample with mean length of ~7 500 bp (~3 Gbp).
And we have used metaflye for the assembly with the following parameters:

flye \
    --meta \
    --threads 12 \
    --pacbio-hifi  \
    --min-overlap 4000 \
    --out-dir INF3_assembly \

The final assembly can be found from ~/Share/ASSEMBLY_HIFI/assembly.fasta.

Questions about long-read assembly

  1. What the min-overlap option controls and why we might have used it?
  2. How would you change the options if you had nanopore data to assemble?

Assembly QC

Now we have all the assemblies ready and we can use MetaQUAST to check how the assemblies look like.
Let's activate the MetaQuast environment:

conda activate quast_env

Let's now have a look at the different options MetaQuast has with metaquast -h.
You should at least check the options we are using.
We will run MetaQuast inside a screen using the command screen.
This way you can do other things or log out while MetaQuast is running and it won't be interrupted.

Mini manual for screen:

  • screen -S NAME - open a screen and give it a session name NAME
  • screen - open new screen without specifying any name
  • screen -ls - list all open sessions
  • ctrl + a + d - to detach from a session (from inside the screen)
  • screen -r - re-attach to a detached session
  • screen -rD - re-attach to a attached session
  • exit - close the screen and kill all processes running inside the screen (from inside the screen)
screen -S metaquast ~/Share/ASSEMBLY/*/final.contigs.fa ~/Share/ASSEMBLY_HIFI/assembly.fasta \
             --output-dir ASSEMBLY_QC \
             --threads 4 \
             --max-ref-number 0 \
             --min-contig 0

Detach from the screen with ctrl + a + d.
This will take ~5 min.
You can re-attach with screen -r metaquast to check whther it has finished.
After it is done, we will go through the report together.
Download the file ASSEMBLY_QC/report.html to your computer using FileZilla and open it on your favourite browser.

Questions about the assembly QC

  1. Which assembly has the longest contig when also long reads assembly is included?
  2. Which assembly had the most contigs?
  3. Was the long read assembly different from the short read assemblies?
  4. If yes, in what way?