- A common way of declaring a function which is gonna be part of a service + what it expects from the caller to pass to it.
- Common as in platform agnostic and programming language agnostic.
- Human-readable.
- Think of it this way:
- We'll have some interfaces which needs to be implemented (in other words it's our Interface Definition Language (IDL)).
- Encode and decode data in order to be sent over the wire.
- Then we have a generator. E.g.
- An ordinary text file with a
We can use something like JSON as our data exchange format, but .proto
files have several advantages which make them a better candidate for the job.
Define the structure for the data you wanna serialize in a proto file.
message Person { int32 id = 1; string name = 2; bool is_active = 3; }
: a small logical record of information containing a series of name-value pairs called fields -
to generate data access classes in your preferred language from your.proto
Though they are supporting JS, but if you need TS interfaces, etc you need to turn to some other libraries such as
.ts-protoc --ts_proto_out=./output -I=./protos ./protoc/*.proto --ts_proto_opt=addGrpcMetadata=true --ts_proto_opt=addNestjsRestParameter=true --ts_proto_opt=nestJs=true --ts_proto_opt=exportCommonSymbols=false
Learn more here.