diff --git a/contributing-guides/git-terminal.md b/contributing-guides/git-terminal.md
index 5fae7b3b139ab5..847f8eadb5c58d 100644
--- a/contributing-guides/git-terminal.md
+++ b/contributing-guides/git-terminal.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Most people submit pull requests to the tldr-pages project
 If you prefer, you can do most of the process using the command-line instead.
 The overall process should look somewhat like this:
-1. Fork the tldr-pages/tldr repository on the GitHub web interface.
+1. Fork the tldr-pages/tldr repository on the GitHub web interface. 
 2. Clone your fork locally:
   `git clone https://github.com/{{your_username}}/tldr.git && cd tldr`