diff --git a/extras/sample-site-policies/common.yaml b/extras/sample-site-policies/common.yaml
index 00a58028..bb2de919 100644
--- a/extras/sample-site-policies/common.yaml
+++ b/extras/sample-site-policies/common.yaml
@@ -11,40 +11,42 @@ spec:
   mcp: master
   remediationAction: inform
-    - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
-      metadata:
-        name: redhat-operator-index
-      spec:
-        image: registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.16
-      policyName: config-policy
-    - fileName: ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml
-      policyName: config-policy
-    - fileName: StorageLVMSubscriptionNS.yaml
-      metadata:
-        annotations:
-          workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
-      policyName: subscriptions-policy
-    - fileName: StorageLVMSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
-      policyName: subscriptions-policy
-    - fileName: StorageLVMSubscription.yaml
-      spec:
-        channel: stable-4.16
-        source: redhat-operator-index
-      policyName: subscriptions-policy
-    - fileName: LVMOperatorStatus.yaml
-      policyName: subscriptions-policy
-    - fileName: SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml
-      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
-    - fileName: SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
-      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
-    - fileName: SriovSubscription.yaml
-      spec:
-        channel: stable
-        source: redhat-operator-index
-        config:
-          env:
-            - name: "DEV_MODE"
-              value: "TRUE"
-      policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
-    - fileName: SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
-      policyName: subscriptions-policy
+  - fileName: DefaultCatsrc.yaml
+    metadata:
+      name: redhat-operator-index
+    spec:
+      image: registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.16
+    policyName: config-policy
+  - fileName: OperatorHub.yaml
+    policyName: config-policy
+  - fileName: ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml
+    policyName: config-policy
+  - fileName: StorageLVMSubscriptionNS.yaml
+    metadata:
+      annotations:
+        workload.openshift.io/allowed: management
+    policyName: subscriptions-policy
+  - fileName: StorageLVMSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
+    policyName: subscriptions-policy
+  - fileName: StorageLVMSubscription.yaml
+    spec:
+      channel: stable-4.16
+      source: redhat-operator-index
+    policyName: subscriptions-policy
+  - fileName: LVMOperatorStatus.yaml
+    policyName: subscriptions-policy
+  - fileName: SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml
+    policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
+  - fileName: SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
+    policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
+  - fileName: SriovSubscription.yaml
+    spec:
+      channel: stable
+      source: redhat-operator-index
+      config:
+        env:
+        - name: "DEV_MODE"
+          value: "TRUE"
+    policyName: "subscriptions-policy"
+  - fileName: SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
+    policyName: subscriptions-policy
diff --git a/extras/sample-site-policies/group-du-sno-validator.yaml b/extras/sample-site-policies/group-du-sno-validator.yaml
index 2280e58d..978c910d 100644
--- a/extras/sample-site-policies/group-du-sno-validator.yaml
+++ b/extras/sample-site-policies/group-du-sno-validator.yaml
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ spec:
     ztp-done: ""
   mcp: "master"
-    - fileName: validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml
-      remediationAction: inform
-      policyName: "validation"
+  - fileName: validatorCRs/informDuValidator.yaml
+    remediationAction: inform
+    policyName: "validation"
diff --git a/extras/sample-site-policies/group-du-sno.yaml b/extras/sample-site-policies/group-du-sno.yaml
index a51647df..7511ec2a 100644
--- a/extras/sample-site-policies/group-du-sno.yaml
+++ b/extras/sample-site-policies/group-du-sno.yaml
@@ -12,74 +12,74 @@ spec:
   mcp: master
   remediationAction: inform
-    - fileName: DisableSnoNetworkDiag.yaml
-      policyName: "group-policy"
-    - fileName: DisableOLMPprof.yaml # wave 10
-      policyName: "group-policy"
-    - fileName: SriovOperatorConfig.yaml
-      policyName: "group-policy"
-      # Using hub templating to obtain if the SR-IOV card is supported for this hw type
-      spec:
-        disableDrain: true
-        enableOperatorWebhook: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-supported-sriov-nic" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toBool hub}}'
-    - fileName: StorageLVMCluster.yaml
-      # Using hub templating to obtain the storage device name for this hw type
-      spec:
-        storage:
-          deviceClasses:
-            - name: vg1
-              thinPoolConfig:
-                name: thin-pool-1
-                sizePercent: 90
-                overprovisionRatio: 10
