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Deep Learning

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Tensorflow learning guide :

Tensor board:

It's time to reflection on what projects I have accomplished. The post date refers to the blog post date.

Postdate dateset records in/out Note
2016-10-25 MNIST 60 k/ 10 k 28^2 /10 NNDL1,sigmoid
2016-10-27 MNIST 60 k/ 10 k 28^2 /10 MNDL3,softmax, cross entropy
2016-10-31 MNIST 60 k/ 10 k 28^2 /10 MNDL4, CNN, theano
2017-2-2 notMNIST 520 k 28^2 /10 Tensorflow practice
2017-2-2 SVHN 99 k 1024/10 Tensorflow
2017-2-13 bikeshareDC 17.4 k 16/reg from scratch, 56-30-1 net
2017-2-27 movieReview 25 k 10 k/ 2 from scratch, 10k-10-1 net
same same same same tflearn, 10k-200-25-2 softmax
same miniflow
same CIFAR-10 60 k 32^2/10 tensorflow, cnn(32)-1024-10
2017-3-30 movieReview 25 k 10 k/2 tf.contrib.rnn
same TV script 11.5 k tf.contrib.rnn
2017-6-6 flowers 3.67 k 224^2/5 vgg transfer(5 cnn)-256-5 tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected
2017-4-1 TrafficSign 50 k 36^2/43 tf 5 layer LeNet, no dropout
2017-4-7 ImageNet 227^2/1k AlexNet: 5 cnn + 3 fc
2017-4-7 behaviorClone 50 k/reg Nvidia: 5 cnn + 4 fc, 5 M para
2017-4-15 car image 18 k 64^2/2 LeNet: 2cnn + 3 fc

capstone video:

several tips:

Some suggestions from reviewer:

  1. use TensorFlow to convert RGB images to grayscale
  2. implement early termination, instead of a fixed number of epochs
  3. use image augmentation technique to rebalance the number of examples for each class.Check out this article
  4. use,y) to visualize softmax probability distribution.

Appendix: the battle for deep learning frameworks