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File metadata and controls

221 lines (179 loc) · 7.29 KB


Deprecation Announcement - Functionality now part of Facter and Puppet Enterprise

After over 20k module downloads from the Forge and much wider use on internal environments I am happy to announce that Facter 4.0.52 has now introduced the following enhancements that now makes this module obsolete for modern Puppet environments.

  • Azure metadata fact. This release adds the az_metadata fact which provides information on Azure virtual machine instances.

  • Azure identification fact. This release adds the cloud.provider fact for Azure identification on Linux and Windows platforms.

You can find more information about this from the following Facter PR's

As such, you should look to transition off this module and leverage the native functionality provided from Facter, and as a result, I'll be no longer actively developing this module. I'll continue to keep an eye on PR's to help those on legacy versions however this will be done at a best effort level only.

Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Setup
  3. Usage
  4. Limitations
  5. Development


Azure now has an instance metadata service that is GA globally !

To help with further automation, this modules exposes the Azure instance metadata as a structured fact for use in Puppet code. If you would like to see this end up in Facter Core, please do vote for the JIRA below:

This has been tested with Puppet 6.17.0 RHEL8 , however it should work on any platform that has a modern Ruby with open-uri and JSON support.

This module was part of a larger part of Puppet and Azure work that I presented at Puppetconf 2017.


What azuremetadata affects

This module deploys a single Ruby file that queries and exposes the Azure metadata as a structured fact.

Setup Requirements

Include the module in your Puppetfile and let pluginsync do the rest for you.

Puppetfile entries

# Directly from Git
mod 'azuremetadata',
    :git => '',
    :tag => '0.2.0'

# Directly from the forge
mod 'keirans-azuremetadata', '0.2.0'


Once the fact is in place, you can use Facter on your Windows and Linux nodes to access the values as follows:

Returning the full set of metadata from Facter on Windows

PS> facter az_metadata
  compute => {
    azEnvironment => "AzurePublicCloud",
    customData => "",
    isHostCompatibilityLayerVm => "false",
    location => "australiasoutheast",
    name => "puppetdev",
    offer => "RHEL",
    osType => "Linux",
    placementGroupId => "",
    plan => {
      name => "",
      product => "",
      publisher => ""
    platformFaultDomain => "0",
    platformUpdateDomain => "0",
    provider => "Microsoft.Compute",
    publicKeys => [
        keyData => "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC7OGhS/PGV7Ov6071BmaE2JnZs1J32zzdzkJD8Np6+1Uz/d7wFUHn4X76jbNlFJ78U5nr/i7WINmZ/rPkw+sLby/u95pwCeL28MiGvZWR7TKuRGb3QJTkWIoRUkJ6AH6IBMMoAbfwVlgEwP2nArJI4QS+euy7uHZONeYGXxUUsw37UYGtRHM+m62yURB8ZsNEzssMSu1/OLb5322RGubxFaT9QMOhaUcfvtCuO6MN3DmIuHCr9dlQV/c8HzztGW9YlMCd2Dcvbp9w+LcPYldGw/U8JVF+K2YHLKxBa5ZlB3+jC0KJG3HCnj+TJ2tc+MsLprdh5oCom/Mi3l/XOmpEr [email protected]",
        path => "/home/keiran/.ssh/authorized_keys"
    publisher => "RedHat",
    resourceGroupName => "puppetdev_group",
    resourceId => "/subscriptions/0432b1d0-5e2e-4e2a-ad73-e33d0652e3f7/resourceGroups/puppetdev_group/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/puppetdev",
    securityProfile => {
      secureBootEnabled => "false",
      virtualTpmEnabled => "false"
    sku => "82gen2",
    storageProfile => {
      dataDisks => [],
      imageReference => {
        id => "",
        offer => "RHEL",
        publisher => "RedHat",
        sku => "82gen2",
        version => "latest"
      osDisk => {
        caching => "ReadWrite",
        createOption => "FromImage",
        diffDiskSettings => {
          option => ""
        diskSizeGB => "64",
        encryptionSettings => {
          enabled => "false"
        image => {
          uri => ""
        managedDisk => {
          id => "/subscriptions/0432b1d0-5e2e-4e2a-ad73-e33d0652e3f7/resourceGroups/PUPPETDEV_GROUP/providers/Microsoft.Compute/disks/puppetdev_OsDisk_1_62a017170f4044adbcfea54cea6cc45d",
          storageAccountType => "Premium_LRS"
        name => "puppetdev_OsDisk_1_62a017170f4044adbcfea54cea6cc45d",
        osType => "Linux",
        vhd => {
          uri => ""
        writeAcceleratorEnabled => "false"
    subscriptionId => "0432b1d0-5e2e-4e2a-ad73-e33d0652e3f7",
    tags => "testtag1:thisisavalue1;testtag:2:thisisavalue2",
    tagsList => [
        name => "testtag1",
        value => "thisisavalue1"
        name => "testtag:2",
        value => "thisisavalue2"
    version => "8.2.2020050812",
    vmId => "976f831c-dc8d-446d-b62d-0598b77b5799",
    vmScaleSetName => "",
    vmSize => "Standard_D4s_v3",
    zone => ""
  network => {
    interface => [
        ipv4 => {
          ipAddress => [
              privateIpAddress => "",
              publicIpAddress => ""
          subnet => [
              address => "",
              prefix => "24"
        ipv6 => {
          ipAddress => []
        macAddress => "00224814BABC"

Returning individual values of the metadata from Facter on Windows

PS> facter  az_metadata.compute.location

You can then reference these values in your Puppet code using the facts hash such as:

notice("The  Azure location for ${facts['networking']['fqdn']} is ${facts['az_metadata']['compute']['location']}")


API version pinned to 2020-06-01

Version 0.2.0 is currently using API version 2020-06-01, I'll update this as new versions become available and bump the module version accordingly.

Please note that versions prior to 0.2.0 introduced a 'tags' key in the fact data, this now conflicts with a value in the metadata data itself from the Azure platform, as such it has been removed and you should use the tagsList value instead which is native functionaly. As a result, 0.2.0 is a breaking change for previous users.

This native approach also gracefully handles special characters in tag keys and values unlike previous versions of the module.

# facter  az_metadata.compute.tags
# facter az_metadata.compute.tagsList
    name => "testtag1",
    value => "thisisavalue1"
    name => "testtag:2",
    value => "thisisavalue2"


Please see the Deprecation Announcement above.