-              deviceSelector:
-                paths:
-                - '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-storage-path" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
-      policyName: "group-policy"
-    - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml
-      # Using hub templating to obtain if the tunning config for this hw type
-      policyName: "group-policy"
-      metadata:
-        annotations:
-          kubeletconfig.experimental: |
-            {"topologyManagerScope": "pod",
-             "systemReserved": {"memory": "3Gi"}
-            }
-      spec:
-        cpu:
-          isolated: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-cpu-isolated" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
-          reserved: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-cpu-reserved" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
-        hugepages:
-          defaultHugepagesSize: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-default" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type"))| hub}}'
-          pages:
-          - count: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-count" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toInt hub}}'
-            size: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-size" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
-        numa:
-          topologyPolicy: single-numa-node
-        realTimeKernel:
-          enabled: false
-        globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: false
-        # WorkloadHints defines the set of upper level flags for different type of workloads.
-        # The configuration below is set for a low latency, performance mode.
-        workloadHints:
-          realTime: true
-          highPowerConsumption: false
-          perPodPowerManagement: false
-    - fileName: TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
-      policyName: "group-policy"
-      spec:
-        profile:
-          - name: performance-patch
-            data: |
-              [main]
-              summary=Configuration changes profile inherited from performance created tuned
-              include=openshift-node-performance-openshift-node-performance-profile
-              [sysctl]
-              # When using the standard (non-realtime) kernel, remove the kernel.timer_migration override from the [sysctl] section
-              # kernel.timer_migration=0
-              [scheduler]
-              group.ice-ptp=0:f:10:*:ice-ptp.*
-              group.ice-gnss=0:f:10:*:ice-gnss.*
-              [service]
-              service.stalld=start,enable
-              service.chronyd=stop,disable
+  - fileName: DisableSnoNetworkDiag.yaml
+    policyName: "group-policy"
+  - fileName: DisableOLMPprof.yaml # wave 10
+    policyName: "group-policy"
+  - fileName: SriovOperatorConfig.yaml
+    policyName: "group-policy"
+    # Using hub templating to obtain if the SR-IOV card is supported for this hw type
+    spec:
+      disableDrain: true
+      enableOperatorWebhook: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-supported-sriov-nic" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toBool hub}}'
+  - fileName: StorageLVMCluster.yaml
+    # Using hub templating to obtain the storage device name for this hw type
+    spec:
+      storage:
+        deviceClasses:
+        - name: vg1
+          thinPoolConfig:
+            name: thin-pool-1
+            sizePercent: 90
+            overprovisionRatio: 10
+          deviceSelector:
+            paths:
+            - '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-storage-path" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
+    policyName: "group-policy"
+  - fileName: PerformanceProfile.yaml
+    # Using hub templating to obtain if the tunning config for this hw type
+    policyName: "group-policy"
+    metadata:
+      annotations:
+        kubeletconfig.experimental: |
+          {"topologyManagerScope": "pod",
+           "systemReserved": {"memory": "3Gi"}
+          }
+    spec:
+      cpu:
+        isolated: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-cpu-isolated" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
+        reserved: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-cpu-reserved" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
+      hugepages:
+        defaultHugepagesSize: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-default" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type"))| hub}}'
+        pages:
+        - count: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-count" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) | toInt hub}}'
+          size: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "group-hardware-types-configmap" (printf "%s-hugepages-size" (index .ManagedClusterLabels "hardware-type")) hub}}'
+      numa:
+        topologyPolicy: single-numa-node
+      realTimeKernel:
+        enabled: false
+      globallyDisableIrqLoadBalancing: false
+      # WorkloadHints defines the set of upper level flags for different type of workloads.
