General Direction as of 2021-04-05
- Refining UX and some user testing
- Finish testing prototype for community governance features. Begin implementation?
- Start some outreach: contact new potential groups, blogs, participate in events, etc.
- Support creation and onboarding of new group types
- Discussion and design on how to break the silo of groups (e.g. public places and other forms of interactions outside of groups on Karrot)
- Technical infrastructure discussion and improvements: composable data and frontend testing
We are working on this either right now or pretty soon in the future. Should be implemented in the next few months.
- Add place types
- Update styling of all forms
- Feedback to be given only after an activity ends
- Streamline application flow & remove invitations
- Revoke Trust
- Feedback weight slider limits
Issue is understood well enough for development to start, but not currently assigned to a developer.
- Service worker caching / update / etc
- [Meta] Performance improvements
- Improve notifications when somebody left the group
- Improve group statistics
- Curious map zoom level when switching the toggle to filter location by status
- Redirect to review page of place
- Filter activities by day of the week
- Display all places by default if none of them is marked as cooperating
We want to work on this in mid-term future. We need to think about it more before we can implement it, so active discussion is highly welcome. Feel free to join in!
- Choice between "wall" or "activities/pickups" as the default page for a place
- Better handling for much wanted pickups
- Applicant trial activity
- Improve notifications for place conversations
Quite a bit in the future (~1 year), haven't been discussed very much. If one of those is more important to you than those in "Current discussion", please contact us!