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File metadata and controls

85 lines (71 loc) · 3.74 KB

dbt transformation


The configuration config.json contains following properties in parameters key:

  • git - object (required): Configuration of repository with DBT project.
    • repo - string (required): URL of GitHub repository with your DBT project.
    • username - string (optional): GitHub username if repository is private.
    • #password - string (optional): GitHub Private Access Token if repository is private. Both or none of couple username and password must be specified.
    • branch - string (optional): Specify git branch if you want to clone project from specific branch.
    • folder - string (optional): Specify folder in repository where dbt project is located. Default is root of repository.
  • dbt - object (required): Configuration of DBT
    • executeSteps - array of array prototypes (required) - at least one element required.
      • step - string (required) dbt step you want to run, you can also add some flags e.g. dbt --warn-error run --select my_model (but you cannot override some parameters such as --profile-dir or --target which are used by component itself)
      • active - boolean (required) - if step should be executed or not (UI use this for saving order of inactive steps)
    • modelNames - DEPRECATED: use --select parameter in execute step instead array of strings (optional): If you want to run DBT only with certain models, you can specify their names here. Otherwise, all models will be run.
    • threads - integer 1 - 8, default 4 (optional): Maximum number of paths through the graph dbt may work on at once.
    • freshness - object (required): Configuration of freshness.
      • warn_after - object (optional)
        • period - positive integer: Number of periods where a data source is still considered "fresh".
        • count - string enum: The time period used in the freshness calculation. One of minute, hour or day.
      • error_after - object (optional)
        • period - positive integer: Number of periods where a data source is still considered "fresh".
        • count - string enum: The time period used in the freshness calculation. One of minute, hour or day.
  • showExecutedSqls - boolean (optional): Default false, if set to true SQL queries executed by DBT transformation are printed to output.
  • generateSources - boolean (optional): Default true
    • If true sources YAML files are generated.
    • If false generating of sources file is skipped.


  "git": {
    "repo": ""
  "dbt": {
    "executeSteps": [
      {"step": "dbt run --select +final_visit_hour", "active": true}
    "threads": 4,
    "freshness": {
      "warn_after": {"count": 1, "period": "minute"},
      "error_after": {"count": 1, "period": "day"}
  "showExecutedSqls": true,
  "generateSources": true


Clone this repository and init the workspace with following command:


git clone
cd dbt-transformation
docker compose build 
docker compose run --rm app composer install --no-scripts


git clone
cd dbt-transformation
export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64
docker compose build --build-arg TARGETPLATFORM=linux/arm64
docker compose run --rm app composer install --no-scripts

Run the test suite using this command:

docker compose run --rm dev composer ci


For information about deployment and integration with KBC, please refer to the deployment section of developers documentation


MIT licensed, see LICENSE file.