+      # The configuration below is set for a low latency, performance mode.
+      workloadHints:
+        realTime: true
+        highPowerConsumption: false
+        perPodPowerManagement: false
+  - fileName: TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
+    policyName: "group-policy"
+    spec:
+      profile:
+      - name: performance-patch
+        data: |
+          [main]
+          summary=Configuration changes profile inherited from performance created tuned
+          include=openshift-node-performance-openshift-node-performance-profile
+          [sysctl]
+          # When using the standard (non-realtime) kernel, remove the kernel.timer_migration override from the [sysctl] section
+          # kernel.timer_migration=0
+          [scheduler]
+          group.ice-ptp=0:f:10:*:ice-ptp.*
+          group.ice-gnss=0:f:10:*:ice-gnss.*
+          [service]
+          service.stalld=start,enable
+          service.chronyd=stop,disable
diff --git a/extras/sample-site-policies/group-hardware-types-configmap.yaml b/extras/sample-site-policies/group-hardware-types-configmap.yaml
index 07144004..6201e20a 100644
--- a/extras/sample-site-policies/group-hardware-types-configmap.yaml
+++ b/extras/sample-site-policies/group-hardware-types-configmap.yaml
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ data:
   hw-type-platform-1-hugepages-count: "16"
   hw-type-platform-1-hugepages-size: "1G"
   hw-type-platform-1-supported-sriov-nic: "true"
-  hw-type-platform-1-storage-path: "/dev/vda"
+  hw-type-platform-1-storage-path: "/dev/sdb"
diff --git a/extras/sample-site-policies/sites-specific.yaml b/extras/sample-site-policies/sites-specific.yaml
index 09308fe1..e2db34a5 100644
--- a/extras/sample-site-policies/sites-specific.yaml
+++ b/extras/sample-site-policies/sites-specific.yaml
@@ -12,32 +12,32 @@ spec:
   mcp: master
   remediationAction: inform
-    - fileName: SriovNetwork.yaml
-      # Using hub templating to obtain the SR-IOV config of each SNO
-      policyName: "sites-policy"
-      metadata:
-        name: "sriov-nw-du-netdev"
-      spec:
-        ipam: '{"type": "host-local","ranges": [[{"subnet": ""}]],"dataDir":
-      "/run/my-orchestrator/container-ipam-state-1"}'
-        resourceName: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-resourcename1" .ManagedClusterName) hub}}'
-        spoofChk: "off"
-        trust: "on"
-    - fileName: SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml
-      policyName: "sites-policy"
-      complianceType: mustonlyhave
-      metadata:
-        name: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-resourcename1" .ManagedClusterName) hub}}'
-      spec:
-        deviceType: netdevice
-        needVhostNet: false
-        mtu: 1500
-        linkType: eth
-        isRdma: false
-        nicSelector:
-          vendor: "8086"
-          deviceID: "10c9"
-          pfNames:
-            - '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-sriovnic1" .ManagedClusterName) hub}}'
-        numVfs: 2
-        resourceName: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-resourcename1" .ManagedClusterName) hub}}'
+  - fileName: SriovNetwork.yaml
+    # Using hub templating to obtain the SR-IOV config of each SNO
+    policyName: "sites-policy"
+    metadata:
+      name: "sriov-nw-du-netdev"
+    spec:
+      ipam: '{"type": "host-local","ranges": [[{"subnet": ""}]],"dataDir":
