Base URL: http://localhost:3333
Most endpoints require authentication via a JWT token in the authorization header:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Create a new user account.
URL: POST /v1/user/create
Auth required: No
name: string; // max 50 characters
email: string; // valid email format
password: string;
user: {
id: string; // UUID
name: string;
email: string;
created_at: Date;
token: string; // JWT token
Status Codes:
- 201: User created successfully
- 400: Failed to create user
Authenticate user and get JWT token.
URL: POST /v1/user/auth
Auth required: No
name?: string; // max 50 characters
email?: string; // valid email format
password: string;
Note: Either name or email must be provided
user: {
id: string; // UUID
name: string;
email: string;
created_at: Date;
token: string; // JWT token
Status Codes:
- 200: Authentication successful
- 400: Invalid credentials or missing identifier
- 409: User does not exist
Update user details.
URL: PUT /v1/user/edit
Auth required: Yes
name?: string; // max 50 characters
email?: string; // valid email format
id: string; // UUID
name: string;
email: string;
created_at: Date;
Status Codes:
- 200: User updated successfully
- 409: User does not exist
- 500: Failed to edit user details
Delete user account.
URL: DELETE /v1/user/delete
Auth required: Yes
Status Codes:
- 204: User deleted successfully
- 409: User does not exist
- 500: Failed to delete user
Get all lists for authenticated user.
URL: GET /v1/lists
Auth required: Yes
id: string; // UUID
name: string; // max 255 characters
content: string;
description?: string;
type: 'bullet' | 'check' | 'numbered';
user_id: string; // UUID
created_at: Date;
Create a new list.
URL: POST /v1/list/create
Auth required: Yes
name: string; // max 255 characters
content: string;
description?: string;
type: 'bullet' | 'check' | 'numbered';
id: string; // UUID
name: string;
content: string;
description?: string;
type: 'bullet' | 'check' | 'numbered';
user_id: string; // UUID
created_at: Date;
Status Codes:
- 201: List created successfully
- 409: List with same name already exists
Update list details.
URL: PUT /v1/list/edit
Auth required: Yes
id: string; // UUID
name?: string; // max 255 characters
content?: string;
description?: string;
type?: 'bullet' | 'check' | 'numbered';
id: string; // UUID
name: string;
content: string;
description?: string;
type: 'bullet' | 'check' | 'numbered';
user_id: string; // UUID
created_at: Date;
Status Codes:
- 200: List updated successfully
- 409: List does not exist
- 500: Failed to edit list details
Delete a list.
URL: DELETE /v1/list/delete
Auth required: Yes
id: string; // UUID
Status Codes:
- 204: List deleted successfully
- 409: List does not exist
- 500: Failed to delete list
Get all tags for authenticated user.
URL: GET /v1/tags
Auth required: Yes
id: string; // UUID
name: string; // max 50 characters
user_id: string; // UUID
created_at: Date;
Get all tags for a specific list.
URL: GET /v1/list/:list_id/tags
Auth required: Yes
: UUID of the list
id: string; // UUID
name: string; // max 50 characters
user_id: string; // UUID
created_at: Date;
Create a new tag.
URL: POST /v1/tag/create
Auth required: Yes
name: string; // max 50 characters
id: string; // UUID
name: string;
user_id: string; // UUID
created_at: Date;
Status Codes:
- 201: Tag created successfully
- 409: Tag with same name already exists
Update tag details.
URL: PUT /v1/tag/edit
Auth required: Yes
id: string; // UUID
name: string; // max 50 characters
id: string; // UUID
name: string;
user_id: string; // UUID
created_at: Date;
Status Codes:
- 200: Tag updated successfully
- 409: Tag does not exist
- 500: Failed to edit tag details
Delete a tag.
URL: DELETE /v1/tag/delete
Auth required: Yes
id: string; // UUID
Status Codes:
- 204: Tag deleted successfully
- 409: Tag does not exist
- 500: Failed to delete tag
Remove a tag from a specific list.
URL: DELETE /v1/list/:list_id/tag/:tag_id
Auth required: Yes
: UUID of the listtag_id
: UUID of the tag
Status Codes:
- 204: Tag removed from list successfully
- 404: Tag not found
- 409: Failed to remove tag from list
// User Schemas
const CreateUserSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().max(50),
email: z.string().email(),
password: z.string(),
const AuthUserSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().max(50).optional(),
email: z.string().email().optional(),
password: z.string(),
const EditUserSchema = z.object({
id: z.string().uuid(),
name: z.string().max(50).optional(),
email: z.string().email().optional(),
// List Schemas
const CreateListSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().max(255),
content: z.string(),
description: z.string().optional(),
type: z.enum(['bullet', 'check', 'numbered']),
const EditListSchema = z.object({
id: z.string().uuid(),
name: z.string().max(255).optional(),
content: z.string().optional(),
description: z.string().optional(),
type: z.enum(['bullet', 'check', 'numbered']).optional(),
const DeleteListSchema = z.object({
id: z.string().uuid(),
// Tag Schemas
const CreateTagSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().max(50),
const EditTagSchema = z.object({
id: z.string().uuid(),
name: z.string().max(50),
const DeleteTagSchema = z.object({
id: z.string().uuid(),
const ListIdParamSchema = z.object({
list_id: z.string().uuid(),
const ListTagParamsSchema = z.object({
list_id: z.string().uuid(),
tag_id: z.string().uuid(),
interface User {
id: string;
name: string;
email: string;
created_at: Date;
interface AuthResponse {
user: User;
token: string;
interface List {
id: string;
name: string;
content: string;
description?: string;
type: 'bullet' | 'check' | 'numbered';
user_id: string;
created_at: Date;
interface Tag {
id: string;
name: string;
user_id: string;
created_at: Date;
interface ErrorResponse {
message: string;