Note that this document is intended for the owners of this repository who are
maintaining the common images (in the arch
family), and the gce Pacman repo.
If you're just looking to build your own image, follow the instructions at the
end of
$ DATE=$(date --utc +%Y%m%d)
$ sudo pacman -S --needed arch-install-scripts e2fsprogs
$ sudo ./build-arch-gce
$ gcloud auth login
$ gcloud config set project arch-linux-gce
$ gsutil cp "arch-v${DATE}.tar.gz" gs://arch-linux-gce-work
$ gcloud compute images create "arch-v${DATE}" \
--source-uri="gs://arch-linux-gce-work/arch-v${DATE}.tar.gz" \
--guest-os-features=VIRTIO_SCSI_MULTIQUEUE \
--description="Arch Linux built on ${DATE}." \
$ gsutil rm "gs://arch-linux-gce-work/arch-v${DATE}.tar.gz"
$ gcloud compute instances create "arch-v${DATE}-test" --image="arch-v${DATE}"
$ gcloud compute ssh "arch-v${DATE}-test"
$ gcloud compute instances delete "arch-v${DATE}-test"
$ gcloud compute images add-iam-policy-binding "arch-v${DATE}" \
--member='allAuthenticatedUsers' \
$ gcloud compute images list \
--project=arch-linux-gce \
--no-standard-images \
> current-images.txt
See also
Sync the repo to your device
$ mkdir -p repo $ gsutil rsync gs://arch-linux-gce/repo repo/
Build packages and copy into the repo
$ cd path/to/package $ PKGEXT=".pkg.tar.zst" makepkg $ cp PACKAGE_NAME.pkg.tar.zst path/to/repo
Update repo database
$ cd path/to/repo $ repo-add gce.db.tar.gz PACKAGE_NAME.pkg.tar.zst
Upload the repo to GCS
$ cd .. $ gsutil rsync repo/ gs://arch-linux-gce/repo
Note that if deleting packages (use repo-remove gce.db.tar.gz PACKAGE_NAME
gsutil rsync
will not delete the old package files. Use gsutil rm