+    "/run/my-orchestrator/container-ipam-state-1"}'
+      resourceName: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-resourcename1" .ManagedClusterName) hub}}'
+      spoofChk: "off"
+      trust: "on"
+  - fileName: SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml
+    policyName: "sites-policy"
+    complianceType: mustonlyhave
+    metadata:
+      name: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-resourcename1" .ManagedClusterName) hub}}'
+    spec:
+      deviceType: netdevice
+      needVhostNet: false
+      mtu: 1500
+      linkType: eth
+      isRdma: false
+      nicSelector:
+        vendor: "8086"
+        deviceID: "10c9"
+        pfNames:
+        - '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-sriovnic1" .ManagedClusterName) hub}}'
+      numVfs: 2
+      resourceName: '{{hub fromConfigMap "" "site-data-configmap" (printf "%s-resourcename1" .ManagedClusterName) hub}}'
diff --git a/paramfiles/lab.yml b/paramfiles/lab.yml
index d5130c01..6100e283 100644
--- a/paramfiles/lab.yml
+++ b/paramfiles/lab.yml
@@ -35,10 +35,12 @@ nfs: true
 ztp_policies_dir: extras/sample-site-policies
 - lab-mgmt-spoke1-node-0:
+   boot_order: true
    - size: 120
      interface: scsi
-   - 50
+   - size: 100
+     interface: scsi
    - name: lab-baremetal
      mac: aa:aa:aa:aa:bb:04
diff --git a/paramfiles/lab_ipv6.yml b/paramfiles/lab_ipv6.yml
index 001d4e5c..b529c33a 100644
--- a/paramfiles/lab_ipv6.yml
+++ b/paramfiles/lab_ipv6.yml
@@ -36,7 +36,8 @@ vmrules:
    - size: 120
      interface: scsi
-   - 50
+   - size: 100
+     interface: scsi
    - name: lab-baremetal
      mac: aa:aa:aa:aa:bb:04
diff --git a/plans/kcli_plan.yml b/plans/kcli_plan.yml
index 6846a3ee..2bbf6202 100644
--- a/plans/kcli_plan.yml
+++ b/plans/kcli_plan.yml
@@ -6,10 +6,6 @@
 {{ disconnected_operators.append("multicluster-engine") or "" }}
 {% endif %}
-{% if not ztp_acm and 'multicluster-engine' not in disconnected_operators %}
-{{ disconnected_operators.append("multicluster-engine") or "" }}
-{% endif %}
 {% if ztp_gitops and 'openshift-gitops-operator' not in disconnected_operators %}
 {{ disconnected_operators.append("openshift-gitops-operator") or "" }}
 {% endif %}
@@ -18,6 +14,14 @@
 {{ disconnected_operators.append("topology-aware-lifecycle-manager") or "" }}
 {% endif %}
+{% if ztp_gitops and ztp_spokes|length > 0 and 'sriov-network-operator' not in disconnected_operators %}
+{{ disconnected_operators.append("sriov-network-operator") or "" }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if ztp_gitops and ztp_spokes|length > 0 and 'lvms-operator' not in disconnected_operators %}
+{{ disconnected_operators.append("lvms-operator") or "" }}
+{% endif %}
 {% set snoplus_bmcs = [] %}
 {% for spoke in ztp_spokes %}
diff --git a/ztp/scripts/generate_gitops.sh b/ztp/scripts/generate_gitops.sh
index fe10c8c8..685e7dad 100755
--- a/ztp/scripts/generate_gitops.sh
+++ b/ztp/scripts/generate_gitops.sh
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ if [[ "$REPO_URL" =~ "$GIT_SERVER:3000" ]] ; then
   mv /root/ztp/scripts/siteconfig.yml site-configs/$HUB
   if [ -d /root/ztp/scripts/site-policies ] ; then
     if [ "$REGISTRY" != "registry.redhat.io" ] ; then
-      sed -i "/image: registry.redhat.io/image: $REGISTRY/" /root/ztp/scripts/site-policies/*
+      sed -i "s/image: registry.redhat.io/image: $REGISTRY/" /root/ztp/scripts/site-policies/*
     cp -r /root/ztp/scripts/site-policies .